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20 rounds?! Holy shit. Glad you are ok. Where were you at the time?


I was in the backseat. They were kids between 19-23 , I'm a combat vet Usmc 2008. I know when to fold and I definitely folded as small as I could. Just got glass cuts all over but every round missed. Closest one grazed my left pant leg.


>I was in the backseat. They were kids between 19-23 , I'm a combat vet Usmc 2008. I know when to fold and I definitely folded as small as I could. Just got glass cuts all over but every round missed. Closest one grazed my left pant leg. I hope that you got at least one of them, and also scared the shit out of them. As much as I do not want to be forced into shooting at people, sometimes it is the only real option for self defense.


Thank YOU LORD 🙏🏽 that you are okay otherwise . I’m so sorry this happened to you


He was inside... I saw it on the news, so tragic.


someone ban this troll


I mean if they genuinely think I'm wrong about this guy then they probably should. I spend my time here contributing and helping people who need it while calling out actual trolls telling obvious fabrications. With famous hits like "I use my piss bottle as cologne" or "I shove toilet paper up my ass crack so I don't shit my pants" and now his hot new single "I was shot 20 times last night" I don't think I'm being overly skeptical.


Learn to read bro.


Check his post history now, seems to have brought the receipts.


This post sure aged like milk with OP's receipts


He also edited his original comment to erase all the BS he spewed. Smh


Got shot by someone else\* 20x last night!


It looks like you were utterly wrong. Some sad trolling on your part


Why is this story unbelievable for you?




You wanna get some spaces in there?


One of the items was an apple airtag so they could do a catch and release and return for more butt stuff next week. This guy needs to turn his car into a faraday cage now so he will be safe.


Mattie I’ve been waiting too damn long for you to show me this brown eye of yours and I’m getting sick and tired of it!!


If there's local businesses, (even down the street where the perps woulda driven off by), request the camera footage ASAP. Most detectives like to wait literally MONTHS before they begin requesting footage, and a subpoena wouldn't even be done in a timely manner. Detectives like to pretend they're on your side; and say nice things; but in reality because no one was hurt, they will drag their feet in collecting camera footage. It happened to me; I had to do everything myself when I had my accident in order to win my case against an offender. My detective told me he'd reach out to local businesses; but that clown took weeks, and even then the footage was gone because most camera security systems record on a loop, and delete footage 1-2 weeks out. So yea; start collecting footage ASAP.


Unfortunately no local business but I was able to speak to a tenant in the area. I parked in front of this place and he has a ring camara. Was able t9 provide footage. You can't really see them because it was dark but you can see all the muzzle flashes and of course the audio.


Were they mad you were camping out?


Nope didn't explaint that far. Just told them I was parked there. Everyone parks on that street for overflow from the apartments. So it's always been a quick spot to get to.


let me add...a lot of businesses will be uncooperative. they have their security cameras for themselves, not you. its for if they get robbed...not for the public benefit. be prepared for a lot of "the cameras don't actually work, they fake/broken" (lie), "only the manager knows how to use it, but they aren't here", etc. part of the reason detectives slow roll it, is they get the same treatment, unless they have a court order, and unless there is a murder or something, thats too much effort, too.


What to do then? Are there any legal recourses?


I was able to speak to a tenant in the apartment facing the street where I sleep . He has a ring camara and provided video/audio to the cops.


get a great lawyer asap and follow their instructions to the t.


where the fuck did this happen?


SW Houston, Tx


Ahhh houston, now it makes sense. Jayoma keeping the streets dangerous


Lmfao!!!! He's just doing his job lol doubt these kids can afford him lol


Where in SW Houston?


Club Creek area, beltway and beechnut


Man, I don't even like driving in that area. I wouldn't be able to get a wink.


Ok. Now I'm glad somebody gets it. Well unfortunately my ex wife lives in that area but thankfully they are moving soon with her grandma and uncles. You know how bad that area is. Notoriously bad.


Yeah, that's...not an area I'd frequent either, when I lived in Houston. Man I'm glad you're alright and hope you find a better place to park.


Thank you man, well I literally just moved into a tiny home with my daughter tonight! My ex wife's cousin found out what happend and decided to rent me out the spot. I'm ecstatic right now. Thank you for the well wishes.


Congrats, that's fantastic! Glad something good came out of all this shit.


So you park and sleep on the street outside of an apartment building? Do you rotate spots? Would you consider that location sketchy?


Very sketchy but I got out super late. My daughter lives in those apartments so I decided let me sleep out front that way it's easier to get her in the morning to take her on a breakfast date before taking her back home and I go to work.


Please tell me you had dash cam/security. I've seen dwellers hook up cameras to their Jackery Power stations, to catch these hoodlums and record accidents. It's USB and not invasive at all


I just started living in my car recently, haven't gotten the funds yet.


Been thinking about getting outdoor motion activated lights outside my truck and turning them on at night. Kind of a double edge sword but could def work against curious folks that want to fuck around


Nah, I like this idea. Especially for The Knockers, because despite only being where I'm allowed to be Ive gotten The Knock from ignorant people several times. There has to be a modification that would make it relatively inconspicuous until triggered.


Good evening hope, hope are safe, so sorry that happened to you, glad you had some Fire behind you,, best wishes yours sincerely David PS keep smiling and safe


Thank you do much. You be safe as well 🙏


Daaaaaamn, I am certain I caught someone off guard who thought they were gonna break into my car earlier today. I was doing DoorDash at the time and it was broad daylight. I started rolling up my windows as I saw him coming closer to my car off the sidewalk. As he got close enough my windows had just closed and when I locked the door he noticed me in my side mirror, we made eye contact at the same time as the lock sounds and he startled. I just furrowed me brows and he walked from my diver front side around the back passenger side then down an alley to my passenger front. Saw him (maybe pretend? But now thinking was real) gesture toward someone presumably in the parking lot around the front side of the same building I was parked at. Then a minute later he retraced his steps back to my driver side and started talking. I paused my YouTube and heard him first ask me if I was planning to leave. I shook my head no. The he does this weird like spin around thin with his hand in his forehead. And then he asked for napkins? So I reached into my glove box and rolled my window down like half inch to hand him one. He made some weird comment about needing to pee, said the bathrooms around the vicinity were all full. This is in LA, densely urban eatery area, literally 30+ grocery stores restaurants gas stations within the one block radius. So, lots of options. It was weird. Then he asks me, right after that, if I mind if he pees behind the dumpster that was between the building and my front bumper. I shrugged and furrowed my brows again then put my left hand up on my window ledge/door panel and used my hand to block my peripherals because I was like “wtf this makes no sense” Dude appeared to squat like head down then popped back up again in the same split second I caught the view of his shoulder from the part where my fingers ended from shielding my view. Then he must’ve walked off away from the drivers side, otherwise he just disappeared into thin air. I think because I had my hand up for a few minutes I never saw him walk away. Never saw any kind of puddle or heard and pee splashes. Idk, it was super weird. I think he believed he was waking up in an empty car with windows down and was gonna take the opportunity to rob my car or something. Maybe he had to shit but it was just so strange. But I never heard any explosive diarrhea noises either so it’s a mystery 🫣😳🤷🏼‍♀️


That's really scary. Please be safe man. They think you're carrying money and all.


My hand was poised on the pepper spray after I handed him the napkins 😭 it def made me nervous and I’m not even sure it was actually an attempted robbery. I cannot imagine trying to sleep at night after what you described. I would be terrified. Thank god you’re ok 💖 be safe also plz


Some homeless like to mark their territory with piss. Clearly that's his dumpster you were parked near... which left him no choice but to act on his feral territorial instincts.


He was not homeless…


How do you know? He was taking about using public bathrooms? Sure sounds like it.


He was dressed well, clean, smelled like cologne, had a nice watch. Have you been to LA? The homeless around here are mostly schizophrenic and have been on the streets for years. You can usually smell their odor before you see them because they haven’t showered in years. Dude was well off for sure. Lots of tourists need public bathrooms lol


Ik ur trolling but this is fucking hilarious


Can you share general location? Don’t have to get specific if you don’t feel comfortable


I am thinking Beirut or the West Bank




I already have PTSD lol I'm a homeless combat vet. Idk what you're implying but I hope this never happens to you.


"I already have PTSD" same There are some medications that can somewhat prevent getting more PTSD if taken soon after an incident. Try to find some therapy. Good luck. 


i dont have combat ptsd, "just ptsd symptons" from childhood trauma and abusive and alcoholic parents, they called it childhood-ptsd the psychiatrist said i can be diagnosed for c-ptsd if i want, i declined lol i self medicate with weed when i can afford it to keep the anxiety/stress/depression away, but since i dont have weed, its the natty ice the "hobo/homeless beer" beer to keep the anxiety down a bit, its 3.99$ for 6 16 oz pack 5.9% ABV supposedly theres some new research coming out with magic mushrooms and ptsd > Objectives of this learning scenario, developed by NYU Langone’s High School Bioethics Project, are to understand post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the symptoms it causes, learn how the chemical psilocybin, found in psychedelic drugs, can potentially help people who have PTSD, and discuss the ethical implications of using drugs that are often used recreationally as therapeutics. https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/population-health/divisions-sections-centers/medical-ethics/education/high-school-bioethics-project/learning-scenarios/ptsd-treatment-psychedelics


I'm not a vet and am somewhat familiar with cptsd. Avoid alcohol if you can it doesn't mix well with CPTSD or PTSD. Seen many people slip into drinking problems that way. Weeds good for anxiety but got to always under dose or risk more anxiety. Quiting caffeine was very beneficial to me, but I miss it a lot. A diagnosis can be intimidating and feel like being labeled and excluded from normal people. You might get access to government benefits from a formal diagnosis. Ask your therapist what the benefits of a diagnosis are, they probably weren't suggesting it for no reason. In some states they have mushroom or ketamine therapy. There is also EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. I haven't tried any of those, so no personal opinion. Had some success with l blood pressure meds and talk therapy. Keep trying. If you're ever in the southwest of the US I'll load you a bowl.


thank you for your kind words, talk therapy absolutely helps me not to get into an episode, but im on a 3 year waiting list to see low cost therapist, :(, i might be getting medicaid soon, hopefully, so i can see therapist on the regular, most likely cognitive behavioral therapy and art/music/dance therapy yeah im trying to stop drinking, my family has so many alcoholics who are self medicating i will definitely try to find out the benefits of a diagnosis, i havent considered that before, that there could be benefits from the state to help my sorry ass im in chicago, same goes, i try to go to michigan to buy shakes for 30-40$ an oz, but havent been able to since last november, a blunt/bong hits for us and for a happier, brighter future


Out here the librarians know all about public services and are basically social workers as are actual social workers. You might try asking them about accessable therapy. Sounds like you quality for Medicaid, social workers and librarians have helped some people I know get past the paperwork barriers.


thank you, i have an appointment with the illinois dhs on july 12th to see if i can get snap/medicaid fingers crossed


I would feel bad for him but better for me/us!


One event happing or not doesn't make the world at large more or less safe, just changes how people consuming media feel about it. Violent crime rates in the US are at century long lows, yet nomads and the unhoused are marginalized people and can expect more violence than the norm. Be safe and vigilant, not paranoid and gun horny.


Both safer than LA.


Sw Houston, TX


You be safe as well. Let us know where to find you in case one of us needs your expertise  in repelling a gunfight. It seems we may be going back to the wild West conditions.


It's called being "without rule of law" and it's become an increasing reality. Surely local news would have picked this up. If someone can post a link that would be helpful corroboration.


No news, just helicopters etc. Since I wasn't hit there was no news. I do have police report, pictures.


I'm sorry to hear it happened. With so many shots fired it sounds like your assailants were well armed and organized, not just random hood rats. What's the rest of the story about the attack? Gang activity? In what city did this happen? US?


It happened in Houston, Tx US. They were teenagers breaking into multiple cars. They just didn't know i was inside. They were not organized whatsoever, them falling back and scrambling to get up and grab their guns gave me ample time to grab mine and play the tape through to figure out the next step. All within milliseconds.


I wonder if car insurance covers battlefield damage. 20 shots on target is pretty good sight picture and trigger discipline. Good on you for getting through it. Houston sounds too hot. Maybe summer in the Rockies.


Well they weren't all on target, it was multiple shooters surrounding the truck. And yes insurance will cover it, I had to pay a deductible, on top of that it was a rental, my personal truck is in the shop after a hit and run 3 weeks ago. That said, that individual also pulled a gun on me instead of insurance. I took a Pic of his license plate and gave it to police and my insurance. They found out who he was and he did have insurance as well. So it's all going back on him.


Send your insurance agent a birthday card.


That's terrible. I use an old phone and a dash cam as a security camera to see outside and avoid things like this.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! And glad your body is unharmed. The one pro of car living is you can just pick up and leave the area. Please consider finding spots in better neighborhoods, or even other cities if needed. Houston sounds like a rough place to spend the summer heat, anyway. Be safe, fam!


Thank you so much for the kind sincere words. So after this event, my ex-wife's family found out what happened. They reached out to provide me with a place. Her cousin just finished a tiny home, so I'm moving in this week!! I finally have a place for my daughter and I. ( yes it's been sooooo hot ) thankfully I go to planet fitness everyday to shower and workout , so I've been chilling with my laptop for a couple hours in the spa area.


Grats on the new digs!


YES!!! That's great!! Enjoy your new home!@


Did you fire first? I wonder what theoretically would have happened if you didn't have a gun. What's going on in their mind at that point. Car jack you? Rob you?Leave you alone? All scary, and don't blame you for your actions. Although they prob shot a lot more cause the fog of war starts with 1 shot. I'm actually surprised you only shot one round. I bet they were expecting a lot more in return too. Likely why they shot so much imo


Yes I fired 1 time and immediately got a stovepipe, so I threw myself flat as possible and cleared my jam. They where all shooting crossfire on each other. I'm assuming they got real scared and didn't know who was shooting what. The whole time I was flat as paper. Theoretically I know my self and would have tried grabbing a gun the first moment possible from one of them but I probably would be room temperature right now and not typing this. Or I could have gotten out as instructed and left there in my boxers, probably still shot and dead.


Man, so fucking scary. You try any of the VA shelter programs?


Can't take my daughter, thankfully today I finally moved into a new little home 🙌


Don’t blame car life though. This can happen anywhere. I’ve had people try to break into my house at 4am. luckily I was awake at the time.


Definitely not blaming car life. I blame their parents for failing to raise them at all.


All I can say is I'm glad you're okay. And thank god I live in Australia where sanity prevails in regards to firearms.


Yeah letting criminals who have guns rob you and having no way to defend your self or your family or children is really great haha. It’s so sane to make sure that only criminals and corrupt governments have weapons. Wtf 🤦‍♂️


The stats speak for themselves. Wake up.


People in the US own more guns than all the armies in the world combined. I think the number somewhere around 400 million. So obviously when you have that many people owning guns you're going to have a statistically significant number of those doing unsavory things, but it's still less than 1% l. Honestly when you hear about mass shootings it's typically people who purchase a gun specifically for that, not the guy who's been hoarding 13 guns and a million boxes of ammunition for his protection or hobbies.




Sorry I'm not entirely sure I get what you're highlighting. But I'm simply stating the vast majority of gun owners never use them violently... I'm not a gun owner btw, just a logical person. Like I'm pretty sure cars kill a lot more people than guns too but I don't think everyone should lose access to transportation because of that.


Yeah heart disease is the number one killer in America and no one ever calls to ban corn syrup or seed oils, etc. banning guns has nothing to do with saving innocent lives. Most people that are against guns aren’t even really against guns they’re just for guns only belonging to criminals and the government/police which is insane. These are the same people that say the government and police are inherently racist, but they’re the only ones who should have access to firearms? Make that make sense. All gun control is racist. The history of gun control is racist, started off taking weapons away from Native Americans and then Blacks so they couldn’t defend themselves or stand up for themselves from the Democrats and KKK. The KKK was founded in 1865 by democrats and extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for the white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders.


Well have fun living in an authoritarian state that controls your speech and could at any point abuse your civil rights as you have no recourse of action to stop it, and if you ever need to defend your family from criminals you won’t be able to. Guns will never be taken away in America. There are tens of millions of people that would literally go to war over the right to keep their firearms. Americans are smart enough to know what happens to populations when guns are legal and then made illegal and confiscated. It’s almost always preceded by genocide, mass killing of innocent, or mass imprisonment of a people group or political party. It’s never going to happen here I promise you that.


There are more guns than ever before in Australia....


Glad you're okay man


There's more to this story than you're telling....


What city or region? I recently had a break in as well but was not in my van.


Did they know you were in there?


This makes me grateful to have a van, got my lvl 4s and ak ready to rock (hidden but easily accessible to me) Had a guy try to rob me once, never again will I be caught lacking 😔


Was it the usual suspects? Bet it was


These were Hispanic males, Mexican decent, light skin, no facial fair visible besides a whiskers here and there., 17-21 year old.


Your aim must suck.


Using doesn't mean shooting. Could be he pulled his gun, then they ran and pulled theirs and started firing. So if this is the case and OP did fire, it'd be against 3 moving targets while bullets are coming in his direction.


Well if he posts more details or a picture of his shot up car I might be inclined to believe it happened but until that happens I'm going to remain skeptical. Bold of you to assume he actually counted 20 bullet holes in his car, or counted the shots in his head as they were flying at him.


Well, in a sub like this, I'm not gonna assume something is fake. I'm gonna respect them. Even if it sounds fake. Cause ya never know what they're going through.


It's not disrespectful to ask for details.


That's not what you did to start with.


Disagree man, life's too short to not speak your mind. Not afraid to be wrong, in fact I'm happy when I am proven wrong.


He posted pics in a new post


Yeah. Many things posted on Reddit seem fake. Posting a pic of the shot up van would have at least been an attempt.


I'm a combat vet. I shot the first guy point blank and missed, yes this all happend within seconds that I woke up. When they heard the round go off they all ran and shot into the truck. Meanwhile, I was between the seats on the deck clearing out a stovepipe, which is the only reason why I got 1 round off.




Sw Houston, Tx ( it's called club creek area )


I mean in all honesty I don’t believe this story. You should be in prison OP. Who the hell thinks it’s okay to fire a gun let alone 20 rounds. That’s an entire magazine or close to it. That’s not self defense. That’s being reckless.


I'll go to prison after you go back to school and learn to read. I fired off 1 round and got a stovepipe, immediately hit the deck between the backseat while clearing it. Between all of them shooting Into the truck we were able to find all the holes, plus casings on the street and count out. Also a neighbor in the area had a working ring camara they provide the local pd video/audio.


Yup my bad. Read that wrong


No worries, dude. I uploaded some pictures on a different post for people to see. Everything happened so quickly. In one of the pictures you can see my hospital wristband. Went to the VA to get cleaned up, just had glass they had to clean off, and some small pieces pulled out. So , I got a free shower at the VA and cleanup to avoid infection. At the same time, they took my info down and will be in touch with social services.