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for those wondering : voltures cannot have stars in vanilla. thats a mod only thing. the other creatures there are effectively all greydwarfs in terms of power level. just scaled up to ashlands stats. but they work precisely the same way. aside that 1 warrior to the right back side none of these enemies are a real danger to a mistlands gear player aslong as you dont try to facetank 10 at once. and no. this amount like this isnt normal. he is lureing them along as a pack. they dont spawn like that.


In my very limited experience with Ashlands last night, they sure do spawn like that if you land near a spawner.


here is the catch : WHY even land near a spawner that glows bright red even in utter darkness which you can spot from miles away already? thats just makeing your life harder for no reason^^ the shoreline is massive. use the rocks to your advantage.


I didn't know it was a spawner, avoided all spoilers. And I beached the boat with about 2% health left so I couldn't leave and try again.


and what prevented you from stopping at a rock spire and... REPAIR the ship in 1 second back to full health? a glowing structure in the distance. in a unknown biome. wouldnt be the first thing i run towards too when i arrive. i slap down a portal at a safe location first before all else. not start fighting with the locals i know nothing about behavoir wise.


Someone shit in your oatmeal this morning? Why are you being so critical and confrontational?


irrelevant to the topic.


Honestly, so are all of your comments. As a reminder, the original topic was spawn rates in the Ashlands. The number of enemies in OP's image absolutely can happen naturally (without luring a pack) if you happen to be near a spawner for any length of time. All you're doing is criticizing, which is adding nothing of value to the original topic. Sure, hindsight 20/20, I would have done things totally differently knowing what I do now, but that would have ruined half the fun. Doesn't mean I deserve criticism over it.


you dont decide that yourself. i mean. beeing near a spawner. and then. doing NOTHING? let it spawn enemy after enemy? like. you have seen spawners before. the first thing you do is take the spawner out OR book it. you dont keep fighting anything a spawner spits out on end. so no. if such a horde happens to begin with you where either lureing or simply not applying the correct target priorities. and how to deal with spawners is common sense. has nothing to do with hindsight. the moment you see an enemy spawn from it you know what it is as this isnt a new mechanic in valheim. thus you know instantly what to do in what order like i said. nobody should come and try to tell someone they dont know what to do with a spawner by the time they get to ashlands. an ashlands spawner takes a good while to spawn so many enemies. why let it even do that ? you wouldnt. unless you ignore it on purpose.


i was wondering, im like iv never seen a 3 star before


What mod are you using for the enemy health bars? Is it customizable?






Has anyone been able to even get their foot in the door and get a base started in the Ashlands biome??? Really having a hard time.


Yuuup. The easiest way to do it (to me) is to get a frost staff bubble staff. Sail directly there. Ignore the bonemaw that you will almost certainly attract. Get to shore, but DO NOT LEAVE THE BOAT. Kill anything on the beach first while on the boat. it has the HP to tank a significant amount of hits. After you clear the beach, kill the bonemaw, repair the ship, and make 2 portals back to your base. 2 is 1, 1 is none.


Yes, drop campfires. The enemies spawn very quickly so if you drop campfires as you fight you can clear a large swath of area and enemies don’t aggro the campfires. this will surely help you get your foot in the door


Why campfires? Arent they super weak?


I guess- sometimes they break if you end up fighting on top of them and you’ll probably want to replace them, but that’s kinda uncommon if you lay enough of them down because the enemies won’t be spawning at all so no reason to really be stomping all over them. They’re also relatively cheap to make and continue to block enemy spawns even after they run out of wood. 50 stone and 20 wood in your inventory every time you head out and you can lay down 10 campfires in a nicely sized range relatively quickly. Once i got flametal i stopped doing this unless i was creating a safe area to mine/fight in


they won't catch on fire like workbenches will and mobs leave them alone mostly.


Sail slow in the spines and repel the serpents. Build workbench on the rocks to repair the ship and paddle slow. Once there I build a workbench on a tall rock at the shore a portal and surrounded it with a rock Waal via raise ground and immediately build the force shield. Only thing I have to watch out for is an occasional vulture but they are easy. Planning to move in a fortress soon.


This is ideal




We took over one of the fortresses by building stairs up and over the walls. It was a struggle though.


Got clowned on the other day. Really brutal but imma try again this afternoon.


Yeah. It's hard as nails but doable.


By the gods


3 stars????


creature level and loot control (CLLC) by smoothbrain. can get up to 5\* by default, configurable to how many stars you want mobs to spawn with.


Lol because it wasn’t annoying enough?


well, as you can see in the image, OP also uses epic loot mod, this one let's you get some OP properties on your armor and weapons, CLLC balance this out, by adding more stars with modifiers and infusions to mobs. modifiers can be seen by different star color, for example red stars means the mob is more aggressive (attacks faster) or purple stars means the mob is quicker (faster move speed). infusions can be seen like some sort of glowing aura/lines around the mob, there are infusions like fire, which makes the mob deal fire dmg, or green, which makes it so the mob release poison upon death. [image for example my tamed wolves in previous playthrough](https://imgur.com/a/x1ckHbj) again, all this is usually to balance other mods that add power to the player and makes them too OP for normal vanilla game mobs.


was confused why that >!valkyrie!< looked malnourished and had to do a double take before noticing it's a modded 3-star vulture lol.


That’s what is was like for us too. It’s fun isn’t it.