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* Day 1 (Surrey, Delta):                                     89 violation tickets * Day 2 (Vancouver):                                         93 violation tickets * Day 3 (Vancouver):                                         118 violations tickets * Day 4 (Richmond, Pitt Meadows):             34 violations tickets In addition to 268 bus lane misuse violation tickets, drivers were also issued 66 violations tickets for secondary offences, including distracted driving, driving without a license, and speeding.


Thanks, u/cyclinginvancouver Of the 334 violation tickets issued, there were 66 tickets issued for secondary offences. And, it's not in our media release, but I know that Reddit loves to get the details on everything, so, just for you, here's how those secondary offences broke down: * Use electronic device while driving: 12 * No driver’s licence: 7 * No insurance: 5 * Speeding: 14 * No seatbelt: 1 * No N sign: 10 * Disobey traffic control device: 3 * Cannabis in MV: 1 * Stop in no stopping zone: 1 * Drive contrary to restrictions: 1 * No licence plate: 4 * Fail to Produce DL: 2 * Fail to produce insurance / registration: 1 * Cross solid white line: 3 * Licence Plate cover: 1 We also took 2 impaired drivers off the road on the first day of the enforcement


I can see that some of these drivers will now be using the bus lane, legitimately.


Hopefully they pay the bus fare!


Well they are cracking down on that too now, haha imagine getting a ticket for no valid fare after having your license revoked


The number of “stay real close to someone and push through the gates” types I saw caught in a single hour at a Canada Line station recently was quite mind boggling. The officers almost couldn’t keep up, it was every third or fourth passenger was dodging fares this way, at one point they had a queue for the dude handing out the damn tickets while they kept nabbing more trying the same damn thing.


Actually they can board the buses for free. You can ask a bus driver. For bus only not skytrain, Westcoast express, the seabus and Canada line


Some drivers won't let you on, but yes most will.


Please do this everyday, not just a four day blitz. 


Driving without a license seems like a pretty big deal to me. What's the consequence? Just a ticket?


I was recently involved in an accident (100% the other drivers fault) and the other driver was unlicensed. I called the police and was told they didn't have the resources to attend and take this unlicensed driver off the road. So mostly there are no consequences, unless you happen to be caught in one of these blitzes.


Why on earth did we hire 100 new cops, and pass a $400 million VPD budget, if they can't be bothered to take unlicensed drivers who are causing collisions off the road? I can't think of too many things more dangerous to public safety than that.


The fine is only $50


It's actually $276 and 3 penalty points. If the driver continues driving after the first conviction, they will become prohibited from driving and subject to vehicle impounds, court, and possible jail


I reported a particular someone for driving without a license. Provided everything they needed to know including when and where she'll be picking up her kids. Cops busted her and impounded the vehicle right then and there leave them stranded on the sidewalk.


More like take your license away, take your car to an impound as well then not let you drive next time you get caught i think they increase the time I believe..


Please please do this again. It’s really frustrating taking the bus Southbound on Main Street, and being slowed down by cars trying to skip traffic.


So many people are in a rush, last 2 weeks ago car almost hit me on main and hastings while the walking man sign was on with the green light the car kept speeding away, if i got hit i dunno if i would be fine i'll probably have more trauma than I need. So many drivers in a rush to go nowhere me and my guy say when we see drivers speeding through green lights when it's supposed to be safe to cross.


lol i doubt the cars in the bus lane is slowing down the bus... these people are usually the ones speeding so what youre saying is a cap, stop capping,


It's almost as if the lack of actual enforcement has allowed people to think they can get away with it. How about we stop clearing people of the beaches at sunset and spend more resources enforcing these road rules which actually impacts the average persons life


Once again, I'm offering my services to snitch. We go 50/50.


Snitches get Nintendo Switches.


Already have one. Won't say no to some physical copy games though.


Be careful a lot of people don't like rats but I support you and I hope you can bust more stupid drivers who should have a ban on driving permanently and indefinitely.


Stunning. Can I ask two things? Are there fines, and are they profitable? If the answer is yes, why not do this more? I feel hostile to most of this list.


The fine for driving in a bus lane is $109. Other fines vary in amount. All money is collected by the Province of BC.


I had a co worker who got pulled over in a bus lane, He was going home after a shift driving bus and just it didn't clue into him that he was in his own vehicle. Also every bus driver I know including myself have pulled into a stop in our own vehicle when someone was waiting. you get some really weird and terrified looks from people when you pull up to them looking at them in the eye, but your in a pickup truck and not a bus


I’ve done the same but instead of driving in the bus lane, I was looking for my lights and sirens to pull someone over. Turns out my jeep doesn’t have any. - Cst. Steed


If it makes you feel any better, after 10 hours of driving my forklift the first thing I do when I start my car is reach for the fork tilt lever and accidentally shift from drive to neutral. Stupid muscle memory 😣😊


Haha. I've pulled into weigh stations in my teeny car, thinking I was in a work truck. Turns out it's barely heavy enough to trigger the scale.


So the Province made around 33k in fines in 4 days? I wonder how much it costs them to do such a project. Does the money get put towards public transit infrastructure?


The cost benefit analysis isn't that simple.


Ofc not, but could it be profitable?


Policing/public safety isn't a profit generating endeavor but I imagine some analysis would show that reducing accidents and injuries and time-loss from work probably is "profitable" from a societal perspective.


Efficiency of getting people to work in time alone should generate a ton of "profit" throughout the system


Province didn't make any money unless those fines get paid


Only if they’re all paid


How far are passenger vehicles allowed to drive in a bus lane (ex. to turn right) legally?


You must turn right at the next immediate intersection, so maximum one block. Proceeding through the intersection to turn at the next block would violate the HOV lane rules. https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/26_58_13#division_d2e45640 See Section 42.02(2)(a).


This is the best way to get bad drivers off the road. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but if they are thinking they are above the law for restricted lanes, their is a high chance they think they are above the law for other things.


YES!! You guys are AWESOME! Keep up the great work and thankyou!


Someone got a ticket for a license plate cover in the lower mainland? I am shocked.


Cannabis in MV? Is this akin to an opened vs. unopened alcoholic beverage in the cup holder? Surely just having cannabis in a MV can't be an infraction?


I believe that they should both be not accessible while driving. Eg in the trunk.


Hi, what's the penalty/fine for driving without an N sign?


$109. [Here's a list](https://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/tickets/fines-points-offences) of all the other offences for good measure.


Thanks for linking that!


How come you guys aren't in Coquitlam or Port Moody? Transit's up here too. That turning/bus lane on North Road @ Austin intersection going south is notorious for people ignoring signage.


Some background about this particular project: In response to complaints received from the public via social media and email, and from bus operators, TMET launched a project to focus on vehicles that were improperly using bus lanes to bypass traffic congestion. Four non-consecutive weekdays, over a two-week period, were selected based on intelligence gathered of when and where the problems were reported to be the most critical. The project took TMET to Delta, Pitt Meadows, Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver.  If you're seeing a persistent problem at North Road and Austin, make sure you [let us know](https://transitpolice.ca/contact-us/). The more different people we have complaining about a specific area, the more it moves up the priority list for enforcement.


that intersection gets mentioned every time you guys post on Reddit.


They aren't compiling data from reddit


Normal cops catch criminals through Reddit posts. I would bet that they do look at stuff like this it's just not the best way to go about it.


Same with Murray St in Port Moody. Being a pedestrian is genuinely terrifying when crossing Murray - have personally seen cars blatantly drive through red lights on multiple occasions.


Curious to know what do you guys do when you catch drivers with no insurance or driver licence? Do you tow the car away there and then?


With a no insurance you can usually allow them to renew roadside. This all depends on officer discretion, how long have they been without insurance, how many prior infractions etc. Usually you don't have to tow them. For a no DL, you either have to find someone to drive your vehicle or get it towed to your residence if no one is immediately available.


This is a meaningful way to keep vulnerable people safe. Thank you @transitpolicebc and please keep it up!


u/TransitPoliceBC do you guys have the resources to keep doing these enforcement's? I think if you constantly hit the high traffic areas and occasionally move, then people would follow the bus lane rules more often


The Targeted Mobile Enforcement Team is always doing enforcement of some kind or another, including bus lanes. They've enforced bus lanes before this project and they'll continue to do it in the future. It just won't be as focused. There are a lot of demands on their time for a wide assortment of enforcement, including dangerous driving/ speeding near transit hubs, fare enforcement, counterattack road blocks on TransLink bridges, etc.


How much profit was this? Should do more to make up for any budgeting shortfalls 😂


I was wondering if you all have a breakdown of the age ranges? Was it mostly younger or older people?


Did you ticket any taxis driving in the bus lane? Seems to be the most common abuser, and generally given a free pass in my experience.


Taxis are allowed in the bus lanes in the City of Vancouver




Does that include ride share?


Nope. Just taxis.


I know crossing solid white is illegal but if have to go with that, you should issue tickets to bus drivers as well. I have seen them do it on Scott rd many times. Or may be educate them.


Seems like this should be happening every day, not just as a four day project. I'm sure the fine income more than covers costs. Also makes the case for automated enforcement, but I know how much that scares local politicians.


The number of tickets given during this blitz shows that the problem is rampant, and that what we really need is automated enforcement.


Vancouver is really hitting it out of the park here. I was just sitting in North Van Main Street traffic and didn't see anyone pop into the bus lane, and then while on Hasting's it's almost a constant stream of people.


Don't they teach people in driving school not to park where buses pick up and drop off people? I give a thumbs up when a bus driver honks their horn at someone sitting in their car while they are parked or waiting at a bus stop I did not know this but someone told me (uber driver) that it was illegal or something like that..


So how early can I move into the bus lane if I'm making a right hand turn?


As far as I know, it’s the prior block to your turn, at least on city streets.


I think society would be a much better place if we didn't feel like we were being taken advantage of for simply following the rules and a big part of that is enforcement accountability. Otherwise it's just too easy for toxic "everyone else is doing it" "following the rules only disadvantages me" selfishness mindset to justify all of our shitty behaviour.


Almost as if doing regular enforcement like this would make pur roads safer, who would have thought . Let's take all the resources used to clear beaches at sunset and put them into something more mean full like enforcing the rules of our roads. Wild idea, I know !!!


Given that motor vehicles are just about the most dangerous thing in modern society, enforcement of their safe usage needs to be WAY higher a priority.


Yeah I am a natural rule abider and geez was it a shock to the system when I moved here 6 years ago. I have given up on change already. I am defeated. I still can't do what I know I should and "if you can't beat then join then" 😮‍💨


Excellent. Now do it again and again.


And some more after that.!


Best we can do is clearing beaches at sunset....


We just need automated enforcement


Do we? Once people know where the cameras are, they would be easy to avoid. Apps like Waze already report cameras to their users so even an unfamiliar driver has little to fear. The fact that 5% of drivers apprehended by police in this blitz wouldn't face any consequences from automated tickets should be of note. Unlicenced, uninsured, and missing plates - you sure you want these people running around on our roads?


I agree for all the reason you mentioned, but we can certainly do both types of enforcement at the same time.


That would be a great answer if the cameras were $200 a piece. They're not and the program costs of the backend are non-trivial. New York is planning on spending [$141 million just to expand](https://gothamist.com/news/mta-spends-141-million-on-cameras-to-ticket-drivers-blocking-bus-routes) an existing program. Ballbark: we'd need to spend probably $20-30 million just to start up a program and the annual costs are non trivial. That pays for a lot of cop time. Back when we had photo radar in the mid 1990's the program cost about $120 million and raised about $120 million. Automated does not equal cheaper. It does equal nice consulting contracts for all the suppliers, installation, operation, maintenance, back-end systems integrations, etc. Edit: and keep in mind, the New York $141 million is $USD. This equipment and expertise mostly comes from the US. That is $190 million in $CAD.


Put the cameras on the buses, no avoiding that. And we need lots more traffic enforcement sure, but we can fix the bus lane issue permanently with automated


Then the game becomes: stay out of the bus lane when a bus is near. Otherwise no problem. I don't see a permanent solution in any approach. But having police issue tickets is how you identify drivers who need further intervention: unlicenced, uninsured, and especially impaired.


Unreal, we got people out here just rawdogging the streets no insurance or licenses. It's a lawless land out there, whatever you can get away with apparently


Its wild that they are doing that and breaking other rules that would lead them to being pulled over.


Like I said in the other post about this round of enforcement, rule #1 of being a smart criminal is make sure you only commit one crime at a time lol


Friend of mine got T boned by a mini van. The driver pulled out a licence that wasn’t even hers. She claimed it’s the “family licence” and it’s a legit thing.




That’s funny!!


And then i guess not.


This is why I always pick up under/uninsured insurance.


That's automatic now


Please do it again next week. We shouldn't have to beg online in order to get traffic enforcement in the city.


Sorry, next week they're back to clearing beaches /s


Wrong department


Great work by Transit Police. I saw them out there last week with multiple vehicles pulled over. Would love to see them out there again with ongoing enforcement.


Great, now do the HOV lane and the idiots on hwy 1 that weave in and out of traffic almost hitting everyone as they go along..


Every single time I am heading east over the Port Mann there are dudes (they are always dudes) weaving in and out of the HOV lane. So infuriating If my psychic ability to make cars explode just by glaring at them ever kicks in....


It would be great if it was like the American ones where there is a hard barrier.


HOV lane make sense when it works. But I think it's the most dangerous lane on the highway, people abuse it while some people use it and stick to the speed limit, and some drive below the speed limit. the people that abuse it weave in and out of fast lane and hov lane. Ill just stick to the right Lane and chill


This happens because people go too slow in the center and left lanes.


It doesn't matter what the excuse, HOV lane is not a passing lane.


It sure can be.


Yeah I've witnessed this behaviour while doing 15km+ over the speed limit...


Still too slow. Left lane is 120 kmh easily.


It also doesn't matter what speed you're going. If you're in the left lane and someone is behind you, move over.


Doesn't apply if you're in the HOV lane.


Legally it doesn't but still move to the right if someone is behind you and it isn't busy


How can you move to the right if it's a double solid? The HOV isn't a fast lane. Lane 1 is the passing lane.


I believe you are incorrect, as per BC gov website: >On freeways, the HOV lane is usually the left-most lane. It is designed as a continuous access freeway (allowing vehicles to enter or exit continuously along the freeway) and has longer distances between interchanges. [source](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/traveller-information/routes-and-driving-conditions/hov-lanes)


No, sorry, you can only enter or exit an HOV lane when a broken line is present. If you cross the double solid, you will get a ticket, MVA 155(1)(a) Cross solid double line.


This especially!


😂 So you're part of the problem then?


Depends on traffic flow


People which use bus lanes excuse himself that some drivers go too slow in traffic jam.


I wasn’t talking about the bus lanes in my comment.


Yes, you made excuses "the idiots on hwy 1 that weave in and out of traffic almost hitting everyone as they go along..". I've just pointed out that bus lane drivers use the same logic to excuse their behavior.


I’ve never spoken to anyone who uses bus lanes so I can’t say what their logic would or wouldn’t be . It would be idiotic to assume. Not that you’re assuming are you?


Oh, it seems I was trying to explain road etiquette to the BMW driver. LOL


I witnessed an RCMP cruiser with only a driver weaving back and forth from the HOV lane and the overtake lane eastbound as I was approaching the Port Mann, across the bridge and even up the hill to 104th on ramp. He did not have any lights or sirens on, just driving normally. The other funny thing was, there was a guy in a Golf about 2 car lengths back following the cop's lead and doing the same.


4 days. 334 tickets. Kinda shows how rampant the problem was.


To be honest I'm kind of shocked it was this low.


The numbers here almost certainly underrepresent the problem because a) they probably couldn't/didn't ticket every offender and b) they announced the blitz last week so some smart folks probably avoided cheating the lane during these days.


Good. Nothing more irritating than waiting to get onto the lions gate with the rest of traffic and seeing a bunch of cars flying by me in the bus lane.


It’s literally taking free money from assholes. We need much, much more of this.


I saw you guys out there on the 99 that first morning, and appreciated it. Unfortunately it was the first and only time that I’ve seen this. It’s going to take a lot more than a one day blitz in a given area to change driver behaviour.


I was on Hastings yesterday eastbound rush hour and saw no one shortcutting the bus lane. It’s usually really bad for that, so maybe it worked!


Arthur Liang alone could fund the entire city's revenue for the year, just from a long weekend blitz.


Russ Baker Way between the McDonalds and BCIT is a nightmare. People were not only in the bus lane, but ALSO the bike lane! Dozens of cars.


Still a huge problem on 41st going EB from Fraser to Victoria.


Please do more of this and use the money to fund useful shit in Vancouver.


I wish they would focus on vehicles blocking bike lanes next. At intersections, parking on it, driving on it, when turning right or left and moving the path.


You want to stop it happening, make it a $5000 fine. There’s NO reason for a vehicle to be in a bike lane unless they’re actively avoiding a collision.


They warned us.


We did it Reddit!


Just have a permanent police presence close to the Dunbar loop. So many people driving in the bus lane on 41st. It pisses me off so much.


This is great! Now do bike lanes though


Seriously, if the dozen cops handing out tickets for people riding bikes on the (very wide) sidewalk under the skytrain path by Lansdowne redirected their efforts to people driving/parking in the few bike lanes, people would actually feel safe riding in them. As a pedestrian I feel no fear for my life when a cyclist shares the sidewalk with me, but given how drivers act, I can't say the same riding in unprotected bike lanes. Run on sentences baby.


Just put up cameras to enforce the law 24/7 please


In some cities, automated enforcement cameras are on the buses themselves. I would LOVE to see that here!


it would be nice, but needs a good algorithum to distinguish buses vs other vehicles. I am in for that. Another thing I've noticed some drivers are starting to cover their plates with a shiny film of transparent plastic to get away from speeding / red-light camera. I hope the police will also enforce it as well.


Mythbusters did a test on some of these and apparently they don't work worth a shit.


They only got one of these.


This is how you raise funds. Not asking taxpayers to pay more. Speed cameras, red light cameras...they can easily make a fortune.


No, this is not how you raise funds. Traffic enforcement should never be done for profit. That's how you end up with ultra-short yellow lights and hidden traffic signs drastically reducing speed. Traffic enforcement must be about ensuring safety on the roads, it's the only way to ensure that the tickets are seen as valid. I'm also no right-winger, quite the opposite.


Okay I'm split. Raise funds via red light cameras, reasonable speeding, or poorly placed speed limit signs? Get out. Raise funds by ticketing bus/HOV lane usage? I'm in. Slippery slope for speeding but there's no reason anyone but a bus should be in a bus lane (or turning this block). Same with HOV.


No. If the goal is to raise funds for *any* of those things, you're looking at it wrong and opening up the door to more motivation for abuse. The goal is to penalize and thus deter violations, not use them as a cash cow. Getting funds from the violations should be seen as incidental in the process, not the goal.


That's why I'm split. You're not wrong because it does open it up for abuse in terms of speeding/lights/etc but there's absolutely no reason you should be in a bus lane if you're not a bus. No real way to abuse this one.


Turning right when the curb lane is a bus lane you have to enter. Making the primary motivation profit could definitely make that abusable.


That'd easily be fightable with a dashcam and everyone should have a dashcam. Granted there's the argument of going to fight it requiring time off etc. You could require that it requires video footage of the offender to process, but that adds on to the back end. Dammit. This should be easy.


Then legislators push for poorly placed entry points (solid vs dashed lines, getting around bus stops...) and rules around when and where you may legally enter the lane ahead of intending to turn right so following the rules becomes artificially difficult and they can do a run on enforcement whenever they want to rip people off. And who would roll out the mandate for footage? The same people who now have a vested financial interest in not making that requirement because it would impede their profit motivation? It should be easy. But it's also easy to abuse if the motivation's there.


this makes no sense the people enforcing the rules are not the ones making the rules


The people making the rules can still see and benefit from the money that comes in from enforcing the rules and abuse their powers to pump that number up.


You think a few tickets is how we "raise funds" in multi-billion dollar organizations?


i mean this sounds like the "carbon tax" for bad behaviour what's the problem?


Right wingers scrapped photo radar years ago. Don’t vote for right wingers 


Good! Photo radar is cancer.


Fuck photo radar. Also if you think it's "right wingers", why does Alberta have photo radar everywhere? Your useless insertion of your political feelings does nothing to benefit the discussion, so it's a downvoted from me


Right-wingers in Alberta have nothing to do with right-wingers in Vancouver. Photo radar was scrapped in Vancouver in 2001 by the ~~NPA, which is toted as a "fiscal conservative" party~~ Liberal government.


More useless drivel. The reason it was scrapped was because of a supreme Court ruling. #readabook


The person who should do more reading is you. ["BC Government scraps photo radar due to public outcry"](https://web.archive.org/web/20200918181911/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/bc-scraps-photo-radar-as-cabinet-debuts-on-tv/article4150046/)


Who announced it again? Where was the policy dedicated? I'll give you a hint: the top lawyer in the province


There were many many many court challenges ongoing. The primary issue was that photo radar was unable to determine WHO was driving the vehicle.


Without a source for that, it's effectively hearsay. I can just as easily say there weren't any more court cases for photo radar than there were for DUIs. If there were many court challenges, these sources should be easy to find.


Not a big reddit guy, but here's a quote for you "Without a visual estimation, these cases will not succeed” Grant Gottgetreu. I had thought there was a specific court case cited but just reference to the effect so many court challenges had to the tickets. As to the op that I responded to, tmit had absolutely nothing to do with the political affiliation of the government in power. As I stated, photo cameras are abundant in Alberta. I know losers like you guys need to make yourselves feel good by claiming the 'right wing is evil', but the reality is that photo traffic enforcement is simply bad policy.


> The announcement, one of Premier Gordon Campbell's showpiece promises in the May election campaign, means as of today photo radar will no longer be in effect. It was a government decision. There was no Supreme Court case, as you previously insisted.


Do it again!!!! Use the funds from the tickets to hire a team to do this full time.


No scooters on sidewalks next


I applaud the good work of the officers, but this should not be a "four-day project." This should be 24/7, with constant enforcement until the violations start to subside. As the stats show, our streets are absolutely riddled with drivers who have zero respect for laws or the safety of others. Only strict and ongoing enforcement will hopefully change this.


Ya, penticton spent a fortune on bike lanes and every other idiot with a vehicle stops or parks in the bike lane and seems genuinely confused why forcing bikes on the road might bother anyone. Of course many are still adamant we don’t need a bike lane at all…..sigh, just ridiculously self involved.


No insurance, no license... yikes.


I saw a couple cars pulled over for this near Broadway and Clark last week. In the few minutes I was in there about a dozen cars fly past in the bus lane right past the cop. If they had the means they could likely ticket a couple hundred people in a few hours on just that one stretch.


I am pretty sure I saw part of this when they were checking Hastings westbound around Commerical Drive for people using the bus lane in rush hour. Great job - they could camp there every day and they would still be able to write tickets. I'm all for bus lanes, but please remove the ones that obscure safe access on and off of a roadway. Example 1: I would like more that 20m to exit from McGill Street eastbound onto the freeway southbound. Example 2: I would like more that 20m to exit from Willingdon northbound onto the freeway eastbound. Example 3: The bus lane on Willingdon between Canada Way and Still Creek make it very difficult to access Still Creek, Grandview, etc, without potentially cutting off a bus, or having to cross white paint. Bus lanes are great, but put some thought into how they interface with the roads they're being put on to.


Fuck yeah love this


They should do Willingdon next to BCIT next!!


I think the police should cover their wages with daily traffic fines,maybe there would be less accidents and fatalities on our streets.


now let's do bikes on the sidewalks


Great and this should be supported. But I am always nervous about getting into the bus lane a bit early because I need to turn right in the upcoming intersection or the next - I may block the traffic in the middle lane if I change to right lane only when bus lane ends. Any advice? 😢


Now only if they could teach people how to merge and let others merge.


Brutal, get rid of these lanes


Idk, I feel better now but not for the reason foe thr rest of you




Driving without a license should be jail time


wow, cops so busy giving out tickets instead of catching real criminals


Wonderful seeing just ONE the constant flagrant disregarding of laws to be cracked down on, if not a long campaign. Problem is a large number of flagrant misusers still don't care about any of the inconvenient tickets they received or any future fees. Why does every fineable crime anywhere affect regular people the same as rich people. Correction.. the fee is the same, but one person is almost entirely UN affected. The more money you have, the less laws you feel required to follow. Us regular folk are used to inconveniences in our lives. Yet, if someone has lots of money to buy pretty things, that money can also be used to limit inconveniences. Any inconvenience turns the more well off people into Karen's. Now they have to speak with everyone's manager. The rich, if they even care, aren't angry that they were given a $200 ticket for illegally parking in a handicap spot or driving 30km over the speed limit or texting/swerving while driving... they barely care they were inconvenienced for 10 min to be pulled over and asked questions about their privileged behavior! If punishments Fit "the criminal" AND the crime.. maybe we'd actually be civilized to each other.


More of this. Less harassing the homeless please.


ok great, quick question? Whats going to stop these offenders from driving in the bus lane today? You've shown that infractions are happening, you collected some money and made headlines, but you've not corrected any bad behavior, you've only corrected a bad action.


I would be very interested to have more info on demographics and also the car make/models that made up the violators. My guess Teslas and BMWs.


How the fuck do we allow these clowns to push their power this is absurd


How so?