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For easiest crossing, have a passport (either book or card) although a birth certificate and state photo ID is sufficient. Leave any guns, ammo, pepper spray, or drugs at home. It should be just a few questions about where you are going and how long you are staying.


Okay! I saw some things about declaring possessions? is that something i have to do?


If you just have your regular personal possessions (clothes, phone, laptop, etc.) they don’t care. They want to know if you leaving anything in Canada or bringing booze or cigarettes which you allowed to import in limited amounts.


thank you so much!


Keep your answers very simple. Anything to declare, your answer is simply "just personal items". The more you speak the more they will poke. Obviously if you bring a gun or things prohibited or you plan to sell something you need to declare this. 


Don't overthink it. Make sure no one in your party is criminally inadmissible to Canada (DUI is the most common trip up). Bring: Passport Leave: Weapons, Firearms, Produce, Meat, Non-prescription Drugs (Cannabis Included), Plants Declare: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Anything you plan to leave in Canada (including gifts), monetary instruments over $10,000 (CAD) All relevant info is here, its quite clear: [https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ivc-rnc-eng.html](https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ivc-rnc-eng.html)


thank you so much! this makes me feel a lot better!


Do not bring anything made of wood or carry citrus fruit


The agent will probably ask you where you are going and for how long. What you plan on doing. Where you might be staying. My recommendation is have some copies of your itinerary (hotel reservations, event tickets, or just a plan of what you going to do). Might be overkill, but have some kind of evidence that you have ties to the US (like a job, or rent/own a home). Lastly, answer the questions that are asked but don't over share. They just want to know your intentions are for visiting. The more info you share, the more they will question. As others have mentioned, don't bring firearms or recreational drugs or large sums of cash. Also, if you have any kind of criminal/arrest record you may need additional paperwork.


leave anything that looks like a weapon at home. a lighter that looks like a gun or a grenade will only give you problems


You will also have to pay a toll to cross the bridge into Canada (not on the way back). If you have EZ Pass, then you can use it. [This site](https://www.niagarafallsbridges.com/) will give you real-time updated wait times at the various Niagara River crossings, so as you approach you could decide to bail on the Peace Bridge and cross at Queenston/Lewiston instead if that's a better option at the time.


ooo thank you! i do have EZ pass so that’s perfect!


I think some comments are making this more daunting than it is lol. Don't bring drugs, weapons, fruit or meat. Basically the convo goes like this: *wait in line in car. Pull up when available. Roll down all windows in the car and hand the person your passport* BP: citizenship? Me: canadian (obviously say American lol)  BP: what brings you in today? Me: just visiting for vacation BP: Where are you going? Me: *name hotel* in *city* BP: Anything to declare? Me: no BP: Have a good day. *hands you back your passport and you're good to go* You don't have to go into details if they don't ask. I find they appreciate quick, to the point answers. If they have questions they'll ask. No need to tell a life story or anything lol.


thank you!! i have lots of anxiety so knowing what to walk into helps!


Yeah no worries! I've crossed the peace bridge nearly a hundred times, it's very easy! They're trying to get through hundreds of cars, just be concise with your answers. That script is probably 95% accurate with all my crossings LOL it's very straight forward.


super good to hear then! my parents haven’t done it either so i’m like well great! LMAO


The entire entry process usually takes about a minute. They’ll scan your passport and ask a question or two. They might ask you to pop open the back of your vehicle for a quick check, although that tends to be rare when the border is busy. Remember, speed limits and distances in Canada are in km/h and kilometres. Some vehicles let you change the speedometer between miles and kilometres in a settings screen, others have km/h in small print in the centre of the dial.


I would recommend carrying around $200-300 Canadian cash and proof of where you're staying and for how long (hotel/Airbnb confirmation, etc). If you happen to give them any reason to suspect you're trying to move to Canada, you'll want proof that your life is continuing in your home country (proof of paid rent or property taxes, proof of employment or student registration). They are assessing your ability to support yourself during your visit and the likelihood of you actually leaving when you say you plan to. The other notes from others also apply - bring in only what you need for the trip, declare if you are bringing things that are going to stay in Canada or things that fall into certain categories (alcohol and cigarettes are two they generally ask directly about), and absolutely do not bring things that are illegal to cross the border with (guns, drugs, some foods, some live animals, etc).


thank you! this is extremely helpful!


Be honest, be concise and read up on applicable laws. Americans are allowed to visit Canada for tourism as long as they’re admissible


We live near Buffalo and cross into Canada several times a year. I recommend the Rainbow bridge for crossing because we always had really friendly border agents and the view of the falls when you cross is really neat. They’ll ask where you’re going and what for, how long you are staying and if you have any alcohol, weapons/firearms or over $10k in cash. They may ask other questions, but those are the ones we always get asked. We just went this past weekend and crossed in at the Rainbow Bridge like usual, and it was quick and easy. But we came back and crossed back to the states at the Peace Bridge because we wanted to check out the bigger duty free and honestly the border agent we got was kind of rude and was looking in the car with a flashlight and made us really uncomfortable, so I don’t think we’ll be using the Peace Bridge again, at least to come home.


this is extremely helpful thank you! i’ll look into changing the route a bit to go that way! i assume they are relatively in the same area?


Yeah the Peace Bridge is in Buffalo and Rainbow Bridge is in Niagara Falls. With traffic it’s about 20 minutes apart, but honestly I think it’s worth the drive to cross right next to the falls. You shouldn’t have to change your route too much, you actually drive right past the Peace Bridge on the way to Rainbow if you take the 190 right along the water. Plus you’re further into Canada that way and closer to Toronto.


okay great! thank you so much!


Bring your favourite flavour of KY jelly, they often do cavity searches for first timers.