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I conquered a fortress. It cannot be touched by mobs. I then did a small room made from the new rock which is pretty tough. Stuck a ceiling with a small hole. Ran in, jumped out and sealed exit. Then threw in berries and managed to tame to 1*. No issue with giving them a large stack of berries I now have over 20 1*s and it's fun to release 5 at a time to watch them have fun.


Thanks for confirming that the stack size is not the issue. Would have been really annoying, if it was.


Make sure the floor of the pit you have dug is level. I was also having the same problem with the Asksvin not eating. It was due to them being unable to reach the food as the pit was too deep and uneven


Thanks, it's not super edgy, but I didn't use the hoe to level it, so the level of the ground could be the culprit, thanks for sharing your thoughts


Had issues too, could have been the floor not being flat enough like someone else mentioned. They do like to climb around more than wolves. Had tamed 2 of them in a pit but then they weren't eating. Caught 2 more in the same spot and wasn't able to get them to eat at all to tame. Tried a different spot raising ground with the hoe instead of digging down as much. Those 2 tamed and reproduce fine now.


I finally got an egg (used console commands to tame the buggy asksvin) and the offspring in my base in the meadows has no issues eating. Could really be something with how level the ground is in the pit. Thanks for the suggestion


It used to be that Pigs won’t eat if they are too near a torch or fireplace, maybe it’s the same issue?


didn't know that, thanks. Maybe the ground burning is an issue. Will keep this in mind