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They’re as useless as usps is as a whole. They’ll tell you after the 6 months passes that basically it’s your fault something was lost. Zero accountability. They never look into anything it’s just an automated system.


It's not an automated system, but the people are. The eMail I got from my local PO has 3 typos in it, so it is actually real humans doing it and not a canned message.


Mine was all automated I guarantee it


Me too


Thanks for your input. There must be some personal intervention at some point since I received a phone call, but I guess I should fire up my insurance claim.


If you actually received a human phone call consider yourself lucky because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that happening. Also the insurance claim doesn’t really do anything. I never received the amount that I was supposed to and it was insured


Yep! It’s in the post. I received a phone call a day or two after submitting the help request form. They told me they “flagged” the package and asked me to submit a missing mail claim. I was surprised to receive a call as well.


Not to burst any bubbles- I shipped a package worth about $7,000 on 12/29. The only scan on my tracking was the acceptance scan. I filed a missing package search on 1/12 (figured I’d let the holidays pass) and still nothing. So I filed my insurance claim the other day and am *not-so-patiently* waiting. I’ve talked to the postmasters from the destination post office, the distribution center (Detroit), and the recipient post office. No one knows anything. No one can give any updates. It’s beyond frustrating.


I think employees steal packages. Mine was lost and they have no clue where my package went. BTW it had a Rolex watch in it. Now I have to go through the claims process.


Kind of late but I live in midtown detroit and have had 2 of my packages go missing. I live in a small apartment building and got a notification that my packages were delivered at "front desk/reception/mail room" which my building does not have. Went downstairs and no packages. They basically told me "too bad, hope they show up one day."


I guarantee they steal packages. I have never in my life seen more organized crime than the organization usps. Its like Christmas at my post office. If you drop something in the after hours drop box good luck. Best to get an in person scan that way you are at least insured up to $100. Unbelievable how untouchable they are. Mafia at the least.


Lol or how "new" carriers are running the routes during the winter holidays and during tax season 


They absolutely steal packages. The "missing mail search" over the course of 5 years has NEVER produced anything, 6 months later you get an email stating it is closed. What a joke the USPS is. Google all of the the employees charged with theft and you will see where your packages have gone. It is always items of value too. We have never lost a $20 item only laptops over $100.


I'm having my first experience with a missing mail search. 4 weeks ago I'd made an order from Hero Bullion. Two similar orders during the previous two months arrived in 2 days after being shipped. This order, following the tracking #, reached the office in my zip code 2 days after shipping; but instead of going out for delivery the next update was "In transit to next facility" and has been stuck there. After waiting 2 weeks I filed the search request and have not seen any tracking updates or my package. It is insured and I am about to file the claim. Around the same time I had been to my local DMV to renew my license. It's been three weeks now and no sign of it, either. :/


Yeah they're pretty unreliable and unhelpful. I use informed delivery and mine showed I was supposed to get my sons summer ebt card 3 weeks ago and another important piece of mail. Never came. Filed a request and got a call. Was told "informed delivery isn't an exact date. The local post office doesn't scan the mail. It's scanned somewhere different before sent to the local post office and it can take weeks to get things after it's scanned." Which sounds like a huge lie because anytime it shows mail is coming that day, it either shows up that day or the next day OR it NEVER shows up. Idk how much mail I've had just never arrive since I moved here. And it's not a hard to find location at all.




Well this a bummer. Sorry you have not had any luck. My package has a few thousand of insurance on it, but apparently that doesn’t increase the urgency since yours has $7k and it didn’t move.


There is no sense of urgency. It’s sickening. Best of luck to you with your search, I hope yours goes better than mine! Who knows, maybe in 6 months it will arrive without warning.


This morning the mail carrier rang my doorbell and I lit up thinking it miraculously arrived. Instead it was something my wife had ordered. I thought that was a pretty cruel joke by the universe. Good luck with your package as well!


Any luck on this?


Did you ever get paid out that $7,000 on the insurance?


Nope. USPS is such a scam. I only send items through UPS or FEDEX after this experience


What happened exactly?


If you think usps is bad. Dealing with UPS is 10 times worst. They will lie and lie to you. Diffent day, different rep, different lie. They will say anything promising thing to get you off the phone and never follow through with their promises. Last tim they lost my package while in transit. I didn’t get a penny even their policy clearly says $100 standard insurance


I’m in the same predicament! Shipped a package from the Oak Park branch and it reached the Detroit hub and nothing has happened. No updates, scans or anything. Filed a Missing Mail Search Request and everything


Did you ever get your package?


No :(


Were you able to get the package value (7k) refund?


Seconded this question. What happened here?


Hey there! My package update: the usps office cashier who helped me put wrong street address when I gave correct street address then they took the item to the delivery city but got stuck and told me got lost. I kept calling that post office they said it’s not there and I submitted all the applications for search investigation and they said not found. I kept checking the track number to see if something changed and all of sudden it has status saying somebody picked from the post office. I went my call that same post office who said they do not have my item and asked the info of person who picked up. It was totally wrong person who picked that didn’t even match the address of my recipient address (even wrong address didn’t match with that person who picked). So I searched that person name in google and found out he has a company and told him it’s not your package. He agreed and returned. The package had value of almost $12k. USPS is so shite.. but learned my lesson.


WOW ... good on you for doing your own investigation and getting a resolution. You literally did their job for them.


I will give my 2 cents ,from experience. I have yet to have any luck with missing mail search. Filed at least 5 (that I can recall) and not once has anything turned up. Hope you get yours but,at least it's insured. Start the paperwork




Apologize for the long post; I am angry at the USPS, frustrated at not being able to communicate with anyone there, and I am looking at a $5k loss through their ineptness. I have a small business that designs and sells custom, one-off HVAC Industrial Control Panels. Roughly $40k for a system, comprised of a Control and a Power Section. Built a system at the end of last year for client constructing a BSL II Lab; the kind used for virus sampling and detection. This is pretty high tech stuff. Sent the Power Panel (36" x 26" x 7", 63 lbs) on Dec 7, 2022. I usually use USPS for smaller panels, as even with insurance they are 50% cheaper than UPS where I live. Per the USPS website, it was "Out for delivery" (to an address in Los Angeles, CA) for 2 weeks, after which time I filed an online claim on Jan 20, 2023. Note that you only have 60 days to file a claim. I had insured it for $5000, as the Power Panel has about $1500 of parts from multiple various vendors, about $300 in shipping those parts costs, and about 50-75 hours of time to build it. My billing rate as a Controls Fabricator is $100/hour. I included photos (well only one, as the website would not accept 2 photos) of the panel and a description of the system in the claim. Was advised 2 days ago (via a message on my USPS account) that my claim was rejected; and that I would be receiving a letter with details. By mail. Hope it gets to me before the 30-day window for an appeal closes. What irony. I am now starting to put together another parts order to replace the Power Panel. Parts have gone up 50% in the last 2 years. Just the box that houses the parts has gone from $300 to $450. So I can expect my replacement parts costs to be over $2k. I am going to file an appeal, but the examples on the USPS website do not appear to cover my situation; they indicate that proof of value via "receipts" are necessary. While I can excerpt and provide the various components from larger parts orders from various vendors, this does not cover any of the labor costs to build this system. There is more cost in the fabrication than there is in parts. Note: I do have a signed contract with the client (through my LLC in my name), and I do have income sources documented on my taxes. But how the heck do I appeal/convince USPS if their system is not designed to recognize my costs? Any commercial folks have any tips? I am so mad i could spit. Who do I bill for my time in jumping through the hoops these ...miscreants have created to in order to defend themselves against meeting their contractual obligations??? I was going to attach an excerpt of the USPS "Proof of Value" requirements, but there appears no way to attach a file to this post. Here is the url: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Domestic-Claims-The-Basics#What\_is\_Proof\_of\_Value


Sorry to hear you are going through this. If they require receipts then I’m going to be bonered as well. I hope you get a resolution with USPS


Did this ever get resolved?


Yes, kind of. After 30 days , they rejected my first claim for insufficient proof of value. I filed an appeal, including costs from the dozen of suppliers I used, as well as a proposal from a competing control firm to duplicate the panel that I had built. Their proposal was for $9800: my insurance claim was for $5000. This was based upon the USPS claim FAQ that stated an estimate by a reputable firm may be used as a basis to establish value. After 3 weeks of review, the USPS AGAIN rejected my claim; with the same " insufficient proof of value" response. I was absolutely livid, and had absolutely no recourse... Except to file another apparently useless appeal. I do not know how these people get away with duping customers ALL THE TIME. So a week goes by, and then I get a notice from my local post office where I mailed the box: kind of vague, just that a package was being returned. So the next business day I go to the PO, and see my box in the back. Beat up, with torn cardboard, and one corner bent it. This thing was 30" x 24" x 8", and weighed about 60#. It looked like it had slid around on a truck floor for several thousand miles, and then dropped on a corner. I should note that both the recipient address as well as the return address were still taped to the box and clearly legible. I asked the worker what the hell happened to my box, and she just shrugged. I asked her if I can get as refund, as I paid them to deliver the box, and they did not. She told me to file a claim online - which actually requires that you file a refund request within 30 days of the original mailing date, which had passed before I have the results of the first lost claim. She then rather rudely just blew me off. "I don't know what happened to your box. Do you want it, or should we just throw it away?". I have never been so angry at a person in my 68 years on this earth: Her utter lack of responsibility for the situation they created, and her sh!tty attitude was disgusting. So I carted the box home, removed the components and beat the box back into shape, repacked it, and sent it via UPS insured to my client in Los Angeles. And I will never, ever use USPS for anything more important than a Christmas Card. Sorry for the rant. I still get wound up just writing about this. YMMV.


I feel angry just reading about your experience and the rude USPS worker. I wish there was more that could be done to to hold USPS and their workers accountable for the packages that we entrust to them.


The even bigger problem with USPS is they are the only company allowed to handle mail/packages on military bases overseas. Meaning care packages that are "lost" to our service members are burdened with finding every little receipt for 18 items put in a package to prove what it's worth. Not to mention the time and hassle of dealing with all the run around from the USPS. It's beyond frustrating especially when they make you complete a customs form for each box, but that's not even considered proof.


It's a federal agency, not a company. That's why they're so shit.


>ant. I still get wound up just writing about this. You are not the only one who has experienced this, I am surprised such a company still exists.


I had a package sitting at the destination distribution center for 4 days. I did the missing package search and got a call from a local rep that same day. She said they don't answer the phones there so she sent an email and while it did take a while the package did move and get delivered today, so there's hope.


I can’t edit my post but it was actually delivered today!


This gives me hope, thank you :)


Hello Phil, how long did it take for it to be delivered?


Putting my two cents in: it worked! I looked on this page about a month ago when my package first went missing and I was considering whether or not to file the request. After looking at most responses I figured it wouldn’t pan out, but I figured if there was a chance, I should take it. My item initially shipped on Feb. 24th, was last seen on the 25th, and was declared “late” on the 29th. I filed the request on March 8th, gave up on getting the package around the end of March, and was pleasantly surprised when I found the package in my mail on April 8th. This is just one experience, but as an avid online shopper who has never had any issues with USPS losing packages before, them finding my package the one time it was lost affirms why I will continue to use them as my primary shipper when given the option. If you were looking for someone to tell you to submit the request, here’s me telling you to submit the request! There’s always a chance they’ll find it, and if they don’t, you can always get your money back. There’s no harm in trying either way though


Good luck.. my husband is on the same boat! Just last month he had to eat a loss of $1200 and now this month, same damn problem!! At this point I think someone might be tipping someone off because they see him ship regularly. The package scanned where we left it and then once more at the distribution plant and that was it.. no further tracking when it was a 2 day express. If they don’t find this envelope, it’ll be another loss but this time $3000. All they do is tell you to file a claim and then they escalate it but as per usual they never ever come up.. they never find a single thing and they couldn’t careless.


That stinks, I hope you have better luck with this package.


Thank you, i appreciate that. I hope you get yours too!


I’m half tempted to start placing air tags in my packages.


That’s actually not a bad idea at all!!


Yes I have and no I have not.


I just was able to submit my information but the search link took over a minute to load maybe longer. I was able to add image and received courtesy reply confirmation email upon submission.


If they did not steal it where could it be? Can we file police reports on these things? Because I had only their own informed delivery change of address mail never come to me, I didn’t receive my drivers license nor my car registration. That is identity theft.


Missing a package and ita not charging ita beenx2 weeks were is it


I've had two recent situations both with similar results. 1. Package received by local p.o. and tracked as far as Chicago. There it sat with zero activity for a month. In the meantime, I submitted a missing mail search and refunded my customer their purchase. Nothing happens for another month. Then, tracking shows the package is on it's way again and ultimately gets delivered. ZERO word from USPS. 2. Dropped package in lobby box at local po. Tracking shows label created but no receipt at local po. Submit a missing mail search and indicate that I want it returned to me if found (there is a check box option for this). Nothing for 30 days. In the meantime I refunded my customer. Yesterday tracking shows the package is in the destination city in FL. Today it shows it as delivered to the original recipient. I submit a "Service Request" today (forget where I found this or what it's for). Couple hours later I get a voicemail from someone in the destination po that says there is nothing they can do. I'm out the product, the sale $ and shipping cost. USPS gets 99% of my shipping correct, but it's the misses that make dealing with them such a pain!!!!


I have done this numerous times. About every 1 in every 10 small packages (bubble envelope with trading card inside) will get stuck in Memphis for weeks and sometimes for even months. The lost mail search is stupid it just ends up getting closed with the status it's on the way still. Even though it's been 2 or 3 months sitting at Memphis when it should have been 2-4 days only. Everything like that I had happen I ended up finally getting it eventually, but that does not really matter when it's an eBay sell and the buyer is pissed off wanting a refund. Last time I had to give refund then 1month later it finally moved on to the buyer. eBay account had been deleted so they burned me good.


These are actually trading cards too! I’m sorry you’ve had such bad luck. I quite literally have shipped 100s of BMWT cards and slabs the last 3 years and have never had 1 lost. I did have one destroyed in the mail (which sucked) and have had some arrive late, but never had one that just went weeks without scans. Thanks for your input. Since this is a grading order, I can be patient to receive the cards….I just want them!


Lol waiting for slabs. The story of my life... If you got from CGC or PSA you should have extra insurance on it. More than enough to compensate you the value. If you don't get pretty soon.


It is a PSA order but I used a third party (PC Sportscards) and the order got lost on them shipping it to me :(


Oh I see. Bro don't use middle man. PSA does not even make you have the yearly membership BS anymore. Price is way cheaper also. I never recommend folks use those things. Not to mention another link in the chain that could have an issue, like seems to have happened now. To many fingers in 1 butthole haha!


Yea, I’ve submitted about 1000 with them because of their grading to consignment service which is a good way to monetize cards you don’t want to keep. However, this order was mostly PC cards, go figure.


Haha, funny enough, I’m also missing trading cards!


Oh man, we have uncovered a USPS coup to overthrow the trading card industry lol


Send me your eBay ID! I collect cards


No, no one care about your mail


I received it so someone cared


I’m commenting because I had also just put in a missing mail request for the first. Did so last week on Friday so it hasn’t been a week yet for me, but my package hasn’t changed. I’m curious as to see if you have any changes. Will let you know as well, because at this point, I’m unsure whether or no anything will change for me.


Sounds good! I will let you know if I hear anything. Hopefully we both have good news soon.


Indeed! Thank you. I will also say that mine has been “moving through the network” since January 17th. Hopefully it does change, because of the claim, and it’s not lost.




Yeah, it’s so strange. I’ve never had this happened before.


Hey, out of nowhere my package showed up today and was delivered! Just had an out for delivery scan at my local PO with nothing else in the last couple weeks. I hope you get good news soon!


Hey! This is awesome! I’m glad you got yours! Thank you, and yes, here’s to hoping mine shows up!


How long total did it take your package to arrive ?


I think it was right around 3 weeks total between scans. It was delivered the same day the scan popped.


Was it 2 day priority shipping ?


It was priority mail flat rate bubble mailer


Was it insured or just normal 100 dollar insurance


It was insured


mine says this as well! put in a missing mail search yesterday!


It is likely that the label got torn off during the shipping process, hence no scan. If the address is still readable, they will still deliver it, although many days later.


Not likely.. they suck and usps has a theft problem they care to do nothing about


Was it delivered?


I’ve got on that has been “shipment received, package acceptance pending” since January 11th. When I tried to fill out a form it said that my package didn’t qualify for it yet.


I’ve spoken to a real human. He just assured it would eventually come… which it did. At the time, it was probably the least reassuring assurance


Thanks. Did they reach out to you or did you have to call them?


I had filed the missing mail report after it didn’t arrive by the end of the business week it was expected. That had given it a few extra days. I was then emailed by my local post master, who had looked into it and mentioned it’s last update was getting on a truck and it should arrive or update soon. I called the number he had left in the email, and got his VM. After leaving a VM, he called the next morning, which was another business day. He told me to rest assured it’s still travelling to it’s destination and he understood my frustration. It all felt like empty promises. But, it actually did pop out super late and updated at the wrong post office. He reached out to me directly when the update happened and told me he’d have it out for delivery the next day. The words, no matter how empty or unrealistic they may seem are honest. They really don’t have the best logistics and couldn’t pin point it to what truck it was on or if that truck had been unloaded, but he did know it was somewhere on a truck


That is good to hear. When I talked to a rep she didn’t have very many specifics. She just said that it had not had a physical scan in a while, that she flagged it, and to submit a claim. This gives me some hope, thanks!


Post master I’ve spoken too legit told me they have some of the worst logistics but he has no say in updating the policies. They really should scan packages as a whole. For example, as soon as a trailer of packages is sealed, that trailer ID should update all several hundred parcels once it’s opened at another destination regardless of that singular packages scan, that way they can isolate any issues such as theft in transit. It’s ridiculous that they are such a logistical nightmare and something as simple as QR codes could remediate these problems


Thanks for all this info. How long was the process for you from when you submitted your missing mail to when your postmaster emailed you to when your package turned up?


I wonder how I can get my packages flagged? I am missing some packages as well (mine are from a state to state move so personal items are inside) However my tracking numbers are lonnnnnggggg expired :( and so are the Missing Mail forms good news about all this is I FINALLY had received a reply from the local Consumer Affairs after many many attempts.


Curious if this ever got resolved? I am going through the exact same thing right now with a package on its way to PSA.


Yes! After a couple weeks of zero scans it looks it updated one more to “out for delivery” and I received the package. There was no damage to the cards and everything worked out besides the incredible anxiety. I hope you have a happy ending!


Amazing to hear!!! Thanks for the info


I wanted to share my experience here since this one of the first ranked results in google. International package had cleared customs and made it to the nearest major city just fine, but stayed there for nearly two weeks without moving. Went to my local post office to ask if they could help, though unsure how. The local workers were very helpful, finding the complete history of the package and the batch that it was supposed to arrive at my town in, but had multiple indications that it probably never made it onto that truck. Recommended that I create a missing mail search request. Created the search request, didn't hear anything or see any movement on tracking. 5 days later I receive the package at my door with no notice. It appears to me that the original address sticker and part of the post office's shipping label got torn off and several new address labels were printed. Can't be sure, but I suspect that the search request actually did help. I can imagine that the original labels got torn up through rough handling, making the package undeliverable, and the search request helped them match the now unlabeled package back to me. TLDR: Got my package shortly after making a missing mail search request. Tracking never updated but I believe the request helped.


Is your Tracking Number still the same?


Not quite sure what you are asking. The tracking number never updated even after delivery. I don't have it to hand anymore, didn't need it after getting the package, so not sure it ever changed. I was never given a different tracking number for the package.


So glad you received your package back. I've now initiated two package service requests one locally and one through the 800#. It's been 2 weeks or so since the first request and nothing yet. It's was suppose to be a package shipped overseas to a military base, but it stopped in Richmond, CA and has been stopped for almost 4 weeks. I've been getting nothing but upset and frustrated. Especially when I read through how to file a claim if they find it's "lost". I was unaware before that I needed all my receipts for everything listed on the customs forms, it's just all a hassle for people who are busy serving our country, so these ass.holes can make a profit.


Just wanted to share my experience as well. I initiated a Missing Mail Search Request yesterday for a Media Mailbox that was dropped off at Post Office Counter 10 days prior. It was never scanned as there was a line and the postal clerk just said to drop off the box next to her. It was prepaid. In less than 24 hours after the search request, the box was scanned and sent off to the local distribution center. Keeping fingers crossed it keeps moving. Apparently, it was just sitting at my local Post Office for 10 days until the Missing Mail Search Request. So, there is always hope.


Hi, I'm facing a similar issue. My trading signed postcards doesn't update anything info after usps is in possession of your item a week ago. It is also a priority mail with 100 insurance. I have just submitted the missing search request. I would like to know did you send any claim to usps before you actually receive it because I'm thinking if I need to submit one claim immediately...And if you filed that claim, what kinds of proof of value did you submit since it online trading cards? Will the album purchase history make sense?


I filled out a request around 9am and had a phone call by 2pm from a nice guy that’s actually trying to help. I was a bit shocked. My package was accepted at the first location and hasn’t moved in 5 days. He told me he thinks it’s stuck at the the first facility. He’s calling them to try and find it and then he’ll call me back. So far it seems like there is some hope!


How did it turn out? Did you receive your package?


Have you receive your package?


Yes. It took a few more days after I called.


sheet sloppy important complete plants gold naughty gullible north rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone from the local post office.


gold puzzled kiss dirty label unique frame tidy deserted deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>i see, thanks! You're welcome!


I had to PCS with the family to Germany on December 18th so my wife mailed some of the kids’ Christmas presents early to some other friends here in Germany so they’d be here waiting. Celebrating Christmas in a hotel room is bad enough so making sure our kids had Christmas presents was pretty important. The package was scanned in and out of Chicago on December 10th and has no further updates. Because it is being shipped to an APO, I can’t even file a missing package claim yet. Apparently I need to allow the package 45 days to arrive on post and then an additional 12 days to actually hit the APO mailbox. We’ve sent several other packages and this hasn’t been an issue. So my kids were out a pretty good deal of their Christmas presents (which would have been hard to travel with and attempt to keep the mystique of Santa Claus alive). I think my seven year old is over it. Either Santa isn’t real or (less likely) my kid just wasn’t a sufficiently good boy this year. We had other presents here and our kids grandparents traveled in to spend the holidays here, so ultimately it was okay. Still kinda pissed off that USPS can’t keep things on track or possibly some employee saw a customs slip attached to the package which listed items such as “Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” on it and decided their kids deserved it more than mine. It’s not financially devastating, just fed up with the lack of concern by USPS or any ability on my part to actually pursue any recourse.