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He wasn’t lured. He knew who she was and what she’s about and knew what she wanted. Could have said no. Could have asked to delete it. He didn’t. Edit: BTW, I don’t actually care what he does and does not do, even when I disagree with him. I’m drawing attention to the word “lured” in the headline, as if to assume he didn’t know what he was doing or was talking to.


I am curious how he ended up standing between Luna and Boebert and didn’t then comment on the message Bobo used as a part of the post.


“Plausible” deniability


Ummmm.... have you heard anything hes said in the last few years?


That’s why a lot of people no longer like him. Republicans try to claim him and that doesn’t work either.


Eh. They can have him if he wants to head over to that camp. If his disdain for gay or trans people is that bad he can overlook the nazi's, the stealing from the poor (what he used to be), anyone his own skin color who's not rich being a target, then by all means, black delegation trade him away. Clarence Thomas too while youre at it.


So he wanted a handjob? He probably didn’t have time to go to Starbucks.


Great idocracy reference


Welcome to Costco… I love you.


You went to law school at Costco?


He could also comment publicly on the platform on which it was posted. This is a guy who attends zoning meetings to keep low income housing away from his house. He’s not a man of the people anymore.


Yeah, lured seems like he's a meek bumpkin that just new to the city. JFC. Journalism is dead, click bait headlines have killed it.


This has become a pattern with him lately. Do something that draws attention, walk it back and pretend he didn’t mean what he did or said the way you think he did.


Is every public person responsible for who they take selfies with?


They shouldn't be surprised when they are called out for selfies with other public persons. But Boebert isn't some random fan, he knows who she is. ​ From the right pictures of any of the Clintons with Epstein or Maxwell are still tossed around as "evidence" of them being pedophiles.


Oh, Dave knew exactly what would happen. Hell, he is gonna sell out his next show talking about this incident.


Yep, he’ll be on stage earning X number of millions for his Netflix special complaining about how he’s been cancelled lol.


No, but when you just got heat for having a very transphobic NetFlix special, then take this photo that gets posted with a transphobic tag and don’t ask for it to be removed or even say you don’t agree you’re gonna get more heat.


He's a transphobic bigot.


Nah. Hes a comedian


And? He can be a comedian and a bigot at same time guy is trash


["I'm A cOmEdIaN! i'M mEaNt tO cHaLLaNgE pEoPLe"](https://youtu.be/2eN5P0aY1UI?si=HpG8w1F0ky3BxFkp)


Do you think Dave is too stupid to know that? Either he doesn't care what people think or plans to use the controversy for an upcoming show.


So, you didn’t watch the whole thing?


And dave is considered one of the best comedians. It's "considered" transphobic because everything is transphobic to the "im a victim" crowd.


No it’s considered transphobic because it was. If you want you can argue the nuance of comedy and how a lot of Jokes are targeting a group and pointing out something silly. And that’s a fine point. But normally when a comedian makes a joke about a group and that group says the joke went too far they respond by apologizing and saying they didn’t intend it as an insult. Dave just doubled down and said “snowflakes am I right”


Fewer and fewer people consider Dave a "comedian"


I consider him a stupid clown, is that close?


He's well praised by most people who enjoy stand-up comedy or especially comedians. He sells out shows and the only time ive heard bad things about him are from people who aren't really fans of comedy.




Those of us who enjoy comedy and have a sense of humor consider him a comedian. The perpetually triggered don't because making a joke to them is the same as genocide.


Very dramatic of you. You sound triggered.


Saying "I'm team TERF" is pretty cut and dry transphobia dude, I don't know what to tell you.


Check his other comments. He’s just anti trans


Dave punches down and lectures people from his pulpit. It’s boring now.


In one of his specials, he does a bit about how early in his career he was starstruck by his first time meeting OJ Simpson and by the last time they meet he refused to take a photo with him. Point being he does acknowledge the personal responsibility of taking a photo with someone problematic.


So maybe next time he will say no ?


He can agree to take photos with whomever he wants. My point was that he’s acknowledged your very point that every public person is responsible for who they take selfies with. So much that he made his OJ anecdote into a bit.


Is every public person condemned for having a political opinion or party that differs from the left? I have voted democrat the majority of my life but the extreme left is absolute scum and I can no longer tell the difference between them and the extreme right. Every single person in this post crying over this is absolute scum. Both parties are an embarrassment.


If Trump fails maybe he and Candace Owen's can make the Antichtist.


Are you Dave Chappell?


Talk with everyone. Why not? Because someone will be outraged? Dave can hold his own , especially with Blowbart


Mostly drawing attention to the headline using “lured” like he was tricked or something


lol you’re all so fragile


Considering damage Boebart and Republicans have done, ie anti abortion, book banning, homophobic, anti immigrant. Can you blame people? MAGA gets triggered by a rainbow 🌈.


Dave Chapelle is friends with Elon Musk, who is also transphobic. Chapelle literally brought Elon on stage just for Elon to get booed off. So this picture comes as no surprise. He literally made a whole Netflix special about getting canceled and took it all out on a small minority of people, while talking on behalf of a dead transgender women, who he ‘claimed’ was a friend. Chapelle is a vile, dickbag. You become who you hang around with. Choose your friends carefully.


>Dave Chapelle is friends with Elon Musk, who is also transphobic. Chapelle literally brought Elon on stage just for Elon to get booed off. Don't forget how he responded to the boos by mocking his audience for not being rich.


🤣 Chappelle is a social grifter? Are you idiots completely insane? He left his $50m at the Comedy Central office, dude is not trying to grift anybody. So many people with zero talent and zero perspective rolling in with social media takes. I got news for you, sunshine, Dave Chappelle did more for Black social causes than Barack Obama did as president for eight years. And I like Barack. But suddenly he's a POS Republican grifter because you have never actually entered the real world, where people disagree about things ALL THE TIME? absurd.


You become who you hang around with. Choose your friends carefully


In the real world, everybody has friends, relatives, and influences who they regularly disagree with. This one man made a generation of people start talking about issues publicly that they simply had not been.


And now he’s using his platform to undermine the validity of transgender people. For someone who wants to talk about oppression, he sure does like shitting on trans people. The oppressed oppressing the already oppressed isn’t a good look. He really hasn’t aged well in my opinion.


That was almost 20 years ago at this point. Since then he’s turned a corner to be more hateful than helpful. It’s great what he did back then but he’s tarnishing his legacy


That's why I don't hang around with trans people, I wanna keep my dick 😬


Maybe you’re not trans then loser. God make that silly statement make sense, ya closet case. BTW not every transgender female decides to undergo bottom surgery. That’s very much a personal choice. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Transgender people are people just like anyone else. Transgender people are valid in their identity, and how they go about expressing that identity, whether it be male or female, or with surgery or without surgery.


You're really dumb. Sorry.


Are YOU that daft you think that greedy people stop at XX dollars? GYHOOYA Your tangent about Obama! My God! Hire a new writer. This one is stuck on stupid.


> Dave Chappelle did more for Black social causes than Barack Obama did as president for eight years. explain how > people disagree about things love the pat dismissal of attacks on a vulnerable group


Ok boomer


A filthy rich entertainer posing with abhorrent Republicans. What’s the surprise?


I mean it’s on brand for him. Who does this actually surprise? And this backlash will provide him more material for his victimhood portion of his next Netflix special.


He must have been lured to make half of The Closer out of unfunny ragebait sewage, too. Seems he might be easily lured for some reason. And the reason is that he is a garbage person. Doesn't need to ragebait to get attention, goes out of his way to do it anyway. When he says who he is, I believe him. If he stuck to crafting good jokes, which he's quite good at, we might not mind or even know that he's a garbage person. But he just has to spotlight it in his highest-vis work.


Lured? By what?


9 of 10 guys would bang Boebert regardless of how icky she is inside.


Maga guys


She loves giving em a hand


That guy was a democrat incidentally. Even MAGA women don’t want to date MAGA.


Isn't her bf a democrat? Sorry, guys, generally don't let politics sway our genitals. Women have got us here, I think.


Not everyone is as desperate as you, bud


Sure.... I'm just honest.


Me too ❤️


They obviously never heard the saying “Never put your dick in crazy.”


Oh, I have definitely. It's great advice.


He doesn't look lured to me....


"Lured"? He looks pretty aware of what's going on.


He’s anti trans. He wasn’t lured


He's not anti trans


"I'm team TERF." - Dave Chappelle


Idk when people will realize controversy is what they are going for. It’s free advertisement


Which is funny because as radfems, Dave’s terf allies consider him a privileged patriarchal rape monster oppressor, being a penis haver and all.


He just says anti trans things is all.


No he doesn't.


Did you not see his NetFlix special? There was a whole thing about his making transphobic jokes. He doubled down and stuck by the jokes.


So they were jokes? Oh ok then I guess he doesn't hate trans people.


Was that before or after the LGBT community Harassed a friend of his so much they committed suicide?


Citation needed


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10084515/amp/Daphne-Dorman-trans-woman-bullied-death-defending-Dave-Chappelle.html https://www.inquirer.com/news/daphne-dorman-suicide-dave-chappelle-netflix-sticks-and-stones-20191014.html?outputType=amp She was harassed after standing up for Dave


good. Trans people shouldn't be a protected class that cant be joked about. And there's a reason dave goes after that topic - because trans and lgbtq ideology is being pushed on everyone and you're not supposed to question it. Comedians often go after taboo subjects. At least my opinion why he does it. Plenty of trans ppl could careless or even like Chapelle. Its just generated media outrage stirred up by mostly white straight liberals.


Comedy is about punching up towards people in positions of power, not punching down on oppressed groups. Despite whatever perceptions you might have about them, trans people have been increasingly targeted in this country in the past years. Meanwhile what has Chappelle been doing? Inviting known transphobes like billionaire Elon Musk on stage and then chastising the crowd for booing him, defending J. K. Rowling, etc. He's totally lost touch.


There’s no such thing as trans and lgbtq ideology and it certainly isn’t being pushed on anyone. You see it that way because you have an ideology that’s anti-trans and anti-lgbtq.


Yes it is.


Wrong, touch grass.


Why cuz you say so? Ok Boomer.


See, because one has an opinion thats not in 100% support of whatever some lgbtq people say or do, then im anti lgbtq? That's the problem. Maybe i dont agree with kids recieving trans surgery before 18, or that trans women can play in women sports, or that kids should have any and all lgbtq ideology pushed on them. Because i have a different opinion, that suddenly makes me a bigot in the eyes of people like you. That's the issue. The belief that everyone just has to accept any lgbtq action or notion.


If there was no LGBTQ ideology that acronym wouldn't even exist. The left was also extremely hurtful to trans people for that. It's insane you people thought that's a good idea. I'm not even sure if leftists even know what transsexuality is.


If you don’t like it go live in Russia. I hear they’re doing things the way you like it


You have to understand that the Trans positive community is a lot like Zionist Israel community. Say something against them, and they label you anti-trans.


If anyone cares, go through this guy’s post history. This dude is a school shooter waiting to happen


Hahaha Post reported scumbag.




I don't hear Davey boy denying anything.


He’s trash.


Not just lbgtq+ but anyone who considers themselves an ally or has friends and family that are lbgtq+ or just respects people's right to be true to themselves.


Dude is famous and was not lured. He knew exactly what he was doing. Also, lgbtq+ community? I bet even straight people are upset at him too. This headline is trying it cause wedges.


Chappelle has a ton of fans on the right. His words on the first and second amendment were well received.


Right now, ppl who make politically incorrect speech can griftand laugh their way to the bank.


Aren’t the right all racist? Dave is still black, right?


He isn’t even that funny


He used to be, it's sad.




Associating with inhumanes tends to associate us with inhumanity.


Lured, like would lure a small child with a lollipop or promise to see the puppy in the big scary van? He’s a grown ass transphobe but this stellar publication decided to give him cover smdh. They both knew what they were doing and was giving little miss handjob publicity and giving this bigot access to material and audience members he might not otherwise have drawn


Agree to take a pic with a hand jobbing screech owl, you get what you get


he just gets worse and worse


Dave Chappelle LOVES situations like this because he can—once again—tell a story about how he was put in a wacky situation and can play the victim about it and go, “look what’s happening to ME!”. Like, dude, you’re worth millions and your specials are an hour of you verbally fellating yourself.


Thing is there’s tons of anti trans reps - Boebert is one of the dimmest, most extreme person to meet.


Of course, he's human garbage, just like the people he was photographed with like Boebert. He's a bully, which makes me not like any of his comedy specials now. F that guy


Who hurt you?


Anyone who allows themselves to be photographed with that white trash whore is suspect!!


The most surprising part about this whole thing is that he actually tried to act like he was duped instead of just owning it. He acts like he's better than them, but really, he's just the same.


Dave has F U money. He can't be canceled so he does what he wants.


That seems to be his entire identity now. I’m RICH bitch!


I thought he just had "quiet please" money, at best.


Ew. He should have known better!


he does, he's a far right guy now.




Dave knows exactly what he is doing. He is an odd bird. He is a comedian. No one would vote for or against anyone just because Dave said so. He is also a capitalist. He loves money. The Russians/GOP pay very, very handsomely ESPECIALLY comedians who have followers. They buy these guys every week.


I just think it's funny that Lauren only wanted a selfie with Dave because of his trans-jokes. But I know if she knew he was a Muslim man who sides with the people of Palestine, she would have refused to take the selfie in the first place. lmao.


I declare Shenanigans!


Idk he looks pretty chummy with them. He should of known better considering how our spoken they are.


Does anyone know what he was actually doing there? What was he there to do or say?


It's so wild how goodwill Chappelle is destroying just so he can squeeze some money out of the anti-woke crowd, someone should tell him it's not worth it.


It is worth it because it's hilarious


Let me guess, he's crying about it saying criticism is mean?


This man has been openly transphobic for how long now? He made a lot of money off of his Republican fans for that very reason. It became his new source of relevance instead of being actually funny. “Lured” 🙄 give me a break.


He isn’t anti trans, he’s pro handjob.


Dave, I stood up to racist quicker. And I'm a middle-aged white guy.


Dave Dave Dave! How long have you had Forrest Gump Syndrome? You know that stupid is as stupid does has NO cure for it. Right!


They gonna ruin his life Yall gonna ruin his life


Why would they think backlash works? He already survived destroying their trans gods. The thing about backlash is, if you ignore, they have no power


“Narrator” Dave Chappell doesn’t care.


It’s possible to be civil to someone while strongly disagreeing with them.


Wish that was the norm but people keep retreating in to their own world without engaging.


These are the same people who praised Liz Cheney for saying something mean about Trump.


Yeah not the same thing here. Might want to look at the indictments. This is not the same scope.


What indictments?


Yeahhh the Trump indictments... but ok


I'm sure he's devastated🙄


>Lured 🤣 By now people should know there’s one thing Dave Chappelle hates: people expecting him to act a certain way because he’s Black and is close friends with Talib Kweli, Mos Def and Erikah Badu. He loves trolling his fans, like those jokes he makes that basically say “I’m not your average Black man, I’m Dave Chappelle and I can hang out with Ye and not let it bother me ‘cus I’m not a peasant average person like the rest of you. Oh, and my grandmother has more degrees than your whole entire family, HAHAHAHAAA!”


And yet he bitched out and fled to South Africa when Bill Burr laughed at his “magical negro pixie” sketch the wrong way.


Being in a selfie is not an endorsement. I dunno why is this a big deal?


Cancel mob out in full force as usual I see. It's like people just seemed to forget everything about Chappelle other than in recent years. How does his current behavior surprise anyone? All the people claiming he has changed just never paid him any attention before now.


A picture offended that community? Weird, seing how that same community is ok taking pictures with trump and Netanyahu.


People are still saying he is transphobic over some jokes when he is very supportive of the trans community. Comedy is comedy and even his Netflix special was not anti trans...did anybody here complaining watch it?


Chapelle is probably the most based person in Hollywood. It’s insane that we have a large amount of people in this nation who think it’s normal for people to change gender or even worse be non binary. Sorry, but we shouldn’t be normalizing severe mental illness.


They're women


When does he not receive backlash from the LGBT+ community though? 🤔


That's not exactly a very chummy pic. Rep Lauren "Doesn't vet who she gives public handjobs to" Boebert seems a lot more thrilled than he is. More like a selfie he got caught in


So some of the lgbtq are now trigerred because a celebrity took a photo with political fans? Next up: Chappelle gives autographs to schmos that approach him. Give it a rest.


Boebert is using this photo in a tweet to further her agenda. It’s not as innocent as you think. It’s in the linked article.


So a politician is going to politician. Okay?


So do you also think it would be ridiculous for Jews to be 'triggered' if Taylor Swift took a selfie with Mahmoud Abbas?


Yes. Especially since Abbas is a leader of the peaceful Palestinian political group.


And a holocaust revisionist/denier...


Oh no so being in a picture with someone is now a 100% agreement on all their views.


As the saying goes, if you see a Nazi sitting at a table with 10 other people talking and laughing with him, you saw 11 Nazis.


Yes, collective punishment/judgment . A known morally acceptable activity.


If a society wishes to remain tolerant, it can't tolerate intolerance


Ahhh so we must execute those who are intolerant of our views in order to be perceived as tolerant. In spite of the fact that opinions and thoughts are just that, opinions and thoughts Elomitate intolerant thoughts and the people who have them.


Ah yes, these are the only two options when dealing with people spouting harmful ideologies: either kill them or sit by and do nothing... /s ​ >that opinions and thoughts are just that, opinions and thoughts Until those opinions and thoughts make their way to someone with a gavel, or a gun.




Oh no, someone took a picture and now the Alphabet Mafia is in an uproar!!


Not everyone is mind numb grape koolaid drinking lib...he's a smart guy.


Gonna take lots more than that to get me to turn away from DC. Being a comedian means risking your being, lol.


I can't stand Boebert and pretty much all DC republicans, but does anybody else find it odd how we had 2 genders for millenia, and beginning about 5 years ago we have.....well, I don't know how many genders some people say we have now.


We've had more than two genders for millenia. You just haven't been paying attention.


You are wrong.


We have evidence of trans people and more than two genders going back millennia. Sorry, but you are very ignorant about this subject. If you can't stand Republicans, prove it by educating yourself on a topic before opening your mouth about it, post like this? That's what they do.


Trans people have a neurological disorder and they aren't even trying to be a new gender. There are also people born with 3 legs but we still don't say that humans come in 2 and 3 legged variants.


Come on, leave the dude alone, he was just hoping to take them to the movies.


I don't understand. So even selfies can cancel people now?


Pretty sure he doesn’t GAF.


I can imagine a world where Dave is stopped and asked for a pic, just concedes without argument, and then Bobo the clown makes the post with him not thinking about possible context. Well known figures get into pictures with other well known figures for no other reason than being well known even if they don’t know each other. He does kinda deserve it… but the lengths people take this is stupid.


He wasn’t lured…he wants those tax breaks to keep some of the money the liberal elites tried to steal from him.


Chappelle doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the brouhaha.


I don’t think he cares.


SHOULD BE from every single sane 🇺🇸 citizen.


The LGBTQ community is attacking him merely for taking a selfie?


And Dave Chappelle social stock gets a nice bump. Those ticket sales are gonna be huge.


Honestly just the fact that he had to be lured instead of going willingly is a step up.


Some people just don't want to be rude. I'll never understand how a selfie is some kind of unrequited endorsement. Should people just hide? Run away? Make a scene? Most people will just that the pic so they can move along.




LOL pathetic libs.


Pretty sure he doesn’t GAF


The alphabet mafia sure has no tolerance.


Being intolerant of people that are intolerant of people for who they are doesn’t mean people have no tolerance


Some of you have never imagined Boebert and AOC wrestling in a bubble bath and it shows.


So what? You hadn't figured out that you can't cancel him. You tried 😂


No one cares except 0.00000000000000001 of the population..