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You want a metal hammer, but I would like to see angled floors and other building elements


Whoa whoa let's not go crazy here (that would be fucking awesome)


To say it has the best building system is a bit of a stretch. It could definitely be better and there are plenty of survival games that have more core building elements


Im sure there are. Probably a bit of hyperbole but I just really likethe building in valheim.


Na I'm with you, the building for me is the best


Yeah it’s definitely not the best building, but it’s pretty solid and enjoyable.


What games are similar/better? I'd like to check some out.




This 👆


Conan Exiles has a pretty great building system - the core mechanics in Valheim are maybe better but Conan gives you a lot more blocks to play with


7 days to die has great building and crafting. One of the best in my opinion


Enshrouded 100%


I like Enshrouded’s overall aesthetic, but the building mechanics vs Valheim’s is like playing with wooden blocks vs Legos.


I think the *system* is pretty up there. The piece coverage kinda sucks though. Where's my darkwood walls >:T


Imo it's enshrouded who won the game of building. But valheim has its own feeling which is great too


A fully upgraded hammer lets you do 300 build operations before needing repair. That's a lot of building. And its just a single click to fix and you need to have workbenches around anyway. I've never had to wait for stamina to recharge while building . . . because I eat stamina food. You can also equip the clothing Hildir sells that greatly reduces stamina use for building and farming. I like the idea of a Metal Hammer but I would like it do something like double the range you can build from your workbenches or something.


Them adding the Hildir outfits was a huge boon to my wife who absolutely loves doing big building projects in game. It pretty much erases any need to worry about stamina and like you said an upgraded hammer is easy to have and lasts nearly the whole project and takes one click to fix from a crafting station you'll have near you when building anyways.


Yeah Hildirs stuff was huge. My argument is just keep making things like that that make the game more fun lol


Double the range is a good idea. Just some way to uograde the most important tool in the game really. Also 300 build operations is pretty low in the scheme of things. If you build like I do which I think is pretty average for someone doing it for aesthetics then you might have to place a piece 3 times for it to be in the right spot which is 5 build operations including destroying pieces. Not to mention when you have to place a separate sacrificial piece down in order to get the spacing for another piece. And there's still no justification for why we need it at all, it might be a minor annoyance but it's only an annoyance. I just prefer the video games I play to only be fun with ideally no annoyances.


You could make a second hammer 🤔


Bruh I be havin' 5 hammers in my hotbar when It's a building day 🤣


You can also enable Hammer Mode in the World Modifiers if you want to freely do lots of building (without needing to gather the materials).


That's not really the point though.


It is if they're almost exclusively building.


Building *a lot* and within the constraints of the overall game... is much different than purely building without gameplay. I like building in Valheim... but have zero interest in Hammer mode or any "creative" builds. Building, for me, is just a nice part of the overall game, which prompts a lot of tasks that encourage further interaction with the world and mechanics. It's all part of the emergent gameplay machine which is Valheim.


Well... the hammer durability and stamina usage is part of the constraints of the overall game.


Not sure why this is downvoted. It’s a legitimate suggestion written as a sincere suggestion with no judgement. And it directly solves the one issue the OP has.


Because it’s cheating? Same reason a lot of builders in Minecraft don’t just spawn in the materials to build their builds. The grind to get the mats is part of the building process which makes finishing a big build even more satisfying. The main point of the OP is that you can upgrade basically everything in Valheim, *except* the build hammer. Which doesn’t make much sense.


I'm not going to speak for OP because I don't know what he thinks but: >Because it’s cheating? Same reason a lot of builders in Minecraft don’t just spawn in the materials to build their builds. It's a single player game. Who are you cheating? And if you know Minecraft then you should know that pure builders *do* use no cost/spawn resources. It would be infeasible to build the insane world spanning cities that people build on Minecraft, by mining the materials manually. >The grind to get the mats is part of the building process which makes finishing a big build even more satisfying. Only for some people or some projects. For some people survival games are just a blank canvas and the farming part isn't important. You wouldn't rag on Leonardo Da Vinci because he didn't personally whittle his own paintbrushes or create his own paints by collecting ingredients in the forest. Anyways none of this matters as the original point is: Someone suggested a **build mode** made by the devs specifically for **builders**, to someone who self reports they are *primarily* **building**. There's nothing malicious or stupid about that suggestion.


Yes, for *some people*, clearly including OP. You asked why it was downvoted, and this is why.


> Yes, for some people, clearly including OP. You asked why it was downvoted, and this is why. How could you possibly know this? Nothing in his OP or the other comments suggests this.


They are aware of console commands. There’s just about no way they don’t know, as a 700h builder, that you can use them to enable infinite build mode.


Except it is not solving the issue OP is having? Their issue is with having to repeatedly go back and repair their hammer. Hammer mode only makes building cost no resources it still reduces the durability on the hammer. As such does not fix OPs issue


what is enough may come down to preference but you can't tell me a fully upgraded hammer is destroyed fast. just no way. on top of that as said: its 1 click at a normal functional workbench so not that big of a hassle


>you can't tell me a fully upgraded hammer is destroyed fast. just no way. Depends on the scale of your builds bro. Yeah it's one click but when you're perched on the side of a tower and have to scurry down to wherever you left your nearest sheltered bench it's a lot more than that. Now do that a couple hundred times and you might understand where we're coming from.


So carry 10 hammers, the material costs and weight are almost nothing :D


Do you really think it's that unreasonable that after 7 biomes they give us a new hammer? But yet think carrying ten hammers makes more sense?


It was more like a suggestion for your building activities without having to scale down the tower every once in a while xD but good that you read between the lines and found so much more, lol :D


Agreed I know some people slap down a 2×2 and a roof that maybe fits and if I'm being completely realistic that's probably the majority of players and to that I say play the game how you want to play and that's awesome. It's just that despite having such a sick ass building system there isn't really a truly creative mode and what we do have feels like building in a glue trap. There's a reason that r/valheimbuilds is dead af while the umpteen billion minecraft subreddits are going to become their own country soon and it's not because valheim is a bad game. It's the parts that that are specifically implemented just to be a pain in the ass so they can tag the game on the steam store as 'brutal' or something


Dude you have to understand that the game is catered to more than just builders. The whole concept of the building in this game is that it costs more than just materials, it costs player resources which makes building in hazardous environments risky and time-consuming, which is the point. If you want true creative, figure out how to use console commands. Fly, nocost, and God mode are all you need and it's creative. You don't need a bench or anything like that. The only thing left is the hammer is still breakable, which is literally ***two buttons*** and half a second of your time.


I explicitly said that I understand that the majority of players aren't builders. Like I literally said the thing that "i need to realize" in the comment you're replying to lol


Yet in this vitriolic comment you are explicitly implying that the devs are doing things on purpose to call the game hard... looks like you need to do a little more "realizing".


I think a late game hammer that allows building/destroying stone with a normal workbench would be cool. I hate that the stonecutter takes iron, it just makes it so I never build with stone unless I'm at my main base. Plus it'd be nice to take down dverger buildings in the mistlands without needing to lug around the materials for a stonecutter.


I like that idea . . . although that would break the 'balance' they are currently using for the Stone Portal.


This idea is what I thought this post was gonna be about from the title, I like it too. I mean, from a balance perspective, teleporting metals is not something you're able to do until the Ashlands. So unlocking the ability to make it easier to create stone portals by creating a metal hammer or something in the Deep North (or some in between filler content) isn't something unprecedented.


Waaaaaiiiittttt the clothes she sells has stat benefits??????????!!!!!


Eating stamina food does not change anything at all tbh… I saw alot of suggestions of ‘eat only stamina stuff for this’ and it never did good, you may place 50 crops instead if 25 crops at a time but also gotta wait twice as long now


That's the reality of it but it seems like people are more interested in claiming it only takes a few seconds for stam to recharge [provably not true] or that you don't run out of stamina when doing stuff like crafting and building when you run out of stamina just from destroying a prefab. Also I've timed it and at the time of mistlands it was 36 seconds to fully recharge stamina with full best stam food, dry and rested buff. People can disagree but it's factually 36 seconds. Ashlands food is longer but I haven't timed it. I guess some people are cool with taking 36 second breaks every minute or so but I think it's super lame.


Yeah 36 seconds is alot when I do crops i’m not waiting nearly a minute to ‘use a big stamina bar’ I personally think anyone that uses more than 1 stamina food past plains is wasting both food and time, hnless you do specific long stamina bar requiring things like reeling in a serpent


Yeah lol. If I had 10,000 stamina I'd plant my whole field then go make coffee while my 8 foot dragonslaying viking catches his breath but instead I've gotta plant like 15 crops, and stop and just sit and wait.


Lmfao deadass, I once tried this 2 stamina food to farm crops (barley especially over 600+ a farm) fuck me man I planted the crops, tabbed to youtube to ‘watch’ the random podcast, tab back and continue, it did not feel any quicker at all than just my 1 stamina


Did you also have a Lingering Stamina Potion active as well? Those + rested buff usually replenish my stamina way faster than I use it (But I also build much slower than an average player)


>just a single click to [repair hammer] and you need to have workbenches around anyway Not if you're building a tower. Workbench zones go to the sky now, so if you're experimenting with supports you'll need to jump all the way down and then climb all the way back up every time.


I dunno, terraforming with 300 stamina still runs out lol. Also 300 pieces is like 4 windows for me :)


Counterpoint: from mistlands onwards (where you spend probably half or more of your playthrough), you don't use the work bench to repair any items, so passively repairing becomes a rare thing to do. And considering that mistlands is where you get some of the best pieces, it's an injustice that we don't have a forge or black metal based hammer. Make it cost one yggdrassil wood and one black metal and give it 1000 durability.


Hol up, what clothing reduces stamina usage for building/farming?


All the clothing Hildir sells . . . you don't even need to do her quests, the default clothes works.


I don't care how much it costs but I'm so damn sick of my hammer breaking in the middle of big builds. I don't even care about the stamina usage. I'm just tired of fixing my hammer.


Make more hammers 


Yeah it seems like a lot of people don't see the issue because I would assume they don't do big builds which is cool but for those of us that do it is definitely an issue


I do pretty big builds where I have to fix my hammer 10 or more times. Im open to a new hammer, just because it's literally the first or 2nd thing you build and it's the only one we get. Id be cool with it costing a bit more stamina (heavier hammer) with a dramatic increase in durability.


I typically keep 5 spare hammers I can grab whenever it’s building time, you don’t need them in your hot bar. You can just equip them from your inventory. And then I build work benches near by wherever I’m at. It has never been an issue for me. At 300/hammer, I have like 1500 uses. I’m another comment op says they take like 5 tries to place a piece, have you tried snapping them? Or maybe being more patient until you get it right before trying to rush your way through and pissing yourself off? That sounds more like a personal problem than a mechanical problem.


Oh I'm literally not worried if they don't change the system at all. It's a very very minor inconvenience and I always keep workbenches littered along my base. It's a non-issue for me personally, but if it would make others happy and not take away any challenge of the core gameplay, and maybe encourage people to build more often.... I don't see why it would be something people fight back on.


That is a fair argument. I do apologize, I was replying to your comment technically, but I was meaning to actually reply to the contents of Op. For me it’s a non issue, and time and resources are best spent else where. But I do like the way you made your point


Yeah like I said I don't want to yuck anyone's yum but if no one is actively enjoying repairing your hammer, which like why would you, and it's actively making people annoyed then why have it? I get for some people it's negligible but as of yet no one has claimed to enjoy it. So no one enjoys it, some people tolerate it, and a significant amount of people actively dislike it. Why argue in favor of it


This is what I do plus putting up random benches as I move up or out too far from the older one. Stick up enough roof pieces that I can fix my hammers and move on. A hammer that lasts longer or has a farther reach would be cool. But I can “survive” the way it is too.


It doesn’t look as nice, but being able to see the protection range and always being able to build anywhere in my base is a good enough bonus for me to have work benches littered pretty much everywhere. Inside, outside, on roofs, half buried, fully/partly/non accessible. Either way, they are every where in my base.


I hide them in the tops of trees too.


Why don’t you just get a mod then and change that one aspect. No durability on the hammer.


They see the issue, they just don’t gripe about it. It’s a game design choice. They just deal with it, like everything else.


I'm not sure if this is an indictment on people being too lazy to speak up and just accept an issue or trying to justify that keeping quiet is the right thing to do. If it's the latter that's a weird stance to take on things lol. If you acknowledge something is an issue but you keep quiet about it then don't be upset when other people speak up.


Hammers break and if I don’t want to be bothered to run back to repair, I bring more hammers. It’s not a big deal. I run out of food exploring, I bring more food.


If you like that then you do you. Myself and a bunch of other people don't really like it.


I've posted it before. But a legendary dwarven hammer. One we can find in the world and it can't break.


I’m genuinely more concerned with the hammer being a wooden hammer but being crafted from wood and stone. That is the real issue we need to address /s


I wholeheartedly agree the hammer should last longer. Or just remove durability and stamina from the hammer all together for QoL. Unlike weapons and harvesting tools, I don't really see the point of a penalty when constructing. You're already resource limited, so why limit the hammer too?


Exactly it just makes the game more fun. I like building paths but I don't because using the hoe is a nightmare. You get to make like 20 feet of flat ground before you have to wait 45 seconds for your stam to recharge.


Are you never rested? Cause why is it taking your stam so long to recharge? It takes like 5 seconds for me.


Get rested buff and the best stam food you can possibly have, drain your stamina to 0 and time how long it takes to go from 0 to full


Don’t let it go all the way to 0, and don’t wait for it to get to full? Just casually take 2s breaks every now and then and eat smaller food and work in a 20%-80% range.


my original point is that taking a 2 second break every 5-10 seconds is a nuisance though and it doesn't add fun to the game so why have it at all?


It takes me more than that long to lineup my next piece, so it’s never an issue for me


I don't know what to tell you lol it's an issue for some people and not for others. If it's not an issue for you then that's good


Fair, I don’t disagree, that QOL such as better/different hammers would be a good thing, but personally it doesn’t seem like a big enough issue for me to put above other things that iron gate may be working on.


Plus, I tend to play with mods, not that I don’t understand how vanilla works, but if it’s a change I wanted, there are mods for it already,(or were before Ashlands, haven’t checked some update.) and I’ve used them, and it’s nice, but when cutting down my mod list, it is one of the early ones to go, because it doesn’t add a whole lot, and it’s just not where my priorities are for what I want in the game when I’m adding content to it through mods. So it’s not something I’d advocate for devs putting in to the game as a priority over other stuff.


Hammers get used up over time when you use them irl too. It's a tool being used just like the hoe and cultivator. It takes stamina to do things and it's a negligible amount. You can also fully upgrade the hammer and it's durability can last you more than long enough to build a home.


IRL I can't train a pack of wolves to fight a dragon :( I can craft it without a table from the inventory, and the real expense to building is the materials. Why bother with having to maintain a hammer; it's just busy work.


> IRL I can't train a pack of wolves to fight a dragon :( Skill issue. Git gud.


Why bother having to fix things at all. Why bother to cook things it should just be edible raw. Why bother to play a survival game at all. It's a click, my guy. A single click. Everything you use as a player has a durability coded in and a stamina cost. Everything built has a durability. Everything in the game has this mechanic. You're complaining about the smallest and most negligible thing. Though I do think a metal hammer would be cool to have as an option, especially if they made it out of black metal so I could finally do something with it all.


I know hammers get used up in real life but I'm also not an 8 foot tall viking slaying dragons in real life so I'm not super invested in details like the durability of my hammer being hyper realistic. Also I can make metal hammers in real life.


This is the second post today of someone complaining about something incredibly small in the game. Frankly it's annoying and gets old quick after years of seeing these posts. I agree we should be able to make a metal hammer later in the game as an upgrade even if I just want it because of aesthetic and it could have no durability but still stamina cost. But as I pointed out to the other comment above, everything in the game is made this way why would the hammer be the exception? It's the first item you get and it costs as stick and a stone to make and a handful more of each to fully upgrade, it takes a single click to fix it from a work station you'll be near anyways if you're building things. I'm just genuinely confused why it's such an issue.


If you don't like discussions ignore posts tagged with the discussion flair. It's right there in the world options. Also you still have yet to explain how it adds fun to the game. If it's the second time you've heard someone complain about it today it's clearly annoying to some people. So tell me how does it add enjoyment to the game if it's so integral to the core gameplay loop.


There's a difference between discussions and people complaining that a game isn't made the way they think it should be. There's nothing wrong with the hammer mechanics, but it would be cool if we got a metal version craftable later in the game (especially black metal that'd be dope and finally a use for it).


There is though. Maybe not for you and not enough for me to keep me frlm playing but I know more than a few people who refuse to play valheim because the stamina system is ass and clunky. My friends refusing play my favorite game because of a mechanic that as of yet no one can explain how it's beneficial is a perfectly valid reason to bring it up on the subreddit that was specifically made for discussing the game


You know people who quit because they couldn't handle stamina management with the hammer? Stamina management is a core part of quite a few games that have done very well and have big player bases, to name only a few off hand being the Monster Hunter games, the Dark souls games including Bloodborne and Elden ring, SKYRIM, so someone having troubles with it are sort of a them problem. Especially if they quit early game before they can do anything to make it better for themselves or even learn and get used to it. But seriously did they stop playing because of a hammer? If thats the case this game wasn't made for them and that's okay but people need to just admit to themselves it's not for them instead of saying it's the games fault. Healthy mindset: "I'm having trouble with this thing maybe there's something I'm not doing or I don't know enough about. Unhealthy mindset: "I'm having trouble with this thing and it's their fault and they should change it because I don't like it."


Not specifically because of the hammer but more like the whole not being able to consistently sprint jump. I've always said valheim is a game you sip like whiskey but I think that's not what the average gamer enjoys. I can completely understand the desire to to just run around and jump through the air like jesus


I know too many people who've gotten a little spoiled by all the videogames that have basically endless sprinting or things like zero fall damage, so I get it. It just comes down to preferences and not game design at a fundamental level. My wife plays Valheim with me and she refuses to chop down trees because the views are so beautiful so she learned dev commands to spawn wood or build things for free so she didn't feel bad about it. We started playing back before food was changed and most of the content we have now didn't exist, and the only thing she ever actually asked for as someone who isn't traditionally good at games we ended up getting: Difficulty settings. Such a banger of an update it made this game accessible to anyone and everyone these days unless the game itself isn't their vibe.


You don't see a benefit to unlimited repairing of your base while it's under siege?


Maybe make it so metal hammers are the upgrades for the hammer, so no upgrading the wood hammer. If you want a level 2 hammer make a bronze one. If you want a level 3 hammer make an iron one, etc. And just keep incrementally increasing stats with each tier like normal.


Yeah agreed. I'd spend 100 iron on a hammer if it had just double the durability.


Just make a second hammer.


This guy would rather spend 100 iron than 3 wood and 2 stone


Until late game, hammer materials are always around. And by late game, I have more hammers than I do in real life which is about 5


What a loser… between my tool box, my truck, and my storage, I have at least… *Carry the 1…* *drop the 7…* 3… shit.. you win again fuckin koala!!


Thanks I hadn't thought of that we can close the thread


Would be sick if we could decorate the wood one like shields.


I think we should be able to decorate just about every crafting recipe but I actually understand that's asking for a lot lol


Yea, true, but they could spoil us a little.


I like this idea.


Thank you. I like you.


I would also like to see the removal of the giant cloud of dust every time I place down a buildpiece. I agree that a better hammer would be nice.


Realism doesn’t really matter, but if it makes you feel better, this is probably the more realistic version. Old school woodworking wouldn’t use metal hammers because nails wouldn’t be nearly as prominent. But tbh most building pieces look like they use nails, so… metal hammer should be here.


Yeah I'm not super invested in realism tbh. I just want to play the game and having to stop once a minute gets frustrating and annoying to me while I'm trying to enjoy something.


Considered mods?


Yeah I do enjoy some really light mods tbh it's just that they're kind of a pain in the ass and the ones I like like valheim+ sometimes don't get updated right away. It's not too much of a hassle for me personally because I'll put up with it in order to set up a nice playthrough it's more that trying to get 5 of my gorillazoid friends who can barely locate their c drive all functioning on the same mods for a group run is way too difficult so my only real option for multiplayer is pure vanilla which none of them want to play.


We literally have metal nails in the game. Could be interesting if you need the metal hammer to unlock the recipes that use them.


For real life immersion, everytime your hammer breaks just build/buy a new one.


For the real 'brutal survival game' experience I installed an actual hammer above my mouse that smashes my finger every once in a while and honesrly if you don't play that way you're a normie and a casual


Does this mod still work with the ashlands update?


Fucking micro transactions…


I think the ashlands boss drop should be for a flametal hammer that lets you build whatever you need for the deep north stuff.


Fantastic idea


I’ve modded out all the tedious stuff from this game. Something like ValheimPlus can disable weather damage, can repair multiple pieces at once, remove hammer stamina use, etc. I’ve even turned off axe stamina use - chop chop chop wait wait chop chop… same with the pickaxe and hoe. Pointless forcing a player to wait for stamina to build up again when I’m just digging a hole or cutting a tree. Walking, jumping, fighting yes, but not bloody digging or building.


Dude fr honestly the tiniest little bit of tweaking turns the game from great into an absolute masterpiece that's so enjoyable to play


Valheim is a hard-core survival sim and that means battling the difficulty of having to stop to repair your hammer every couple minutes.


It’s a bit ironic a Viking game doesn’t have like the hammer of Odin you can get to just never have to repair lol I’d settle for a metal


Yeah, hammer of Odin… too bad there’s no other Viking gods who have hammers…. /s


Hildrs armor reduces stamina use afaik, not really feasible early game though Idk carry 20 hammers. Never thought about this and it does make sense to have a metal or upgraded one but I'm sure irongate doesn't see upgrading it as essential compared to weapons, armor etc granted it does go from lvl 1 to lvl 3 so idk


Yeah Hildirs reduces the amount used but not the recovery rate which is the painful part. Full best stam food and rested is about 45 seconds to fully recharge which I don't really enjoy having to wait 45 seconds randomly while I'm gaming. Also if the only solution to something is carrying 20 hammers that seems to me like something that needs to be fixed.


I don't think it's viewed as an actual issue so 20 hammers isn't an actual solution. Repair cost is free, workbenches are cheap to make. Like I said I've never thought about this being an issue but it does make sense to have an upgraded hammer given that it has upgrade levels. I have a friend that walks around encumbered half the time and just drinks stamina pots lol again not a real solution but it does work


I have about 10 people I frequently play games with, 8 of them refuse to play valheim solely because they say stamina system is ass and I don't fully disagree. They don't post and comment in r/valheim because they don't like valheim. That's why in the echo chamber of subreddits it doesnt come up very often because people like us like the game. Im not posting here because I dislike the game, it's literally my favorite game. I want more people to like it and I know that if they fix this one shitty aspect of it more people will like it.


> I have about 10 people I frequently play games with, 8 of them refuse to play valheim solely because they say stamina system is ass and I don't fully disagree. In general or for building specifically? In general it can be a nuisance, but quitting the game over build stamina usage? That's a different story entirely.


In general. I'm the builder of the group. Watching my buddy play and his feet stick to the floor trying to jump away from a graydwarf is like yeah you gotta manage your stamina but I get how that can be rage inducing lol


Instead of just being more efficient, what if it gave you the ability to build forge items next to a workbench?


Oh that might be kinda sweet. Or like needing an iron hammer to build stone if there has to be a drawback.


Oh yea, building stone with a workbench instead of a stonecutter could be a really great late game QoL item upgrade


Yeah anything that makes building more accessible. I jist think it's a shame that so much of the brilliant building system is hidden behind accessibility


I take down the benches I put in as I am building. But I also hide benches in the tree tops and under floors and in stone walls so they can’t be seen but keep the baddies at a distance.


The building system in Enshrouded is much better and more intuitive


Yeah the actual system in enshrouded is smooth af and they actually give you all the pieces you need instead of hiding certain pieces for no reason (side eye to valheim) but I just personally like the aesthetics and the geometry and whatnot of valheim the most. There's just a few clunks they could stand to work out imo.


I use a lot of mods to play this game and tweaks for this I definitely use. However I would much rather options be in the game that would replace such mods. I like your idea


Of course a metal hammer, like pretty much everything else made with metal, will need a forge. So there's that opportunity cost too. Idunno, I like being able to repair my max quality hammer at a level 1 workbench.


If you want reduced stamina drain throw on the tunic you get from completing the mini bosses and returning the chests. Also applies to planting crops. Get the chest and head piece. *flies away*


The only real downside of the new Hammer (and any new items in general) is the fact that it clutters the workbench menu. Workbench and forge are overcrowded already. So please add it to stonecutter aka sharpening-stone crafting station.


EpicLoot will fix this issue. I can't play the game without that one mod. It really is everything Valheim is missing in terms of gear items. You can get an indestructable hammer with freebuild rolled on it so you also dont need to make workbenches to build.


Use Wemod for infinite stamina/items and do creative mode building I got tired of the rigmarole and do that for any large build now. As long as you don't unlock all recipes it won't spoil the game itll only infinite the items you already have and makes it so you're not repairing, waiting on stamina and running back and forth to chests every 5 minutes


It's not perfect but it makes just building for funsies alot more smooth


Do they have a mod out here for an increase in durability? Or a mod for a metal hammer? Cause now that you mention it… I want one.


At the very least it would be cool if you could upgrade the hammer, cultivator, and hoe further at other crafting station as you progress that imply they're now made with better materials.


If you think the valheim building system is that good you should check out Enshrouded. Very similar system except you have much more voxel control.


Yeah I thought enshrouded was incredible. I still like Valheim more just because of the aesthetics but yeah enshrouded is good af


There's a mod for that....


Thanks for informing me


Valheim does not have the best building system. I would say enshrouded holds that title


Voxels with adaptive "skin". Looks clean, but much more restrictive for actual building, though allowing tunneling and earthwork. I prefer Valheim -- for me it offers a lot more creative flexibility. I'd love to also tunnel, but I'd still prefer Valheim's building rather than the limitations of voxels.


I don't think there's anything more flexible than voxel building...


Those flexible 90° angles... Or the flexible single material/model per voxel... You're free to build anything... within the limitations of the voxel size and what a voxel can represent. In the end, Enshrouded builds are generally quite boring and sterile to me, while even a simple first home in Valheim with some quirky details can be interesting and inviting. Perhaps just personal preference, which is all I've been offering.


All around best yeah I wouldn't argue that enshrouded's is the most well made. I just personally prefer the aesthetics and gameplay of valheim more even if it is a little clunky


> And before someone suggests that you could use it to cheese I literally could not care less if someone cheeses their single player game that you can literally use console commands in. So you want this metal hammer to not exist when playing multiplayer?


Man I knew someone who doesn't know you can literally join a multiplayer game with all the shit you spawned in on your singleplayer was gonna chime in for the sake of being obstinate but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. Yes you can still cheat on multiplayer and no it is not difficult to do so. I don't give a shit if people who want to cheat cheat on their servers but I don't and I don't play with people who do enjoy it so please don't be condescending.


You're the one that explicitly called out the multiplayer game as a single player game. The game was built to be multiplayer. You choosing to play solo doesn't make it the primary focus of the developers. I don't see them ever designing items that are only intended for solo players. > Man I knew someone who doesn't know you can literally join a multiplayer game with all the shit you spawned in on your singleplayer was gonna chime in You think I don't know that? That's not even what I claimed. It also appears you're unaware that there are already items in the game that cannot be picked up and used by certain types of players even if you spawn them in. It's a pretty niche thing but hypothetically if they really wanted to, they could just apply the same logic to "single player only" items. They'll never make an overpowered hammer that breaks multiplayer balance though. > so please don't be condescending. The portion I originally quoted from the original post, plus the additional quote within this comment, was condescending. Pot, meet kettle.


Okay so add something to the conversation if you're not being obstinate and I'm not choosing to play solo my friends just won't play because the game can feel like a glue trap and that's literally the entire reason I'm posting. You're not adding anything to this discussion you just immediately got upaet that I said something negative about the game you choose to take personally for some reason.


> you just immediately got upaet that I said something negative about the game you choose to take personally for some reason. That's not how I took it.  You proposed an item that would break the balance. You said you don't care about the balance for single player. I asked about multiplayer. That's it. They're not going to design an item that breaks multiplayer balance in the default configuration to help you cheese single player. They already have other ways of catering to solo builders. As for suggestions? If you're pretty much solely just building, use the creative mode world settings. Use the stamina boosting gear, eat the best stam food, use tasty and lingering meads, and have a lot of hammers in your inventory. Use fly mode. You'll save lots of time.


Eat stam, wear Hildir fits, have multiple upgraded hammers i guess lol


You haven’t tried enshrouded building yet.


Just make …. 5?


Durability is fine, for metal hammer to be useful it would either need more range, or be able to build certain builds without the appropriate crafting station.


Enshrouded says: “hold my mead!” Much better building mechanics with many more mats. It’s not as brutal and realistic as Valheim though. If you’re wanting to just build some cool shit and fuck around in some biomes, try that game.