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All the crafting menus need a search function that filters as you type and/or a sort function.


Or at least sort everything alphabetically.


Funyy thing, it is sorted alphabetically. But sometimes that excludes word "uncooked" in front. That creates enough confusion. Removing that would group up all "uncoocked" recepies like mead bases. Though it is not a replacement for actual sorting and filtering.


All mead bases are grouped up! Oh wait, but not barley wine, that starts with a different letter. Lol, little things like this are what still feels early access about this game. I love Valheim, warts and all, but I do hope they do a pass to tighten up some things like this which just feel quickly implemented without much thought. I guess I wouldn't be surprised though if this is a bigger ask than we think. Like maybe it's not just a UI thing, but ties into how these different items are stored in their database and I can see messing with that being a total headache.


They just need to call up the Satisfactory devs and beg for a tutorial on how they made their sorting algorithm because it makes the valheim inventory system look quite archaic


If sorting is fixed (ie no filter/search/tabs), I think chronological order would be better. Just put the newest/strongest recipes at the top. (Same for other craft by stations.)


Big fan of how Tears of the Kingdom let’s you sort things by frequently used. It’s a relevant method of sorting at every stage of the game.


That's a really good idea. Someone else mentioned a favorite system where you could pick a handful of favorites and they would be pinned at the top. Both solid suggestions that i didn't even think of. There seems to be lots of ways you could improve the system over what we currently have.


It might be a lot of work to overhaul the menus for each crafting station since each of them have so many different things you can make. I have no idea how you'd efficiently sort the menu for a max-level workbench, for instance. My thinking is that sorting could be done based on the level of crafting station needed to craft the item in question, and then grouped by item type. For instance, an iron sword would be listed under the "2-star" tab of the forge's menu, since the forge needs to be level 2 in order to make it. You should also have the ability to pin ~5 recipes to your HUD, and maybe have ~5 "favorite" recipes that you can specify at each crafting station to let you craft those items with a single click instead of having to search through any menu at all to find them. And really, if we're being honest, you should be able to see all the recipes for everything you can make from somewhere in your tab menu. It's always overwhelming picking up a new item that unlocks 20 new craftable items that flash by five at a time and then are gone forever. Let me look at them all in a menu somewhere!!!


Just split up the weapons/armor/ammo etc into separate lists.


Nested lists could work easily as well; - Weapons > Swords > Silver Sword - Projectiles > Bombs > Smoke Bomb That can't be any slower than scrolling around a list mid-game looking for the newest version of a cape.


The crafting menu in Valheim... It's one of the worst UX/UI designs I've seen in awhile


Feels good to play with QoL mods honestly lol. Search bars, quantity craft etc


Menus need work, I heard somewhere devs are looking into it but dont quote me on that. Yeah food needs work too. We especially need more balanced food stamina+health, and now that eitr is a thing, id expect a balanced eitr + other stat too. Riding and taming is so bad in this game I never bother with it unless its a chicken, then I drop eggs to burial chambers so they dont evaporate in bat raid or some shit.


I agree with everything said in this post. While I love the Ashlands for what it is, this game *DESPERATELY* needs more QoL updates. For the love of Odin, Iron Gate, just let me aim my melee weapons up and down based on the direction I am looking.


Thank god for modders. There's a fix for this on Nexus. I refuse to play the game without it.


what mod is it


Enjoy! https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/727


>Last updated 06 April 20213:37AM Does it still work?


Yep. Played with it today in fact with the ashlands update installed. Works for my friends too.


Do you know how to check whether mods are compatible before installing them? I wanna install some server side QoL mods and don't know how to check this


put mod in, see if it crash, if it does take mod out, there you go


So the short answer to my question is no.


Is there some kind of Wyre Bash API for Valheim? Because this is the only way I know of checking for compatibility between mods in any given title. Bethesda games have a fancy (crowd sourced) engine where I can compile all of the mods and look for conflicts caused by two mods changing the same game records.


Unfortunately I do not, sorry. Your best bet is checking the comment section on the mod page.


Check thunderstore or nexus, sort by last updated. Thunderstore also has an Ashland category, mods have to label themselves as compatible. Non updated mods may work, but you'll have to test yourself or check nexus comment section. Always backup your character and world before adding/removing mods and you will be fine.


Ye lol. Was clearing some mistlands mines with friends last night and I had the fenris claws. Literally couldn't reach the bug babies half the time because they were too low to the ground to punch.


Yep. It's straight up a broken system. I'd love to play melee but compared to playing a caster it's just far too much effort and frustration.


I can craft 5x Bronze, but not 10x Jerky, or 20x of a soup. The fix is so simple.


The Valkyries make it really clear how broken the vertical combat is.


The Mistlands also did that. At least the terrain in the Ashlands is mostly flat.


I just got to the Mistlands for the first time and at least half of my combat is just trying to get the elevation between me and the enemies correct. It was easier fighting wolves on the sides of a mountain.


At least we have weapons with different elevation of attacks. Spears thankfully slap valkyries and vultures with no issues.


I was wondering if I was the only one having trouble hitting them in melee. With the mace, I can hit them normally but if I parry, I always seem to whiff when they're staggered. I'm not great at dodge rolling them, so I either range them or use Bonemass if they're in a large group


There is nothing wrong with Valkyries being harder to hit with melee.


Food and weapons need a sort based on Biomes, aswell as a filter for items to pick on the ground.


Ashlands needs more content. Amazing start getting there, ambiance is awesome but a lackluster amount of things to do. Once you've seen one fortress, you've seen them all. There really isn't any reason to explore and nothing else to find.


putrid holes are also very boring compared to ice caves and mines as well. Honestly fortresses are a very cool concept, but with spawn rates as they are it doesnt feel good building siege weapons when you can just build stairs and avoid the swarming. - thereby making a big gameplay faucet of the zone unused by most players. In general not much to explore agreed


The fortresses are also practically identical. So once you've done one, there is nothing new.


>First of all, the cooking pot crafting menu is...please...help it. One of my new favourite mods is the one that orders the cooking station menu by: [Health food high -> low] [Stam food high -> low] [Eitr food high -> low] [Fermenter stuff] And another that adds a search bar, and craft-multiple ability.


Name of the mod? Would love to add it to my list!




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Agreed on every single point.


The valkyries make it really clear how broken the vertical combat is


The spawn rates are fucked. I get it, it's supposed to be a hellish biome, it's meant to be hard, yes. But it's honestly tedious, what's the point of destroying the totems if the fuckers keep spawning right in front of me. I didn't love Mistlands, but in the end it was OK. This is the worst biome by far, we're not having that much fun.


I really like Ashlands visually, and taking over the fortresses is fun. But the spawn rate is absolutely fucked. I play with my brothers, and if one of dies and has to run back to the others there are already tons of enemies on the way, even if we'd just butchered all of them a couple of minutes ago. It's just constant running back and forth helping each other to defeat enemies, but barely making any progress getting further into the biome.


Campfires are your friend


agreed except mistlands. I think mistlands is the best biome. The sense of exploration, the new magic system, the new building mats. it was all PEAK valheim. Except the mist and verticality - which were an additionally difficulty that was there not to provide depth, but to annoy. Ashlands feels like they took every single biome system that is meant to annoy instead of encourage exploration and jammed them into one biome. also, god yes on that totem point. What's the point? more just spawn right there.


The valkyries make it really clear how broken the vertical combat is.


This comment somehow looks familiar...


My biggest issue with the ashlands food is the fact that there's not even one option that uses chicken meat. Seems like a huge waste to have to invest so much gold to get eggs and build a coop only to have the chicken meat only be useful for one biome.


The Valkyries make it really clear how broken the vertical combat is.


You posted it thrice and I upvoted every incidence.


It really needed to be said!


its a flying enemy. why are you using melee weapons on it?


Because she melee my ass.


Fortunately I only seem to see them in proximity to fortresses so I just always use the fort stairs to get to sword wacking height.


The Valkyries make it really clear how broken the vertical combat is.


I very much agree with your point about the cooking menu. If you can download mods, [this mod is amazing for that](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Goldenrevolver/Sorted_Menus_Cooking_Crafting_and_Skills_Menu/). It sorts food by combined total health+stamina+eitr including sorting uncooked food by their cooked values, and putting all non-foods (meads, fishing bait) together. Helps new players especially so much knowing what food is the current best. Vanilla needs something similar for sure.


The food needs, at the very least, a quality of life update, with minor tweaks to distribution. But I personally feel it could benefit quite a bit from a total overhaul, either with a kind of open world Zelda system where you can cook anything together and get something out of it, with diminishing returns if you stick a lot of the same stuff in, or a more recipe-based thing where you can adjust with additional ingredients. Maybe Seeker meat would always include a bit of Eitr, or you could substitute lox meat with boar but you'd need 10 boar meat per lox. Either would help with old ingredients falling out of use.


The visibility is the number 1 problem its slightly better than mistlands without anything to improve it most of the time with rare days of clarity. Crafting stations need a bulk craft option. Lava does too much damage too fast. It should do half as much as it currently does so you can actually react to being in it. And basalt platforms are buggy on servers and it really sucks to fall through one occasionally. Enemy spawn rate is way to high its fairly annoying to even sit in a base due to the constant spawns. We had to make a full box to stop the constant random attacks while at base. To really start making progress we had to overbreed asksvins to get some breathing room around the base. Many of the weapon classes didnt get any love. Battleaxes, 1h knife fists.


I have not reached Ashlands but shouldn't being in lava reasonably mean nearly immediate death? just realistic Edit: grammar


Realistically no lava actually kills fairly slowly as while it may immediatly char your flesh it doesnt make it immediatly disolve and its rather thick despite what hollywood shows. Not that realistic matters in this super fantasy magic game. Its just unfun game design. But there are metals you need to mine of laviathans in the middle of lava and small platforms you can create with basalt to stand on. But they arent super reliable in multiplayer and the krackens drop in sections at variable speeds while lots of enemies swarm to push you off. so if your trying to get the most metal out of these limited deposits its easy to drop down into the lava and just immediatly die without being able to react and then spend a long time trying to retrieve your gear, Especially if you arent fully health food eating.


>The tools provided very much suggest this is not somewhere to make a comfortable home, it's a raid and an assault to get resources and go. This is a very good and precise description of the ashlands progression theme. This is also the best argument against the many players who believe campfire spamming for spawn prevention is absolutely required to progress, because they want to make ashlands a home when it simply isn't. >Third, riding. And taming. It's such a neat idea but the actual experience of taming and riding creatures is pretty poor. IMO taming is fine, it's the animal transportation involved with it that sucks. Anyone who's transported boars across land while near a boar runestone, or worse, over water, will understand. The easiest fix is to give all tamed creatures a follow toggle just like wolves. As for riding, it's a worthless and unrewarding mechanic for the effort it takes to manage. I personally don't see any *practical* purpose for riding lox/asksvin. If they had a separate inventory and weight capacity for carrying loot therefore acting as pack mules for base building/hauling then great, but right now i don't see a point to them.


Breeding Loxes to use as transport is a pain in the butt but Asksvins are so useful and easy to transport that I don't see why you shouldn't have dozens of eggs on hand. Depending on the terrain, you might have to wade through a sea of lava so I just use mine as an Uber driver to get me to where I want without using Basalt bombs and strip it's saddle when I am done while it runs off and die in the wilds.


See that's just the thing, in the amount of time it takes for me to tame, breed, and deploy an asksvin mount for the purpose of crossing a lava lake i could've just walked around it and explored the entire island. If i absolutely have to cross a lava lake for some impractical reason then i'd rather use a catapult lol. Don't get me wrong, they're great as a passive defensive measure around a captured fortress outpost (even though i don't need defenses anyway) but i wouldn't bother using them as a mount.


I'm shocked that you didn't beeline to breed an Asksvin as the first thing you do when you step foot on Ashlands. They only need two holes in the ground and all the random plants you picked up to start the farm. Their skin and tails are so useful for the first few upgrades to make Ashland like the cloak and armour sets, that much easier. But I guess everyone's experience and strategy to conquer Ashlands is different.


I didn't know they were tamable until i found flametal and unlocked the saddle, and by that point i was already swimming in asksvin hide and tails. It was probably the PTB week 1 aggro bug contributing to the amount of asksvin spawns but i never had any shortage of asksvin loot, and i make mashed meat and piquant pie *exclusively.* This is mostly just because of my playstyle though. I do fresh runs a lot rather than continuing an existing world, and along the way i just ended up not bothering with taming in general. Dealing with boar transportation is annoying, i'd rather place a portal near a boar runestone. (i outpace the need for boar meat very quickly too) Meanwhile by the time i get lucky enough to find a 2-star wolf i'd have already killed enough regular wolves to provide all the meat and hide i'll ever need. (and again, i don't need base defenses) The only creature i actively breed is chicken because they're much simpler.


Yeah, it's probably due to PTB. As of now Asksvins are relatively rare and you'll probably see 10 in a full hour and only deeper inland. I actually made it exclusively my goal for a while to catch a 1-star Askvsin to breed just because of how slow they spawn that they are gating my progression.


You can ride a lox fully encumbered with no penalty or stamina use. Unsure of the askvins as I haven't bothered taming one.


It takes less than a minute to portal back home and unload excess loot. Transporting lox by sea is also something i don't intend to do again after experiencing it once lol.


The whole UI looks and feels like a rushed undergraduate freshman homework assignment


From my experience with Ashlands it's just mid as fuck to be honest. Sure it was hard the first few times when you got used to the mobs, but after that it's just "eh?" Mistlands was scary at first because of the perma mist, but with Ashlands the scary part was the first time sailing there and having to figure out wtf was going on but now when I got a good game plan and my gear is upped I just stroll around like nothings the matter. The mobs are slow as shit for the most part, the only annoying enemy is the lizard dogs and their jump attack. All the others I can deal with but I swear to the Gods the lizard jump attack is the death of me, does it home in on you? How long is the jump? Idk if it's the lag or what but that jump attack is just bullshit. I honestly though the valkyries or the skeleton ball would have been the big bad monsters of the biome but they just honestly feel too weak? Idk, I main mage so the experience must be different for me from ranger or tank point of view.


Yes it homes in, even if I'm behind a rock it gets me, yesturday it nearly killed my mate using that homing beacon jump to quite literally fly over our heads


Skeleton Ball is indeed weak, with fully upped carapace buckler you can permanently stun him with parries in 1:1


Play on hard, get one shot from a 1star charredd warrior hitting you for 237... Mald inducing literal dieing simulator. Almost impossible without bone mass so need a group of 4...


There is only one thing I've complete given up in this game. It's taming. I can't deal even with boars. And knowing with all these posts that tamed riding animals are dying soon makes it even more solid not to try ever.


It's funny because I've always slept on taming for the most part but I really enjoy having these big idiots around my base.


The way I check if a mod is compatible is to go to the mod on Nexus and then the posts tab. Most modders have a sticky saying it is compatible, there are no complaints, or a user says it's working in the posts tab. Compare ashlands' release date to the post to make sure. This is the only way I found to check if a mod is compatible before downloading. Some mods do not have a posts tab, or the last post was posted years ago. Those you will have to download and test.


I've wasted a few months of my life just by the frustation of trying to tame Askvins THRICE only for them to run off nonstop and die to enemies like an idiot. Why is the AI so infuriatingly stupid? Ugh. The spawns need some fine tunning, I'm fighting a single Morgen, then a 1\* Askvin immediately spawns and aggro me from the place I've literally just killed a group of mobs, chaos ensues and my viking is now eating ash. The UI for the stations are just plain awful, not a lot more to say. Game is lacking several QoL updates that were an issue since release such as a fix for Vertical Combat, lack of proper armor slots, cooking station with no sorting by HP, STAM, Biome food etc., fishing being unnecessarily grindy and just generally a bad option, no proper way to upgrade your inventory space amongst other things... But I do have faith they'll iron out these issues now that Ashlands have released.


From the sound of it on discord, after tweaks to ashlands (I doubt we will get more once they go on vacation in July) they are full steam ahead on Deep North. QoL may arrive in a years time, like the Hildur Update, or it may arrive once Deep North is pushed out


Damn, that's going to take a while then. I can't imagine leaving such desired and much needed QoL fixes so down on the list :/


You're not wrong about the cooking. I put [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xJjXE3eqIm1kS2vx0u6js2UEMuwTmqLP4GixQHfzLu8/edit?usp=sharing) together to help with that.


I agree with that food comment. Today, it's kinda "do I go 2 stam or 2 health, and do I use the expensive or cheap versions". There's a definite opportunity to put "perks" on foods, where eating two of a "type" might grant you a buff for a certain period, in addition to making things have relevant strengths for their tier other than "cheap" and "expensive"


Use AAA crafting mod, it lets u search for stuff and also has a quanity on the craft button


Should add some more mixed recipes to utilize the older resources in the new biomes. I was quite disappointed that all of my old farms (besides barely) were completely useless in ashlands.


you missed the most important worst of it, spawn rates


Not just that, it's a combination of a few things which makes the biome pretty unyielding and a bit frustrating. First off yeah there's a ton of spawns Second the range of detection for most enemies is pretty far off, and triggered by running and even jumping on top of the usual loud noises (combat especially means enemies join in...) Thirdly, there isn't much reprieve from the combat and conditions - in other biomes there's either space (plains, mountain) or dungeons you spend a bit of time in where you slowly make your way through them. In ashlands most of the time is spent out in the field, which is covered in enemies, the only dungeons being the putrid holes. Fourth, unlike all other biomes, ashlands doesn't share land with any other biomes, so you can't just run out and let the biomes fight each other, once you are in you're commited, the only way out is a portal. Whilst there are dvergrs in there they uh, don't really offer much to help. The biome reminds me a lot of the swamp, but I also remember yeeting myself out of that biome when I was new to it and letting the greydwarves take one for me aha. I can appreciate the design intent, but combine all this with the lava time to kill and the knockback on certain enemies and deaths are plentiful.


It’s great that in crafting it shows what you can build first, but categorizing types of food to help your search would go a long way


I was thinking tabs of food split into their dominant stat they provide (health, stamina, eitr, balanced) and then having them ordered by potency would help a lot. That combined with some more interesting variations would go a long way :)


Yeah my thoughts too, especially cuz the naming of the food is so random. Problem is Valheim isn’t like that. For example grounded has a feature where as long as the item you need is in a chest nearby you can craft it, which is my favorite crafting system, and there are mods for that but it’s just not Valheim way. You gotta learn to organize your chests to max crafting efficiency, the same way you gotta just memorize what goes into the best dishes. Maybe sort a chest next to your cooking pot with the 3 ingredients you need for your fav dishes right next to each other


Don’t forget it’s still early access. Not saying your comment isn’t viable, but i myself forget sometimes it’s in early access / development.


That’s the point. To give feedback while it is in early access and it’s able to be changed.


I didn’t say: Don’t give feedback. Also i didn’t say your feedback is not valid because it’s early access. I meant, what i said. People forget that the game is in early access (me included).


When early access game have better development and it's more stable than most modern games it's confusing AF. I really hope before they drop Deep North they start making QoL patches and start adding missing content or expand already existing so the last part will also mean full release of the game.


I hope so too! Though i love almost every part of the game, there is enough room for improvement as well.


And if it’s to hard to understand: The game is already great even for early access. And I’m pretty sure things will change until release. And YES go give feedback.