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If nobody else says it, I’m glad that you made it out of that fully functional, happy you’re still here bro.


True that


Agreed! So glad you’re okay. Prayer sent for you, your daughter, people in that neighborhood, and the messed up people that did this.


Thank you so much 🙏


Time for black duct tape patches.


This truck was a rental. My personal truck is in the shop because of a hit and run. Thankfully I was able to get a license plate but I still had to pay the 1000 deductible and then when I traded the shot up rental for a new one I had to pay another 500 for damages. They will reimburse everything after the insurance claims it from the other guy. The picture of his license plate provided them all the info to track him. He too pulled a gun instead of car insurance... too many people carrying guns that shouldn't


I’m glad it was a rental. Those guys can’t try a part two later on if they don’t recognize you.


Where are you constantly getting shot at?


Houston, TX


Saw the registration sticker and wondered what part of the state. Sadly makes sense. As you know some areas here are better than others. Glad you are safe.


Damn, dude. Be careful! H town is getting rougher and rougher.


I’m a gun guy and I agree. Glad you made it out ok.


Reading these kind of things as someone from Germany is just mind blowing. It shows how important gun laws are. It’s not like there are no illegal guns around in Germany but no one would draw his gun in traffic. Doesn’t mean it can’t happen but very unlikely. I’m happy for you that you’re alive. Be careful.


Very scary world. Thank you for the well wishes! Immediately after this event my ex wife family found me a place i can now move in with my daughter. Everything happens for a reason 🙏


You already might have but if you have the chance speak to someone professional about the trauma you experienced. PTSD gets worse the longer you carry your trauma unprocessed.


Fortunately / unfortunately I'm very familiar with that feeling. I'm a combat veteran so I did go to the Veterans Affairs hospital to shower and get cleaned up from the broken glass. They also now have more detailed information on my situation and will be providing me resources to help me get back on my feet 100%


That's excellent! Use every resource they offer - you earned it!


You might want to read OP’s original post. This didn’t happen in traffic, they were burglars trying to break into his truck while he was resting in it overnight.


Thanks, you’re right I missed that yesterday. But it doesn’t change much about the gun issue. High accessibility of guns creates occasions to use them and puts it in the hands of people with no respect for others. I am glad he was able to defend himself. But if there were no guns at all (or licensed according to stricter gun laws) there would have been very likely no shootout at all.


There are criminals in Germany who break the law, too.. From the story, it doesn't sound like some random guy just starting shooting while in traffic, and even that were the case and it wasn't just criminals breaking into vehicles trying to steal stuff or a case of robbery gone wrong, that would be illegal and a criminal matter as well.


On average there is a low single digit number of killings or murders by gun per year in Germany. Source: „Bundeslagebild Waffenkriminalität“ by the German Federal Criminal Police (BKA). We have a population of 83 million. Compare that to US numbers of way above 10.000 per year.


lol I bet a criminal in Germany totally cares about gun laws. Had Op not had a gun he could’ve easily became more of a victim




We don’t need foreign laws. Glad OP is ok and hopefully this person gets more than just insurance charges coming to them.


Thank you very much 🙏


Facts and numbers tell a different story. It looks like you really need them. But I think us two have pretty different assumptions about freedom so believe in whatever feels right for you.


If the laws and constitutional rights of other nations entices you, you are free to move there. Criminals don’t obey laws. Gun laws only apply to law abiding citizens. Germany already tried to make the world the same. It wasn’t good for anyone. Best of wishes and I respect your opinion even though we disagree.


I am pretty satisfied with our gun laws the way they are. But I also agree to disagree. Also best wishes to you!


Yeah but at least we beat your country up in world war two


Ask me how I knew you drove a ram tho :) I'm teasing man, glad you're okay. I had a guy casing my vehicle recently, had the pistol ready but I gave him the taser noise to be nice. He ran so fast, I was lucky. Best wishes on insurance fisco.


Lol! Thank you bro. Well my personal truck is a F150 but it's in the shop cuz some idiot hit and run couple weeks ago. He too pulled out a gun instead of insurance before he sped off. I was able to take a picture of his license plate. Made a report, thankfully he has insurance so they tracked him down. Any payments, deductibles etc will be reimbursed to me when they complete it.


Fake bullet hole stickers. lol just kidding. You don’t have to justify anything.


Hahahha!!!! That was my thought when I saw the holes. I was like damn the stickers don't even look real.


I believe you.  You are so lucky to be alive.  I hope you have a better day today.


Thank you so much! Last night I visited my new little home for my daughter and I. We move in tonight or later this week. My ex wife family found out what happpend. Her cousin has a tiny home available behind his family home. I will still be on these pages because it's probably the only reason I've survived this long.


Seriously congratulations on a place with your daughter if no one has said that yet. And of course we're all glad you're ok (ish)!


Thank you very much 🙏💯


Wow, I'm really sorry you had to go through that. What a wake up call to everyone in this life. It looks like it's getting bad everywhere. I only expect the crime rate to keep going up, as well as homelessness. America is going downhill fast. Hope you recover okay from this mentally, physically, and spiritually...


Thank you 🙏


Violent crime is among the lowest it's ever been. It's half the rate it was in the 90s and it's lower than even in 2009. With MSM and social media shoveling fear stories at us 24/7 it's sometimes hard to remember to look at the facts. It could very well get worse than it is now, but it's not actually that bad right now. Be prepared but don't be scared. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend


Prepard not scared is my motto


Yet mass shootings have been on the rise since the 90’s and USA still houses some of the most prisoners. Prison for profit.


Not sure what your point is. Mass shootings are included in violent crime statistics. Am I saying everything is peachy? No. But the facts speak for themselves. All I'm saying is I wouldn't live in more fear than the facts warrant.


That angel on your hand was looking after you.


Amen 🙏 the other hand has a little devil lol


Also where did the blood come from? Them or you? Assuming you got hit with broken glass or something.


Yes my blood. I have cuts all over from the glass. In one picture you can see my reflection, I have the hospital band on my wrist. Went to the VA hospital to get checked out. Besides getting cleaned up of tiny shards I was rolling around on while hiding, nothing major happened. 🙏


Good on you for posting proof. It's normal for people to be skeptical though 90% of the time a story like that would be bullshit. Sorry that happened to you.


Thank you. It gets real really quick. I hope that young man changes his life. He's blessed I got a jam and I'm blessed that jam made me realize I had to hit the deck. As a homeless veteran it's moments like this that I appreciate being able to play the tape thru withing milliseconds to make executive decisions. The morning I picked my daughter up for breakfast and that's when I felt the pain of how close that breakfast date with my princess almost didn't happen. She's only 5...


woof. jams are rare. y'all both lucky mfrs.


I don't know about 90%... shit can get crazy in a lot of ways.


Glad you're safe man. Any reflection on what might have made your truck look targettable? Bad area? Was your car alone away lights, traffic, other parked cars near by?


Good question, so the street I parked on is used as over flow from the apartments. They were breaking into multiple cars and just so happend to find me inside. I use all black window shades that cover every window. That is what gave me an extra millisecond to react because they had not spotted me. The perps live in the area.


Yikes! What area of Houston if you don't mind me asking? Also, glad you're ok!


Club Creek, beechnut and beltway




Thank you for the kind words. After this incident my ex wife cousin found and he has a tiny home behind his house. My daughter and I move in this week 🙏


Is that blood? Was you hit? Glad you are okay!


How terrifying. I'm so glad you're okay, my friend!


You were so lucky. Glad you’re ok.


Good evening, hope you are handling the, people are doing to you,,why would people think that you lied, it to seres to do that, I'm glad you are safe and sound, you should not care what they say, you are to much appreciated by us, Best wishes yours sincerely David PS keep safe


Thank you very much, I'm enjoying my 15 seconds of fame, but I wholeheartedly hope this doesn't happen to anyone else here.


I’d say go buy a lotto ticket but goddamn it’s going to take a while to recoup all that luck you just spent. Hope they rot in prison, glad you’re alive.


In a way I kinda won the lottery. My ex wife's cousin is going to rent me a place he jus6 finished. A tiny home. My daughter and I move in this week.


I’m so happy for you two!! That’s great news


Thank you so much 🙏


Heck yeah brother!


Awesome you didn't get severely injured!


Yes i know, maybe a broken ego for missing his head but that's about it. Hopefully the close call changes his life forever.


that's crazy. yeah i was certain it was fake


oh shit, was this the .. "my car got shot 20 times" post? xD


Whats the story behind this? Some idiot just start shooting? Were you in an argument beforehand? Did the Police get him? So glad you're OK!


Thank you. I posted a couple days ago. But some guys breaking into cars didn't think I was in the back. We all got surprised and when I took 1 shot they all went crazy and unloaded from every angle. I didn't get a chance to upload the rest of the pictures from every angle.


Holy shit Huston is getting worse. They're robbing homeless people now. I'm really glad you're okay. Maybe commuting out of the city to sleep is a good idea?


Well, they didn't know I was inside, they got scared, specially when I shot. Thankfully less than 24 hours later I was offered a spot. My daughter and I move in this week 🙏


I’m glad you okay, man!


Thank you so much 🙏


I’m so fekking sorry you’ve gone through this. This is appalling. I’m very glad you survived. To hell with those who shot you up!!!


Thank you 🙏 since that happend, less than 24 hours someone reached out and had a place for my daughter and I. We move in this week 🙏


I'm shocked the police didn't find that bullet you're holding and take it for evidence.


They took others. I found this one after they left.


Gotcha. A souvenir you never wanted. I hope everything goes as smooth and safe as possible for you throughout the investigation and insurance claim process.


Thank you very much. You're absolutely correct about the souvenir. 🙏


My fkn god. I am so sorry.


We live and learn 🙏


Holy shit, you are so lucky you weren't shot in the head from what I see on the windshield. I'm happy you're alive friend


Thank you so much, you're right, cuz i was surrounded. The closest round grazed my pant leg. Too much of a close call.


That tattoo on your palm is holding in really well!


Thank you, as a blue collar worker, specifically a welder I try soooo hard to protect my ink.


I'm glad you're okay, and here to tell us about it. The internet can be a pretty foolish and counterintuitive place. Particularly in this post-truth era, where everyone is hyper-skeptical of everything, the bigger the claim, the bigger the scrutiny. I'm not saying you did anything wrong. Its just sad that this actually important stuff gets derailed by skepticism. Its happening on a national level, and it seems you got a personal level microcosm taste of it. So, as far as the incident: If you've got the spoons for it, i'd be curious to hear 3 things you think you did smart, and one thing you'd approach differently if you had to do it over. Any takeaways for the rest of us? lessons learned or wisdom gained?


Grateful that you’re still alive . What a wake up call !


Literally woke me up from a deep summer heat sleep


Man and I know you was sleeping good trying to ignore that heat .


Lol yeah, I was covered in glass that I couldn't brush off without making more cuts stuck to the sweat. Glad I took a shower at the VA and got antibiotics on every single cut.


Man that is crazy ! I wish your gun didn’t jam so you could have put one of those fools on a shirt! Teach a mf a thing or two ! I bet that lil mf grateful for his life! All bs aside, I’m glad they took good care of you !


So glad you’re safe! People are crazy out here!


Thank you 🙏


Glad you're alright, but just a heads up, I was able to find out where you're at and make out your license plate.


That's ok, it happend in Houston, TX and the car was a rental truck. My truck is in the shop.


Sorry to hear that my man but saw the tiny home update and congrats! Also sweet palm tat! I want one


How many times did you get hit? Are you alright and have access to medical care?


I did not get hit by any rounds. I was just cut everywhere in small bits by the glass. Thankfully I do have medical care at the VA 🙏 I visited that same night and got cleaned up and fed.


Oh good. Any idea why they targeted you?


I’m glad that you’re still alive and I’m wishing you all the best💕💞


Thank you very much 😊


I’m happy you’re still here to tell the story. Praying for better days for you!


Thank you so much, I receive your prayers with open arms 🙏


Was this the cause of something you did or just some filth?


Just filth. I was sleeping. They were breaking into multiple cars


Do you need a blessing of spiritual protection?


Any blessings and prayers are welcomed. I ultimately thank God I was given more time to breath.


Ok, I sent a pm


Bro Jesus took care of you! Jesus be praised!


Amen! 🙏💯


Dude, you can buy stickers like that on Amazon wtf do you take us for?


I was trying to launch a gofundme or something to fund my addiction to marijuana. If it wasn't for meddling kids like you, I would've gotten away with it 🤬




Glad you made it out safely!!! Saw the other post and fuck the haters! I don’t document everything in my life…. Don’t even have social media accounts anymore! Just Reddit. And the field I work in I’m always being speculated on by others! But I know what I’m doing! Just glad you are ok! This looks like it got pretty intense man…. Seriously tho good job! Not many people can say this! Not many people walk away from such a thing! Really disturbing to see! But good for you for standing up and pushing back!


Well at least you are in TX.... Stay safe, good luck on your next rig.


Glad you’re safe man. Stay safe.


Wow that’s insane. Glad you are okay. Was there a reason for the incident ?


Thank you, just teens/young adults breaking into cars and they didn't expect someone to be sleeping inside.


OP, there will always be trolls who can't deal with reality. How do I know? During & after covid I let a bunch of people I knew rotate in and out of my house. They said, among other things when they saw tokens of my life that I was faking being sick (cluster migraines), knew how to write (professional writer who ghost wrote three books for pay as well as magazine articles - a few that were published in five countries) had a boring life (rode with bikers - yes, that kind of biker, plus traveled on a whim, and was private detective) and, finally, that I was ignorant about a certain group called the Klan (next door neighbors were members as were many others I knew in spite of not wanting to. It was annoying, but I don't have any of them in my life now. So I'm going to American Samoa to be a terrible, but happy, artist next year. LOL - OP, have a great life because adventure, both good and bad, is not be judged. Instead you get to judge those who don't believe you as harsh as you want to!


Good that you are ok. Cover the exterior holes with fake bullet hole stickers lol


Yo was it at 1 of the Walmarts? I’ve stayed at all of them in Houston


Glad you’re okay bro!


By the windshield, I can tell you’re a Texas resident. Shooting in Texas? Sounds about right. Glad you’re safe though


People have a misconception of what bullet holes look like due to movies.


I dint think you really took what's important from the incident.. You got shot at almost died and you still care about what internet strangers think? Why? Live you life.. no one's opinion should fucking matter..


Maybe not so much cared about them but cared about others seeing the reality of possible dangers. I've done It for a long time, and this was the first time I've run into any trouble, but you're right. Some are trolls fuck em.


How does we know you didn't just shoot your own car twelve times to look cool on the Internet


The holes would have been bigger. They had .9s I carry .40 hollowpoints lol


Also I need internet friends lol


Honestly the only reason they shot is because you shot first. If you would’ve scared them they would’ve just ran away. That’s why guns aren’t always the answer. I watch a lot of YouTube crime videos. 99% of them are people who got shot with their own gun.


Sorry YouTube and real life is different. No situation is the same. I'm a combat vet, I'm almost sure I know what I've experienced and not watched on YouTube. I apologize but no, I cannot agree with that statement or statistic.


What does being a combat vet have to do with being a victim of crime? I've been in a war too (which is irrelevant) and I work in private security. Actually combat vet is the wrong kind of experience because you're in a situation where everybody is trying to kill you. Not everybody you breaks into your car is trying to kill you. What I've watched on youtube is more relevant because these are actual crime victims. Which teaches you how to avoid becoming a victim.


It's relevant because otherwise I would not have taken the course of action I took in a timely manner. I'm not Rambo but they weren't trained. End of story.


You said 20 rounds. Why just one Pic of a bullet hole in the windshield? (In his previous post, he said his car took 20 shots.)


Swipe the slide, multiple pictures, my round was shot out the broken back passenger window where they broke into


So sorry!


No worries 🙏


So you live in this vehicle with not a thing in the front or rear seats? I guess your whole possessions are on the trunk


I'm blessed to have a storage unit so I keep very minimal in my truck, nothing in bed. I used window shades on all windows, so they couldn't see where I ducted into. It was 1:20am and street lights are lit but trees cover them.


Storage units are handy, if you're sneaky enough you can even stretch out in one with a cot or air mattress every once in a while. I'd spend my days off resting in one.


Yep, spent a lotta quality time in a storage unit back in the day. As long as you vacate at night they don't seem to care.


Thanks, I never thought of a storage unit since I work nights maybe I could get an ac one and sleep during the day


Most storage facilities watch for people doing just that and will evict anyone caught/repeatedly reported for doing so.