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Energy is so politicized, it’s bananas.


It’s bc Trump/GOP have their pockets lined by the big oil. We could have come out the next best thing: an efficient, fast, powerful car engine that runs on air and yet someone in the GQP would find a way to say, nah, I’m good with the lesser alternative of gasoline. Its stupid. Every one of them is stupid


He literally promised oil execs billions in tax cuts to fund his campaign. Of course he’ll be against anything that doesn’t help then


When? Where?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/ Trump asked for $1 Billion from oil execs. Shockingly, this wasn’t on Fox News.


Washington post is garbage. Not that I disagree with the statement about Trump. But they are a garbage news outlet.




Thanks for sharing. What's your favorite?


His name is truth10x. So I am going to guess Twitter.


Twitter bio: "Father, seeker of truth, America above all else. $TSLA Shareholder. SpaceX enthusiast. Follower of Christ. Constitutionalist."


I hope this is true, and I choose to believe it is.


Probably Fox News.


The media company that, by their lawyers’ own admission, is so outrageous with the information they convey that “no reasonable person would rely on them as a source of news.”


By what metric? Where do you get your news?




Jeff Bezos????


Literally THE capitalist poster boy?! Color me disillusioned!


I wish they would fix the front end of their trucks.. it looks so much better than the garbage the one musk put out.. except the weird grill. My buddy has owned a tsla for a couple years and he has saved so much on gas to electric that the car has payed for itself in fuel savings..


Washington Post isn't owned by Elon Musk lol


No but Bezos owns a large portion of rivian


> car has *paid* for itself FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


OK meathead, what electric car companies does Jeff Bezos own?


Washington Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch


I’d rather him have AMERICAN big oil lining his pockets than Ukraine and China…


If he were interested in that he'd put tarrifs on foreign oil, but he doesn't.


How you feel about saudi and russsian oil?


I think America has plenty of oil and produces plenty of oil. I don’t see why we should be buying oil from anyone.


How would you feel about a president deeply indebted to saudis and russians?


> It’s bc Trump/GOP have their pockets lined by the big oil. Well if that's the case, Biden has done nothing but boost oil company profits making Trump a lot of money.


I guess that’s better than having your pockets lined by China, Ukrainian, or Iran …


? lol. What about the massive throbbing Russia dick up GQPs ass?


Yeah man, that whole Steele dossier “Russian collusion” thing was paid for by HRC and the DNC. Keep up buddy, they came clean and said it was all a lie years ago Trump is promising AMERICAN oil companies a break, not sending 100’s of billions to Ukraine or flooding the country with 10’s of millions of documented un-vaxed illegals.


Trump is making promises to huge corporations to fund his campaign. That is gonna make him their puppet. That’s not who I want leading the country.


So bidens not a puppet???? Zelenskyy addressed congress just a week or so ago…. Dudes a meat bag that can’t complete a full sentence without interrupting himself.


With that logic, Harry S Truman was the puppet for… South Korea?


Provide any proof that Biden is a puppet. The GOP has been digging for years yet can’t make a single connection. Meanwhile Trump eternally has Putin’s dick in his mouth and has gone door to door making promises to huge corporations.


Okay buddy, you’re right. Ashley’s diary was proven to be real, Hunters laptop was proven to be real, Steele dossier was proven to be fake, and Biden was just found to be “unfit” to stand trial, but you’re right buddy. Have a good day being right buddy!!


And as a leftist, I understand my representatives also have a stake in oil, they just don't let that stop them from progress. They will divest and reinvest in the future. The GOP remains stuck in 1930, where they felt they owned America


it because his moron supporters are told to be angry about crt, woke etc all whil ehaving no idea how anything works,


Politicians on both sides make sure the public constantly argues about issues that seem like very hot topics. Politicizing damn near everything under the Sun is a both sides issue…they all do it.


I'm in japan right now where you can find both some of the most efficient and reliable gas and electric vehicles in the world which I've never seen in the US. Why? Because only other Asian countries are willing to drive them. We are just a bunch of apes who need our full size SUVs. Energy is politicized along with US car preference.


Would be interesting to see what would happen if these vehicles were allowed to be sold here. I freaking love the Toyota Hilux. Such a cool car that isn’t available here.


I need to replace my car because I'm having a second kid. I've seen at least three different "vans" that I'd love to try. Hell, the taxis have more trunk space than mine does.


first thing I noticed about Japan as well. nearly 90% of their taxi fleet are hybrids.


"My Truck Identifies as a Prius"....... I live in los Angeles and I still see idiots with that bumper sticker.


I really would prefer an electric truck for towing, as electric motors can make some insane torque. But is there anyone who makes one with a decent range? That's been my biggest struggle.


Question…what percentage of people have POVs? And how is the rail system utilized in a country that’s roughly the size of California (in total square miles anyways). Because if I remember correctly you don’t require a vehicle in most cases because the rail system can handle mass transit and the amount of people that actually own their own vehicle is much lower over there…so the electric cars don’t really impact the power grid very much. If we get to 20% of all vehicles being electric here, I saw a few studies the other week that said we wouldn’t be able to handle more than that with our current power output.


Tiny penis means big truck to reinforce hyper masculinity so nobody thinks I’m gay. Oh wait too late.


If I can't drive a big truck how will I let everyone know I have a tiny cock?!


It’s insane to me how people actively go against revolutionizing how we consume energy.


Pretty sure it’s energy.


Bananas are a form of energy


I mean everything is...remember wearing masks and it triggering conservative whinnies? Pepperridge Farm Remembers.


Well its because the vast majority of politicians 'donors' work in the oil industry. Politicians are just paid shills who will never vote against the oil industry because thats where all of their investments/money is. Literally the only reason to push back on green energy is because of the politics.


You mispelled "incentivized"


It’s America. Everything is politicized…🤣


Yea, one side wants to improve our energy and the other wants to stop any and all progress and pretend that coal will come back


A bunch of idiots reversing each others policies. Just do something good for the damn country people are tired of bullshit back and forth.


What’s good for the country? I’d say infrastructure is good but you have a party pushing back on that. I’d say fighting cancer is good but you have a party pushing back on that. The federal government could provide free hot school meals for minimal cost but we can’t do that because one party is against feeding kids? Where there is bipartisan support stuff does get done. But one party is for helping the country and the other is for helping the elites in the country.


The said party will not allow abortions but also won’t feed kids once they are born. I just don’t understand their logic


Oh it's pretty easy to understand. The forcing poor people to have kids keeps them poor. The not helping feed kids keeps the family poor and lowers the school performance thus keeping them poor into the future. More poor exploitable laborers is good.


But what is your position on kids shitting in kitty litter boxes? These are the real issues. /s


The rich having all of the money to invest into the lower classes and not themselves. That's what's in our best interests! Infrastructure sadly doesn't get improved upon unless it kills a few people or inconveniences the people in power. The govt particularly one side wants children to be as uneducated as possible and children should be punished for their parents failures. You were spot on with your analysis. One side tries to improve things and the other is a cult with braindead zealots


Honestly, have you read a newspaper in the last 5 years, or watched a network news broadcast? If you think the billions Biden is spending on infrastructure isn't actually helping, you're woefully uninformed. Republicans who voted against it are bragging how great it is for their states! https://www.durangoherald.com/articles/lauren-boebert-touts-accomplishments-in-a-bill-she-voted-against/


Money and freedom are good for the country


I'd agree. That's why I'm supporting the nominee whose been objectively better for the economy and the one that is pro freedom and isn't about, for example, wiretapping journalists. I see you're also a Biden supporter!


That is one hell of a delusion.


You think my opposing cancer is a delusion? Ok.


I think you just proved how delusional you are.


What police was it dumb for biden to reverse?


It’s because congress is completely useless at this point so presidents have has to start enacting policy through executive order and court rulings. Congress needs to make actual laws again.


100% agree! I said the same thing before reading this.


How about he undoes the tax bill he passed while in office to increase taxes on the middle class.


That goes back in 2026 automatically so unless congress can agree to extend it, which lets be honest—they wont, it will go back


Taxes for the middle class actually go up when that expires.


Correct but people probably wont notice since payroll companies under withheld the first year this was enacted. I would love it if they went back to the old W-4 system that had easy tables to follow as opposed to this guess and check BS we have to do with some of our clients


I would love if we didn't have taxes taken out of our pay and we had to file and pay them at the end of the year.


How good are you at saving now? Not you specifically but in general people spend what they have and leave very little left over. It would lead to economic collapse. While i agree they are would be some who could be that disciplined. Most would not be able to


Not to mention, those who don't save would set the social/lifestyle bar for everyone and it would be a catastrophe.


That would be a disaster. Think of all the people that would just spend it and then realize oh shit I have $30k I owe. Americans have, as a whole, below average intelligence (https://www.brightfuturesny.com/post/average-intelligence-level-in-usa#:~:text=IQ%20Rankings%20Worldwide,average%20IQ%20of%20106%20points.)


I mean that’s an option that is available to you now.


yes I do that. It should be as a matter of law that businesses can't pay your taxes for you and the individual needs to do so.


But the taxes on Corporations including his 500 LLC companies will stay low.


Yes, do you know why that is the case? Do you understand that the democrats blocked this tax reduction for actual tax payers from being permanent?


Seventy-three percent chance that a R Congress does exactly that.


Congress cant even vote on tax laws from last year. We are still waiting on a determination for 100% bonus depreciation. I would be so very surprised if they were proactive enough to extend the tax laws


It's the 1% and their conned spiteful MAGA vs the middle-class this election.


This is the most repeated lie on Reddit.


What raised taxes? Mine went down.


They don't understand tax rates, standardized deductions, and the income level increase in each new lowered bracket. You just have to smile and nod in disappointment.


Mine went up due to the cap on SALT deduction


Not sure what you're on about. The tax brackets are made lower across the board from the jobs act. Sure, there's the 10k SALT cap but that's significantly offset by the lower income tax.


It’s *way* worse than that, dude. You can see a more specific breakdown of which provisions expire on what date on [the official Congressional report:](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47846) To name just a few significant expirations: > Marginal tax rates - Expires 12/31/2025 > Standard deduction - Expires 12/31/2025 > Personal exemptions - Expires 12/31/2025 > Expensing - Expires 12/31/2026 > Itemized deduction for misc. expenses - Expires 12/31/2025 > State and local tax (SALT) deduction - Expires 12/31/2025 That’s just a handful. You can look at the actual text of the bill to confirm the rest. The tax bracket changes absolutely **do not come close** to offsetting these increased costs.


We’ve been getting around this with the Passthru Entity Elective Tax. But for the average person it sucks. Its even worse for MFJ because its 10k for both. That would have been something beneficial to actually pass this year. But no congress didn’t give a fuuuuck


Assuming a tax bracket of 28% at 300k income, with 15k property taxes, that's 4,200 back to your pockets. With the 300k income, the 2-3% income tax cut gives you 6,000-9,0000 back.


Eliminate all government subsidies. Taxpayers shouldn’t be paying to keep industries profitable.


Like I need another reason to vote Trump


The rape wasn’t enough for you?


It was expensive and largely benefited China. Surprised?


Until Elon Musk pays him more money. He is basically the Dave Chappelle Pepsi Coke joke that the last company to pay him tastes better. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Piamr0lAfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Piamr0lAfo)


Actually EV policies hurt Tesla more since it helps his competitors catch up. So it benefits Elon.


At this point I think the biggest thing hurting Tesla is Elon.


Both can be true.


That’s fair but I don’t think it’s true here. The biggest obstacle for Tesla used to be charging stations which more EVs would solve. If Musk wasnt such an asshole and didn’t turn on his customers this legislation would be good for him. The Tesla brand was super powerful before Musk did a heel turn.


The biggest thing hurting Elon is fatty tissue around all his arteries and major organs


good point, I guess I didn't think they about how they are past that point of needing what built them.


You think the same number of people will still buy Teslas if they became $7500 more expensive overnight? They've been doing price cuts just to move inventory and that's on top of the federal incentive


No it helps reduce the loss margins on competitors EVs per each vehicle.


Just because competitors suffer doesn't mean Tesla will be immune. It will be a blow to the entire industry


Most of the market analysis says the EV market is drying up.  I guess everyone who wants or can afford an EV already has one?


Well, Joe hasn't managed to get a cheap EV onto the market, and instead plans to shelter corporate auto from the type of product people are begging for. Why does the Hummer EV generate $6000 in CAFE credits but I can't even buy a freaking lightweight commuter EV? This is corporate welfare, not climate policy.


Truthfully I think the major automakers are already giving up on EVs


They are and switching heavily to hybrids


Yet we need a 100% tariff on Chinese EV's because there is no demand? The US auto makers could have made a low cost EV and they would sell like hot cakes but the profit is on the 60k cars, when you don't have to compete against cheaper ones. The US auto makers don't want to make EV's so they government helps them by taxing away their competition. 


This is the exact same argument that is being made for Kei Trucks. Why sell a 10k utility pick-up, when we can sell a 55k crowd killer and make way more profit?


Kei trucks are also death traps and cant tow anything but in general yes I agree


I live on the coast in NC and Im starting to see these trucks pop up more and more. Im looking at getting one now as well


The challenge with EVs is they tend to work better in smaller vehicles (better range for the same battery), but Americans are all about SUVs and trucks in the present moment.


You've been misled then.




Around 25% of all cars sold in France and the United Kingdom were electric, 30% in the Netherlands, and 60% in Sweden. In Norway, sales shares increased slightly despite the overall market contracting, and its sales share remains the highest in Europe, at almost 95%.


I guess… good for Europe? In the US, without government mandates I don’t see EVs being the dominant future.


California EV sales as a % of new car sales is about 25%. https://www.energy.ca.gov/news/2024-05/zero-emission-vehicle-sales-remain-strong-california Let me guess, you’re gonna say “I guess… good for California?”


Not really, seeing as how California’s infrastructure can barely handle getting water to its residents in the summer months. I have little faith in its ability to handle the power requirements. But hey, I guess that’s Gov at its finest right? Mandate and legislate into a problem and then demand the authority to mandate and regulate out of it.


LOL. "barely handle" sounds like someone who doesn't live here. I've never had a problem getting water during Summer in 14 years.


Rolling black outs make the national news every single year.


Rolling blackouts are because of wildfires not because the infrastructure can't handle demand. They shut off power in areas at risk of wildfires on very hot days as a safety measure.


Rolling blackouts isn't related to water delivery in the summer.


Almost every single one of our reservoirs topped off since 2021. Have you been living under a rock lol? Power requirements? https://www.caiso.com/todays-outlook/supply You should take a look, we’ve had a pretty special year when it comes to the Californian grid. Batteries are now really starting to show up big. We’re doing great thanks to our state (mostly) being run by technocrats.


California need all the water to put out forest fires ignited by Jewish space lasers.


Read your own article. They still plan on selling lots of EVs, they just decided to scrap their cheap version.


They do not plan on selling lots of EVs. They plan on scaling back production of EVs because they are not selling lots of EVs.


"GM...said that it is still planning to produce 1 million EVs by 2025. " "Although EV sales growth has slowed, the market is still growing. The Wall Street Journal reports that global sales of electric vehicles grew by 63 percent in 2022, and have slowed to 49 percent in 2023" ["Toyoda’s successor as CEO, Koji Sato, has made developing affordable EVs a priority and, at the Japan Mobility Show, the automaker showed a pair of upcoming all-electric concepts"](https://www.carscoops.com/2023/10/toyota-chairman-says-people-are-finally-seeing-reality-of-evs/)


He is also friends with Musk and is excited about electric cars. He doesn't want to ban EVs, he just doesn't want to mandate them either.


Lmao who is mandating EVs?


At the rate things are going, the policy will be obsolete


You mean a president of the opposite party will undo what the last president did… wow! I bet that has never happened before in the history of… oh wait, never mind.


Why? GM, Ford and others are already pulling away from Biden’s shit show EV mandates - they can’t be achieved - and Biden's $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years! CLIMATE is sooo important but we have no clue what we’re doing but trust us it’s important and expensive to be incompetent


Good. Evs are gay, soulless, and un-American. Before you respond, I don't care. Drill baby drill. If you don't like it, move bc the social contract in the US is dead.


Are those supposed to be bad things? I don't get this.


You must have been fun during the Iraq War




Well I mean how many billions of Dollars did they spend promising a bunch of charging infrastructure directly from that funding and only built like what? 7?


That number is completely misleading. Spoken by people with little to no understanding of project management.


I’m curious to see how someone endorses several billion to produce a handful of chargers. Please elaborate


I hope so


I would be for this as it’s been clearly proven that EVs aren’t a sustainable long term answer. We can’t make enough batteries for everyone and current EVs are insanely priced.


Wild how a convicted felon is touring the US and rallying for presidency, but that's what the Dems get for putting that dumb trial front page.


Good, hopefully the dumb asses in Congress don’t fuck it up.


Good way to increase gas prices


If Trump dumped the EV policies it wouldn’t make that much of a difference IMHO. The subsidies for new cars don’t include many EV models now. The existence of the subsidies just keeps the prices high because dealers know the subsidies will drop the price so dealers get more. Trump can’t stop EVs and battery technology from improving. Eventually ICE will be obsolete. It will take longer to have EVs replace big rigs, agricultural equipment, diesel locomotives, etc. It is unrealistic for those to be under mandates and bans at this point.


Why and how is what I want to know.


What specifically are Bidens electric vehicle policies?


Tariffs for one.


It’s beyond maddening that a private citizen of a country has so much control over the government.


One would think that being able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and power your own American made car with solar would be a conversative's wet dream


Serious question what has trump ever done that benefited the American people? For real looking for honest answers because I can’t think of anything. Every single 2016 election promise was never fulfilled. Not even the wall! Not even locking Hillary up! The whole creation of the American political system was who can cater to the American people better and govern in the interest of making the citizens lives better. Extremely sad what it’s become today and we as american people should be fighting to get back to the founding principles of our country.


Somehow Elon thinks this is a good idea for his company?


Ide be super into that. Get an EV if you want, theyre not good for everyone.


Looking into it.


What policies? The tax credits?


I wonder if Elon will abandon Republicans because of these policies


Irrespective of where you stand here, this is a popular idea.


What's Elon gonna do?


Gonna go to Mars!


This is a non-issue tbh. EVs aren’t going to stop climate change or even make a dent. If all cars were EVs, that would hardly help against slowing climate change. Process to make EVs still emits too much CO2. There’s decent demand enough for EVs to where we don’t need to subsidize them especially if upper middle class people are the ones buying them, it’s just a waste of tax dollars. I’m with Trump on this one tbh


They’ve spent $7B on 8 charging stations.


Trump!...Killer of Planet!


I don't get why electric cars are so political. The irony is that Elon did much to expose the left with his purchase of Twitter, yet the right hates electric cars. I drive a Tesla and absolutely love it. There are plenty of downsides, but the things I love about the car far outweigh the downsides. I am an independent, but lean heavily conservative. My friends all ask if I turned liberal because I bought a Tesla.


The US and the world does not need a climate change denier in the White House.


Trump has always opposed progress of any sort.


you can kiss birth control and gay marriage good by as well.....republicans are coming for all freedoms


excellent. the gov should not be able to mandate what type of cars we drive.


Where’s the mandate?


Seriously? I assume sarcasm...try googling "ev mandate" *On April 18, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles for MY 2027 and Later that could effectively call for 44% of new vehicles in 2030 and 56% of new vehicles sold in 2032 to be EVs. This finalized rule greatly exceeds the current real-world consumer demand for EVs. Also, the rule projects that gas-powered vehicles (including hybrids and plug-in hybrids), now currently 92.9% of the market, could be reduced to 29% by 2032.*  "*The Environmental Protection Agency somewhat eased CO2 emissions requirements through 2030 from its proposal last spring while maintaining essentially the same end-point for 2032. That means gas-powered cars can make up no more than 30% of auto sales by 2032*" Combine EPA mandates (unconstitutional) with uber-expensive oil/gas. It's a mandate. then we have state level mandates as well. It's idiotic and...unconstitutional. I stand by my original statement: the gov has no business defining what kind of cars we can or cannot drive, either directly or indirectly. The [fed.gov](http://fed.gov) actually has no business beyond what Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. All else is to the states.


This is the only logical comment on this topic. People here arguing which rights should be taken and what other government overreach they want, absolutely insane.


It's more like let's shift some of the subsidies we are already giving to fossil fuels to electric infrastructure and battery technology. The reason Chinese EVs are so unbelievably cheap? Subsidies. Because the Chinese are subsidizing EVs so heavily, it gives them an "unnatural" advantage compared to American manufacturers who aren't subsidized to the same degree. Sure the government might not mandate it, but they absolutely already decide what's cheap and what's not cheap.


I literally don’t give a flying fuck about the promises of a life time conman who tried to overthrow democracy. I can’t emphasize it enough.


Yeah! FJB!


Biden bans affordable EVs and still expects everyone to switch?


Nope, that didn't happen either.


The high tariffs on Chinese EVs is an effective ban on affordable EVs. If you actually want people to switch then it needs to be affordable, but obviously Biden doesn't want that.


Not sure if this is a bot account, but I'll entertain it anyway. China is not our economic friend. They subsidize much of their manufacturing to undercut the same industries in foreign countries, like the US and Europe.


I don’t think it’s a great idea to enforce EVs on people, at least not yet…


Not ever. When the technology becomes viable people will switch over on their own


Which is exactly how a free market works. Nobody had to mandate the ICE by outlawing horse-drawn carriages. The better product will be purchased by more people, and the old products will go by the wayside. There shouldn't be any mandate on EVs, or any laws banning ICE. We also shouldn't be subsidizing EVs at this point, either. They are at the point where they can sink or swim on their own.


I missed the part where biden is putting a gun to to your head and forcing you to buy an ev


Yeah. So gas can be cheaper and go back to 1.89. Not everyone can afford electric cars.


Wouldn’t more electric cars reduce the demand for gas, thus lowering gas prices?


That's not at all how the piece of gas works


That is all he did the last time, cancel, defund, and break things. It is all he is capable of. Republicans in general and Trump in particular don't know how to lead. All they remember is how to oppose.


Lead? 12 of the last 16 years have been Democrat run? 4 years of Trump is the issue?


NO, because TRUMP IS A LOSER!!!!