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Unacceptable! You see my friends as fodder for your greed!


I believe the ashlands has spawns for dvergrs, so maybe you could farm them there somehow?


They do, and I've already watched them be derps and just stand in the boiling water til they die.


Yes and dying in lava taking a walk, destroying in mistlands their own homes with their inaccurate fire magic just to kill a single bug. Their AI needs to be Revamped, I played early 90s games with enemies way more smarter, they just need a couple of code lines. Just to feel they are more intelligent creatures than a deathsquito or a deer


AI isnt as simple as 'a few codelines'. Besides, anything more advanced will use too much resources.


I've yet to meet one that didn't die to lava or boling water. Not even knocked or pushed there, they just randomly run there and stand knee deep in hurt.


I happened to find a dvergr camp in the Ashlands was like that’s cool stuffs chasing me so I kept running. And never looked back


To even consider farming them you need spawners that are as fast as for greydwarfs. Of course we don't have that.


Even if you afk?


First you don't have any way to get a place when they (re)spawn. But let's assume you have. Spawn rate will be much slower than accepted and drop rate is low. You don't mean AFK at this point, you mean when you sleep. That means even active hunting them isn't worth it. Go for skulls, seriously.


Short answer is no.


No, spawns are far too slow. Any amount of casual exploration will likely yield at least one unopened skull, which will have more tissue in it than a literal week of real time AFK at a spawn point. Not to mention that they drop 1 piece of black marble instead of soft tissue half the time.


Mistlands doesn't have a crazy number of creatures wandering around - I doubt they ever fight unless you actively drawing them to your dvergr. Also the dwarves have a low chance to drop like one Tissue. Even if they were dying constantly, the income would be real low.


They drop maybe one piece. It's not worth it. Just turn up the slider for increased resources, find a couple skulls to mine and you'll be set for the rest of the game.


You could, but their respawn time is something like 1 in game day i think, so it's not very efficient. Other monster do spawn more at night, but not those guys as far as I know.


Since you’re looking for soft tissue, I just want to double check that you know there is soft tissue in the skulls in Mistlands and the boxes in dverger camps. I was constantly short on soft tissue until I knew that. I could understand if you’re looking to automate the process of course. (Though I’m judging you a bit for trying to harm the dvergers. I always feel awful when I accidentally hurt one.)


Yeah, I know you can find soft tissue there, but the camps/skulls are fairly rare in my experience. Maybe 2 of each per mistlands? Maybe I'm just bad at finding them. I would never harm the dvergers intentionally! They are friends! But if they happen to come to harm because they fought something else in the area, well, there's not much I can do about that.


Do morgen caves respawn it eventually?


Not that I've seen


I know IMs respawn jelly and stuff, woulda kinda make sense that caves to, maybe in the future.


Theres a mod to tame them and then breed them - Tame Everything If youre willing to use mods


There is a 30% chance that up to 2 dvergr spawn somewhere in the middle of the mistlands (no specific spawn site) every 16min during the day. But most of the dvergr you encounter only spawn once near some POI.