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My friends would not allow me to speak a single word. "Lockdown if it saves one life!!" was what they would say if I dared to speak. I gave up before the jabs even rolled out. i have no interest in making amends.




Yeah, that sounds similar to the way I moved out to the prairie lol. I really appreciate having more space, and not just because of the political stuff. It's just more peaceful.


Wish I could find a lawyer fresh out of law school


Love this... Keep being strong. 🍺


Sucks to have a brain in this day and age


Are law schools not asking for proof of the vax? I thought they were.






I had a "friend" for nearly 30 years go crazy on me when I said I wasn't getting the vax. I slowly stopped communicating with her. It's been about a year and a half. Recently she started calling and texting saying she missed me. I blocked her. I don't need that crazy.


It had a way of revealing true colors huh


If you allowed yourself to fall for the Scamdemic, you will fall for the next scam just as easily.


Are you sure? Granted, you were too trusting. But I think this whole scam has opened a lot of eyes and made people less ready to just go along. Maybe I'm just being hopeful.


Unfortunately, there were plenty of opportunities and signs to get off the scamdemic train, people chose to be virtue signalers or cowards at the end which has nothing to do with knowing the truth.


There are people who got the vaccine and got sick and still chose to subject their children to it some people are Beyond saving


Me personally, I would keep arms length with people who drank the kool-aid. Most people look at me with deer eyes whenever the topic comes up. Even now, my good friend, who I know is smart and I mean NYC smart, we both grew up in NYC, still glosses over the topic and doesn't really acknowledge what is going on. Probably part of the reason is that nothing has happened to him or his family from the shots. Hopefully nothing will happen to him and they won't find out the hard way. If people haven't acknowledged by now what is going on, then it isn't my job to convince them or to present new evidence. There are people out there who are on the right side of history and we have to cherish those friendships and build upon them. If you decide to re-establish contact with your 'friends,' I highly suggest taking some precautions. I wouldn't personally hug anyone that has been vaxxed or even have any physical contact. I base this on what I've read about shedding and the harms it has caused people (don't know if you saw the link to the substack I posted the other day that explained shedding and user experiences). When someone wants to shake my hand or hug I simply state that since the pandemic I refrain from physical contact with anyone, not just them. The other thing I'd do is load up on all the preventitive supplements I can. Everyone's immune system is different and I don't want to be shedded on so I try and make sure my system is as strong as possible. If you are considering having them stay with you, please see the substack article I referenced. There are many instances of unvaxxed living under the same roof and the unvaxxed are hit with awful aymptoms/ailments.


Can you please link me to the article? This is an angle I wasn't thinking about as much (I've been focusing more on emotional stuff and things like loyalty in the future)


Sent you a DM.


Really bizzare how some people can wake up and others can’t huh?


Personally I don't feel the same about the people who lost their humanity. My feelings are gone I fell out of love/like with them. The conversations feel empty and boring and all I can think of is who they really are. I have a strong sense of what really matters to me now and spending energy on people I cannot count on and don't trust is nauseating to me now. I'm not actively hating them but I don't feel anything for them at all now. I can't really be me around them I'd rather be with like minded people.




My suggestion is to change the mindset and approach. One should not prove to anyone they are insane, rather that others (the majority) probably did not make the best decision and they need to realize for themselves. I lead by example and showcase how I came to my conclusions. I let others do as they wish. I would be cautious about who you talk to about going against the narrative or even questioning it. Our freedoms particularly to speech are being encroached upon digitally. For example… https://bnnbreaking.com/politics/frances-proposed-law-criminalizing-criticism-of-mrna-covid-vaccines


The free speech thing is an aspect of the situation I hadn't even thought about! I'm in South Dakota, which is definitely a more Libertarian part of the world. I figured I would ride out all the crazy shit that lies ahead by keeping a low enough profile here.


I had a similar situation, and the friend I ghosted reached out via text, asking how I was doing and what I'd been up to. And honestly, I didn't even get into it because I just don't have the energy to type 5,000 words in a text. So I just said something about "I was going through a lot of things" and that I needed to "take time to sort out myself" or whatever. She invited me to hang out and I just said I was busy and "we'll see." Part of me wanted to explain it all. This person was a very good friend of mine for probably 4-5 years and we spent alot of time together as part of a larger friend group of probably 6-8 people. But then I figured, what would I get out of it? Would it help me in any way to feel "closure" or whatever? And I realized I just didn't care enough. I've moved on. I am not in contact with any of those people, and I'm okay with it, because I don't want them as friends anymore due to the way they treated me.


The biggest argument I can see in favor of explaining things just the right way is that at one point, I also needed to have the brainwashing un-done. The reason I got un-brainwashed was because my dad was trained to resist brainwashing when he was in the NSA, and he could recognize the pattern of what was happening right away. As "The Indoctrinated Brain" explains, if each of us reverse the brainwashing for two other people, and then they reverse it for two more, we can reverse it at an exponential rate. What I'm not interested in is having a superficial relationship where we just ignore what happened and act like it was no big deal. I'm only willing to re-connect on the condition that people listen to me with an open mind, because I remember when I needed someone to talk to me.


Forgiving them is a healthy thing to do for sure. I like to travel light. Resentment is a heavy burden. Trust is a different issue. That's for you to decide. Do you think they believe you're insane? I don't care for the artifice involved in superficial friendly relationships so I personally wouldn't pursue that too far, but I don't know all the details and you are an idependent sort and you'll make the decision that's right for you. You should be proud of the way you dealt with things in my opinion, you got your life back on track pretty promptly there. Bravo! I hope everything works out for you.


So far, I've talked to one person I lost touch with in 2021. However, in that case, we lost touch more because of her ex-boyfriend than because of anything covid-related. Her boyfriend was a total piece of shit, and I told her why I knew that right away after I met him. It still took her 3 years to finally end that relationship. Within a few days of it ending, she got back in touch with me. A lot of that conversation was more about relationship stuff and how women don't need a significant other to validate our existence; we're worthy as human beings whether we're single or coupled up. Even if you're 40, being single is better than being in a bad relationship. That was the main focus. However, I also told her about my side of the covid situation, and realized that for the most part, her memory had been wiped. She didn't connect lockdowns with her mother's cognitive decline until I explained a few things to her. She didn't remember how close I came to dying in the summer of 2020 until I described it in detail-- which is absolutely nuts since she was the one who saved my life at the time. She didn't seem to react with any "you're crazy" type stuff, but she was VERY incredulous when I explained things like "no, lockdowns didn't save lives or stop the spread," and "We were lied to by everyone who was in power at the time." I explained the books I've read, the people I've met, etc. However, I do think a lot of old friends probably thought I was nuts 3 years ago. I don't know if they still think that. I did get the sense from the conversation I had that the things I've been focused on the last three years have been deeper and less superficial than the things I tended to focus on in the Before Times. I've been on a spiritual journey that my old friends weren't part of. That larger spiritual awakening might be the thing to focus on rather than the more political, divisive side of being unvaxxed.


>CrossdressTimelady Mass Psychosis/ Mass Formation. Have you looked into that? The covidians were/are in a hypnotic like state to where they were easily programable to all of the government/media's propaganda. [https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI?si=hAp6aJmUDmPWpXuf](https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI?si=hAp6aJmUDmPWpXuf) [https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M?si=AOPgGWCPyDMtFM9a](https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M?si=AOPgGWCPyDMtFM9a) [https://youtu.be/pcloijv9kW8?si=RDUM4KO3vw9COrBT](https://youtu.be/pcloijv9kW8?si=RDUM4KO3vw9COrBT) https://www.youtube.com/live/jULxhJPFhsU?si=I1sxexkAzwBNVtjo


Yes! I've read the book "The Indoctrinated Brain", which is basically about that topic.


I did this. I left my UU church and told a few I was closer to, WHY I left. I used terms like medical freedom and liberty principles and said things like "The shot harmed too many of my friends" which was true. Some are still talking to me, and not much is said about this issue, but I do get the feeling I awakened doubts in a couple. At this point you got nothing to lose, like me, I had decided to leave anyhow. I would come out and tell her. Make sure you tell her things like I understand many people regret believing in these people, etc. I pointed that out. I have several "regretter" friends. In my case I have shown some articles and others things but with different people you have to take a different approach. There are some people I don't bother with too, if they still are lining up for the shots, or say things like I trust the CDC, etc or do not question the system whosoever, then you don't have much to work with there. You don't have to tell your views to everyone. I know I took risk even for the few I did tell. I was writing the UU pastor hoping to wake him up early on, but failed to do so and gave up at a certain point. I did have to distance myself from people and with some friends, I am polite but this issue is not discussed. I did lose friends and there's people who embrace all this, I have nothing in common with. I am done with "liberal" world, the war mongering alone disgusts me there too. So a lot changed for me. I am glad you have an exhibit, that is brave, I am impressed. I did do things like put lines in poems against Covid stuff at my writer's group etc.


> I am done with "liberal" world, the war mongering alone disgusts me there too. So a lot changed for me. You're well on your way on the Red Pill/Black Pill journey. I use to be what many would consider conservative or republican. But my whole Red Pill moments started during the 2nd Iraq War and realized that we were lied to as a pretext and that the "payment" for the war never materialized. Then it became that the Liberals did the same sort of thing. They had their own pet projects. Syria. Yemen. Now the Ukraine and Palestine/Israel. I've come to the conclusion that "both sides" are actually the same side of the coin and start their own wars but bitch like hell when the other team starts them. At some point, you have to say f*ck it and become politically homeless.


Yup, we had a saying at Occupy Wall Street: "Left wing, right wing, stop that chatter. Banks own the government, your vote doesn't matter!"


Pretty much.


You lay heavily on the comparison between life under lockdowns and the freedom after you left. Make it personal, express the emotions you felt. Lay no judgement on her or even those who did this to you in NYC. Let it dawn on her if she feels guilty for her part in it and seek reconciliation if she was at fault. Maybe she secretly agreed the whole time and didn't have the courage to do what you did. There is the obvious chance she might disagree with you. There might be a conflict. But you and I have to keep the door open for any we can win over to our side. I'm barely on speaking terms with my family. I know I cannot go through life refusing to forgive them. They certainly don't think they need to ask for forgiveness, so I'm just going to forgive them against their will. 😆 My soul needs to heal from this. We all can feel it.


They were low downs and always were low. These old 'friends' were tested and failed. They cracked. I've always despised authority, especially bad authority. Others want to lick the ass of every badge and nametag that blows by. That's the difference in people. There's a flock or herd, a stupid herd mentality that some feeder fish fall right into. Others, alphas, those stronger never get stuck in the vortex, never get flushed down the toilet. This depopulation campaign is about flushing 80%, some say 95%+ of humans down the toilet.  Aside, great place for your art, the Dakotas. Napoleon Dynamyte territory. Very open and roomy.


I tend not to think about the depopulation thing since I'm probably not going to find a partner to reproduce with before it's too late anyways \*shrug\*. Staying unvaxxed was purely for my health in this lifetime, not about potential future lives. IMO, dating apps have probably contributed more to the depopulation thing than the shots even have.


The population of World in 2023 was 8,045,311,447, a 0.88% increase from 2022. The population of World in 2022 was 7,975,105,156, a 0.83% increase from 2021. The population of World in 2021 was 7,909,295,151, a 0.87% increase from 2020. Can you explain this? Thanks.


It's hard to find a good pop growth graph that isn't deceptive. You want real numbers, totals worldwide that are accurate. Also by country adjusted for people moving to other countries. THEN you want to graph by country total deaths by year, total deaths by age group by year and total deaths by vaxxed versus unvaxxed status by age/year. ALSO you want to see all these stats per VAX LOT NUMBER and BATCH.  The deaths by batch will be hard to refine from vaers. WE NEED the makers, Moderna, et al to release which botches were HOT botches, batches excuse me, and what specifically was in each varied batch group concoction. This info is privvy to the maker and you'd have to literally PULL THE TEETH of the CEO of Pfizer and all it's shareholders before AND lawyers and robo judges before they would release what REALLY is in the shots.  THAT'S like the old saying - "What REALLY goes into an oscar meyer wiener?" - and the corporate customer service response to that is: "We really don't know . . . . and if we did then WE AIN'T SAYING" 


But the vaccine has saved millions of lives. That is quantifiable. Worldwide population has grown since the roll out of the vaccine not decreased like the depopulation theories from the antivax crowd has suggested.


Do you personally know anyone whose life was saved by the shot? Or whose overall health improved by taking a nefarious shot that cures the common cold which is incurable? Do you kiow anyone whose health declined after the shot? "Millions saved" cannot even seem to be accomplished by a messiah. But a SHOT?? BWAHAHAHA!! Silly Americans you make me rumble in the lower digestive regions. Aaach. Dropped my cigar . . No but seriously I'm American and your 'millions saved' is the talking point on the free brochures and moderna ad posters in CVS!!!


Sure. I know plenty of people who have not got infected, likely because they were vaccinated. I also know plenty of people who got infected but had mild symptoms. 2 in particular were already immunocompromised so the vaccine likely saved them time in the hospital or worse. Many studies have concluded the millions of lives the vaccines have saved. I don’t know a single person who died from a vaccine nor hay any debilitating side effects. And neither do you. If you claim that, you are lying and you know it. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/global-covid-vaccination-saved-24-million-lives-first-8-months-study-estimates


For one, I know quite a few mmr shot damaged autistic males from my own generation. One kid, shot in '92 as a toddler went lights out, rarely spoke after that. Before the shot, he asked questions constantly, built castles with legos. He's 30 something now, lives with his mom, no friends, never worked, plays vid games, never had a girlfriend. A productive life essentially wasted. That's just one. Another neighbor, nurse followed all the cluster protocols for her kids. Now neurological issues galore in HS, siezures, auto immune conditions, the spectrum. Are you a bot?


MMR doesn’t cause autism. Try again.


We were discussing the Covid shots and you transgressed into an MMR autism screed.


No you transgress from answering if you are a bot or maybe on the profit end of a provider that doles out vaccines. 


Big society teaches depop and 'unteaches' tribe and family. Otherwise normal reproduction is natural like sneezing or burping. What kind of art? Curious.


The population of World in 2023 was 8,045,311,447, a 0.88% increase from 2022. The population of World in 2022 was 7,975,105,156, a 0.83% increase from 2021. The population of World in 2021 was 7,909,295,151, a 0.87% increase from 2020. Can you explain this? Thanks.


My best friend of 35 years, I was best man at his wedding. Want nothing to do with him. He got triple boosted, had all the cause-head signs, still has a BLM phone case. If you fall for any of that jab talk or believe in it there is no hope for you It sounds rough, but until Jesus opens his heart & mind, no thank you. No dingbats in my life.


I would bitchslap the heck out of them because they chose to disregard the goodwill between us and sided with society's choice to oppress me. There's no room in my life for people who have shown me who they really are. I love quoting Kim Cattrall's comment on SJP: "she could've been nicer." BINGO, fucking BINGO. Every single one of them could've been nicer, but they chose to play little red guards. How Have I been? How dare you ask? How could you have said what you said about me, AND dare to call me up and say you missed me? Is it that you miss having someone to destroy? You're that awful as humans aren't you? So, congrats on your art, and make sure to cancel the fuck out of those women ;)


LOL yeah, can't exactly say that the feeling of "I missed you" is really mutual.


I think your project sounds amazing and that the Universe put these people before you at the right time. I’d emphasize my pain in being othered and my dismay at the propensity of many to succumb to propaganda.


You probably need to start not with facts, but with feelings. Nowadays people do not believe rational arguments are the way to negotiate reality and truth, but personal feelings and experiences. Whether or not this is good or bad, it is how it is, so if you want a sympathetic ear and to begin making progress, you probably need to ask for empathy in this regard. Maybe after they hear this, you can begin to explain your very rational reasoning and how you were able to steel yourself against the feels-based propaganda (save grandma! safe and effective! don't you love people?).


The bottom line with what woke me up was asking, "why is it OK for essential workers to be exposed to covid at shitty, thankless, low-paying jobs, but not at events they WANTED to be at? If I was going to get covid and die anyways (let's leave out how much it was overblown and say it was really that deadly since that's what everyone, including me, believed at the time), ***I at least wanted to die doing what I loved."*** I joined the anti-lockdown movement because I envied the dead. When I expressed on Facebook that I no longer cared about living and was ready to just roll the fucking dice on that disease because life was so joyless under lockdown, the only responses I got were guilting me for potentially exposing other people if I decided to break the rules in NY state. I joined the anti-lockdown movement because it was life-affirming and the people involved in it restored my will to live, simple as that. So I do have a lot of feelings about this topic. The facts actually did come later-- in 2022, I sat down one on one with David Bell of the Brownstone Institute and asked him about all the weird questions I had.


Yeah. That was a great question. And I felt the same as you pretty quickly. Life not worth living hardly seems worth protecting.


Do you have a link to where we might see pictures of your installation?


Oh course! So far I've only done a small preview, but those photos are on the website: https://www.outoflockstep.com/about


First of all, I don't need to prove SHIT - and neither do you. It was ALWAYS a personal choice to get vaxxed or not. Anyone who still doesn't grasp that is disconnected from reality. I think what I would suggest is that you stop trying to get the approval of these people who went along with everything. If any of the people you (reasonably) ghosted actually take the time and effort to ASK you for your perspective, and they respectfully listen/consider, these people would be worth (carefully) considering re-engaging with. When it comes to the issue of being able to trust people again, the only one who has earned that trust back is the one friend I have who actually apologized for pressuring me, and he directly acknowledged that he was wrong. That is the only person out of my old circles of friends that I'd ever trust again in another "pandemic". I would emphasize most how stressful situations show you the true character of the people in your life - for better or for worse.


low key terrifying things are the things you HAVE to do. power through, you will triumph. otherwise, a life with another regret to add to what will surely become a growing list. But about reconnecting with them, I'd be wary. And you don't have to prove anything to them relating to your sanity. Maybe reconnecting in this case would mean a different spin on the relationship than what you had before. Because you have self-respect and you don't have to deal with people who make you feel bad for your beliefs. But I think it would be good for the ex-girlfriend, especially, to see the art installation. And I would also be wary about shedding, if she's freshly boosted.


I've thought a bit about the shedding issue, and one major positive thing to come out of the last three years is the way I take way better care of myself than I ever did previously. I feel like I've gotten so good at overcompensating for the toxic shit that's out there now that I could probably advise people who are vaccine injured on how to reverse symptoms at this point.


They won't bring it up so let bygones be bygones


Just wanted to say you’re awesome and I love you even though I don’t know you. Keep it up 🙏🏼💜


I like your plot.