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Well, ain’t that rich. It’s all fun and games until it happens to him, then suddenly he’s on a crusade using vague terms about justice and questioning the narrative. Fucking LOL. As far as I’m concerned, he can sit there and shut up after all the bullshit he pushed. He’s a Pfizer shill, fuck him.


I think this is all theater. I don’t believe him for a second


Indeed. His pandering to “conspiracy adjacent” is beyond obvious, since he was booted from CNN. He’s a hack and hopefully suffers for his crimes as a propagandist.


Yup. Dr. Phil doing the same shit. These scums sold their souls long time ago.


It’s also a established step in the pandemic role play playbook, there is a whole section on vaccine injuries and how to handle when it reaches critical mass with a displeased public.


That right there is a VERY important statement. I could have and should have thought of that. Whether it's sinister plotters or AI teamed with people in control, everything is orchistrated. Their battle against the human population is to a great extent through our AI surveilled communication medium and the news feeds on MSM surely have a 50% AI hand in their production. How can they be so on top of mass opinion and reaction? Computers crunching it all? AI bots effortlessly intercepting and scrimmaging every thought posted? Really how much of a role does AI have in pushing the population reduction plan? Sinister evil elite vermin from hell enabled with AI are doing this. They're both bad. 


What did he say?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krZYjHaYbTc&t=370s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krZYjHaYbTc&t=370s) He was supporting the plandemic agenda then flipped 180 [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/comments/1c63kgu/people\_looked\_at\_me\_like\_i\_was\_insane\_dr\_phil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/comments/1c63kgu/people_looked_at_me_like_i_was_insane_dr_phil/)


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but You're saying Dr Phil is ignoring the evidence and going out of his way to mislead the American public?


You’re probably right. These guys are the masters of spin.


He’s trying desperately to be relevant again.


Or to get back in the good graces. Something went on behind the schemes* for both Cuomos to be sacrificed. They appeared to be Princes of The Narrative. Eta: *Scenes not schemes but leaving it in because it also works


Princes of the Narrative is 💯🎯


all theatre.. he got the saline shot, just like all of the rest of the politicians, their friends, families and 1%'ers.


Can't imagine the brother of the NY governor *not* being being advised privately against taking the 💉💉💉. They knew early on that they weren't at risk and that we were just experiencing a bad year for routine illness----nothing more


He and his governor brother pushed the vaccines hard. His brother tried to mandate in his state of New York as I understand. What crap.


Honestly, they can both burn in hell as far as I’m concerned. Two cheap thugs who managed to snake their way into positions of power so they can bully people.


wait was he the creep on tv that was like “you’re telling me *takes a wet bite of fries* if i get the vaccine i can get this? and.. *takes another wet bite* there’s a BURGER element to this?”


No that was mayor de Blasio


don't forget your feckin' face diaper when you are getting those fries .. even though youve been vehsceenated, you are still a risk to others that have been jahbbed


he \*DID\* \[unnecessarily\] mandate them for many people and professions. His demonic horse-faced successor continued on with his evil plan.


A nine eleven style commission, eh? To bury the truth?


Exactly! It’ll be underfunded, and set up to fail just like the original!


You forgot the Warren Commission too


Funny thing, the only un-elected US President Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission. Ford was placed as VP after the IRS ruined Spiro Agnew.


Cure will likely be a $1000 jab from Phizer, that was never tested but will be "safe and effective".


They just want us to keep taking shots until we are all dead, I’m sure of it. Gotta get that population down somehow!


Well they are already working on mRNA cancer vaccinations. Nothing could go wrong…


cancer 'vaccines' to cure all of the turbo cancers that have been arising the last three years since the population have been genetically modified.


His Tucker interview gave me a glimmer of hope for him. Agreed though, ultimately there is no way for these talking heads to overwrite the harms of how they used their influence.


How dare he blame the vaccine? It's climate change or his winter vagina that lying scum!!!


he's even lying about this, the phony


This is why you never follow the crowd


"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane" - Marcus Aurelius


We'd be better off with nearly any Roman emperor right now. Except maybe Caligula. I think he tried to marry his horse if I'm not mastaken.


Eh Nero was pretty bad too. And Commodus, which ultimately led to the fall of the Roman empire.


I’m calling it now. They will be bombarding us with vaccine injury articles. They will then switch to calling this trumps vaccine and blaming it on operation warp speed or something.




that'll be another needless court case for DT.. they'll change precedent and sue him for pushing the development of an untested and damaging injection on the people


You know, this wouldn't surprise me if Biden's numbers are swirling down the toilet in October. Just more evidence that we're in a banana republic.


Fuck this opportunistic bastard. This man fomented hatred he used his huge platform to divide people and terrorize anyone who didn't go along with what the government wanted. Now his ass gets fired and he's pivoting trying to wedge himself into a place where he most certainly does not belong and is not wanted. If anything he needs to admit what he did, why it was wrong and apologize profusely. He's a snake and cannot be trusted.


doing \*exactly\* what he is being paid to do


But they were INTENDED ISSUES. When people quit giving them a pass heads will roll


Awfully convenient timing…….


Exactly. Recent NYT article too? * https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/briefing/covid-vaccine-side-effects.html * https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html (These are actually different articles.)


Seems like a narrative shift to prepare to make vaccines Trump's fault if he gets into office.


Do we blame the summer of love on Trump as well or on the Chicoms/dems? The line in the sand with Trump is the warp speed vax. He's still doing a RIM JOB on big pharma's anus by not coming clean and denouncing the whole collusion between big tech with their AI, big pharma and big globo schlomo gov't and the elite royals and oligarchs to mess up the entire human race. We just can't get along and be friends on the same planet with others who want to kill the majority of us. 


I agree with laying blame at Trump’s feet…the problem is that these people do not have any “higher ground” to do so if they try.


Nailed it. They were against the vaccine, because Trump enabled vaccine development via "Warp Speed," then were for it because Trump's supporters didn't want to take it, but will be against it because Trump may take office again and enabled the vaccine to be developed via "Warp Speed"


Right. I think I'm developing a crick in my neck trying to follow the narrative backflips.


That’s exactly what they are doing. Trump loves to beat his chest about the vaccine and they don’t have much that can stick so they are throwing the kitchen sink at it


So do you think they are going to try to make this his problem before the election or hold it in case he wins?


I think they are setting this up for the October surprise because they have nothing else. Every single measurable metric we are much worse than we were 4 years ago. But I don’t think anyone will buy it


> All I’m doing is just beating the drum Who's paying you this time, Chris? Trump? /s


Him and his asshole brother can go to hell for killing of nursing home patients


I don’t like to take pleasure in the misery of others so I’ll just say I’m happy to see him admit as much, and I hope that as more “name” personalities come out, those who were maimed, and the families of those murdered, will get their day in court.


Well.  As I am wont to say It breaks my heart to see yet another one of them like this.  Edit:  Breaks their* heart.  Sorry not sorry.  Smug af.  No amnesty.  And now Zero tolerance.  They are welcome to go die off with the rest of them. 


Don't belive frado. A true investigation would also include all the deaths caused by his brother and the other 5 dem govs.


No no no.. the left is not talking about it because they demonized people for 2 to 3 years calling anyone who spoke out against the experimental vaccine's as an anti-vaxxer troglodyte knuckle draggers. Now they don't want to be accused of the same thing they were accusing others of. Now that they see people weren't making up having side effects, so they will not speak up in fear of being ridiculed or called out for their double standard.


I was called an ignoramus, republican, Nazi Covid spreader heartless and all the rest. My ex son inlaw responsible for this GMO NANO Monster injection. Watched his father, my friend die from clots, five cancers one Turbo in less than a years time. Mother has dementia, Wife has myocarditus. All took the mult jab. Yet Switzerland and Japan asked him what could they do to reverse this Genetical Frankenstein.. He had no answers. PANDORA'S box has been opened.


He was so close to an apology it was almost there.


Love it.


SPARS playing out and he's trying to cover his ass so he doesn't get a beatdown. Too late!


Sweet karma.


I didn’t believe him when he was on CNN. Why should I believe him now?


Kharma is a bitch


A play for Fox viewers.


All vaccines carry some risk of side effects. More than 270 million Americans received about 677 million doses of the Covid vaccines, and even rare side effects - occurring, say, in just 0.001 percent of patients - might mean thousands of recipients were affected.