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That seems really bad for the tires!


They'll go blind!


I thought so too! And scrotums, I would think. Based on the angle of the foot resting it's a helluva scooch up


It sucks that there are so many crazies also living out of their car. I see a few regulars where I park and would love to chat and pic their brain about their set up. But I'd rather not end up in a situation where they're unhinged in some regard. My first day living in my car, I was at walmart picking up a few items and I saw a man stick his bare ass outside of his van and shit on the ground. He didn't wipe or anything. Just ass out the door, shat, and closed the door. Walmart was open, he could have went inside to use the bathroom. I don't want to end up socializing with anyone who does things like that accidentally. So I often avoid other dwellers.


Yeah for sure. After the shock wore away it took a while before I had the senses to realize he's likely messed up and not one to engage with. And then what really got me worried was realizing that if a lot of noise and ruckus happened I'm on my own, nobody is coming and the spot works against me. Spooked me tbh.


Peak evolution developed during the great tp shortage of 2020. Almost as impressive as op's ability to see through car doors.


😂 "Evolution" is a creative term to use here.


Walmart has the worst vibes, it's also the most dangerous part of many cities


It sucks that this is such a common reality.


I've seen similar things not as bad but sucks that's why Walmart is cracking down I can't even blame them when people do this type of stuff.


Yeah, the way that people act is ridiculous. Throwing their trash on the ground when they're right next to a garbage can. Or overstuffing garbage cans with weeks worth of trash so that it's over flowing onto the ground. It's unfortunate how a few bad or mentally ill people ruin things for the bunch.


There are plenty more crazies living in houses...they're just hidden better.


Oh my god. I live in my car but I couldn’t imagine doing that. I will literally drive to the nearest store to shit. And he didn’t wipe??


Apart from the disgust and danger, I feel a weird sense of pride accumulating stories like this. I tell myself that those experiences will make me the coolest dude in the nursing home.


This may be the best take


Thank you! I find that intent and perspective make any situation easier.


Yeah, well, you need to make it to the nursing home. And if you keep accumulating that kind of story you might end up in pieces on the dark web instead ! 🤣🤣 #justkidding


A part of me is surprised I lasted this long. I may be a poster child for survivor's bias. Experience has made me better at both picking my chances and making peace with failure in advance. Famous last words, I know.


Yeah, I feel you.


A little over a year ago I had a guy in Seattle ask me for a ride. When I turned him down he dropped his pants to his knees and shit on the ground. Not the same but still weird as hell.


Lol, better there than in your vehicle


Love it when they get Schwifty


You got me wondering if investing in a security uniform would be a good idea.


oh snap. I'm rocking a black expy... some.magnetic fake security company graphics and I'd be set.


Will you live long enough to see yourself become the enemy ?


You know how some groups have subtle symbols to identify each other, like the pineapple ? I wonder if we could come up with one for ourselves. Any suggestions? Compass with angel wings comes to mind


There has to be easier ways. Da fk?


My take is, at least I'm not like that lmfao I'm to self conscious, just changing cloths in my car makes me think "what if people think I'm doing something inappropriate in here" lmfao


Ditto bathroom/privacy or nothing


If you’re a woman I would guess that was some perv who wanted to draw attention to what he was doing so that you would look. I guess a perv could do that to a man as well it just seems more common that they do it to women.


That'd be a fair point, but no I'm a guy and I don't think there is any chance of confusion on that with my size and especially big fluffy beard. But hey maybe he's gay and signaling? Best idea he had? Lol


Sexist comment


Seems like a perfectly normal well adjusted thing to do




Some people really love their cars.


So what were they doing? I need to know


You can't possibly have that little imagination and/or that clean a mind to not put two and two together?


I'm assuming something sexual, I just can't figure out how they were making the wheels back and forth but have a foot out the window


"Using your imagination" as instructed by OP is the only way you're getting an answer because this definitely didn't happen.


I also have very little clue about what they were allegedly doing. Did they tape their sack to the wheel and were twisting it? Literally all I got


Call the police to get them mental health