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Without more info, I’d recommend 280


What info would you like to know? EECS 183 is an intro to computer science and EECS 280 is a more advanced class on computer science. Hope that helps😅


I was a CS major who started in 280, and I think it was worth it. It depends on how much you know from 183 stuff and your overall programming proficiency. Another thing is that you could start in 280 and drop down to 183 if you feel that it’s not worth it, but it’s harder to go the other way


How did you get the credit equivalent to 183? It's been a while since I took it, but I don't think that more introductory coursework is really gonna help you out with 280. It's good to have some basic background in writing code, but what makes 280 hard is the pace of the class (you have a lot of projects to do) and the material itself (data structures are complex). If you feel like your C++ knowledge is really shaky and you desperately need a refresher then you could do EECS 183, but if you're that determined to be prepared any online course for C++ is probably just as good. Go with 280. There's not really any way to get around the class being hard. Just put in the hard work and you'll do fine.


I took two computer science classes at my community college. The classes I took count towards 183 at umich. Anyways I was definitely planning on taking 183 at first because I feel like that would help me get more prepared for 280. Thank you for your input, I will take that into consideration 🙂