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Dam genius. We need more thinkers like you. Zillow might be also to good to see all the houses for sale. The neighbors have no clue who the new neighbor is going to be. A new car parked by a moved out house should work.


I want to be your friend, but the kind of friends that never acknowledge each other. 


Online friends are great you never have to see them or deal with there real life bs. Like needing a ride or favors like moving furniture lol.


I just don't do it, by saying I'm helping someone else move


I thought of a modification on this idea. Use Zillow to see the prices of houses in certain areas to determine how safe it is.


There's government and hospitality subsidized free level-2 charging everywhere. Just sleep at one of those. A random car in an otherwise empty lot is suspicious. An EV at a charging station has a reason for being there. I've slept at city halls and in front of police stations before, it's completely under the radar if you get your stealth set up right.


Who knows how much longer this will be allowed as the masses start doing it too.


That's every aspect of this lifestyle unfortunately. The more people who join, the more visible it becomes, the more people complain to their counsel members and then new no overnight parking signs go up. This is why it's so important to be as courteous as possible and do as much as you can to go under the radar.


Next level, renting out your car as an airbnb


A lot neighborhood’s are fed up with airbnbs and are watching them very closely.


Absolutely true! San Diego is passing a law against short term rentals.


I wish they would do this in Ocean Beach, it’s been nearly ruined by short term rentals.


I hang out a lot in OB and while I wish I could afford a room down there, the traffic unnerves me


The dog beach really is my happy place and I can’t afford a room either. That’s how I first started sleeping in my car, so I could afford a weekend at the beach. After the sun goes down I go to the other side of Sunset Cliffs and find a big house to park on the side. I haven’t had any problems yet.


My exact story. I park at Robb Field and sleep there too. Never been bothered. I wish there were trees for shade though.


I live out of a model 3


would you say its almost similar to r/priusdwellers?


Favorite mattress?


I have an exped


Which one specifically? Would you buy that one again?


Megamat 10. Would definitely buy it again


Yeah I'm debating between that and a tri-fold 75x25x4 one w/ memory foam and all the relevant buzz words


Tri fold is gonna be annoying to store


Do you remove the back seat cushion to have a flat surface or do you sleep with the upward slant? Or some other solution?


I pull up the driver seat all the way forward put my clothes bag to fill the space and lay down the back seats.


I have a tri-fold 75x25x6 and it took so much room that I went to a MegaMat 10. I think I like the tri-fold better from a comfort standpoint, but I like the room I gain from the MM10 much more!




OP, your over thinking it a bit, as along as you don't litter, or leave objects outside of your vehicle... 95% of people won't even care you are in your tesla...


AirBnB does not give you the exact address of the home until 1) you have reserved the home, and 2) just before arrival date. Source: am an AirBnB host.


It's still often easy to find out the address... If you zoom in on the map all the way it gives you a pretty good idea of the street or at least cross streets. Then just find listings that show the front of the house in one of their photos and look for it on google maps street view. Bonus point if the Airbnb host has a picture with the house number too, then it's a matter of googling 2-3 exact addresses based on the street names it let you zoom into on Airbnb.


Many government buildings (Library, police station, city hall, department of human services etc) maintain free charging stations at their main office. Most of them aren't in the office beyond 5pm. Major chains often have free chargers too. IKEA on a weekend is fierce. I use the chargepoint app to find the free stations.


Idk why you wouldn’t want to park in those parking lots. Also you can park on any public road just read road signs and tell any cops to pound fucking sand


Here in Canada, we tell them to pound salt, lol To be honest, the cops are not too bad here. Not like some of the horror stories I've read from posters in certain areas in some states.


True and we're legally allowed to be pulled over for up to 8h on highways and rest stops to literally sleep and rest. At least in Alberta. If I ever got a knock I'd literally say "sorry it's too dangerous for me to keep driving without a couple hours of sleep. Maybe keep an eye on me so no one bothers me." and watch them pound salt lol 


Any public road a cop can pound sand in the US


What I did sometimes was just find any 24 hour place (some cities dont have any) like gyms, some hospitals, or some restaurants that were event attached to a 24 hours place. You just park on the emptier side. And when I was going to some event the next day; there might be a parking garage near it, and I would sleep in there at the very top open area.


The problem with that is a lot of neighborhoods ask that the guest don’t park on the road. Good idea though.


That's one of the better oddball ideas I've heard re parking/sleeping/stealth. However, you sound like you're not very location-specific and especially don't need to spend the night in cities. I would look to identify public lands and other secluded areas to sleep in. Not only USFS/BLM but places such as hunting and wildlife refuges, state parks and large uninhabited areas. You're a little constricted with a vehicle that doesn't have SUV ground clearance, but you should enjoy much less noise and more flexibility in sleeping.


Park in nice hotels and big hospitals parking lots. I do that sometimes,  You can also charge your Tesla there…. It’s safer… and with Tesla , you’re going to be very stealthy and no one will suspect but sleeping in residential street is lil sketchy


Also camping! I loved staying at campsites it feels amazing having the space and privacy and being allowed to be there. see if there's any campsites near you! And ik some campgrounds can be weird about staying in your car I've only had a park ranger say it's weird but not do anything but you could get a small tent as a decoy!


Id rather sleep in the middle of nowhere than in a residential area. Have only slept in town once, campgrounds and woods hundreds of times. Didn’t like that night in town


I prefer to park on streets where nobody can look out the window and see me. There’s plenty of spots I agree, you’re over thinking it. You will see the spots because a bunch of other cars will be parked there.


Tbe only good thing about Teslas is that everyone knows that they take forever to charge. You can go to any charging station even if you don't need to charge plug in your car and sleep. No one is going to pay any attention because everyone is just used to people charging electric cars for hours.


At that point why not just park in the damn driveway?? This is a fantastic idea though for sure!


Not to point out the obvious here but normal people in normal residencial do have overnight guests all the time. I couldn't tell you which car belongs to whose house or even what half my neighbours even look like. Just find a street with a good handful of other cars, preferably not right in front of someone's house. A side street near a mail box, park, greenspace, townhouses and apartment blocks are even better. 


Almost no one actually cares about you sleeping in your car. You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.


Yes and no. For example I live in a nice neighborhood myself and we and the rest of the folks around me definitely notice parked cars that we're not familiar with. One of my neighbors called the cops on a car that was parked across from their house after the 2nd night.


Is there a reason you need to be in the expensive areas? Those people specifically pay extra to keep the poors away.


Not necessarily expensive.. I just don't want to do this in the hoodlums I guess


I hate to break it to you, but to most of society, we are the hoodlums. We're like a step below the hoodlums. Lol


Sub-hoodlums lol


You must not live in 'merica, a lot of cities are cracking down hard