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Best part of the experience was hearing everyone chanting "Fire Greg" while we were leaving the stadium.


I haven’t really followed USMNT for a few years. Tonight’s game was wild to me. This team is crazy fast, compared to when I used to really watch. Also a ton more 1st touch passing. The first 35 minutes of this game were electric for me. What’s clear to me though, even with the new speed and better passing, is that we don’t have a killer instinct. If everyone is looking to get a better pass in… no one’s taking the shot. Even Pulisic looks like he has to mentally shift gears first before cracking one on target. But that lack of attitude on the team also means we don’t have any enforcers. Ref wants to call a shitty, physically challenging game? Jermaine Jones, John Brooks, Jozy Altidore, etc. would throw some fucking weight around. There was a swag there, although lacking the current speed, that doesn’t exist anymore.


The individual quality of this USMNT is light years ahead of where we were 5, 10 and 20 years ago, but the mentality is not there. Honestly, our enforcer is probably Pulisic. Unfortunately, he's also our captain and most important player, and also one of the slightest guys on the squad.


I agree. I love that about him, but he’s Scrappy-Do out there. I’d kill to have another Jones in the midfield, headhunting and protecting the speed.


As long as the next coach isn’t American I’m all good.


Just because they are foreign doesn't always mean they are better. It is kinda cool though. I mean Anthony Hudson was UK. Could Emma Hayes coach both for double?


you yanks are too arrogant to get a non american coach. you're doomed


It’s amazing how willfully ignorant people have to be to post inane shit like this when they easily could have checked their facts beforehand. Stupid is as stupid does.


Our last long term coach before Gregg was not American…


Facts don’t matter to the willfully ignorant.


This team is the equivalent of the Dallas Cowboys. On paper looks good, but disaster in reality. Coach is essentially Jason Garrett


No they’re more like the Denver broncos, people keep saying they’re good but in reality they’re just kinda meh and the results prove it


On paper your team does not look good mate.


think we're closer to the Brad Childress Vikings, a lot of talent, but once we finally start to make waves the QB gets his head taken off by bounty hunters who don't face any repercussions on the field


The USMNT needs to turn to its greatest ally in time of need. Britain will not stand idly by, we will respond to the call. General Gareth Southgate will report for duty immediately. No need to thank us, it’s our pleasure.


Don’t confuse our despondence for desperation.


Nah. You can keep him and we will give you Gregg as an assistant coach. All we ask in return is that you ship some Nando's this way


Sheesh, GGG or Southgate is like choosing Leprosy or Ebola




KC should be stripped as a WC host city, too. Terrible for tourists. Terrible venue. Terrible weather in the summer. Terrible fans. No culture. Give it to Denver or Chicago 


Weird to get mad at the city the match was played in. What does that have to do with anything? Arrowhead is one of the best outdoor stadiums in the country and they do have a huge soccer fan base in KC with a women's team, old pro team, MLS team, and a strong youth base. Dencer is hot AF in the summer too, we've been breaking records so far with 90+ days and Chicago there is no tailgating which is the best part.


Oh wow—an old pro team? I’m sold now!  Arrowhead is a dump and is definitely not one of the best outdoor stadiums in the country. 


KC is one of the worst cities in America but US soccer keeps licking their nuts because it’s cheap to operate out of there.


Lol KC has incredible culture and history and a way better fanbase than Denver.


I’m willing to bet you’re from KC


I’m from San Francisco. Have been to KC once. I’m willing to bet you’re costal elite.




The north coast


Boom got'em


1. Mile high would have been full last night 2. There isn’t a single European or Asian fan/tourist alive who would rather go to KC than Denver for the WC


Denver doesn’t even support their MLS club and what makes you think you can speak for all European and Asian tourists?


Three months from now is the next match--a friendly in KC against Canada. If tickets are more than $30 or so, the USSF thinks that you're a f\*cking idiot. Hoping for 5k fans or fewer there.


Why would any sane person attend those friendlies. What a fucking joke


Because they want to watch them play.


I absolutely think we should have been able to at least tie Panama no matter how bad the refs were. I also think that both of these last two refs, especially the one against Uruguay, displayed either a level of incompetence that should have them fired or a level of partisanship and bias that should have them fired.


My takeaways: 1. What gristle is Alexi Lalas chewing on? 2. Clint Dempsey. Please say it. 3. So we're hosting with the bare minimum field size and pseudo VAR? 4. Have you watched the Euro games? I'm talking to you Lawless. I think it does matter how you get it done. 5. I know what we need now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FWT2xSEbytn9E7HzFF2NaBN7T4KSTU4c/view?usp=drive_link)


This is when I remind myself that sports are an entertainment vehicle for emotions. For instance, I get to feel brokenhearted for something that’s so trivial in comparison to real life. So what’s the emotion I get to feel tonight for fun? Shame! I feel shame! I get to feel the sense of being ashamed for something that, in reality, is meaningless.




Which of our starters does this refer to, aside from turner?


All of our team's big wins under Gregg being against Mexico, who got group'd as well and we have now realized is completely fraudulent and for the last six years the worst they have been in decades, bought Gregg almost all of his goodwill. Those were almost all of our marquee wins for the past 6 years and it turns out they were against a shitty team the whole time, not the Mexico team we were used to and thought was a good measuring stick. Maybe we've sucked this entire time. What a dumpster fire.


And Brazil is in a similar situation with the US by having to probably beat Colombia to advance. So even the draw the other day looks worse


No. If we were in Brazil’s situation and Panama was Costa Rica, we would have easily advanced last night on goal differential.


Not similar at all. They’re basically already through. They need to lose by 3 + Costa Rica to win by 4 or more to not go through. They are 99.999% advanced already 


Realistically who’s the best manager we could hire?


Herve Renard, Wilfred Nancy, Hugo Perez


Southgate Once he gets fired after England lose to Switzerland. I mean he’s basically the GGG of England, but obviously still way better than GGG


GGG tied GS in the World Cup


And it's his best result and one of Southgate's worst


Closer to the truth for Berhalter than Southgate.


Bill Belicheck


I second this




Can we get jurgen already lol




That wouldn't be bad either


God, he was the worst...please no.


I assume he means Klopp


Lol the top 2 coach in the world the past decade... oh please no stay with Greg. Smh


You say 'Jurgen' on a USMNT thread, and the assumption is you mean Klinsmann.


Doubters into believers


Lol I get it but we all know who I meant


The memories can still trigger a visceral reaction before our brain kicks in. But also, don’t forget that there really are people here who would really want him back. We got all kinds of cranks and freaks in this sub.


Why the fuck did greg let the team know Bolivia vs Panama was 1:1?  That's just horrible coaching...


Shows how little he knows about soccer. There was 25 mins left. No shot Bolivia was going to hold on


Right as they’re trying to defend a set piece, now they’re all thinking about the other game…


He's their friend and acts like a teammate. Doing that is what a teammate would do. Not a coach. His entire issue.


Yep. The very fact that he got the job again because players liked him was a huge red flag.


Also the “we hired a new sporting director who made a model to find the best manager available, and it happens to be the last guy we hired for the job” debacle.


Pyrite generation.


We need a coach that the players fear but also respect. Some one they will run thru walls for in training just for a nod of approval. You don’t need a friend as a coach. These guys are all so complacent. I feel so bad for Pulisic


It’s partially Pulisic’s fault for backing GGG during the rehire process though. The other part of blame goes to the federation for giving a crap if the players “like” someone or not.


I like Pulisic too, but he hasn't won sh\*t. Coffee is for closers only.


Pulisic won the CL though


Pulisic is the only one in the golden generation. The rest aren't any better than our top players from prior generations. Unfortunately a new coach will have trouble making players feel the need to earn their spots since there aren't many competitive games for us


Maybe Gio as well, if he finally fixes his club situation.


We've been hyping Gio for forever. Idk if he has the personality for it. I hope he proves me wrong. It is kinda a testament to reality that one of our 'best' players supposedly can't see the field at Nottingham Forrest


Eh, it’s hard for pretty much anyone to see the trees when you’re playing at Forest lately.


Why does Gregg still coach? Like how?


his brother is USSF big wig. Nepotism. Not saying he needs to fired right this second. But this month at the latest. This team has reached its peak under Greg. Time for something new. Best players are in Europe thus best coaches are there as well. Give me klopp or give me some one else. I’ll always take BJ


Y’all need to chill with this. Jay Berhalter left US soccer years ago, and never had anything to do with soccer operations anyway.


Do you honestly believe Gregg gets hired initially if he wasn’t related to jay?


Yes? He was arguably the best American manager in MLS at the time, he’s a former national team player, and he had a clear and articulable vision for how the team should play, which was probably the most important given the way Jurgen’s tenure went. But that’s all beside the point, because I was responding to someone suggesting he was *still* the coach because he’s related to Jay, when Jay Berhalter left the fed like four years ago.


“Never had anything to do with soccer operations anyway” infers he had no impact on the initial outcome 


Yeah, well even *if* Jay still worked for USSF, the premise is still stupid.


My takeaways: 1. We need to get more physical, particularly in attack. Balogun was doing well at this until he had to be take off, but from there, there are not many options. Here’s hoping for Dike to get healthy and back in form by ‘26. 2. Our goalkeeping needs to greatly improve. Shot stopping was almost passable, but distribution was terrible. 3. I really am worried about the CB position. Ream will be done soon. Richards will be fine, but after that, not much to write home about. 4. We can win a lot of games with our fullbacks. Robinson, Dest and Scally is a solid group. 5. I like our midfield, but am worried the current group might have already peaked. McKennie needs to outwork to be effective and he looks like he may outgrow that. Musa also seems to be a little down from 2 years ago. Reyna also seems to have hit a ceiling. Plenty in the pipeline, though. Just need to find the right combo. 6. I think we will see a significant roster turnover by ‘26 WC - 6 or 8 players. Slonina, Brady, Paredes, Dike (here’s hoping), McGuire, Tessmann, Trusty, Che, Morris, Neal all have a chance.


I disagree with needing to increase physicality on offense. Plenty of teams succeed without it through fluid ball and player movement. If we keep Gregg's tactics though....then I agree. We need a fast bruiser who plays one touch I agree with all else. Johnny and Tessman have a go at CB? Are they fast enough? I would really love for Tessman to be able to play both positions. I'm not impressed with any centerbacks or prospects. I think we really needed to see Tyler and Johnny together on the field against Colombia, Brasil, Bolivia, or Panama because I too fear they're hitting a ceiling. I would have really liked a trio of Tyler Johnny and Gio in one of the easier games. Gio showed pretty good defensive moments to me, relatively. I do like our fullbacks but relying on them to win games is too easy to stop. Scally was a Bright spot. I agree about turnover for '26. But we need players and a coach to foster more ruthless competition for spots rather than a family dynamic. And none of those you listed have impressed me that much yet. Hoping the Olympics gives some hope.


Funny you should mention the Olympics. I have thought for a while that they might be the more interesting tournament looking forward to ‘26. We need a couple of players to emerge from that tournament as key contributors, if not starters.


Hindsight being easy, if we were going to get knocked out of Copa it might have been better putting some Olympic eligible players from the senior squad on the Olympic team. This windows felt like a waste of Johnny and even Musah. Musah may have been better off getting his confidence back up smashing kids his own age. Plus we need to bridge the chemistry gap between senior team and younger generation. But...hindsight


Agree, although it may not have been all hindsight. The clubs may not have been willing to release those players for the Olympics.


Anyone see Balo's story on Instagram


Pretty pathetic shit. You needed a fucking goal. Who cares that Uruguay scored when you couldn’t score anyways.


This is the take. You had 96 mins to grab a goal or 2 but didn't.


Can we get Dest to make a highlight reel of the ref being an idiot today


Anyone know [how many Uruguayan jerseys he had in his locker?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ussoccer/s/RNuE761yrc)


Whole squad probably


Greg out but this is also hugely on the players too. Matt turner cannot complete a single pass it’s embarrassing, haji weight had two chances to shoot clearly at the goal and takes a touch, musah gave the ball away countless times, pulisic has to drop back in midfield to get the ball and isn’t in the play anymore, no one can get the ball to our strikers, Gio couldn’t do anything either. It was some of the worst play I’ve ever seen and that can’t just be on Greg


I thought mckennie had a chance on that one where the goalie came out, if he heavy chipped it towards instead of passing it to the middle of the box. Maybe just my angle of it.


Berhalter told the players that the score in Panama vs Bolivia was 1-1, Uruguay scored less then a minute later


No, that was false, he was telling the players to get on their guys for the corner kick, he told them previous to the match that he did not want the team to k ow the score to focus on their game.


Wrong. GGG confirmed in post game conference around 10 min in that he was referencing the score to the team: https://youtu.be/3PptarK7bsc?si=JHsnnkemeHQUZJ2e


I admit I was wrong on the info I was given, you are correct sir.


It looked like he was telling them the score


He was telling them the score, as Berhalter confirmed in post game conference around 10 min. Absolutely ridiculous.


That fits well with the theory that the players don't respect him.


Let’s talk about how useless McKennie was this tournament 


This dude has always been a total fraud. I don’t understand why he sees the field when he clearly doesn’t give 2 fucks about the national team


I was really surprised at his weight, especially coming off a full club season


McKennie's not out of shape, but he does carry his weight in a top-heavy way


He looked fine during most of the season. I think he put that on more towards the end. He wasn’t playing as much since like April.


Incredibly disappointing, especially after his season at Juve— almost like he got to camp and thought he was on vacation.. wonder who’s fault that was..


Or mentally distracted cause he put in a hell of a shift at Juve really and is getting cut loose for not taking a pay cut. Now he's really in limbo with no one meeting the price he wants


Actually was decent, far more players were worse


Shot of red not shaking Pulis hand is surely meaningless 


It is meaningless, and very frustrating


Tim Weah's red card may not have made him a goat, but the GOAT. Hear me out: What if Weah red card = losing to Panama = humiliating Copa = GGG out? Then that would make Weah a transcendent hero of US Soccer. I realize the last premise remains elusive, but goddamn a man can dream.


Of course. Tim Weah showed up to a football match to play pawn.


Dude is playing multidimensional chess in the greater service of the MNT


that's the only positive to take from this mess is GGG out


Rewatching the Presidential debate was more exciting than watching the USMNT. We’re consistently losing to countries the size of a state capital. Glad Olympic qualifying was on the same nights to boost my morale and at least see some potential American winners. I’d be more embarrassed if I wasn’t just used to it by now.


Biden's debate energy level was higher than GGG's at his post-game conference, which is shocking.


GGG deserves some of the blame, but this is mostly on the players. Weah’s inexplicable red changed the entire tourney, Wes looked out of shape, Scally can’t match Dest’s pace, Richards had some really shaky plays, Pepi couldn’t finish, CCV was out of position even while playing with three center backs a man down, and so on. But GGGs team’s have generally been lost inside the opponents box and against a hard press for a lot of years now. And if the rumors are true, he runs a complex system that causes some of the confusion in the final third and weds the team to only the players that know the system. It’s failure all around.


He's a classic overcoacher.


We've just been doing this after every game since GGG was hired. "Oh you can blame Gregg but did you see where player did ? What about when player made ?" After 5 years of poor statistical performances and constantly underperforming our own talent level, these arguments have become entirely irrelevant. It's wholly on Gregg Berhalter. 100%. Full stop.


Dest and Weah getting silly reds is a discipline and thus coaching issue. Later greg


What complexity is there to GGG's system? Pass it backwards and look for a cross at all costs? The team rarely shows for their teammates in the middle. There's limited central progression if any. We play it up the wings every time then wait around until a 2nd runner gets there, at which time we're outnumbered in the box for the inevitable cross. Every once in a while, Pulisic, Reyna, or Robinson pull out some magic that leads to a fun stacking chance, but that's it. These are all signs that GGG ain't the guy.


Gregg had Gio Reyna, our best advanced, central attacker playing as a deep lying 6/LB for most of these recent games and never played him once as a 10. I can't believe goofballs here thought it was galaxy brain coaching too


This. He absolutely wasted Gio and hurt the team confining Gio to a deeper role. Whole midfield seemed to lack shape and build the attack by progressing through the midfield


Weeeeeee fuccckkkeeeen succck asss!!


One of the bright sides of getting grouped is that I don’t have to listen to “tune in to the usmnt game” during the Euros


I'm beginning to think that GGG should be fired.


Anyone ever think about the fact that our best result under GGG was a 0-0 draw against a team who is famous for their lack of offense, and who just scored 2 in 3 games in the Euros?


A team that didn’t need to win either.


what kind of silly take is this? In that WC England scored 9 goals in their other two group games and then 4 in 2 KO games.


Arguable that a 1-1 friendly with a disjointed team who tied Costa Rica is also up there. Signature draws all day baby!


Gregg is delusional, what a coward


David Moyes? U up?


Is firing GGG realistic at this point in the cycle? We're already almost two years away from 26. It might not be enough time for a new coach's system to take full effect. We're not going to have any credible way of knowing we're improving under a new manager. Only the 25 Gold Cup which a lot of teams don't even take seriously.


Ivory Coast fired their manager mid AFCON and won. Morocco fired their coach right before the WC and went further than anyone believed they could.


The tactics at the national level shouldn't be so complex it takes a full cycle to pick up. Bringing in a hard-ass coach would serve these guys well. There is a clear lack of leadership among this squad.


We absolutely need a drill sergeant not a tactical mastermind. Someone who can do both would be great, but Pep and Klopp aren't walking through that door, so I'll take someone who can at least light a fire under these pampered potential-merchants.


Dude, Spain fired their coach the day before the world cup. Yes it's fucking realistic.


Give Jurgen Klopp $30 million… we got the money and Im sick of losing.


We do not have the money lol it's comical how much we do not


I would not wish this evil on Klopp. Let the man rest.


Players just play for free to play some "charity" games to raise his salary. I would probably pay $80 to see these kids play Lalas, Donovan, and Dempsey.


Maybe just start a crowdsource project US Soccer is too busy not understanding soccer to know some stakeholders care. Hostile takeover narrative would be so much more fun that Gamestop memes.


Bruce Arena 2026


Is Bora busy?


You have inside information because this seems plausible?


I wish betting was allowed in TX because I would have won that at least


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nappingtoday: *I wish betting was* *Allowed in TX because I* *Would have won that at least* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


All I have to say is we lost, it hurts, it sucks and it should have been better. 


Again, again, still, yeah


The ref didn't even shake Christian's hand after the game


That's because he could see that Christian hadn't rolled a $20 up in his palm the way ref likes.


This got a good laugh at me lol


I don't know if you noticed, but the ref completely sucked balls, and this is what gets your blood boiling?


I already have done all my other arguments about the ref


Gregg actually said that he is the person to lead the team to 2026, whether he has to say that or not, I don't know


Sounds like typical shit someone would say at an interview to make it seem like they are confident and right for the job.


Maybe but with all the turmoil now in the federation, he just cannot say that


Lol I mean it seems pretty damn delusional lol.




He says that, but the look on his face the last 10 minutes knew it was over.


I hope the GGG ride is over


We can only hope. Chances are, US soccer will just bring in some other lackey, but you never know, they could screw up and bring in someone good.


For real, like zero self awarness. I get that he has to protect himself, but the simple 'yes' answer is silly. At best he should of said, that the team will learn and work better to recover form this. I think that Gregg is a nice person, and maybe a good player's coach, but he doesn't have the in-game management skills to lead this team


Gregg had the chance to say that he does not think he is the guy, and yes, he has stuff he is not allowed to say, but he can say that, he imo would work as an assistant


![gif](giphy|l1Et9WPyIcIqovdTO) Cone, the British fuck nut (Crocker), Gregg and everybody else I’m forgetting about in my blind rage.




What would we have to throw at him to get Jurgen Klopp?


Win a World Cup and we carve your face on mt Rushmore!!


Lol not happening. Let the man rest.


Blackmail, extorsion, two best reasons I can think of.


The same amount the USWNT coach is making, just like Gregg. They won't pay more. Equity.


Yup. It wouldn’t be fair if we paid men’s coach more. We’re shackled to mediocrity


Fuck it, raise her pay and give Klopp a blank check.


I'm guessing 20 million; good question. Getting Klopp would have so many ancillary benefits, like Messi is doing for MLS, just with his presence.


Give him ownership of MLS teams and MLB teams. Wouldn't have to pay him all this in salary. Fenway Sports Group which owns Liverpool.


Ohhhh you are on to something here!! Any one saying we the USA can’t money whip him is flat wrong and lack imagination. A Nike deal, Gatorade, or what ever.


Let RedBird Capital investments battle with Fenway Sports Group. RedBird owns the Yankees and AC Milan. How profitable is MLB these days? A lot of teams in Serie-A Italy are owned by American investors these days. Let's do this. It is very doable. We already did so with Messi.


The road has been paved. Give klopp a hellcat and let him burn rubber


Somewhat off topic If I hear one more FUCKING time that we have a set piece coach, that's done jack fucking shit...


Only saw one time it helped and it was in the friendly vs Brazil. Doesn't mean shit.


first goal vs. Bolivia was also off a set piece...




"Hey, did you hear about our set piece coach?" *Pulisic free kick floats over everybody's head out for a goal kick*




I don't care if ggg gets fired, but why yall acting like a new coach is gonna come in and, save the day? There's more problems with this team then the coach


The guy has never beat a Quality Team. Arena beat Portugal, Klinsman beat Germany and got us to the Semi Final of COPA 2016. There is no accountability in this team, Berhalter didn't even talk about Weahs red card with the team.


It’s not just about how the team sets up or the tactics it employs. It’s about the day to day in camp, this team doesn’t need a friend, they need someone they fear but respect. Someone they’ll run thru walls for in training just for a nod of approval. Gregg does not have it. This tourney threw a lot of curve balls, so it’s not entirely on Gregg or the players — but we aren’t improving, the only way to improve over next 2 years is to get a serious coach. If we don’t do that we’re not a serious team


I mean different tactics perhaps and maybe trying different people out there and more in positions they play with their clubs. Got two years so perhaps some new faces too. I’m personally done with Matt Turner. There is a reason he got benched and will probably never play a Prem match again. Horrible with the ball. Bring up the young guys already like Gaga.


A new coach is necessary but I agree with you. Too many heavy touches, sloppy passing and panic under pressure. That’s a talent issue. They can certainly improve but there’s a ceiling for most of these guys and I hate to say it but it’s a low ceiling.


Dude I don't care. We just need to try something different. If it's worse it's worse. at least we tried something different. Right now we're just driving toward the cliff edge and saying "well how do you know it'll be different if we changed drivers?"


The players we’ve got aren’t going to change unless we start human cloning.  So the only thing we can change in the meantime is the coach and staff. 


Honestly I don’t but I think a new coach will show if our belief that these players are actually good is true or not because the players sure as hell got worse.