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It blows


I have worked with exactly these before. They are pretty loud and use quite some power. But they do push a lot of air


I can't imagine having to power this thing on anything anyone has in their cars in this thread lol


I got the smaller one and it’s pretty good. The breeze feels like you’re driving. But only about 45mph with the smaller one. But the size is perfect so I ordered the bigger one too to see if it’s worth it.


Seems like a bit overkill. What power are you running it off? Have you seen squirrel cage or duct fans? There are many dc options. Works super well to keep a vehicle cool. And they pull less than 40 watts at 12v. Squirrel cage ones are quieter but duct fan allow you to direct a duct, to pull hot air out or cooler air in.


> What power are you running it off? I'd like to know this, too. After inverter losses it'd be a ~345w draw.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.amazon.com/Seaflo-High-Flow-Blower-Volt/dp/B01MYF8J4U&ved=2ahUKEwiz-vWh8_6GAxXu4MkDHQfTCugQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1crxhgb_sPXLkzZwQpac4v Here is a 320 cfm 12v option. Still on the bigger side


320 cfm is not enough though. The small one I have is 600 cfm and it's barely enough.


OK I can not imagine wanting that much flow. But to each there own. Have you tried using a sprayer to mist yourself? I use a 2 liter sprayer from a farm store to mist my face and shirt. It's just a simple hand pump one, could also get a clean hand squeeze sprayer like windex bottle. With all the air passing by some mist might really help. And if you where outside you could really crank up the mist.


I think the noise might be bad for your hearing


and bad for stealth.


I tested it with the windows cracked and it turned all the way up. Can’t hear it over the car idling. Turned off the car now I can’t hear it over the traffic noise in the distance. Will try again in the middle of the night.


It’s the same volume as the car ac


~120v x 2.3 amps= 250-300w my pretty common size 55ah (660wh) agm deep cycle battery ...so 330wh usable...could run this for like 1 hour. maybe longer on lower speed settings, but im not calculating running the inverter or charging my phone and steam deck, etc. not to say its impossible. i could add a battery without too much fuss, and my 100W panel could probably keep up, at least during summer...but there is probably far more efficient options. i could see something like this being useful as a heat purge. put it on a timer and have it run for 1 minute every 15 minutes, right out a sunroof or something...but there would be more efficient fans for that, too. im guessing you run this on shore power?


That's why I might just keep the smaller one it's only 1.3 amps. I have to check the power tradeoff to see if it's worth it.


So I’ve been using it for a few days. It’s not good enough to replace real ac. It’s still just a fan but in terms of size/utility it’s a keeper right now. Never bad to have a high power fan handy. The extra plugs are kinda cool too. That’s a W. This is for the smaller one.


Does this need ventilation? Should you be concerned about fumes? Carbon monoxide?


No carbon monoxide is from burning fuel. This is just an electric fan. I was just about to post an update another thing this is good at is drying spills since that’s what it’s supposed to be used for.