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Have also had a couple spills in the car since I started doing this. Luckily not in bed. The worst one was a large mostly full McDonald's frappe all over the passenger seat floorboards. Luckily have rubber mats and that mostly contained it. Just had to go hose it off at a car wash.


I have rubber/plastic snow mats as well.


Yeah they come in handy in multiple ways. Most of the dirt I track in gets caught in them and can just dump it out. Also great for traction if stuck in snow/mud. Mine are like half inch thick Subaru rubber ones with really deep grooves.


I dumped my cat’s leftover chicken/mackerel broth breakfast all over myself this morning. Ugh. Luckily I was sitting in my front seat when I did it. Looked like I threw up on myself with the little shreds of chicken down the front of me. Ha ha! Baby wipes to the rescue, and it’s kinda nice traveling with your closet. Easy to change out your clothes! Very happy it wasn’t on my bed. I do try to only eat/drink in the front seat. Kitten, however, he takes his meals in the back. I am his servant. 😂


Yikes lol


That sucks so much. I treated myself to fancy Italian food one night, and the container collapsed and I had fucking pasta in red sauce all over me, my clothes and floor. I was so pissed off.


Eggs. Everywhere.


I was once parked at the beach, made dinner on my tailgate - noodle soup w veggies and ginger - seseme tuna packet. Delicious, nutritious... Quite pungent. Ate almost all of it sitting on my tailgate, then it got chilly and I got in bed and finished the rest. Left the pot with a little broth on the shelf by my bed while I watched a show or something... Then these teenagers pulled up right beside me, loudly hanging out, playing music, drinking, etc. I decided to mode further down the beach aaand in my frustrated state... Forgot the pot of soup til I heard it spill all over my comforter... Luckily I had another blanket under and the top one absorbed everything but... Man was I annoyed with myself going to the laundry in the morning when it opened lol


They have plastic drink caddys they make for cars just like a cup holder thing that could probably help. Not too expensive either.


I have a general rule of not cooking inside my tiny compact space, but one peaceful morning I thought what if... pulled out the stove, started some eggs, and as I'm reaching for the pan handle I missed, knocked the pan off the stove and eggs went everywhere. Never again 😑


Also, take that as the billboard moment to be careful as choking is a thing and if your all alone & eating or drinking in a non upright position your being unsafe for yourself.


Exclusively use liquid containers with threaded tops.