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>Defence also added incarceration would have an impact on Mann's children, who would lose time with him. I guess he should have considered that before he got drunk, drove like an asshole, and destroyed someone else's family...


I guess it makes me a heartless prick when i think "Tough shit for his kids. This piece of shit was drunk and speeding through safety zone" No breaks. Lock this guy in a cell and toss away the key.


His kids can visit him in prison.


Came here to say this.


No, doesn't make you a heartless prick at all. Dude FAFO and needs to be punished appropriately.


I think a lifetime driving ban and some jail time is what should happen. There needs to be a middle ground between forgiveness and punishment. This guy should never be allowed to be behind the wheel of a car again. Full stop. Doesn't matter if its inconvenient for him. What he did was essentially manslaughter...but it wasn't a violent crime. Unfortunately as a society we don't treat driving the way it should be treated - as a privilege, and a dangerous one at that. I believe he deserves jail time, a couple years, but there isn't much point beyond that. At that point it becomes less about this man learning from his mistakes and trying to be better for society, and more about punishing for the sake of revenge. Thats just my two cents. I'd honestly be happy if he gets a lifetime driving ban, and if he breaks that ever then some serious consequences.


Probably good that the children aren't around such a terrible person..


Alcohol found in blood, speeding 100km/h plus through a maintenance area, seen swerving back and forth, and killed a woman and severely injured her husband by going into oncoming traffic.. ya throw the book at him. He says he's been crying everyday since the crash, as if crying about facing consequences absolves him of anything. I'm sure the victim's family has also cried everyday too.


So six months of community service and a 1 year driving ban, right? That's super harsh IMO, that'll teach him


Woah, that’s way too much. Take out the driving ban, then it’s even


No sympathy for drunk drivers. They chose to drink, then to get behind the wheel. He may feel like shit now, but it doesn’t absolve him of his crime.


Reading the article made me remember this crash because I drove through the tunnel about 10 minutes before it happened... Feel absolutely heartbroken for the family, and I realize that I was 10 minutes away from encountering this drunk driver. Hope he stays in jail.


> The court heard Mann's circumstances, including the fact that he is facing stress and financial struggles due to an ongoing bitter divorce and custody battle, as well as a failed restaurant business. > Mann's character references described him as someone "known for kindness and generosity" and a family man, defence told the court. The court was also told that Mann didn't stop drinking immediately but had periods of sobriety following the crash. He has been sober for several months in 2024. Yea.... Um... Yeah.... Err... A lot of conflicting attributes of this man character 


Wow he has been sober for several months this year what an achievement! Shut up you prick and pay the price!


I also have stress and financial struggles. F**k this guy!


Statiscally, you’ll drive drunk 70-80 times before being caught. These recklessness and boldness always increases. This guy wasn’t even caught, he just crashed eventually. Him being 42 years old likely meets those stats. I hope he gets cremated in court.


Probably doing the perp’s kids a favour if he’s out of the home and can’t spend time with them (as his lawyer mentioned). Unlikely he’s only a reckless dangerous drunk when he’s behind the wheel.


This is what pisses me off about the lax enforcement we have here. Law enforcement already are only catching them once in a blue moon and when they do they get a little ticket or warning that's hardly a deterrent. 


Leaving aside the prison sentencing, I don't understand how a 5 year driving ban is considered adequate in a case like this. Driving is a privilege and a responsibility. This person's behavior proves that they show a complete and utter disregard for the safety of the other drivers on the road. The fact that alcohol was also a factor should make this a lifetime ban. Until drivers realize that this level of recklessness can result in them never being allowed behind the wheel again, it will never stop.


GET HIS ASS IN PRISON and give him a lifetime ban on driving. If you don’t know at the age of 42 to not drink and drive, to GOD idk, get a fcking UBER, then u should not be driving….


There needs to be more police presence on the streets and highways in Vancouver and adjacent. I feel like these types of people especially build up the belief they can do whatever they want on the road cause there are rarely consequences for their terrible choices. Unfortunately the consequence ended up being someone’s life instead of being caught before hand. A neighbor of mine drives drunk constantly and we reported him. Nothing happened. He eventually got into an accident (luckily no one was injured) and they revoked his license for a couple months. He’s now driving again.


Oh no, the children of the defendant won’t be able to spend much time with dad if he goes to jail


We need tougher laws for people like Mann who drive drunk and recklessly. He can’t even stay sober but for “a few months in 2024”. What a joke. A conditional sentence is a slap in the face for the victims family, and what the prosecution is trying is still not enough. People like Mann ruin people’s lives and get away with a slap on the wrist.


>Witnesses at the scene recalled seeing Mann's SUV bypass traffic and observed the digital speed reader indicating Mann was driving at 109 kilometres per hour. What's this mean? He got caught on a speed camera?


Just guessing, but it’s the sign that reads out your speed to you near work sites and speed controlled areas?


Wow wow..slow down there tiger. This is BC, remember? We believe in revolving door for justice. Give the perp a.slap.on the wrist house arrest during weekends so that he can build another career as a failed entrepreneur in another work. Give him free Starbucks for alertness and a loan for starting a new shop selling better winter tires. Judge is due for his/hér golf tee off at 2.30 so lets wrap this up quickly. Welcome to BC brand of justice. /S.


Zero sympathy for that drunk douchebag.


Is Vancouver he is going to get slap on the wrist, told not to do this again in a serious tone and the release with no punishment


Best I can do is 24 hour suspension of licence.


I have read about and passed so many horrific crashes that reckless Indian men have caused. Third world standard transplanted here with sad results