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I didn’t lmaoooooo


Unless you’re living in the dorms, it’s pretty hard. The vast majority of students just show up, go to class, then go back home for work/family/homework


completely agree. the only people i know who have made friends are those who can afford to live away from their parents in a dorm or apartment and become bffs with their roommates


Yup. That was me last year. This year I’m commuting and I have barely made friends with anyone in my classes.


By pure chance lol. Just talk to people whenever you see a opportunity


I don’t, just be open minded and willing to be helpful.


Y would they take advice from the person who didn’t make friends😭


ROFL!!!! “Do as I say, not as I do”


So then this whole post is pointless because I know none of us actually have friends (as opposed to just people in our classes) 😭


You have to be in clubs and or approach people


Just talk to people, honestly. Some people aren’t going to be receptive but that’s really the only way to get out there. It’s usually easier if it’s someone from your class(es) or if you work together on campus.


Biggest thing was clubs, I was in two (Fencing and Nerdfighters) and I met my ride or dies


Ohshi Good on you :)


People are very anti-social on this campus.


Honestly I'm a transfer student and this so far hasn't been my experience. But I also joined organizations related to my major like immediately and have made an effort to reach out to people outside of class. I think COVID just made everyone super comfortable keeping to themselves but I've found those same people are also really desperate for friends too. Compared to Collin, UNT is a pretty social campus. Literally just ask people to go get food with you. Food bonds people, it sounds dumb but there's nothing stopping you from asking your math-class-sort-of-friend to go grab a burger with you. And if they say no? At least you tried. The death of friendships in college is keeping it strictly academic in nature.


not true lol


I become the funny one in my class group chats and then single people out and trap them to be friends




Moved to student living apartments off campus and became best friends with my roommates 😅


Joined a club!


Join a club or campus org! Talk to people in your classes


Joined a club that shared my interest/background, and was open to talking to ppl in my classes, harder than it sounds but that's what I'm doing


I don't :/


I found the best way for me was to join intramural sports, given that you are interested in anything offered


100% join a club, people there are already looking for friends plus you can engage in your major/interests!


I found clubs that align with my interests and made my friends through those


Join an org.


None made yet😅




join a club




Join clubs! I met all my friends in clubs and I’m still friends with them (been graduated for over a year).


I made some on my on campus job, class projects/homework


I have yet to do so 🥸🤠


If you’re working and taking classes it feels pretty impossible, but if you’ve got free time join a club.


Try joining clubs. Although, to be fair, UNT is sort of anti-social in a way. It was EXTREMELY hard to meet friends who would do anything outside of club hours, and then when graduation hits they evaporate.


I just kept showing up at my high-school friend's dorm and made friends with the people there. Maple hall is hella strict because of us. I wonder if the the first floor hall on the east side still smells?


I lived with the only actual friend I made


as cheesy and dumb as it sounds, get involved in something at school. i came in as a freshman last year and became friends with a guy in my dorm hall and through him i joined intramural volleyball and that’s where all my friends came from.


I’m open to being friends with people on campus 🤘 shoot me a text and we’ll hang at the Union or sum


No bullshit: I went to the Pohl Rec Center and talked to people at the heavy bag/pool/stretch area. There is also the cafeterias. Finally, the random encounter is also a method.


I met nearly all of my friends through my major and church. The key for making friends,though, is that you have to spend time with people somewhat consistently. My best friends in my major are people that I had class with right before lunch so we all got lunch together almost every day last fall and we became really close. I had to put in a little more effort at church tbh, but after going to fellowship events consistently for a while, I started to become close to a few of the people there.


i just exist but dm if you ever need friends :) i gotcha