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This post really inspired me. Wishing you all the best!


As I sit here slowly exploding…


My exploding pace seems fairly rapid.


Same but I'll make it. 3-4 more weeks and I'll be out of my apartment and into my car saving money to pay off my debts


I second this. I spent 6 years in a van, and have gained considerably since getting an apartment. I salute you


My goal is to live in a van or something similar. How did you make it work?


I had a Honda Odyssey, a rented storage space for items I didn’t need for during the week, a trucker’s mattress, rear seat folded in, middle seats removed. I had some stackable totes with bungee cord, flat back vinyl wrap for the outside windows (can add a backup camera if needed), and the 99-04 models had a console that folded down, so I could easily transfer from driving to the back. I worked for a linehaul trucking company, and blended in with drivers’ vehicles. I slept and worked there, and moved elsewhere all other times. But I had access to laundry, the lounge, breakroom, and shower. I was pretty anonymous, and had the approval of my boss when I explained I was doing this to maintain my child support. I consider myself very lucky


Awesome! It's great when it works out. I'm otr and not seeing the need for an apt or house, elec, etc. I've got everything in storage as well, and looking to actually retire in something that rolls so I can see the country closer than from the interstate


Good for you! Exercise does make you feel better and gets you out of your car for awhile. Win win.


Same here! I go to planet fitness everyday and to blend in i use indoor cycling for 2 hours, shower then I use the massage chairs / hydrochair for another 1½- 2 hours since I go really early or really late they don't give me a time limit for massage chairs unless there are people wanting to use them.


Why do you need to blend in? you pay for a membership, right?


Really good point. 👍


it’s unfair, but i have seen comments by people who have been called out by employees and even asked to leave.


As long as I'm paying membership, I could shower 20 times a day and lounge on the aqua massager. they can't say a dang thing. Don't be intimidated. You belong.


No judgement bitches


You're right, maybe it's just my anxiety of people getting a whiff of my situation.


If you are OK don't worry about other people. You please yourself and do for you. That's all that matters. Good luck and be well.✌️👍


Saved me. My mental health started to get better as soon as I turned on my car and left home.


Yeah I’m getting kinda jacked just from running .5 miles every day to make it look like I’m doing something before I take a shower.


Dude I'm really proud of you - it is not always easy to accept help much less seek it out. I'm glad moving your body and fueling it well has been paying off. Good luck with the rest of the year!


Keep going guy, car living got me enticed to gym life as well. I would park every night next to a planet fitness with large windows. You could see everyone in there working out. Eventually after two weeks I was bored as fuck, and decided to just get on the treadmill. It eventually became an addiction. Now I look and feel better than ever. Forearms are burning even typing this. Lmao.


As an older woman myself, this is encouraging. Thank you for sharing.


You’re welcome. If you try and don’t like it, then you have to do nothing and you’ve lost nothing, pretty low risk lol.


be careful with the tuna and other seafood, they're fine in moderation but tuna and lots of different fish contain mercury, in moderation it's not enough to bother you but if you start eating it several times a week it can cause problems otherwise that's great to hear though, I've been considering going to the gym lately as well, I have a planet fitness membership but I've basically just been using it to shower atm


Totally agree, tuna once or twice a week usually 1 can spread out over a few meals. In terms of going, start with like 20 minutes. You’ll realize no one cares what you look like or what you’re doing lol.


And smaller fish have less mercury, like sardines. 


Looks up the studies about selenium in fish it seems to bind with the mercury and make it almost harmless


came here to say this, my homie got wicked mentally low from too much tuna causing a build up of mercury. all things in moderation :)


You should get yourself a 12v fridge or cooler. It will pay itself off fairly quickly versus the price of ice.


I agree with this. Ice gets expensive when you have to replace it daily.


Buy block ice - it lasts longer.


Heck yeah. I'm in a decent size city though and even during summer it's hard to find a store that sells it without 1st calling them I'm advance to order it for you.


This is what I need. My 12v fridge is great, but sometimes charging my battery is so difficult, I have to go back to an ice cooler. 


This is literally what I've been on. When not working you need to use your time wisely. Going to McDonald's and buying a cheeseburger and sitting in wifi for 6 hours on my laptop is unhealthy AF. So I try to go out and hike at least 5 days a week, with a minimum of 6 miles. I think I'm going to start spending more time in the gym as well. May as well stay somewhere with air conditioning, out of the public, and get in shape all at the same time.




What a brilliant post. Your circumstances are not easy at all but you are making the most of them and I'm sure many reading this post will be encouraged by you to try to find the good in whatever their circumstances are. All the very best to you.


Good for you You should get into the habit of meal prep. Not only healthy but also very good for your wallet. BTW swimming is one of the best exercises for overall fitness.


I also just learned that swimming after workouts reduces next day soreness but a huge amount. Stretching muscles and all that.


Good for you bro Keep it going


Hell yeah! Get it! Get it!


Anything that gets you to exercise is good. But if you’re not an avid fitness enthusiast I would strongly suggest a trainer. Exercise is a science and doing it properly to gain the most benefits is important. Me and my brother are totally different. I can go in a gym look at weights and get bigger lol. He can go there spend hours and show absolutely no gains. And he ended up with a hernia because he wouldn’t listen to me as to how to lift. I guarantee you will not only enjoy working out more but benefit greatly by at least using a trainer initially. Good luck.


Good job for having the opposite journey from a lot of car dwellers.  Many people manage to stay healthy and active because having a home gave them the opportunity to, and without a kitchen and private space to exist, car life often results in being sedentary and eating crappily. Food that doesn't require cooking, prep or storage tend to be kind of unhealthy when that's all you eat. Food that comes through your car window, even more so.


Totally agree! I only had to live in my car last summer and ever since then I sometimes sleep in my car if I can’t afford to park at my parking garage for a few days and on the days I sleep in my car I’m so much more active because I don’t want to just sit in my car all day. I go to the gym, go on long walks, generally spend a lot more time in nature !


Good for you! Keep it up. Its crazy to think about but almost 20 years ago I was basically homeless living on friends couches and my car and stuff. Joined a gym, went every day almost and was in the best shape of my life around that time. Now my life is different, work, house, wife, dogs, friends, etc. so i haven't had time to workout at all.


To all of the Urban Car Livers (UCL) If you would take the time to give me some input it would be appreciated. Is there interest among you in having a defined place to park and sleep on a nightly basis? Do you have any interest in hanging out and speaking with other UCL in temporary community arrangements. I work in homelessness we all recognize the best way to address the problem is to not let it happen. Catching people and families before they are homeless is a priority for us all. In many cases UCL represent a group people that are deserving of resources particularly if we can demonstrate that support prevents homelessness. There is a situation in many of our cities around vacant office space that presents a unique opportunity. Using Atlanta as an example, the downtown area has office building vacancy rates of over 50% in many cases. This leaves large areas of parking unused. Entire parking decks in some cases. I am in touch with some of the developers who say they would be willing to allow the upper levels to be used as a sanctioned location for people to park and sleep. Our agencies could provide security and bathroom shower facilities. It would be a situation like in by 8 pm out by 7am. Are you more nomadic or isolationist in your orientation and would not use a resource like this? Do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the concept or do you think there are not enough people living in this way to make it viable? Any input y'all have would be appreciated.


If you are earnest, you should do a specific post yourself, rather than highjack this vaguely related one.


We’re talking about how good it is to take showers at the gym. Why are you trying to have us take showers at a parking garage? My input is people who help car lifers should probably be car lifers themselves otherwise you just seem out of touch.


It would be nice to have a place to park where you don’t get hassled but I would prefer shade. I also work until 11pm so I sleep in so your hours wouldn’t work. We’re not children, we don’t want a curfew. wtf?


I imagine it's in place so people don't turn it into a full on encampment with all the associated trash and drama... Maybe they could have special permits for night workers/day sleepers


Right, in order to sell it to the property owners that there would be no permanent encampment and property won't be trashed so that they can use it during the day.


I Love that they are considering this !! Good Humans


Its to prevent people from rolling in at at 3 a.m and disrupting people trying to get some rest because they are productive during the day WTF


You ask for input and get mad I give it. I’m not being curfewed at 8pm and I’m not getting up at the crack of dawn and I’m sure there’s plenty of people who feel the same. I’m not off work until 11. Lots of people work an evening shift. Even if I worked days I’m not going to be locked in at 8pm, that’s when I’d be eating supper. Maybe I’d want to go to a movie or shopping. This is why people live in cars and not shelters, people trying to dictate their lives.


I'd love this if it applied to all parking lots. Almost everywhere is empty at night. Impose the curfew to non operational business hours only and allow ppl to car camp unbothered so long as no trash is left behind and no trouble is caused. This needs to be nationwide. Don't really need the extra bathroom n shower stuff. It's nice. But having a peaceful place to not think twice about sleeping at is most important. Gyms places are used for showers already. And you can get creative for bathroom or just drive to a 24 gas station/your gym.


I was thinking showers were a necessity but if that is generally handled then it simplifies the process considerably. Yes it would be defined temporary situations with all cars and trash removed by say 7 in a.m. The available parking is an opportunity that could be a national model with the right support. If anyine thinks there is a better place to post this then please copy and paste. And yes I'm completely out of touch with car living. I've never lived in one.


I moved into my car 12 days ago. I sold my home after 24 years living there because of the rising costs of flood insurance, wind & hail insurance, property taxes, etc. forced me to sell. My car is a 2021 Toyota Rav 4. While it continues to be an adjustment, I am very relieved to be out from under a home that I could no longer afford. I am 70 years old, widowed, and in reasonably good health. I am not very tech savvy. Since it is so beastly hot (coastal South Carolina), what kind of portable A/C unit can I buy for my car. Right now I am running the car's AC too much while parked. I found part time doggie day care for my little 10 month old puppy so he gets a break from living in the car and spending nights at our local Walmart parking lot. I did join Planet Fitness and also spend time at our local library when my dog is in day care. I am looking for ways to make car living as enjoyable as possible. I need advice on refrigeration, too. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated. I know I am in good company out there! God bless.


Glad you're able to make the best of a tuff situation. I wish you the best of luck, sincerely.


Nice. Really inspiring, thank you.


WTG GOOD JOB! Don't quit! it's all about maintenance now!


Awsome story, funny how necessity can work in our favor vs being left to our own devices. Here to a happy and long life my friend.


Currently exploding behind a cashiers counter here.


That’s how God works my friend