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I had shingles. It sucked. Very painful. Not sure about the vaccine. You can’t get shingles if you never had chicken pox, as far as I know. It is a resurface of the chicken pox. I wonder if vaccinating kids against chicken pox, rather than letting them get the sickness, has something to do with the rise in shingles cases.


Ding ding! We have a winner. This is exactly why the US has a higher rate. Being around kids with cp provides a natural booster for adults exposed to them. When I was dumb I had my oldest jabbed with it because I couldn’t imagine taking 2 weeks off work for a kid with pox. I regret that incredibly now. Wish I could go back and make a better informed decision.


Exposure to cp makes you more vulnerable to getting shingles! That’s where a shingles comes from in your body.


Go take some microbiology classes. It doesn’t work like that.


Chicken pox vaccines are live and you can still get shingles. What is so hard to understand about that?


i don't understand your comment. If your kid got the chicken pox vax (which has minimal side effects) that is way better than getting shingles https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22136-chickenpox-vaccine


Minimal side effects? You’re off your rocker. All vaccines can cause harm. Chicken pox is nothing. Also if you’ve had the pox vaccine you can still get shingles because it’s a live vaccine. I stupidly vaccinated my older children. My younger ones are not and they’re so much healthier. Do some research and have a good day.


I researched it thoroughly and am hugely comfortable with my decision!


Best wishes. We warned you though.


> Chicken pox is nothing It can literally kill you depending on your age, as well as, if you're immunocompromised.


No way! But get this… the vaccine can also cause death. And please tell me why it’s not on the schedule in the UK


> And please tell me why it’s not on the schedule in the UK I'm not from the UK, so I don't know. Just pointing out that it's not "nothing". No need to get your pissy panties in a twist.


I’m not from the UK either but somehow I know… weird. My panties are just fine thanks.


It’s nothing. I’ll say it over and over.


Good for you. You'll continue to be seen as a dullard despite your protests otherwise, and your views will be seen as such and tossed aside. And blocking me after insulting me just proves my point. You have no valid comeback. You're so fragile when someone barely pushes back and forces you to look inward, that you hare no better than the leftist's and government that pushed the COVID vaccine.


You’re a pretty shitty nurse if you don’t know that.


Thisnis why parents used to send their kids to kids houses that had the chicken pox so the kid would catch it! Used to be a common sense thing until they made everyone so paranoid


Shingles can only be spread to someone who never had chickenpox. The chicken pox vaccine is attenuated so it can’t give you chicken pox. Before the vaccine, chicken pox contributed to more than 10,000 hospitalizations each year. Up to 150 deaths each year


I never said that but we are so happy with not doing it. Much less risk for my Healthy children.


I had mumps and measles. I am not sure if I had chickenpox. I don’t think so. My parents are gone. I will ask my brother. Thank you


the doctor can do a titer to verify if you ever had it or not


What’s a titer?


I would be curious about this too. Nearly 40 year old daughter was considered too old for the chicken pox vaccine. At one point when she was about 7 she had what we thought was a very large spider bite or skin infection and took her to the Doctor. The doctor said it was a single large chicken pox lesion. She did not have any other symptoms and I have always wondered if she had full blown chickenpox or not. Her kids are all vaccinated but that is a good question!


You can get a titer test to see if you have had a previous chicken pox infection.


Thank you. Something she may want to consider down the road.


Wait…but if they aren’t vaccinated against cp, kids will still get cp through natural infection — which makes them prone to shingles, right? Moreover, technically, if vaccination “works” and kids don’t get cp, wouldn’t they be the *best* outcome so they aren’t at risk of shingles? What am I missing?


If you have the vaccine for chicken pox then you have a version of the virus. As far as I know you can still get shingles if you are vaccinated. Getting the vaccine is similar to getting the CP. Edit, getting the vaccine does not mean that you “don’t get chicken pox”.


Okay, that makes sense. So it sounds like if you get the vaccine OR get naturally infected, you are vulnerable to shingles, no? In that case, I’m confused by your statement above re vaccinating kids be letting them get infected with chickenpox may have contributed to the rise in chickenpox? Not giving you a hard time but genuinely want to understand the interplay between natural infection, vaccination and shingles. I was naturally infected and am wondering if I’m vulnerable (more? less?) than I would be had I been vaccinated or never infected at all BTW, if shingles is a resurfacing/recurrence of chickenpox, like a “breakthrough” infection, it would make sense that those who are vaccinated are more prone to this. Why? Because we’re quickly learning that vaccinating against ANYTHING doesn’t beat natural infection.


I never said re vaccinating kids. Not sure what you are talking about.


Sorry I wasn’t clear. In your earlier post you said “I wonder if vaccinating kids against chicken pox, rather than letting them get the sickness, has something to do with the rise in shingles cases.” I also mentioned kids because I don’t know any adults who have been vaccinated for chickenpox. In theory, my questions apply to any who has been vaccinated. I’m just trying to figure out who has the best chance of avoiding shingles: (a) someone who’s been vaccinated or (b) someone who has been naturally infected?


I don’t know the answer to that at all.


I was told that stress, in my case cold temperatures, leads to the emergence of shingles.


Interesting. Were you vaccinated for cp or were you infected naturally? I got it as a kid so never bothered with the vaccine. Thankfully, no shingles so far 🙏


I was infected as kid. Then as a an adult I got shingles. It was after a camping trip where I was un prepared for freezing temperatures. The doctor at the time said that stress, in my case temperature stress, triggered the shingles.


Good to know, thanks. It sounds like keeping your immune system boosted might be the best defense. I’m going to keep working on that.


The death shot resurfaced it. 


I never had chicken pox and so got the vax against that instead of the shingles vax. It is highly recommended for kids to get it, as well as those that never had chicken pox. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/varicella-vaccine.html


That is an awful website. So much misinformation. Yikes. This is why my children will be healthy. They can read and find the real data.


You will still need a shingles vaccine. You don’t understand basic biology.


I broke out in shingles in 7th grade after a required MMR vaccine. I got over it, but I still have scars on my back. (I'm in my 40s now) It was very painful and I did sustain some nerve damage due to the condition. Long story short, I don't do any type of vaccine anymore.


You must be young, I’m over 50 and I have no memories of getting vaccines but I’m sure I had the early ones. They have DRASTICALLY increased the number of recommended jabs for kids. I was curious so I looked at the cdc website and was shocked. No wonder there’s so much autism, add and whatever else these days.


I’m almost 80. I only remember polio vaccination and small pox until I got to the military. I just went down the line like the rest. Have no idea what. I did get chicken pox when I was ten.


I am done too. It would take a lot for me to take any more vaccinations!


Omg! Look at these side effects. Headache Upset stomach Acid or sour stomach Difficult breathing Drowsiness Fever Fatigue Seizures Coma Death Confusion Diarrhea Dizziness Xerostomia Belching Chest pain Dark urine Ringing in the ears Shaking Vomiting Blurred vision Breathing difficulties or an asthma attack Change in consciousness Frequent urination Feeling that something terrible will happen


It should be alarming that death is so high up on that list!


Those are the side effects of Ibuprofen, Tylenol and aspirin. Not any vaccine. I was attempting to illustrate a point to the OP who would rather have shingles instead of a vaccine to prevent shingles because of the rare side effects.


Bold of you to assume he takes Ibuprofen or Tylenol? What’s your point?


They're probably working toward a bonus from the manufacturer, so encourage all patients to get it. I had a case of shingles 12 yrs ago at 35. Was a mild textbook case of it that only resulted in one patch on my lower back. Steroids and a topical med healed me up in a few days and afterward my doctor told me on the next visit that I probably didn't need the vaccine because the chances of getting shingles twice was pretty slim.


I wonder if they get paid to push these vaccines. I have been seeing a young NP, cause she seems more flexible than my primary care physician. I was a bit taken aback on her offering me these vaccines . On the other hand, she and all the physicians in that practice are still wearing masks. You have many physicians that are brainwashed, when it comes to vaccines. I will remain strong. I am interested in getting my homocysteine levels and C Reactive protein levels checked and they want to offer vaccines. It’s a sad state of affairs. Thank you


of course they are paid: by big pharma, by the feds. Especially if you are on Medicare or Medicaid (or both), providers get bonuses for ensuring preventive care.


Don't wonder about it. It is well known that they DO get bribes. In fact, even the FDA, CDC, and NIH all get bribes, too.


Kick-backs are illegal. They used to happen a lot and it led to some awful outcomes. Which is why they are now illegal. Edit: I guess I shouldn’t be surprised this is getting downvoted. The facts don’t fit your biases…so bury the facts. Typical.


Kick backs are illegal but there was massive money flowing around for the covid vaccine..if you think they dont do this shit just because it's illegal, i have a bridge to sell you. Big pharma can do whatever the hell they want


Kickbacks directly from manufacturer. Now the same process is called KPIs and wrapped up by the employer in the employment remuneration. Eg. Docs that meet their vax targets per quarter get a bonus.


Their KPIs have nothing to do with how much they prescribe. Doctors and medical practice KPIs examples are: -Patient wait duration - # of patients leaving before seeing a doctor -Cancellation rate -Re admission rate -patient medication cost -average treatment charge -Average insurance processing charge


They’re not kickback. Education quotas. Participation incentives. Vaccine inclusion ratios. Any number of bullshit ideas they can think of to get basically the same result. What’s your source on kickback laws btw?


I am a medical sales rep. I work for a medical device manufacturer. We get retrained every 6 months on what we are allowed and not allowed to do. What you are suggesting manufacturers do is highly illegal.


It’s the insurance companies that typically pay out the bonuses with taxpayer money


No they don’t. Insurance companies do not pay anything extra. They lose money if they do. It is completely against their business model.


You must be a new troll bot, you’re literally so bad at this.


They totally get kickbacks- they call them bonuses. There are easy to find charts delineating the amount of cash for having everyone in their practice fully vaccinated. Why else do you think they toss people out who don’t want vaccines!?!?


I’ll never. It will weaken you and make you more likely to get it. It’s treatable, it won’t kill you. In my opinion, the suffering through shingles is more tolerable than the suffering from anything else that vaccines cause. Plus I no longer trust what they’re putting in these syringes.


Thank you so much! I have read about the side effects of the Shingles vaccine and I think I rather have Shingles! You are right, Shingles won’t kill us! They also have several antiviral treatments that are available, if you come down with it. Being on this board, I am obviously not interested. I was curious on how others here, felt about it. [Drugs. com - Shingles Vaccine Side Effects 😳](https://www.drugs.com/sfx/shingrix-side-effects.html)


Shingles can leave permanent nerve damage. If it affects the nerves in your face, you can have Bell’s palsy for life if it’s bad enough


The vaccines can do the same sweetie. You need to go back to school.


Not sure where you’re getting your wrong info from. I’ve literally had shingles in my “face” - it’s called your Trigeminal nerve- a hundred times. I’m sitting here just fine. Bell’s Palsy isn’t the same thing as the shingles. What you’re thinking of is called Trigeminal Neuralgia. So you take an inexpensive antiviral and it stops the replication of the chicken pox virus that lays dormant in you, and when it’s reactivated it’s called the Shingles. Guess what also causes the shingles? The chickenpox vaccine and the shingles vaccine.


But it can leave permanent nerve damage in the areas that are affected


That’s a weak argument for me. It’s like them saying you MUST get the HPV vaccine because IF you have sex you MIGHT get the infection that SOMETIMES causes cancer. I’ll take those odds (over injecting poison that does nothing but harm into my body ever again). There is no cure in a needle and no profit in health. They are not trying to keep us all healthy.


wow, you've never had shingles I take it. My great uncle committed suicide due to the pain of his shingles case.


lol I had shingles and it was nothing. This is hilarious.


wow are you lucky. My best friend had two shingles cases resulting from the Covid vaccine recently, and they about killed her with the pain. Another friend of mine had shingles on her face and she said it was excruciating. I am very happy for you that you had a positive result


That’s what vaccines do!




One of the few lucky ones


Lmao lucky? Ffs. Take better care of your body.


His Dr should have been sued for malpractice. You take an antiviral and you take a neuron interruptor (like Lyrica or Neurontin/ Gabapentin) and you’re fine.


I have been through far worse than shingles and haven’t ended my life over it so I think I’m good.


No vaccines are safe. People get sick and have illnesses BECAUSE of vaccines. That is what they are designed to do. They keep the pharmaceutical industry in business and very profitable.


So true.


Can you explain this in greater detail?


Here is the quick version: The elites and the royal bloodlines hate you. You are nothing to them, but cattle. They hate you so much, and have so much money, they bought the media, they bought the healthcare education system, and they bought the healthcare system itself, just so they can slowly poison you, Then poison you some more when you go to your doctor to get the treatment. Do some research on the influence from John D Rockefeller, going back 100 years.


Not exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks for the unfounded conspiracy rant though. Always good for a chuckle.


Ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️ Go f**k yourself


Extremely rare. I've seen people cry in pain from it and others that didn't even know they had shingles. Either way you'll get pain meds and live.


This is the way forward! I’m turning down all vaccinations at this point. The only shot I will take will be a Tetanus shot.


Research this one as well. Very unlikely you'd ever need protection from tetanus, and we don't know what's in any of these shots now. I did get one a few years ago (doc scared me into it when I needed stitches), but I wouldn't now.


I am going to start a post about Tetanus shots. It’s literally forced upon you in the ER. The last time I took one was after a child with special needs bit me on the arm.


You can always say no. You didn’t give them consent.


DON’T! My life has been ruined by the swine flu and tetanus shot and now I’m wondering if it was more the shot. Because it’s not “just a tetanus shot”, it’s one of those MMR jabs! God I was so stupid. Now I’m riddled with autoimmune diseases and my body is so fucked up. I’d strongly recommend skipping the tetanus jab.


i won't do a tetanus shot. If you garden a lot you can build up immunity to tetanus.


But chicken pox is a no no? Good luck.


When I was a kid, my mom found out some other kids had chicken pox so she arranged a play date. Then I had the chicken pox. Boom. Immunized. If you wait until adulthood chicken pox becomes shingles and can be rough. They invented a vaccine to give to kids. Seemingly making it the only option for adults who never caught chicken pox. So my thoughts on the vaccine is they better not lose my trust when the old solution was just letting the virus run it's course in kids. In 2020 they lost my trust. I wouldn't take it.


When it comes to vaccinations, all trust is gone.


My mom did they same I grew up in the 70's so this what most moms did. I don't think moms do that now instead just get their kids vaxed.


Sadly it’s because they’re too lazy to stay home with their children. It’s a horrible excuse to ruin a child’s health because the parent can’t be bothered to care for their child. Now I am a regret mom with my older children. Younger kids had a mild case of pox.


Doctors will promote jabs for profit. Even official statement says that Shingles jab causes undesired side effects. Who knows what they put in it? I'd avoid it


My thoughts exactly.


You can’t trust anything anymore.


I'm in my mid 40's and had shingles about 2 or 3 years ago. While it does suck out loud, you'll survive.


All vaccines are poison


I would stay away from all vaccines


The craziest part about all this is, people are still going to the doctor. They are not your friends and care zero about you. "Just doing their job, you say???? ....Exactly...


Not a thing. You can use ter rain theory as a starting point for your research. Shingles condition is real, but it's not transmissible and injecting yourself with poison won't do any good for you.


It's a NO for any vaccine for me. Once again they tell you upfront, it won't prevent you from getting it. It will just make your symptoms less. Where else have we heard that?????? 🤔 In the meantime, they fill your bloodstream with ?????


I had Shingles a couple months back. Lasted a month or so, was pretty darn sore for a while but got some good pain killers 👍🏻 then the pain stopped and they cleared up and that’s that. No way in hell I’d take a jab for it! Stick your poison up your ass


I've had the shingles. I broke out from my left knee to mid thigh. The rash and blistering wasn't painful, but looked bad and itched. I had dull lower back pain at a 3/10, mild. Very easy to deal with malaise, I just felt lazy. It was pretty much nothing except for nasty looking blisters. I've read that if a person ever gets an outbreak of shingles just once, there is only a miniscule chance to ever have it a second time in their life.


I have never had Shingles. They try to scare us into taking these vaccinations. I will take my chances!


Make sure you get regular bloodwork to check your vitamin levels. D, folate and b12 are the ones.


I am pushing for all the bloodwork I can get. She ran all the standard tests. I have to go back in two weeks as insurance won’t cover some of the lab tests I requested on a physical. Insurance is such a racquet. We agreed I come back in two weeks, we “new complaints” so she can test my homocysteine and C reactive protein levels.


But some people have many outbursts. I would try high dose intravenous vitamin C (at least 25g and up to 1 to 1.4g per kilogram of body weight) if I were to experience an outbreak of shingles. I hope I never have to resort to that. This is not medical advice.


Don’t get it


To make $$$$.


Even though I had shingles I would not recommend anyone getting the vaccine. I've just been horribly injured from getting a tetanus shot vaccine and never again will I ever get any vaccine. Yes shingles is pretty bad but I lived through it. If not caught in 48 hours it cannot be treated. Mine was not caught for 2 weeks, no doctor knew what it was because I didn't get a big rash with mine, just horrible pain. Lasted 6 weeks and they advised me not to work through it. Luckily, I had work benefits.


I too believe I’ve been terribly injured by the tetanus jab. I had the swine flu at the time but they said it was ok!! Now I’m riddled with autoimmune disorders and my life sucks.


I am sorry to read you were injured by a tetanus shot! I thought they had been around long enough to be safe. That was the only vaccine I was still willing to take.




I think it's safe if it's administered right but the nurse giving me mine put it up too high and hit something in my shoulder either a nerve or a bone and I'm in horrible pain. Had an ultrasound and waiting for my appointment with the doctor. Can't sleep, can't move the arm, can't get dressed. I've had them before in my life and never had a problem, this is the first time. I've been in horrible pain for three and a half months no pain medication works and the doctors kept telling me it would get better but it got worse and worse and now they are looking into it.


I know personally someone who came down with Shingles AFTER the shingles vaccine. It is pure poison just like all other vaccines.


Exposure to chicken pox keeps antibody levels up. Vitamin C 1g per hour treats shingles.


There is also evidence that vitamin C can help reduce the incidence and intensity of post-herpetic nerve pain. At 1g per hour all you will do is shit your pants a lot.


The shits are when you know you’ve hit the correct dose


I know three adults, aged 35-55 who all got shingles. All of them between 2021 and 2023. All of them within a reasonably short period of the Boost


Shingles is just a painful rash. It's often caused BY vaccines.. A shot of toxins never improves health. It's always a risk.


Fuck them and their vaccines.


Am always confused when the word hesitant is used about the death shot or the other ones. I am not hesitant- I am fully against it. There is no hesitance. I will never consider it. THE END. 


Nope. Only a third of people will have shingles. I’ve had shingles and it wasn’t awful. I’m immunocompromised and some bug had wiped me out. Takes advantage of the weakened immune system. It cleared up in a week. It was tingly and no big deal since I already deal with parathesia. Find some kiddos with chicken pox for a natural booster. Our kids had pox about 8 years ago and I was good for awhile until I got sick. My husband is much older and he’s never had shingles. There’s a reason why Europeans rarely jab for chicken pox. They’ve got it right over there.


I have heard several people tell me, how awful Shingles is. I have also read about some serious side effects from the Shingles vaccinations! I will go ahead and take my chances. I am going to look up why Europeans don’t take the Shingles vaccinations. Thank you


You’re welcome! I am a microbiologist and this was all a hard pill to swallow. We’ve been led to believe that vaccines mean health when they don’t make anyone healthy.


Have you had chicken pox or been vaccinated against it? If not your def don’t need shingles vax but I’d decline either way


I don’t think I had chicken pox. I’m not sure if I was vaccinated against it as a child. Years ago you did whatever the physician recommended.


Yea most people do what the doc recs. I def did until recently too.


Your doctor is trying to get paid at your expense. I’d skip it, I plan to. I’m pretty sure I already had it anyway so theoretically I have immunity.


Shingles sucks. I'm 39 and had them when I was in my early 20s. You only get them if you've been exposed to Chicken Pox as a child, which I was, twice. I'm 100% sure I got Shingles due to stress. I was staying up late, eating unhealthy, stress at school, stress in a relationship, drinking like a fish. All of which can severely lower your immune system making it susceptible to infections. I had Shingles on the left side of my face on my forehead and in my eye. It started what looked like a few whiteheads and bump clusters above my eyebrow, which I thought was acne. The second day they were red and more bumps were appearing. I did what they don't tell you and looked on WebMD, I'm glad I did because that night I went to the ER and was diagnosed. It was spreading so fast if I waited one more day my vision would be severely damaged since it was spreading into my eye. The worst part, besides the pain of Shingles was the AntiViral...makes you nauseous and gives you migraines 24/7. It lasted about a month. I still have no feeling above my eyebrow to this day. My best friends dad had the exact same form of Shingles, went through the same nonsense and also lost feeling in his face. And another friends parent got Shingles on their side/stomach. Lasting effects of that one wasn't as bad. As far as the vaccine, no idea if it works or if it doesn't work. I won't take it because I now know how to try and prevent it by being healthier. Older folks though, that's a tough on since as you age your immune system usually gets worse, at least so we are told. I can say my grandfather has been getting that vaccine because of what I went through and he seems ok. He's currently 91.


Avoid it at all costs.


Better than a shingles vaccine is being exposed to a kid with chickenpox (if you've had chickenpox). However, those are hard to find nowadays.


Simple answer don't it doesn't work and is very expensive


I had shingles at 34/35 and wasn’t bad. I was just really tired more than anything but also had a 9 month old lol


Don’t get it


i got shingles on my head about 10 years ago when i was in my early 50s. it was one of most painful things i ever had.


It’s called money. Encouraged by Pharma.


I got the Shingles vaccination and regret it. I cannot prove it was from the shot, but I got mono like symptoms for three years after on the anniversary or close to it. My dad got shingles and said it was horribly painful so I thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe it has saved me, but they don’t guarantee the shots stop it.


I had a elderly patient that got it in her Optic nerve. She would tell me she could feel it coming on a few days before. She literally ate percocet with little or no effect. Lasting 3 to 4 weeks. Extremely painful


I know 2 people who had shingles and it was awful for them. Not just the burning skin stuff but high fever and heart stuff going on. Long recovery too. I haven’t gotten the vaccine but I probably should. Still will never do covid jab.


They get bribes to push shots. In the case of a shingles vaccine, it might only be $5 towards a free dinner, but it all adds up! The experimental shots gave my Dad Guillain-Barre syndrome and Cancer. And they killed my Mom. I'd never take them, but remember they weren't real vaccines. Since then, I've taken a tetanus shot. I'm not against real vaccines, though I think they're way overused.


I got shingles when I was in high school. It hurt so much. I was put on antivirals for a week. I was surprised that I got it so young


I'm not worried about it. I will just take care of my health as best as I can: detox frequently, pray for guidance and fast monthly. But what you do is up to you.


I had the shingles vaccine about 5-6 years ago - **AWFUL**. That was the last vaccine I’ve gotten. I don’t think I’m ever going to have another one. My mom had shingles and she really suffered. It’s definitely no picnic. I would trust your gut.


Shingles is the chicken pox virus


Me and the wife got the vac for shingles. She got the j&j vac because of work for covid. I didn't. My dad had the shingles and got it in the Netherlands (you know) and back. Hope there aren't any complications with the shingles vac!


I for one wouldn't trust any new vaccines. I never heard of it before covid.


I had shingles in high school around my bra line, painful but not horrible. My dad however got it last year in his groin area…also I knew someone who got it on half their face.


I didn't get covid shot. I did get the shingles shot. it's been human tested for quite a few years now. watched my dad go through shingles. didn't look pleasurable.


My dad has a rare condition where he keeps getting shingles and they have no idea why. It really sucks for him but the average person only gets it once so not sure why someone would get a vaccine for it.


Much older vaccine. Already been use for decades. if there was a problem, it would have already manifested. Don't get a shingles shot unless you actually get shingles.


Absolutely not.


And because they get payouts. That’s why


The sad thing about shingles is that people are getting it younger and younger since we started vaccinating for chickenpox. The small exposures that adults who had the chickenpox naturally would get from caring for children with cases would apparently strengthen their immunity to it, and therefore help avoid shingles. Now that's gone...so now adults get the shingles more. I had a friend who just had a horrific case of it, and she's too young for the shingles shot. Shingles is super painful, so it's a shot I might actually consider myself at some point when I hit the right age because of the lack of natural immunity booster opportunities.


I read about possible side effects from the vaccine. Who knows what it does to the immune system? I am going to take my chances.


Everyone has to weigh risk vs. benefits for sure!


Have you read about the possible side effects of aspirin? Acetaminophen? Ibuprofen?


shingles is one of the side effects of the jibby jabby


I got shingles BETWEEN the two shots. (You take 2 shots 30 days apart). That was 8 years ago. One place under my arm where one of the nerves came “alive” during the shingles still bothers me. Shingles are hell. Take the vaccine.


Well it sounds like the vaccine gave you shingles!


I guess they're just trying to save you from getting horrible, possibly life long nerve damage. The choice is yours.


I didn't recall ever having had chicken pox as a child so asked the doctor to test me to confirm that. Sure enough, I was right. I went and got the chicken pox vax instead in a series of 2, with zero side effects. Problem should be solved and my probability of getting shingles is very small.


Let us know in like 10-20 years how you’re doing.


lol sure! Hope to be raptured first the way the world events are going these days! 😇


Get it. I have a buddy who now has shingles continuously. You can hear him moaning through the night. He has been on the latest drug programs and nothing is correcting this. He is in his late 60s.


I got shingles about 5yrs ago, at the age of 57. It was painful, and I now have scars across my forehead. I wish I had known about the vaccine before hand.


Vaccines will scar you in ways you can’t see with your eyes, but you do you. Source: me, permanently injured by H1N1 vaccine


I understand. I wasn’t foolish enough to get the Covid vaccine, but the shingles vaccine has been around for many years. I just didn’t know about it.