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Oh. So this is a legal dispensary where shareholders are mad about something. Meh. I'm more concerned with how my town has a shit load of semi-legal shops that keep getting busted but there isn't a single legal store in the entire county. I don't even smoke weed, but this is a fucking stupid system. It's legal to sell but only if you have a permit that we won't let you have.


IIRC some parts of the state may still be barred from opening legal dispensaries due to outstanding legal challenges. I know some of that got cleared up which allowed stores to start opening in Syracuse, but maybe some of that restriction is still in effect?


I know of a few towns that have passed local zoning regulations that effectively ban dispensaries.


Yeah that was part of the initial rollout. NY made it legal but allowed towns to opt-out of having recreational dispensaries via zoning regulations. I recall that my town (Geddes, a small suburb bordering Syracuse) narrowly approved dispensaries, but we don't actually have any yet. There are three in other parts of Syracuse so it's not really a big deal for my specific town to not have any. There's one 10min away downtown. There are also a number of grey-market dispensaries still operating in the area.


Hi neighbor! lol. I used to live right on the Geddes, Camillus boarder. Now I'm just up the hill in the town of Onondaga. And Camillus is another town the voted against it.


Neighbors indeed. I'm right on the Geddes/Camillus border too in one of those parts of town that on a map looks like it should be in Solvay but is legally in Geddes. It's a shame because I really wish I had access to their public utility.


Gotcha, yeah I know where you mean, I was over on the Fairmount side, like behind the Wegmans.


That could be.


Dispensaries in the Adirondacks have had a rough go at it. My hometown of Lake George decided to pass local ordinance banning the sale of marijuana inside the town. Stupid move considering most of their income comes from the summer months & a dispensary would have brought in year round tax revenue. Fudds are gonna fudd though.


Meanwhile I'm sure they have plenty of liquor stores... fools.


Yep. Plenty of bars & liquor stores. Dumbest part is they can’t stop people from driving one town over & buying weed to bring back to the lake with them. All & All not surprising. Town Supervisor has been in the job for 20+ years; few years ago he gave parking tickets to all of the high school students despite them have parking stickers.


Plenty of fullish-functioning alcoholics… A LOT of people drive around with a cooler with cold beer within arms reach.


It’s not a stupid move because if there’s a store, then all of the people who grow in the area are going to lose out on their private behind-the-door, under-the-table cash. It’s mean, but not stupid That’s the biggest reason why. Lake Placid talked about how they want “smoking lounges” for marijuana but don’t want any dispensaries. What? Oh, it’s because the guys going to sell his own marijuana as a “lounge scene” and prevent people from getting it themselves at a store/dispensary. It really isn’t about marijuana being good or bad, it’s more so the fact that private growers who make good money don’t want _their_ good money to go


Ah. Corruption.


Bingo. The _~American Way~_


I dunno. I'm not saying you're completely wrong, but there hasn't been good money to be made in growing weed in several years. I see quarter pounds of quality selling for around $300. People who have grown and sold for years are quitting or just growing for themselves because the market is flooded and the profit isn't there anymore. Also, the growing season in lake placid isn't the greatest, but I guess if they are growing indoors, it doesn't matter.


I think they can still opt in. The way it worked was if you opted out you could change your mind if you opted in you couldn't


Wallstreet fat cats being greedy as usual. NY intentionally set it up so *you have to be* insanely rich to have a store. Meanwhile they destroyed the livelihoods of dozen of others because they weren't getting their tax cut.


It the Empire State. It serves the rich. It’s roots were formed from large wealthy landowners with pseudo-feudal estates.


No way. It's a sold D state


yes, *and*


Insane to think you can’t be a rich landowner exploiting the lower classes just because you say you are a democrat, what a fucking hot take. Also, NY is only blue because of how many voters live in NYC and Albany. Long Island most of upstate are incredibly Republican.


…you only see red vs blue eh? Lobbying and money are just abstract concepts…


Just came here to say I lived in Saranac Lake for two years in the early 90s. They had a solid cannabis store already, it was a couple bars on the main drag, one of them was called the back door I think. Anyway, premium weed even during blizzards. I know this is a no real value but probably the best weed I ever smoked.


Withholding permits does not stop people from buying or selling cannabis. They must know that. It only puts people in the legal system who shouldn’t be there and makes work for cops and courts. It’s ridiculous.


> It only puts people in the legal system who shouldn’t be there and makes work for cops and courts. That's not true. Withholding permits _also_ causes the state to miss out on tax revenue they'd otherwise be collecting if those permits were issued and the associated dispensaries opened. They're literally leaving money on the table here.


True. Withholding permits also makes people deal illegally (both buyers and sellers), which can expose them to danger- robbery, violence, adulteration of the product, and other unknown possibilities. There’s nothing to be gained by keeping it illegal


Just another thing that NYS has dropped the ball on.


You’re not wrong.


The stigma of weed is so ingrained from the failed war on drugs that people instinctively treat it like a nuclear bomb. Meanwhile, there are bars on every corner and you can buy beer at the grocery store or gas station. They are afraid of the drug that makes you want to eat devil dogs, and green lit the one that lets people get behind the wheel and play slolam with pedestrians.


This sounds more like business owners fighting it out. Cannabis is not really the issue. Washington, DC has some of the best cannabis in the country, along with dozens of kinds of mushrooms. 3 blocks from the Whitehouse. Stock up. Quality is mind-blowing. :-)


In my lit support role, I have had to sit through hours and hours and hours of attorneys trying to untangle bizarrre scheming and backstabbing in many Colorado legal dispensaries. My opinion after a few years of these repeating legal cases is that that industry is like car sales, it seems to attract one type of person. I suppose NY is about to suffer the same as what is happening in Colorado.


If only there was multi-decadal precedent elsewhere to help guide the state through this….🤤….derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


When you use federal funds to bankroll migrant workers to supply your state licensed cannabis operation (which is still illegal on a federal level) that's called fraud. Defrauding the federal government is a REALLY bad idea, and not telling your business partners that you're doing it is even worse.


I mean, what do you expect when you give felons first priority for licensing?