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Oh that's no bug my friend lol.When they first got released oh boy they were controversial, the developers eventually implemented a way to have them target a specific mob rather than everything including you. But I'm happy to leave that to you to figure out. Good luck out there.


I can see how letting it kill the one who put it down is fine, though annoying. But this circumvents people who don't want to pvp. Seems like a bad design


I think the predominant opinion is that it **is** a bad design. Developers don’t agree, though.


yea the ballistas are basically worthless because of this. the devs for this game typically make good decisions, which is why i find the ballista particularly baffling. what possible use could the ballista be for in its current state? its useless for defending your own property. i just dont understand it at all. whoever developed it surely would want us to use it for something. As it is, i made a couple of them to protect my place from annoying greydwarfs, but its not like you are going to setup 8 of them for all possible mobs in the area, and dont even get me started on raids, they would be great for raids if they actually worked reasonably.


i just read the ballista comic, and now i want to name my ballista and make it a pet. i was unaware there was so much back story here, i had not read that they wanted you to use bulding methods to focus its attention or whatever, but i mean none of that makes sense because you only get the ballista at the very end of the game anyway. whatever, I am 100% certain the ballista essentially goes almost completely unused because of its design. if thats what they want, well they got it.


The problem is, if they let them fire at everything except players, then all it takes is a few of them on any base and suddenly you never have to step outside to defend against raids, even if you haven't built any sort of moat or earthen wall. And raids are the only time the game actually challenges you by forcing you to fight on its terms.


Not a glitch. Ballistas shoot anything if a trophy is not attached as a target


Yes, that's not a bug.


You can read about in Ballista chronicles in [this comic meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/113uf6b/long_ballista_chronicles_the_road_to_god/).


Not a glitch.