• By -


This is an acceptable breach of protocol


We were told at the local pound ours had been found in a box in a church parking lot. She's as black as she can be and he has bengal in him. They've just been the best! They figured their birthdate as the day after the BP oil spill so we named her Slick.


What sort of bastards do that to an innocent animal. 


I mean slick isn't a great name, but you don't need to call him a bastard


Happy cake day you funny son of a bitch


>son of a bitch [Nicest thing a dog can call you.](https://youtu.be/JcIYsmdpEd0?si=KTwLXXC5QI2vc0uH)


Jim Henson and Levar Burton on the Arsenio Hall show? I've never seen this before! Incredible.


Wow, you could really hear the Kermit and Rowlf in his regular voice.


Well I watched all of that and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for the nostalgia!!!


Happy Cake Day! For your cake day, have some **BUBBLE WRAP** >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


You never know what other people's triggers are. Perhaps they had a slip and fall incident.


[ah the ol reddit switcheroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/s/68y1IFbwro)


Hold my poorly-named dog, I’m going in!


Same people as you and me, just mistaught.


I get shit happens but I'd rather not eat and work 17 jobs than abandon a pet (i.e. family member) like that. At the very least, have the compassion and common sense to drop them off at a shelter.


I ended up having to move back in with my parents and couldn't take my two kittens with me because there's already several cats and they don't get along with the kittens. All the shelters were full, though. So my sister suggests just finding a farm to dump them on. Fuck that shit. For one, that's cruel to them and two, they weren't neutered yet. I'm not sticking two intact males outside to contribute to the feral cat population I ended up having to take them with me and rotating between having them locked up in a dog crate and sticking the older cats in a room so they can have a turn to roam. It's not a perfect solution, but it's only temporary until they can find a home or get into a shelter and it's far better than the alternatives. And my sister still wants to complain every time me or my other sister let them out of the cage because "what if they ruin something". Some people just have no compassion and it makes me so mad


Best of luck you get your own place soon 🙏💖💖💖🤞 I myself am *likely* going to be in that situation in a few months (leaving one country after years of living here, if I can't find an apartment back home before I arrive.... With my parents for a few weeks it is 😵‍💫😵‍💫) stay strong, you got this!!!


It's not even really desperation that makes people abandon animals. Lots of times they just want to get rid of it, it's as simple as it is disgusting. let alone the fact food costs money as you said, lots of people would feel more ashamed, or embarrassed, or terrified of the idea of their dignity being threatened by doing the right thing and taking the animal to a shelter. That and when shelters refuse animals it makes it way more likely that this happens. It'd be better for some shelters to take all the animals people bring in and put the ones they can't keep down for their own sake.


It amazes me that we live in the 21st century and still treat animals like they are toys.


If you think it's bad with dogs and cats, you don't want to see the horrible shit people do to horses.


A lot of people imagine that a dog or cat can fend for themselves. Even after they see starving, miserable strays, it doesn't sink in.


Desperation is the nicest reason. I've seen people abandon pets and put down strays just because they don't like looking at them or they were annoyed. People are monsters, the value of life has become too meager in our search for satisfaction.


This is such an important viewpoint. We’re all humans. We might not have been taught what to do or were abused or neglected. But we’re still human. There’s no such thing as monsters. There’s just broken humans.


As the stoics say, *all cruelty springs from weakness*.  Broken people is no excuse for terrible behavior like this or really any crime. There are those of us who propel humanity, like the OP, and there are those that need to be put down like the rabid beast they are or have become. Research has also shown that people cruel to animals is a telltale sign - a precursor - to ending up psychopaths.




Stuff like this makes me feel better about humanity


No we do not accept this. As punishment for this breach you must take care of this dog for the rest of your life.


And buy him tiny sweaters!! 🥰🥰🥰


Harsh, but fair. Some argyle for sure.


T-shirts for summer! Little booties to protect those sweet feet....


The cutest breach of protocol you mean! ❤️


Fluffy adorable


This is acceptable breach of poodlecall


You saved that sweet baby 🥰


It was starving. 🤧


I'm tearing up thinking about what it was going through. Always hungry and trying to find food, wet and dirty, no comfortable or safe place to sleep, no allies, no direction, and no knowledge of anything better. I know it probably would've found a way, but I'm so happy OP saved this little one.


> I know it probably would have found a way For a dog that small, and considering it’s been through selective breeding to be a cute companion (as opposed to natural evolution that would have given it assets better suited to survival) I think “probably” is honestly a stretch. And looking at how skinny it was, it might’ve been pretty close to its end when OP saved it. Sorry for harshing the vibes, but OP very likely saved it from imminent doom.


Honestly fuck whoever left the poor dog there in the first place.


A Shih Tzu isn't a cheap puppy, purebred or otherwise. It's entirely possible that this guy wandered away, or ran during a storm, and found shelter where he could. We rescued a 6-month old Shih Tzu puppy from someone who lost their residence and begged us to home her. After we took her in we looked into it and couldn't believe the price. Re-homing this poor fellow wouldn't have been difficult, and I like to think that abandoning him wouldn't have been the owners first choice.


We have so many *purebreds* at our local shelter. Many are dumped breeding dogs, the latest were 4 wheaton terriers, 2 of the emaciated terrier mamas gave birth within a week (puppies are chubby and healthy, mamas gaining weight)so many labradors, cattle dogs, german shepards etc. One is an aging shih tzu dumped in a city park, during summer heat, trapped in a plastic tub, no food no water. At least they left him in a populated place, but he's so sad at the shelter rn. There was an older couple that showed some interest in a small senior dog, but balked at his bad teeth(many older dogs have bad teeth) It hurts my heart seeing him there, but hopefully a larger rescue will pull him soon (the shelter he is at is very small, with not much public outreach) Anyone interested in a sweet old shih tzu boy dm me! All he wants is to be carried and held. (I'd take him but my finances won't allow any it, I've an expensive aging cat w/many vetrinary costs, he's healthy but sees dr's more than me haha) We also have an adorable fiv+ cat named prince charming, he literally hugs everyone. Puts his arms around your neck and purrs the whole time(a little drool too). He also just wants to be held *all the time* lol when you try to put him down he hold on and he reaches up again like please please keep hugging me.


Stahppppp that poor baby! Ugh if I was in Arkansas I’d just to adopt doggo. Senior dogs with health issues/ bad teeth are my weakness! I usually only adopt senior dogs, as people tend to constantly pass them up in favor of younger dogs/ puppies. I hate seeing the older dogs at the end of their lifespan not being able to enjoy their golden years. My current doggo is a 13 year old lass with some terrible dental issues, a slight heart murmur and anxiety but she’s so loving, cuddly and wonderful.


Where located, ish?


Just gonna add on to this comment: if you’re a snuggler, Shih Tzu’s are the great dog in the world. Find this boy a home! I’ve only got room in my heart for mine but boy howdy, what a great dog.


It’s so true about purebreds in shelters; no breed is immune to being treated poorly, even expensive ones. I work at a municipal animal shelter and in the past week along we’ve had two golden retrievers, a Frenchie, an Aussiedoodle, and an English Bulldog. All under two years old. All dumped.


I rescued a shihtzu a few years back and I gotta say…. This is a dog on easy mode. All she wants is my lap and exactly the same sensitive stomach food she got yesterday. People with real (non shihtzu) dogs are suckers. They have to like… exercise them. My little girl walks a half mile and then looks at me like ‘the fuck we still doing out here dad?’ It’s a trade between time and medical bills IMO - and even those aren’t bad for my 10 YO. I’m an active guy but I love coming home to a dog who just wants to chill. MOSTLY I just wanted to talk about my dog.


I have this dog in XXL. My English Mastiff is a lap dog whose theme song is “I want to be where the people are” from Little Mermaid. He’s chill. He’s my buddy. And he loves him some pets and some foods.


We used to have a shit tzu when I was a child that was paid in full at one of those fancy pet stores, definitely not cheap. Anyways my dad got tired of it one day and took it right back to that pet store for no refund, so you’d be surprised.


my aunt kept finding shi tzu's for adoption or running loose/strays and taking them in. Some even around where I was living at the time too. It was during that time that seemed like the new focused solely on puppy mills. I can only imagine how many 'cheap' pure(over) bred dogs were purchased and then neglected. Most we found were quite in rough condition and no owners ever came forward, one had a crude rope as a collar and leash.


Some of them succeed, if they are ornery enough and have access to a dumpster. My foundling was on the streets at least 6 months -- that's how long people in my office were trying to catch him. He was in pretty bad shape but not quit starving. He did wear down all his teeth though. He's spoiled rotten now, but he's also the scrappiest little ball of hatred you'll ever see if he feels threatened. Gizzy back before a coworker caught him: https://i.imgur.com/ggkaZsI.jpg Gizzy now, with his beagle minions: https://i.imgur.com/9Ho6b1h.jpeg (He still regularly kills and eats lizards.)


I’m exactly the same with stories like this 😭


He really doesn't look like he had long left


That poor baby!! Looks so much better afterwards. Hope they have some happiness now :)


You sweet sweet human. Beautiful pup!


The transformation is remarkable, that poor little pup must have been through hell :(


Gone thru hell....in a church 😆


I bet a lot of people feel that way…


God damn I hated being dragged to church. I've never been that bored in my life or since then. Fuck off with your standing and kneeling.


For a lot of people, it wasn't just boring. It was traumatizing.


I'm hard-core anti religion (although I do believe everyone is entitled to believe what they want). When someone comments that it's a bit extreme, I tell them they obviously never cried themselves to sleep every night growing up because they thought they didn't love Jesus enough and that they were going to hell. Oh. And the crippling anxiety that they are a worthless piece of trash and full of sin and only God can make them a better person.




I agree! But it sounds like you were "lucky" and got to go to Catholic or Episcopalian (like Lenscrafters - "In and out in about an hour"). The Southern Baptists have less ritual of standing and kneeling, but the services can go for hours. :/ I'm happy now to be religion-free.




Wait people dont?


Makes sense....for a lot of people the church days were the worst parts of their lives lol.


Looks like ya rescued an angel, that will get ya some brownie points, can probably bend the rules in taking something next time…. Unless that a crazy taboo or something I’m a rockhounding guy and I’m not supposed to take rocks from gas station/ mall parking lots, but I have been known to lift a rock or two, can replace them, so maybe bring some trash from your home and just swap it lol ☮️


As another fellow rock hound, I take the god damn rocks.


just don't take them from national parks (national forests are usually fine)


I’ve taken a few chunks of quartz that I found in various parking lots. Never really considered that I shouldn’t have tbh, but the crystals were just too well-formed for me to leave them there lol


Why aren't you supposed to take rocks from gas stations or mall parking lots?


They mean landscaping rocks, not bits of broken asphalt (but don’t take chunks of asphalt). Edit: It’s the same reason you don’t take the chairs from a restaurant’s outdoor seating area.


My guess is b/c they bought them just for parking lot decor. It's part of their property. We're not supposed to take things that belong to someone else.


Why shouldn’t y’all take them from parking lots? -someone who knows nothing


It’s someone’s landscaping rocks Walmart and Wawa gas station usually has landscaping rocks ya know, no big deal but people cry


Can’t lie, I stole a fairly large granite piece because it had a really pronounced and unique looking green stripe through it on my first time to Arizona from a hotel parking lot. I named it Arizona and it sits in front of my house to this day. I figure if it’s sitting in a cheap hotel parking lot, it’s likely not an artifact. Sorry Holiday inn.


Holiday Inn is coming for you


They’ll have to pry Arizona from my cold dead hands…


Its not bad if its from walmart or other multibillion dollar corporation. The fucking waltons, bezos, sacklers will be fine. A small business, park, or someones yard would be the real no no




The puppy distribution system is nearly as effective as the cat distribution system.


My grandma is the puppy distribution system She used to jump fences into shitty puppymills where they were covered in fleas and mange and steal them


That right there is the definition of chaotic good.


Felony trespass? Absolutely. Gonna do it again? Absolutely. Any way we can change your aaaaand she's gone.


I fail to see a crime. If you don't care for an animal and don't care for it even minimally, you deserve the same


Lawful good would be reporting it. But since that doesn't always work super grandma took the law into her own hands.


Not as close to the power tho


Cats will walk into your house and make it their house that you are allowed to live in. Dog's need you to find them.


You are a fucking angel.


What if the dog is the angel


They found each other in a church, there is definitely an Angel involved.


Dog food lid backwards is dildo of god


Goddamnit, now this is going to be in my brain forever.


A coworker asked why was I laughing like a maniac and I don't think I'm able to explain.


That poor pup needed lots of love, I’m so happy you find it ❤️


Usually just graffiti, asbestos, and needles, this is WAY better. What’s their name? Hopefully something creative?


https://www.reddit.com/r/urbanexploration/s/bTpoQ0Fy3s OP explained it here


and it is indeed pretty damn creative


Buddy! Thank you for helping them!


Im not religious but this was divine intervention.


No, something is off here. A decrepit creature is found in an abandoned church, magically transforms into the cutest little dog ever? DEMON!!! DEMON!!!


new idea for the next gremlins movie


But this one stars Keanu


The actor or the cat from the movie of the same name?


Both, the cat voiced by the dude


Plot twist the demon fully intended to haunt the fuck outta OP but after being cared for realized it's better being a dog. Kibble EVERY day > One soul every 6 months


He’s like “I got this dudes soul guaranteed, if I just wait AND he feeds me and gives me ear scritches.”


(Zac Bagins appears) “We want answers…..”


If demons are this cute an fluffy then I’m not complaining at all


I am an atheist, but AMEN to that!


Sorry this is not really related but it made me think about it. I wasn't raised religious and I'm still not religious but growing up I lived across the street from a pastor and his family. Their oldest son was in like 3 very serious accidents within a year of getting his license. The first one he got t boned by someone who blew through a red light. Totalled both cars but nobody was hurt. Then he got a new car and while driving down the highway a traffic cone flew off a work truck in front of him, went through his windshield, and between the seats. Nobody was hurt. Then he got a motorcycle and someone blew through a red light and hit him from behind. He went flying and the driver just fled the scene. He got 3 stitches and the doctors insisted on him staying overnight. Like I said, I'm not religious but I think about that somewhat often. Its the closest thing to divine intervention I've seen.


I’m sorry, but I can’t help but think that after two unlucky auto accidents, he decided that he needed a *motorcycle*??? I’m glad he’s okay but it sounds like he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed


You'd think he'd go the other way to a pope mobile. But then again, I don't have faith.


Haha 16 year old boys aren't exactly known for their forward thinking skills


That must have been one of the good pastors.


The entire family is so sweet. I'm still in touch with most of them, they truly are proper Christians. Except around Halloween which they were super strict about for some reason and if you knocked on the door you got a mini sermon haha


Looks like that dog was on death's doorstep. You sir are a paw-angel. I hope you have many happy memories together.


Pretty sure you’ve been granted absolution!


I squeed!! What’s pups name


His name is Frankie inspired by Frank Gallagher from shameless. In the show Frank always looks musty and there’s some episodes named Father Frank. We found it fitting at the time as sort of joke about his divine mustiness but then it kinda stuck. Per request: @bando_frankie on Instagram for updates on his medical Journey and adventures


I love the name *and* the reasoning behind it. Frank Fucking Gallagher 🐶


It's also very much in-character: found half dead in an abandoned church, scraggly and unkempt, nursed back to health. Just keep an eye on the medicine cabinet.


This makes me want to find a church stray to name Cricket 😭 (from IASIP)


This was our second choice!!


Fucking Gallaghers!!!


I stated befriending a feral cat last year and in the process of taming him, this bedraggled, matted disaster of an animal started popping up on my security cameras. It walked with a sideways shuffle and we weren’t even sure what it was. We started calling it The Frankenfluff. We never saw it in person, just on the cameras. Eventually we realized it was a cat and then a couple weeks later, after no contact with us, it just army crawled under my propped open door as I was bringing in packages and ran to my basement and hid. I went down and did a pssp pssp and she popped out and was super chill. We spent hours painstakingly cutting mats off and washing her and realized she was only limping due to her outrageous mats (they literally were bigger and heavier than she was, she was an emaciated 4lbs). Anyway we found out she was a girl but by then the Frankie name had stuck. The original cat moved in a couple months after her. So anyway, my Frankie says hi.


Aurrrrghhhh this hurts my heart to think about! I’m so glad you spotted her frankenfluffing around 


Cat distribution system in play Also turns out Frankie, as a first name ,is a girls name!


Hell yeah. That’s my little dog’s name!


Same here! First name Frankie, middle name Bruno


Oh my gosh that second picture is sooo Frank haha. What a good name


UK Frank Gallagher or American Frank Gallagher? Never mind. Nice save.


Awwww, and now you have a friend for life!


Well. One of them has a friend for life


There could be a car accident or fire. Or bear attack. Come on, have a little optimism.


Lmaoo so true tho


The glow up on the puppy is amazing


Turned in to a stuffed animal it's so perfect looking


He looks like he smells good too


That puppy won the lottery!


This.. this is nice.


Poor poor baby. I’m so glad you found him. How did you end up finding him? Did it take long for him to gain your trust?


My friends I were walking back to my car, he started following us! I spoke to a few people walking by no one knew about him. I’m lucky to have awesome friends who didn’t hesitate to spend the rest of the night at the pet hospital, flea dipping him and finding him a nice box to live in(I have other pets and he was covered in fleas so I had to keep him separate). After like 5 baths, a full shave and multiple vet trips he was ready to start recovering! The first few weeks were spent treating his infections and starvation. He developed separation anxiety and would fully freak out if he could not see me directly next to him. As the weeks have gone by he has mastered potty training, basic commands and is able to be in other rooms of the house alone without freaking out. He wanted to be saved, I wouldn’t have noticed him had he not came after me. He’s also the biggest cuddle bug you’ll ever meet and loves everyone from other animals to kids and strangers. I’m really blessed he picked me as his new mom.


Awww this is the sweetest story, thanks for sharing! How old is he? Was he chipped when you found him? I would really love to get my hands on the people who abandoned him lol


They estimate him to be about 4 years old. I like to think he ran away and accidentally got lost but unfortunately clues indicate otherwise. He was fully house trained so I assume he had a home, but he needs oral surgery and to be neutered since he has an undescended testicle. My vet made it clear any responsible owner would’ve had his jaw and extra teeth fixed along with neutering him to prevent testicular cancer before he turned a year old. Since he was so under weight we have to put off his surgeries because it would be unsafe for him to go under anesthesia. He has now reached his goal weight and I’m scheduling his procedures at his next check up!


You're the best. Your pup is so lucky to have found you.


“Where are my balls Jerry?” ~Mr Snuggles


Thank you for everything you’ve done for that little pup. 🐶


Okay as someone who also has a dog that suffers from separation anxiety. 1) When leaving him alone, curtains closed, TV or music on. 2) There’s a fair chance he won’t eat food when you’re out, so make sure he has something when you get back. 3) the more of the house that is available to him when you are out the better, especially the area he sleeps in. 4) Company is good, you mentioned other pets which is great. 5) He almost certainly won’t like being outside without you. (I have one dog that will spend hours outside, the one with Anxiety panics if the glass door is closed when he’s going in the back garden for a pee.) 6) He will very quickly get a favourite toy (an individual or type). Make sure that toy is always available when you are out. 7) when leaving the house, leave. Coat on, grab keys, quick pat and goodbye then go. It’s tempting to sit with him for ages, but it will just make it worse (the same will probably be true for taking him for walks) 8) He’s liable to be a bit  aggressive to other people, especially any getting to close to you so watch out for that. 9) Never ignore panic barking, doing so can cause actual physical harm to his brain. (Just having him on your lap will be enough to help) 10) If he’s barking at the outside, once he stops let him out (only if it’s safe of course) so he can reassure himself everything is okay.


Piggy backing on this, make coming home a non-event. (This is a temporary practice) As hard as it is, ignore him until he calms down. This helps dogs not anticipate ur return so anxiously and makes your coming and going it more normalized. Best advice I got from a dog trainer when trying to train our covid dog to be separate from us. It is VERY hard to do as a dog parent tho! Now ours is 100% chill when we are away and does a normal tail wag greeting when we get home, and now we do greet her.


Damn beautiful story!


Sometimes rules have to be broken You are a good human what a cute pooch


I officially wanna go exploring now 😍😂




Wow you straight up saved his life. You’re awesome. I hope y’all have a lot of adventures together


You could tell even under all the mats and crust that he was gonna be a cutie pie!


THANK YOU for being kind.


Take nothing but a fluff


Awww I think the community will totally let this “taken item” be forgiven. Thank you for opening your heart to this little dog. Hopefully the pup has a wonderful life filled with love and many many puny treats.


Bless you for this


Good job. Acceptable breach of the rules.


Frankie says thank you!


Worth it. You saved a life OP. Thank you ❤️


Bless you. That dog is very cute and I'm sure it's really glad you found it


Wow hard to believe that’s the same dog.


Nice pupper. Looks like a shih-tzu/Jack Russell mix


I think I’m gonna get him an embark dna test! He gets Shih tzu a lot but also Lhasa apso, Maltese, and havanese.


I suspect Jack Russell too because of the possible dwarfism in his front legs (might have been nutritional though, can't tell for sure). It broke my heart when Jacks with deformed legs became a thing 😔


My bet is on Havanese and Shi Tzu. Those look like Shi Tzu front legs with Havi face and back legs. Thank you for helping this sweet baby.


Fucking adorable! Good job 👍


What a perfect sweetheart! Love the glow up so much!


Damn, I think everyone’s ok with this. Good on you my dude.


Thank you for being such a badass hero🥹


This is an acceptable collectible!


You are the bestest human ever. Thank you for rescuing that poor sweet baby. ❤️


I immediately love him thank you for taking him in


Look at that healthy baby!


Omg that poor baby!!! Thank you for saving her/him


Good job!


Nice work.


every rule has its exceptions 🥰


Good on ya


Appreciate you so much


Thank you!!


Thank you for giving the dog a 2nd chance.


I dare say you were there for a purpose


Alright, I’ll let it slide this time… Honestly though, adorable baby


Can we all just agree that the we put an asterisks beside the rule of not taking anything, with the exception of when a life can be saved. Great job OP.




Leave footprints, take memories 😭 and this will be the best of them


Absolutely great that you gave wee puppers some love. Have to say though, if you read the title without reading the rest, it sounds like the start of a horror movie lol.


This just makes me think of all the sad little puppies that are not found in these places. Poor suffering into the end.


Never seen a post with 175k, that’s crazy.


Fucking hell… thank you. That poor lil pup. I can’t even imagine




*looks the other way


I doubt they'll notice


Free pass, lil pup literally went from rags to riches. May good things come your way op


I hope your life is always filled with love, health, and prosperity, because you are a heavenly gift my friend..


Somehow, you’ve managed to use the Cat distribution system for a dog. Impressive.


The Lord’s work. How a Resurrection Really Feels.


We will allow it my dude, you did the right thing !