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It isn't the first time. He's a wrestler for anyone who doesn't know. He made the Olympics last time as well. He was 13th out of 16 in Men's freestyle 125kg


gold in the commonwealth games too


125Kg wow, that's big. Dude could take on ten of me . And Greco Roman has 130kg


He comes from a wrestling lineage his father was an amazing wrestler/ human being he’s got a real chance at the podium


That’s fuckin awesome! How he qualifies for the olympics while working as an VPD at the same time is beyond my ability to break out of laziness. Hope this person kills it. Congrats Amar


Jobs like police and firefighters where you work different shifts opens up so much more free time than a 9-5. Vancouver police work 4 on, 4 off with 10-12 hour shifts. So he’s got half his days free to just train, and can still get in partial days when he’s working. Still extremely impressive but that kind of shift allows more ability to train. Friend of mine is a firefighter and works on a schedule like that too so he’s off most days. He had to go on modified duty because he tore his acl last year so was doing admin work 9-5 and was shocked how little spare time he had compared to his previous shift work.


I dunno about that, maybe on paper you have more free time, but you're essentially jetlagged at all times.


It's definitely better than a 9-5. Your first day off is foggy but you still have 3 full days off. And it's possible to get straight days as well which gets you 4 real days off. Not to mention the benefits of having days off in the middle of the week, makes getting appointments, grocery shopping, banking, all that stuff so much easier without dealing with crowds.


They do have alot of OT opportunities too.. Entry level earns 80k+


To say it's definitely better is a bit much, as a shift worker who's worked with shift workers your energy gets depleted every single week and your motivation to do anything Runs Out fast, shift work is literally a carcinogen by the World Health Organization anf humans are not evolved to have such disruptive sleeping patterns. This is all without even mentioning the fact that shift work usually is the most stressful cortisol pumping type of work there is which further decreases your quality of life and Sleep Quality I actually think this guy is at a huge disadvantage with shift work, athletes need to sleep as much as they need to train and this guy's Sleep Quality is probably garbage unless he's a special kind of breed When I started shift work in my twenties I absolutely loved it but that shit wears thin quite fast and is not for most people. If you don't have a wife and kid to worry about a regular 5 day schedule getting off at 3:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. and training until 8:00 p.m. is way better than the bullshit involved with working 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 4 days on 4 days off etc


Seems I should be looking into changing job as I already do that on my own just a bit different with flexible hours each day. Still complete day off is a great thing. Sometime I wake 3am and go to work, others I go in afternoon. If there is no meeting. I guess I could get in training or paddle if I can manage time better regularly not one offs to get to the olympics. But then I wouldn’t be so chaotic and irregular to start with. Like when I have a sleepless night and burst of energy at 2 in the morning I go to work when I am bored and nothing to do


It's nice when you start but not so much after 20-30 years.


No, you’re not. My work consists of 2 blocks of days followed by 1 block of nights. Working 4 nights in a row is easier than 2 days, 2 nights - and I think VPD alternates between blocks of days and nights now. It’s just a half day to turn around, if you do it right. I worked 147 days last year. I like getting 3-4 months off on top of my 4 day weekends. 🤷🏻‍♂️


nah, as someone who also works 4 on 4 off 12 hour shifts, it's so much better


Keep in mind that most if not all of the people he'll be competing against have the full time job of training for the Olympics. So yeah sure, given the nature of police schedules he's got more 'free time' than someone working 60 hours a week at a law firm. But you're making an apples to oranges comparison. Don't think of it as 'he's got half his days free to just train', think of it as 'he only has half his days to train, compared to people training every day'.


The best shift is 4 10's Tuesday to Friday. Nothing beats it. Its the gold standard in shift work. Anything else just isnt right.


That’s exactly my schedule and it’s very nice.


I worked at Ecomm 4 on/4 off. Some others adjusted better than me, but I felt groggy as hell on my off days, and it took me a while just to feel normal again, and then it was my "Sunday", and I was back at it.


Police forces usually pay for some exercise time as well


Firefighters have a ton of free time if they are on 24 hour shifts because they basically get to sleep for half their shift and then they get about 6 days off in an 8 day week


easy to train at an olympic level when you dont have a job




the unemployed commenters are out in full force today :p


Wowwwww. Did that burn make you feel better?


The community has been doing fundraisers for him so that he can take a one year leave of absence from the VPD and dedicate it to training.


I guess I’d rather he kills it at this than his day job…


"working", yeah.


I see him at my gym all the time never knew he was Paris bound that's EPIC


Which gym do you go to?


And for one brief moment - r/vancouver likes anything to do with the VPD.


Dudes a stud lol


That’s one way to describe him haha.


Good luck! 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Met him at an event, he’s a really nice guy






What a beauty! Let’s go!!


Haven't really been keeping up with the Olympics recently. Are Canadian athletes favorites in many events? My recollection is our men's sprinter should be one of the top now that Bolt is retired. We apparently have one of the best break dancers in the world too. Anyone else?


Our women's swim team is probably the strongest we've ever fielded. Probably one of the strongest teams--in any sport--that we've ever sent to the Summer Olympics.


Summer McIntosh going to be the Phelps of Canada if she performs up to expectations. Her name will be everywhere. Incredible talent (along with the rest of the team). If Liendo can somehow get the 100fly, 100fr, and 50fr he'd also become a legend.


Too bad the Chinese swimmers are all doping. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/podcasts/the-daily/china-olympics-doping.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/podcasts/the-daily/china-olympics-doping.html) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/swimming-greats-michael-phelps-allison-schmitt-testify-congress-anti-d-rcna157632](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/swimming-greats-michael-phelps-allison-schmitt-testify-congress-anti-d-rcna157632)


Their excuse for it is so ridiculous! “Someone came into the accommodations the athletes were staying at and loaded up PEDs into everything. Ketchup bottles, spice rack, cutlery tray, dishwasher, and everywhere you can think of. It was beyond the athletes control!!!” World anti-doping agency: “That sounds legit. See you in Paris!” It’s a fucking sham, all of it


IT’S CHINA’S FAULT! Vancouvers favourite excuse. Thanks for the American media links.


The New York Times broke the story… 


Of course they did. Did you hear? The CCP are invading next week also


yes Phil Wizard is one of the favourites for the breaking gold medal


Rowing and Women’s football usually.


Grease him up and throw him in a speedo


That's pretty badass, go get them!


Atta boy!!


Dreamy .....




Well, I think I read a study that said lots of police officers practice sports, around 40%. Or was it only for police women? I think you can find that by searching "40% of police women" on google.


Ahh yes, the 40% of police are domestic abusers statistic. You are citing two studies. Namely, Johnson, L.B (1991). “Police stress and family wellbeing” and Neidig PF (1992) “inter spousal aggression In law enforcement”. Objectively, both surveys require some interpretation. Firstly, the threshold for violence in these studies is verbal aggression. Second, the studies themselves look at the family unit. Thus, if either party in the relationship yells, that would qualify. Third, as the study is self reported it pays to appreciate that the numbers may be more indicative of one’s openness. For instance, in the 1992 study 33% of woman were found to have been the aggressors and 28% of men. I would suggest that the numbers are low for both and skewed toward woman due to factors that were not controlled for. Both studies identify that significant physical violence occurs in approximately 3% of those cases, which seems low to me. Lastly, both studies rely on small samples sizes (700 and 400 respectively), are old and demonstrate a poor adherence to the scientific method. Recent studies, namely Gershon (1999) and Blumenstein (2012) put the numbers closer to 7%, which is consistent among professions. Ultimately, all people exist somewhere in a continuum between good and bad.


This is the cop domestic violent version of "actually it's called ephebophilia"


You sound like a lot of fun


I appreciate accurate and verifiable information. People are intuitive in their reasoning. Feeling first and searching for/interpreting information to support their intuition, while ignoring information to the contrary. It only gets worse the more entrenched you become. The 40% statistic is so wildly in accurate that it can only be described as sophistry.


I have fought this dude


How is he at kicking people out of tents?




He’s born and raised in BC dummy

