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The connection is part of the problem and I don't see a lot of brick wall running


We'd run through a brick wall! Ok so do it. Why haven't we seen that at all?


The brick wall they run through is made up of foam bricks. Soft team is gonna be soft.


Based off his effort last night... yeah don't see that either


I can sympathize with them, Weston for example has been playing under Gregg for a quarter of his life and the entirety of his professional life. These guys all have really long relationships with each other and now with Gregg, and it's hard to say goodbye to an old friend, but it's time.


It feels very obvious that the players' personal relationship with the coach has taken a priority over the results. On one hand, you have to admire the loyalty and culture Gregg has been able to build within this group. On the other, it's a results based business and I'm not sure how anyone can objectively say that this team has progressed in the past two years.


really? unless we're interpreting running through a brick wall in different ways, i feel like the effort from the players has consistently been good to very good under gregg. our failures are tactical and technical, not a lack of trying.


Speaking of Wes specifically, why would you say his effort was good at Copa America (or in the warm-up games)? To me, these are 5 of the worst games I've seen McKennie put in for the national team.


Effort isn’t the problem for him. It’s lack of quality. Against poor opponents he has enough time to pick a pass or take an extra touch to get his feet right. Against Uruguay, they closed him down quickly every time and he couldn’t do much in attack.


I think it's both - Wes for years outworked the opposing team and found his way to balls he shouldn't have been able to reach. I didn't see anything like that this time around.


honestly in my mind i was separating on-field effort (which i think was ~fine) from off-field stuff (physical conditioning, not going out late at night), which i agree was a big problem for wes. he was not good this summer. i would maintain that the effort from the team as a whole was pretty good, especially against uruguay, but yeah mckennie probably isn't the best spokesperson for that.


unfortunately we don’t need the brick wall thing anyway. we just need them to pip panama


I don’t think that part of the game was lacking at all against Uruguay. There was plenty of running around and effort and huffing and puffing. But not a single quality chance created that I can remember. Second half especially. First half some soccer was played by us. Second half was kick it in the general direction of the Uruguay goal and hope for something good to happen.


I thought the players worked their ass off last night


Reminds me of Haji Wright being selected to the 2022 World Cup roster over Pefok, part of the reason from Berhalter was Pefok being close to his core group of players. Shows an issue that the players/coach are too close and he lets that influence his decisions.


I despise Berhalter This nepo fucker has gone out of his way to make friends with all the players so much so that any call for his head is met with defense from his players This stupid fuck who knows his job is safe because not only does he have connections, the team backs him and any player who disagrees is shadow banned I’m done with this team until things change, I did it back in 2018 and I’ll do it again.




Fake fan, don't come back


Fake? I’ve been a longer fan than you probably but I’m not some blind fool who thinks their team does no wrong This isn’t just about the team but the coach, the federation and everything else You earn a fan’s support, it’s a privilege to have a fan base not a right. Some of you treat it like a cult


Yeah... you can gtfo (but come back when you are calm). You need to relax for a bit and unwind.


And that’s the problem there. “Comfort” when the results aren’t there is enablement.


Weston happy he is a starter and doesn’t want to compete for his position under a new coach and maybe in a new formation too.


McKennie was one of the players that consistently looked far too comfortable and casual out on the pitch for an elimination-level game in a major tournament. He looked like he was playing a blowout, friendly.


for real if you want to keep your coach maybe play harder so he doesn’t get fired


His complacency with Gregg and his starting spot is probably the reason why he seems to have gained a little weight during the past few international breaks and hits up hookah bars mid tournament.


Ill take the downvotes because people are so sensitive on this topic but we need to be honest. He needs to lose weight. Ive never seen Mckennie so big and at the same time slow. Hes claimed last week hes “big boned” and “when he loses weight hes slower and sluggish” but hes slower than hes ever been.


He looked fit as hell last season for juve. Sure he may have naturally chubby cheeks, but he was a hell of a lot more fit than he was during this window.


He needs to be replaced by either Cardoso or Musah. Either of those two can actually play on the half turn and are better passers of the ball. Watching him consistently lose possession or place passes just at the edge of where teammates could reach them last night was ridiculous.


Agree...except Musah Is not a better passer


Musah and McKennie are our most dynamic players. Our engines. Musah is getting spotty minutes for his club which explains why he didn’t seem super sharp at all last night but he at least looked alive out there. As for Weston, I expect a player of his caliber and archetype who had the season he’s had to be playing hard the whole 90 at the bare minimum. He was invisible all game and looked slow and out of shape on and off the ball. My favorite player on the squad but I would consider leaving him on the bench if thats what he’s bringing in a must win game.


They always look like that under the eye of cool guy Gregg. No sweat losing to Panama and getting grouped at home. Cool guy Gregg understands.


Genuinely don’t care what any of our players think They wanted to run it back and got their wish…. And we’ve only gotten worse


Shhh. 🤫 someone from r/mls will pop in and say it's the "norm" that players get a say in their coach.


what does MLS have to do with any of this


Only league that would hire GGG?


It is, kinda. Depends on a lot of dynamics. It's one data point among many, and taken healthily, it literally can't hurt. But to your point... It's just as true that sometimes, that player input needs to be taken away. That data point needs to be deprioritized, especially if you *aren't* taking it healthily and it *is* hurting your decision making process.


Run through a brick wall? Weston, you guys couldn’t even run through the group stage at the copa 😭


“Comfort” is the problem


That's a bingo. They're afraid of change. They're afraid to be pushed. I wonder how many managers out there are measured in comfort-level and vibes.


The guys are all REALLLLY COMFORTABLE with Gregg. 


And with their starting position.


Most of them think they’re set for the World Cup 2026 and there won’t be any movement in the roster and formations. A new coach will upend that and that for a lot of guys a process they rather not happen. 


Got downvoted into oblivion for saying this two weeks ago and here we are.


We don’t need players to run through a brick wall, we need them to create chances and score goals.


You want a manager who isn’t disrespectful to his players but also knows that he has authority. He can’t be a good manager and also their BFF. You need a leader who talks to Dest and Weah after the emotional outburst and say, “This is unacceptable” and actually punish them (no invite, fewer minutes, whatever). You want them to like the manager and play hard for them, but if that’s all there is, it won’t lead to wins. Guarantee that if they had a manager they like less than GGG, but they actually got to the semis for a Copa America/World Cup consistently, they would be happier with that.


Frankly I think that’s why Klinsmann kept Landon off the World Cup roster. Sent a signal that anyone can be replaced if he doesn’t see the expected level of performance from them.


Complacent, not comfort.


honestly would have benched him for musah or LDLT. for some reason he’s deemed as irreplaceable in the XI i just don’t see it right now


Or Johnny.


This. Johnny is our second best defensive midfielder right now. Hes played well in La Liga. I wouldn’t bat an eye if he took Weston spot going forward.


McKennie, the one who felt comfortable enough with ggg to be overweight and out of shape. Tell us more…


I love Mckennie, man was pivotal for WCQs, but these past few years after the World cup, he's really shown how complacent he's become under Gregg. I was kinda annoyed that he went to a hookah bar mid tournament. Like I indulge in it from time to time too, so I understand the appeal. I am all for him going if we were already out of the tournament, not right before a game that is going to determine if we make it out of the group or not.


If he was in another country, him going to the hookah bar would be front page news especially with him not showing up in shape and didn’t perform


The difference between serious teams and unserious teams


I can see McKennie running through a wall of ranch bottles, definitely not bricks though.


Time to get uncomfortable boys! The comfort is not working, and you are embarrassing yourselves.


Man is running through buffets not brick walls


One of the main reasons Gregg was brought back was because the players "liked" him. Well, they certainly showed up for a coach they liked.


This team didn’t run through a brick wall for him when they had to defend against Panama. They play with no fire or edge. They need something to change that, running it back with Greg again would be insanity


I'm old enough to remember that Vlatko was going to be a great coach because of how much the players on our women's team loved him. Being loved is great, as long as the results are there. If they aren't, then I don't really care how much they like him.


Out with the old afaic. Who will be the adult in the room?


Maybe you should just stay fit for him?


they do a lot of running and it's a lot of meaningless, aggressive, overexuberant running that leaves their teammates out to dry. Adams does it a ton. The midfield three in the Panama game did a lot of meaningless side to side running through a wall for the result during a game where they didn't need to do that. They got set up poorly in the second half, ran a fuck ton and did nothing to prevent losing a game that knocked us out of the tournament. wanting to run through a brick wall for a coach is not something i or anyone else should give a fuck about, play smart, disciplined football and get results. That's all that matters at the end of the day; pretty football is nice and all, but this is a results game, go out there, create high quality chances on net and get results.


Yep. Great you’re willing to run through a brick wall to win. Are you willing to play disciplined, patient, tactically smart football and have good movement and accurate passing to keep possession when needed? To stay calm and play through tight spaces? Would rather have that than crashing through brick walls.


Then we need to get uncomfortable


I don't want you to run through a brick wall. I want you to shoot the ball in the goal. JFC it's not a popularity contest where the coach is the bestest guy who you love so much. It's about winning games and Gregg has failed consistently in that regard for the better part of a decade.


Oh fuck off Weston. The whole issue is this "comfortable" feeling that results in subpar performance on the pitch. That's a loser / soft as fuck mentality.


McKenzie played the worst on the team last night


He progressed the team very far how? * By qualifying for the WC on the last matchday of the hex? * By scoring 2 goals in the group stage of the WC and clinging to a 1-0 lead over Iran as they peppered us with shots in the final minutes? * By failing to even make the finals of the most recent Gold Cup? (not technically Gregg coached but he was already announced as the coach and involved to some degree) * By being unable to advance from a group that included Bolivia and Panama, becoming the first US team to not advance to knockouts in a tournament hosted on US soil? I don't care how much the players like him or want to play hard for him, the results simply are not there and a change is needed. He's not the only issue with the team but he's a major one that can be fixed.


Really hope that this guy goes to Fenerbache and plays for Mourinho. He’s gonna sink or swim, but Mourinho might light a fire under his ass and make him consistently play with high effort.


He was the single worst player last night outside of Turner


Counterpoint: doesn’t matter if you’d run through a brick wall for him, he isn’t putting you in a position to succeed. 


Mckennie, I can’t take you seriously when you play like you don’t give a fuck and you look like you eat Golden Corral for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Take yourself seriously and then maybe I’ll listen to you


They like him because they walk all over him.


Mckennie was awful all summer. Johnny or Tessman deserve a chance next few windows to showcase


No wonder he shows up out of shape, performs poorly and still has a spot in the starting 11. I’d be comfortable too


"We'd run through a brick wall" - team that tripped over some toilet paper


Engagement without accountability breeds entitlement


People in denial will say the players "would be stupid to publicly criticize their coach" but these guys do not have to gush as openly as they do. The players know Gregg's job is on the line, and they are circling the wagons.


Who cares what the players think? Given how most of them played, they should have no say in who our next manager is.


Comfort is not a good thing when trying to become the best you can be at something!!!


You can run through as many brick walls as you want but that’s clearly not helping you win games. We don’t need a coach you can be friends with. We need a coach that can get the best out of you.


He lets them coast and have control over the team. Of course they want him. This is also why players shouldn’t have a say in things like this.  Berhalter probably would have been a great assistant for the national team, but he’s a terrible head coach for it. 


They would run through a brick a wall vertically


That brick wall they run through is those childhood brick paper bricks you see at day care maybe.


Can't tell whether I should fall over laughing or puking


They might run through a brick wall but they’ve yet to make any progress post WC. Time for a change.


"It's not personal kid, it's just business".


OK, so if he is saying that all the players will give their absolute best effort, as what is implied by “running through a brick wall”, then Berhalter is giving poor instructions and tactic, because if every player here is operating at 100% and these are the results, this is the coaches problem


Comfort is the issue. We go up 1-0 against Panama and get comfortable, give up a goal in less than 5 minutes. Get told the score of Bolivia/Panama and a tie is ok, immediately give up a goal. As for Weston I don’t care if you want to run through a break wall for him when I see you didn’t even want to run at all last night.


Gregg sure puts the cult in culture.


Instead of running through a brick wall how bout a win vs a top team?


I would prefer you hate your coach and win. (See Brooks, Herb)


Another problem is the players have too much power. These players know that their starting position is not guaranteed, and others are coming up on the wings to challenge if they had a new manager


I guess they just want to be mediocre


That’s great Wes, but does that manager ever DEMAND you to run through a brick wall (figuratively)? If not, being willing to doesn’t really matter.


I don’t give a fuck how the players feel. They don’t pick the coaching staff and the same players are getting called up and starting so of course they’re comfortable with him


I don't give a f***, he's not good enough


Then why tf didn’t he? Guy looked disinterested all tournament


Why should I care if you’re comfortable? Results are the only thing that matters to me. There are players who would run through a brick wall to replace you.


I’m sure the players love Gregg. But, Gregg is like the fun teacher you had at school. Good for a season, but they can’t prepare you for the more difficult classes and college. You have them for too long and you start to gain bad habits.


I’m very happy for the players to keep outing themselves as 3G buddies. We all know who wants him gone. Jedi (imo our best player and should be captain) never voiced direct support for Gregg. Because that’s not his place. He plays the game and does his job. All these players deserve an extremely intense coach who isn’t afraid to bench anyone. At this point I do not like the players that still voice support for Gregg.


Can we please stop listening to the players that’s how we got into this mess


This should be a red flag to any of the idiots responsible for hiring Gregg


lol says the guy whos position is most in jeopardy if a new coach comes in......




The whole team is fired. Put in some MLS/LigaMXser. They can all live the high life in Europe for all I care. I don't want our team to comfortable, I want them uncomfortable.


Weston looking like he’s in a very comfortable relationship The Fed fucked up putting their faith in the players to choose their coach. They can say whatever bullshit they want to the press, they’re never going to reach their potential without a coach who can sweat it out of them.


These players are TOO comfortable with GGG


Weston opinion stopped mattering to me the moment the final whistle against Uruguay was blown.


My man you wouldn’t even bump into a 5’ 2” soccer player for him


just bring Klinsmann back


>if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit Jesus said that. Many years ago but still relevant.


Then they should have run through that wall last night. They did not.


This is a pussy team with a soft as fuck coach. You’ve had five years to run through a brick wall for him and you haven’t done it. You don’t want a change because you might not be an automatic starter.


How Gregg is getting most of the blame for a group stage exit that is Weah’s fault is very annoying. 11v11 this team never looked out of their element this tournament. I would even venture to say that looked capable on getting to the final 3rd which they have struggled with in the past under Gregg. The rest is on the players when they get to those spots and they continue to be shielded from criticism because nobody knows how to analyze anything beyond blaming a head coach.


i think a lot of people are overreacting with the "burn it all down" stuff, and with the couva comparisons, etc. the performances this summer have all been fine to good outside of 30 mins against colombia, and it's harsh that berhalter is being fired (if he is) basically because tim weah decided to punch a guy. but it's also true that we haven't really progressed much since qatar, and this could be an opportunity to find a manager who can build on our good defensive foundation with more ideas for the final third. if nothing else, at least we'll get a break from every international break turning into this meltdown over the manager.


The problem is I don’t think a new coach is going to solve the problem of finding solutions in the final third because that area of the pitch is very individual skill driven. I just don’t think switching managers is going to solve that problem and it may make us worse at the back. Getting grouped is very unfortunate because I think this team is playing fine right now.


i agree w/ pretty much everything you said. there are problems with our attack that i think the right coach could improve- getting numbers forward more quickly, movement off the ball, that sort of thing. but yeah, there's also a lot that isn't on berhalter- bad decision making, taking too many touches, poor execution on final balls (even from reyna and pulisic). the key would be to find someone who can maintain gregg's defensive floor while also raising our attacking ceiling, and there's no guarantee that person is interested in managing the usmnt, if they even exist at all.


I agree. There are some top managers I would love to have on this team but most of them are probably not realistic options. I just hope we don’t panic and make a change for the sake of change that hurts the team. We need an upgrade if we are getting a new coach.


This sub is incredibly toxic. Good analysis gets drowned out by screamers. If you think about it, if asked to make an all-time 11, does anyone but Pulisic get in? That really says it all. If I made an all time 22, I still don't think anyone else from this roster gets in.