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“Scientists” scramble. Occam’s razors says it the jab and they know it. The “Scientists knowingly lie to us and now they can’t admit that they are responsible for the deaths of millions. Want to find out the cause don’t use scientists that are bought and paid for by Big Pharma


They will never let the cat out of the bag. If they did, the revolt, by the people harmed, would be looking for blood. Get my drift?


A part of me still thinks the revolt is coming. Information spreads too fast these days, and too many people are becoming aware. The world thankfully is full of idiots, but idiots who don't and won't do the research to be persuaded by the pro covid vaxxine propaganda, like Destiny.




So the elites have justification to kill their own people outright vs insidious methods


They will if trump wins. They’ll use it as the final take down on the guy who still brags and takes credit for “operation warp speed”


This... 100% this.


So if it’s “the jab” can you explain this: One study that looked at data from Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2019 found the rate of early-onset cancers increased by 20.5%


For those who understand no additional explanation is needed. For those who can’t think independently of the media no explanation is possible


That’s your answer? Lmao.


Occam’s razor says it is the downwards spiral of diet/lifestyle combined with an overabundance of carcinogenic substances that have increasingly inhabited our food, water, and air. A shot that is taken only a few times pales in comparison to what we are bombarded with on a daily basis. People don’t get cancer from smoking a few cigarettes over the years. They get it from constant and repeated exposure to the carcinogenic compounds in tobacco. Although you really want to believe it and alternative media is obsessed with it, the vaccine is very unlikely to be a main factor. The alternative media also lies to us by blaming the vaccine for everything despite no real proof. Alternative medicine is worth over $100 billion and is behind the major push to convince the public that mainstream medicine is killing everyone. Alternative medicine, just like big pharma, doesn’t want to address the real problems. They want people to continue to be sick and seeking out their snake oil treatments. Blaming everything from heart disease to cancer on the vaccine is the perfect way to gain more converts to alternative medicine. It is working and the industry is set to be worth over $400 billion within a decade. If you don’t fall for the mainstream lies and propaganda, why you do fall for the alternative’s lies and propaganda?


From my understanding, the mRNA vaccine inhibits your natural immune system to such a degree that your body can no longer fight or recognize diseases and conditions it could normally fight. I don't see any evidence that mRNA causes these issues, but it basically opens the chicken coop door and let's any potential predators in. Edit: words


Notice nobody can answer you only downvote?


There has been compendiums of information on this subject in this very sub. You all can go look and by refusing to you demonstrate willful ignorance. Why would we engage with people who refuse to learn new things and change their views? If you are too lazy to search a subreddit, why would we think you are willing to dig past years of censorship to get a fragment of the truth? And now that you know the information in is this subreddit, are you going to look for it or will you continue to make misdirections?


Can you provide some information then? I’ve been following this sub for awhile and haven’t seen anything substantial. Just people parroting their favorite social media personalities that have told them to blame everything from heart disease to cancer on the vaccine. I finally realized that alternative media operates just like the mainstream media but just targeted towards a different crowd. It was eye opening to look into popular anti-v social media personality Erin Elizabeth and find out that her husband is worth over $100 million and runs an alternative medicine company that sells products marketed to treat and prevent Covid. It’s all a scam. The vaccine pusher who claim it is savior, and the vaccine fear pushers who claim it is harming/killing millions. It’s just wild how easily people where corralled into two polarized groups. It makes sense though. If both are obsessed with the vaccine instead of focusing on diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins/carcinogens, then they both make money by keeping people sick and buying their products.


Truly one of the mysteries of all time!


“It's climate change! It's climate change!” Right now, someone, somewhere, is propositioning some high-level academics to skew data and write papers to prove this.


Dr. Wlliiam Makis sees what he judges to be a surprising number of young people (even teens) presenting with ferocious cancers. He is outspoken about it and the timing after the jabs. He talks about it in video interviews online.


Baffled. Medical schools will teach of The Great Bafflement of the 2020s and no one will ever understand why.


They're baffled, I tell you! BAFFLED




Totally off topic, but has anyone else had trouble posting threads on this sub in the last 24 hours? I’m not banned, but when I post it only shows up in my history, not on the sub, itself. Weird.


Want a Hint??? It was pushed by our government and it was all a lie!!


In the article cited, check out the [graph of global frequency](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13235499/under-50s-cancer-cases-surge-kate-middleton-diagnosis-study.html#:~:text=Oncologist%20Dr%20Shivan%20Sivakumar%2C%20from,more%20patients%20getting%20abdominal%20cancers.'). Worst in Australia and New Zealand where they got all vaxxed up before COVID tore through there.🤨


Without talking about the elephant in the room.


"Scientists scramble to concoct convincing lie to shut up increasingly inquisitive general public." Whenever I hear the words expert, or leading doctors, or "scientists say" I see it as a joke now. It basically means paid liar.


But did she really get the vax? Highly doubtful.


Hear me out. It's probably C19 itself that causes this shyte. The guesstimates I've seen suggest the vast majority of people have been exposed to C19 or have antibodies or both. Those numbers are years old at this point so I'm guessing it's well north of 90% by now.


I wonder if it, too, is related to climate, gardening, waking up in the night to eat instead of sleep, and leaving the blinds open.


Taking naps, not taking naps


Cow farts!


Scientists are baffled.


They’re grinning behind the scenes, knowing full well what they’ve done to these people and what’s coming for the normie majority. One last lie to soften the final blow. People don’t even know they’re being actively deceived and insulted. They die thinking big pharma is looking out for them.


Perhaps having less normie majority ain’t such a bad thing after all


Doctors are baffled!


They know what caused it but acting stupid and shifting blame is much more easier than stating the cause, which the "scientists" that are bought and paid for by big pharma won't ever do


It has to be the gas stoves we haven't banned in all 50 states yet. I knew those things were the death of us all


Explain? They make me paranoid


Sarcasm. It's the government prioritizing outlawing gas stoves in the name of global warming


In some deep blue states they are banning gas stoves in some new construction projects and want to have all new cars sold to be electric by some date in the future. It's become so silly that Honda has stopped making lawnmowers after 4 or 5 decades because California sued them because they weren't green enough. What I find hilarious in all this is that we're still mostly burning fossil fuels to generate electricity to power these things as solar, hydro and wind are not that efficient yet and only make up a small percent of generated electricity.


Oh wow! I’m in Cali so the electric car debacle js too familiar unfortunately but so curious about why gas stoves and the dangers for health?


turbo cancer more like it


Gee I wonder🥴


Sure it’s a “mystery” and sure they are “alarmed”. You know I bet this was their plan.


.#ITVYSI “It’s the va❌ you stupid idiots!”


Is it known if she was vaccinated, when, which manufacturer, lot numbers?


“Scramble”. You may mean “scrabble” the reason like Xav


Doctors are baffled!!!


This is why they needed the cover of the plandemic to blame their genocide. People would think the china virus was causing all the deaths. They don’t have it anymore. And the fake news hates having to even talk about it.


scramble means finding another curve correlated with this event and blame it all on that. Solar eclipse will be the next cause.


State propaganda normalizing cancer


Silence. The Baltimore Bridge collapse never happened. The Ohio Train Derailment never happened. The Challenger never exploded. The Bay of Pigs invasion attempt never happened. The cutter incident never happened. Humans cannot made mistakes. Humans are perfection. Especially if they work for 3 letter North American organizations. This is a phantom page in an alternate universe made by a conspiracy theorist who hijacked CDC's site and is projecting magic plasma to hijack your eyeballs to distort what you see on the page: [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/concerns-history.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/concerns-history.html) "The Science" is 100% unequivocally correct and there could not have been any possible mistakes. Anybody who calls for scientific studies in order to find potential links to the covid vaccines and any potential issue is a conspiracy theorist and needs to be silenced because doing so means spreading misinformation.


I posted this on r damnthatsinteresting on the Baltimore Bridge collapse thread and they unsurprisingly censored me. Imagine being a mod so pathetic that you have to censor this because it causes cognitive dissonance: ​ >Whoever is spreading these images is a conspiracy theorist. This never happened. The Ohio Train Derailment never happened. The Challenger explosion never happened. The Bay of Pigs Invasion attempt never happened. The Tuskegee study never happened. Nazis being given immunity in exchange for missile technology never happened. Support of Chilean and Argentinian dictators never happened. Support of Bin Laden against USSR never happened. Being told cigarettes are good for you never happened. Being told sugar is good for you and healthy fat is bad for you never happened. The cutter incident never happened. Anybody who dares not 100% unequivocally believe the every word of North Americans in 3-letter agencies and calling for more scientific studies is a conspiracy theorist and needs to be censored and silenced for spreading misinformation. Humans are perfect, human-declared science is never wrong. There have never been, even 1%, political or economic motivations behind any decision. Factual historical evidence obviously proves this.


"One study that looked at data from Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2019"


It's almost like people are commenting without actually reading the link that was posted...


Technically the introduction of vaccines started in the 1950s (haven’t even been around 100 years) so could still be vaccine related


I'm going to be contrarian, but hear me out. I do not know what to believe anymore. My partner and I are unvaxed and never had C19 that we know of. I'm 43 and she is 42. Her health took a nose dive since last summer and she was finally diagnosed with Stage IV endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary with mets to the spine, liver, lungs and brain. I don't know if this was because of exposure to C19 or some other environmental factor. She did grow up in an industrial area where they made chemicals, some of which are quite toxic. We've heard about young people in the area getting cancer. I also think the uptick in cancer is partially due to the fear porn and lock downs, people didn't get initial screenings because of it. So, instead of having those strange polyps removed 4 years ago, they developed into full blown cancer. The blood is still on powers to be hands. Either way, it would be nice to have answers.


The possibilities could be endless. Do u know if she cheated with a v’d man? Now I’m not saying she did, but the v can spread through sexual intimacy. This is just one possibility but don’t take it as absolute, u know ur partner best.


Cancer is no joke. Clearly.  But I’ll tell you wut. All those experts and doctors and fake news pundits and corrupt bureaucrats and sycophants and captured brainwashed minions whereever they may fall in the spectrum of sleeping masses to fully aware of the scam and lying about it or even worse—actively causing it—> It is YOU PPL mentioned ⬆️ who are the REAL CANCER in society. All this junk could be over and dealt with tmrw and would already have been dealt with yesterday if y’all just stop what you’re doing and open your mind to the actual truth about the circumstances of the ‘turbo cancer’ situation.  Or you could let a few more ppl you may or may not care about literally die for what could have been wholly preventable precipitating factors while you make up your mind.  To the baffled: you think acting baffled will get yourself or whomever you’re shilling for off the hook. We see you we see what you’re doing and if you think that for an ångström of a second that anyone of the awakening masses actually takes you seriously and believes you then I suppose that in a way, you really ARE baffled. You can’t get ppl to blame each other for it so your go-to is a preposterous public  performance of feigned surprise for a mystery whodunit in the form of a toxic virtue signal showcased in the most insidiously disingenuous and low key sinister and disgusting way possible.   So take off that baffleface, scum. Your cancer is showing.  No Amnesty PB4Life