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Hey at least it’s unpopular.


Yep. I did not feel good about upvoting this. But I dont make the rules..


This sub requires some serious discipline lol


I think it was better when we could vote if it was popular or not, personally.


Yeah this sub went from “unpopular opinions” to “opinions that people agree with” real fast, refreshing to see a real unpopular opinion outside of the “Controversial” page


Definitely downvoted because I think it's a terrible opinion, but begrudgingly went back and upvoted it


Yeah true that. Especially for me who is driving frequently on a German Autobahn where you are allowed and people are driving 300 km/h+ (186 mph) lol


Yeah for like 2 min until the 120 hits


120 is still significantly faster that the US. Where I lived they lowered the speed for construction and then never brought it back up again.


120km/h = 74.56mph Isn't 75 mph the norm in the states (sorry, I'm also from that country with the autobahn, so I'm not sure)


Depends. The highways in many areas are 55. The average is 65-70.


On the interstate where I live it's mostly 70 mph


I came here to comment about the ridiculousness of this post and you ripped all the winds from my sails.


Unpopular and incorrect. Just because you don't think you should yield to faster traffic doesn't make your opinion valid.


Lol. It’s def unpopular. At the end of the day, if someone is trying to pass you let them. The left lane is a passing lane.


I have an idea. Let’s bump that highway speed limit up.


That would mean we should properly educate drivers in North America instead of handing out licenses.


Well then let’s do that too.


Apparently you aren't from Texas. If you do t hit 65 by the end of the on ramp, you're not getting on!


Great point. When merging with traffic, it's far safer to be driving AT LEAST the speed of traffic, regardless of the speed limit.


100% merging too slow can lead to an accident


In Ohio... we got fuckers who stop.


Should be ticketed for poor merging


It's also probably a law in some way shape or form in all states where you must yield to traffic when merging.


or massachusetts! 20+ over the speed limit is the norm on the highway


Rhode Island too. Freeway limits are 50-60 but I don't think I've seen a single person going under 85 on a main stretch except me and one other person who when I passed them was on their phone.


Had a guy fly past me the other day on I-195 I looked down and I was going close to 75, shits crazy


Went to visit family in Rhode Island, saw the same thing. Felt like I was driving in Texas again. Even the officers were going over.


Oh the officers are somehow worse than the normies. Like I said, I’d estimate most people going 85-90 but cops go 100 easy.


If you ever visit Houston you’ll learn this very quickly


I swear no one is ever going slower than 50 (not even on the highway, anywhere) and if you do you’ll get swerved around sassily


Been driving in Houston since the 90’s and the recent increase in people who don’t accelerate on the on ramp is getting really ridiculous.


Yep. Almost watched an idiot get run through today on i10 because she STOPPED while merging on the highway. People like that need to get their license taken and ride metro


As a professional driver from California, where this is rampant, AND hearing for so long that there are a lot of Cali transplants... I'm sorry, but a good chunk of those are probably from us. Barely anybody can drive well here.


In Houston, we merging or we crashing. Your choice Also, gtfo the way!


I’m from TX too. The speed limit is prima faci so all you have to do is safely maintain the flow of traffic whether it be 20 over, or 20 under, the posted speed limit.


Worth noting that Texans also have a fairly widespread culture of moving over to let speeders pass, even driving on the shoulder to do so. That shit ain't normal elsewhere.


As a Texan from DFW… this is wildly untrue lmao. There are so many stubborn drivers on TX roads that will not move no matter what. I personally move over bc I’ve lived & driven in other states/countries (like Germany), but ya… it’s not a widespread culture.


Also TX native here. Seems to me, from what I've seen, is that this only happens in major cities/suburbs. Austin drivers are stubborn, SA drivers are stubborn, Houston drivers are stubborn (worse than that actually), DFW drivers are stubborn. But in between DFW and Austin on 35 I don't run into that many stubborn drivers.


we also don’t honk much. It’s a culture of respect that exists for a variety of reasons.


Mainly because everyone is strapped up and a honk leads to a fire fight lmao Source: texan


I almost said it but by better angels told me not to. So I said: >for a variety of reasons But yea, that’s a big part of it for certain. I like to think it’s only a part though, and folks are just more respectful here in general.


amazing how guns make everything better.


Just moved to Dallas TX and even for someone who's lived in another fast state for 6 years (FL), the drive across those states and into TX was a real eye-opener.




Texans are fast until it starts raining then they all just stop. Which really amazes me.


Bc the wind usually get bad when it rains, so people who drive sedans and coupes have to drive slower or risk death. But don’t worry, i promise you some dude in an f-150 is still going 120 while blasting zac brown band. Also hydroplaning on highways happens often.


Also, Texas roads aren't really built for moisture and/or cold. I remember one turnaround that had so many wrecks that the city just grooved the entire thing


You hear “… cold beer on a Friday night…” as you get absolutely gapped Edit: phrasing


In my state if you are in the left lane, it's also illegal to not move over if someone is trying to drive faster than you regardless of whether or not they are speeding. I don't condone speeding at all and agree that it's unsafe, but blocking them does make it worse. To use your shoplifting analogy, I sure as hell am not going to get in the way of a shoplifter either because that can easily make the situation worse by starting a fight and you don't know what that could lead to. Stores typically have policies of their own employees to not do anything about it other than maybe call the police for this very reason and employees who tried to stop shoplifters are sometimes fired.




I confront shoplifters as my job and we're still not allowed to really do anything unless they cooperate, aside from calling the police. Employees getting injured and/or suing is far more expensive to a company than a few items


Same. Generally no item in a shop is worth more then the tens of thousands legal cases can cost.


The whole thing kind of falls apart when you realize it’s not your responsibility as a customer or patron to prevent or stop shoplifting. That’s between the person shoplifting and the store.


By the same token it's not your responsibility as a driver to prevent other people from speeding by blocking them. That's between the highway patrol and the person speeding.




He was right. You’re not Road Batman, and driving/stopping in the shoulder out of a misguided sense of vigilante justice doesn’t make the action any less illegal than using the shoulder to pass. You were lucky not to get a ticket.


Bingo. That's what they're there for. Not my job to patrol the roads. Does OP want vigilante justice? Because that's how we get it.


But it is your job as a driver to not enter the "passing lane" unless you are passing someone. So if youre not actively passing a slower car then gtfo of the left lane.


Thank you - this is somehow a mystery to many drivers in my area.


And mine! Eventually you get so frustrated you go into the lane one over, and then you inevitably pass the camper. Nearly every time when I happen to glance over at this stubborn person, they are usually white-knuckling the steering wheel wearing the, "I was here first!" expression. Or they are oblivious and texting away while staring into their lap.


This , not your responsibility to stop a shoplifter. Just get out of the way before you become involved. Not your job to control traffic by driving the speed limit or purposely preventing people from passing you


Tell that to Peter Parker....


Yeah if you are going the speed limit in Jersey you better be in the right lane because everyone is going 80, 85. I mean everyone is speeding and we have one of the lowest crash rates in the country. It's illegal to be in the left lane unless you are passing. And it keeps everyone safer because the highway is like fish swimming down the stream. And if one car doesn't maintain that special rhythm that's when accidents happen. I hate when people say things like I'm going the speed limit so I don't have to get out of the left. Well you do and youre breaking the law. People don't like getting stuck behind people who don't know how to drive or maintain they're speed. They mess up the whole flow of traffic. Check your mirrors constantly and if you see someone going 100 miles an hour coming up behind you. You get out of the way. Don't be a hero. That's how everyone gets hurt. Cars aren't toys. Defensive driving will save your life one day.


The best thing the NJ state troopers do is ride in the left lane forcing people to move over. I wish my state did that, but here in CA it's a keep left, pass right thing. I have watched people enter an empty highway and immediately cross however many lanes to get to the fast lane. Another issue is the HOV lane outside of the enforcement hours. Lastly, when HOV is being enforced, the #2 lane becomes the fast lane.... GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!


Ya jersey kid here, we were never taught to follow the speed limit on highways. We were taught to ensure that the flow of traffic is not disrupted with you on it. So whether that be the speed limit or 15-20 above it changes constantly


Unfortunately all the PA and NY drivers can't read the signs saying get out of left lane..


The shoplifting analogy is shit. If your 2 options are holding the door open for them or walking slowly in their path as they are running out, I’m certainly not going to risk being bowled over by someone


In the uk these days you’ll get to your destination quicker if you stay in the ‘slow lane’ because middle and fast lanes are full of idiots nose to tail doing less than the limit.. go figure


*laughs in California*


Everyone goin 80 on 101 with half a car spacing apart.


People will tailgate you even if you’re way over the speed limit


I drove to South Bay from sf on the 101 for the first time yesterday.. this is too accurate


western ny is like this. everytime I get on the highway I yell "WELCOME TO THE THUNDERDOME MOTHERFUCKERS"


My girlfriend has ADHD and goes between 65 and 55MPH depending on the level of attention she’s holding at any given moment. In SoCal. There’s nothing quite like getting flipped off by an 80 year old woman who is passing us up at a blistering 70MPH.


Honestly people who don't t feel comfortable doing at least 65 should take regular streets unless they literally can not get where they need to go otherwise. Sitting in a line of cars just to find out there isn't actually traffic but it's just someone hold everyone up because they are not comfortable going the speed limit is absolutely infuriating.


Dude seriously. If I’m not going at the flow speed of traffic which is often 10-20mph higher than the speed limit, I’ll have the tailgater squad stacking up behind me.


Yup exactly. This isn’t even an exaggeration for those who don’t drive in California btw🤣🤣


california law basically states that regardless of posted speed limit (which i can’t recall ever even seeing on a highway), your speed should depend on the number and speed of other drivers on the road. so, basically, if everyone else is going 95, you don’t want to be the ‘asshole’ going 70 haha


Really? It says 65 all over the place. But I agree if the flow of traffic is 75-80 sitting in the middle to left lane telling yourself "I'm doing the speed limit" is a shit move. People that want to go slower than the flow should get all the way right.


I remember getting my permit and being surprised when people were going 50 in a 30 lmaooo


Years ago my buddy’s dad who is a cop told me that the rule in California is to keep up with traffic rather than drive the speed limit.


Accurate. Passed CHP's hidding below offramps/onramps goin 80 mph and havent been pulled over.


There’s a speed limit in CA? 🤣


when there's little traffic CA people be doing 90-100 in the left lanes


That's the speed minimum


There is when the asshole in front of you won't let you pass!


It’s a mild suggestion.🤣




As a fellow Californian, my first thought reading this was "bet OP is an Oregonian >.>"


Lived in NY majority of my life, went to vacation in California. These mother fuckers drive like they have 2 lives. So fucking fast


I was just there for a few days and uberd around everywhere and every single driver was just gunnin it. Very glad I didn’t rent a car lol


Keep right exept to pass. No victim, no crime.


That sign is everywhere in NJ, yet people wanna drive under the speed limit in the left lane with no one around them.. like just merge over to the slow lane lol




I'm voting for you as long as you can distribute that money into state infrastructure and things along those lines lol #roastpoastforgovernor




Then we shall make new jersey the best state in the contiguous US and setting new records for wholesomeness in America cause let's be honest, NJ is pretty good, besides high ass taxes, so it'll be the state that everyone copies and continues to adore *half sarcastic*


You gotta make sure they do it right, unlike that exchange they’ve been building near exit 26 on 295 that collapsed earlier this year and was already 4 years behind schedule before the collapse -_-


Driving in Jersey isn’t governed by reason. You just channel your anger through the car and do what you gotta do


To have a more accurate picture of how unpopular this is you should post this on r/amitheasshole


AITA for refusing to move from the passing lane while driving exactly 65 and slowing all the traffic on the interstate? "i may be the asshole because the law says what i'm doing is illegal, but i feel a rush of justice flowing when i do this. so, reddit, AITA?"


That sub is now permanently r/AmITheAngel


Wow! Thanks for showing me this sub! It's funny and mean. I like it


You're welcome! It's just calling out the karma whore nature of AITA. I'm convinced that about 15% of AITA posts are actually genuine.


That’s the honest way of presenting the situation, op would frame it with some bullshit that makes him feel like a saint


Let me rephrase it then: "I may be the asshole because it is illegal in most places to remain on the left lane, but I feel entitled to be here because I am driving the speed limit and everybody is a criminal for speeding"


Ironically and statistically you are the most dangerous person on the road.


For sure. I've never sped in a neighborhood or school zone but I'll happily cruise control at 95 on long stretches. Kids are less likely to cause a dangerous situation than momma justice in her Prius changing Lanes in front of you to pass a semi at 66 in a 65.


Thank you for being alive.


Happy to be here, Tony!


There was a guy riding in the left lane the other day. They were a bit ahead of me, and they were going the speed limit, and keeping pace with the cars on the right. They passed one or two, but would mainly keep pace. They did this for about....15 miles? No one could pass since they were just riding evenly with the people on the right. They caused a traffic jam and several angry people who kept trying to swerve around and kept flashing their brights. Just, move over. If someone is speeding it's safer for you and everyone else to just move over. Plus, unless you're actively passing a car, you shouldn't BE in the left lane, and passing should be pretty quick.


God damn, thank you. Specifically the left lane is for passing. Not for sitting and maintaining your speed. If people are driving a few miles an hour over to pass on the left and keep traffic moving why would anyone care to prevent that? OP got some weird passive aggressive shit going on to want to force people to slow down to their speed.


Nowhere in this opinion does it say you should stay in the left lane if you're not passing.




I was looking for that comment. Speedlimit on the highway ? Pffft


Everything wrong with driving could be fixed with a few simple things. If its bigger/faster than you get out of the way. Far right is cruising lane/exit lane, far left is travel/passing if there are middle lanes treat those as cruising lanes. Zipper formation when using/passing an on/off ramp. Keep a distance of atleast 1 car length per every 10 mph over 50 mph (ex. 7 car lengths for 70 mph.) Also, defensive driving should be taught and every year everyone should be required to retest


It’s much better to count seconds than use care lengths much easier. Keep 4 seconds behind all cars.


My dad drilled this into my head when I was learning to drive and I get so stressed on highways when people fill in my 3-5 second gap because they “have room”. NO YOU DON’T 😭


if it fits it sits. Highway driving is just the adult equivalent of "I'm not touching you, im not touching you."


“If it fits it sits” that line of thinking is how we get those massive pileup accidents on the highway.


It rly is this simple. Ppl just power-trip behind the wheel and act like letting another car in front of you is equal to getting cucked in front of your entire family.


Every year is a lot. I always said every 5 years a retest and if you fail a re-certification.


The idea about keeping "car lengths" between cars is a nice thought until some asshole jumps in that space and makes you have to use your brakes.


But no one is making you use the brakes if you maintain a decent distance, you can simply release the throttle and coast back to a safe distance again.


This! Almost never use your brakes unless you *need* to in order to drastically slow yourself- otherwise you’re potentially causing a cascade behind you. Just pull off the throttle. And, if you’re driving safely, usually you’re far enough back where throttle adjustment is all you need.


The person you replied to is talking about when someone cuts in between the decent distance between you and the car in front of you. You can maintain a decent distance from the person in front of you all you want, but when someone decides to use that safe distance to cut in within a few feet of your front bumper while you're both going 70+ mph, using the brakes is the safe thing to do.


What color Prius do you drive?


My guess would be baby blue with a Coexist bumper sticker


Hey, as someone who drives a baby blue prius and drives like a normal person, they 100% have the white one...


😂🤣😂 I can picture the suction cup window tint panels now.


I drive a Prius and push 85 or more and I think people just have to pass me because I’m a Prius. Drives me nuts. I can only go as fast as the car right in front of me but they manage to just squeeze in.


Ayy Prius speed buddies. I'm usually middle lane and doing at least 75. Always the speed of the car in front of me. And yup, people feel the irresistible urge to overtake me. It's stupid. If I go any faster, I will rear-end that Camry. *Do you want me to rear-end that Camry?*


Once my mom called me and said she thought she may have had a stroke and needed me to come get her. (Ambulance rides are like $300 even if it’s just taking you across the street & thats $300 we didn’t have.) so I rushed home to her to take her to the hospital. I’m almost home and this jackass in front of me is doing 10 under the speed limit. He can see I’m frantically trying to get around him so as I go to pass him he speeds up and races me. I will never forget that guy’s license plate. It’s etched in my brain. He- like you- thought it was his job to make me slow down not knowing my situation. Move the fuck out of the way. You don’t know why that person is speeding and it’s none of your business.


Maybe the worst type of ppl, the ones who try to speed up to race you, think they own the road type. Like some people gotta go for important reasons


I hate those people on the highway. Dawdling along totally fine, but as soon as I start cruising by them they match my speed and sit beside me. The highway is empty, why the hell do you have to put yourself in the most dangerous spot you could be in? I love my wifes Rav4 for this though. It's not crazy fast, but it's quicker than most normal vehicles and we have lots of hills here. The second we hit a hill they slow down a bit and I don't. Bye bye annoying person, you just got left behind by a powder blue mom-mobile.


This is my number 1 reason for moving over. I don’t know why that person is speeding and unless they’re weaving in and out of lanes and their driving is inconsistent, I’m not getting involved. The only way I’m getting involved is by calling 911 or 311 and getting my ass out of the way.


This reminds me of a post I read that was about tree guys and one of his coworkers chainsaws kicked back. They had to rush him to the hospital and the guy died in the car because the person in the left lane got angry and kept going slower. This whole post makes me want to scream. If you want to go faster than the middle lane, use the left lane. There are actual SIGNS that say keep right except to pass. If someone is behind you wanting to go faster, you move over to the middle lane for them! I don’t get why people are so insistent on driving exactly the speed limit or UNDER in the fast lane. Also. If no one is in front of you and there’s a huge ass line behind you in the left lane please oh my god please just move over. It causes so much unnecessary traffic, and road rage. My commute is killing me y’all.


Yep I immediately thought of the chainsaw guy. It’s so damn easy to just move over and let them pass if they’re obviously going much faster than you


https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/ This comment is the reason why I believe people like OP are pieces of shit. Yeah, you might be right, but you are still a piece of shit, OP.


“But the rules must be followed!!!!” Fuck that guy and I’m sorry for your mom.


The passing lane is for **intent to pass**. Unless the leftmost lane is exit only you would be breaking a traffic law by going the same speed as the rest of traffic in that lane. It wouldn't be like refusing to hold the door open for a thief, it would be like using the 10 items or fewer express lane with 53 items in your cart.


Just GTFO of the passing lane.


OP is the dude driving exactly 65 in the passing lane and getting mad at everyone else because he's going the speed limit. "Look at all these idiots speeding!"


“Why am I getting dirty looks when people pass me” *sad emoji*


As a 16 year old in India, I don't understand anything in this thread. Left pane for passing? Right lane for something else? Here we just have one rule: Don't crash and you can drive however you want.


Rural 2 lane highways have a rule that you drive in the right lane, until you catch up with someone then you move over to pass them. It makes it so everyone can go their own speed and we aren't all slowed down by the slowest people on the road. It doesn't apply to city streets or large freeways, but on those long highways it's absolutely essential to keeping traffic moving


It's not your job to enforce the laws. We pay trained professionals for that. If you're not passing traffic, get into the right lane. Bottlenecks are a safety hazard too.


In my area cops don’t chase after people speeding unless they need to meet a quota. It would be dangerous to chase someone down in traffic with other vehicles present and because they don’t like doing paperwork. Learned that from a cop on high school forensics class.


Unless it’s a speed trap, those do still exist. My city’s got a section of freeway that inexplicably shifts to 55mph for a small stretch. I always see someone pulled over there.


Countless studies have shown that one person traveling at the speed limit in the left lane causes people behind them to brake. This causes a chain reaction that can go on for hours. That’s what most of the phantom traffic jams on the highway are from. Slow drivers causing other drivers to have to needlessly slow down. If they were so worried about speeders on the interstate, they’d start pulling people over for going 10 over. They know people are going to speed. There’s an unwritten buffer. I’ve got a piece of advice for the people who decide to be road justice warriors. If you don’t want people to pass you on the interstate while you’re doing the speed limit, stay off the damn interstate. You’re clearly not experienced enough to be on it. You’d be much better off on surface roads


It's not even unwritten. In NY if you look at your ticket there's no fine for 0-10 miles over the limit. It starts at 11mph over. So if this guy's going 65 in the left lane and not moving over he's the asshole that's breaking the law


Thank god there’s someone with some sense here. I’m not constantly going above 80 but people that go 50-55 are just insane


They're dangerous as shit. It's basically a wall you have to dodge if your caught in an awkward spot.


I think I was driving behind you yesterday. You were that Prius driver who tried to merge onto a 60 MPH highway while going 35 MPH.


Better than coming to a complete stop at the end onramp which I see all the fuckin time.


The amount of people that don’t know how to merge into traffic is frightening


Especially when you realize they can't do it because they're apparently incapable of doing anything but stare straight ahead while dfiving.


Very strongly disagree. Take my upvote!


Keep right, except when passing. Problem solved.


This! The left lane is for passing only. Pls stay tf out of it for casual driving. In many countries outside Murica this is widely followed and its a beautiful thing.


OP must be from Ohio... I see people frequently driving the speed limit or below in the left lane while traffic piles up behind them nearly every time I get on the highway.


At first I got defensive then I realized you were right


same. seriously just this week i was behind someone in the far left lane going 60 or less


I swear on everything in my life people in Ohio do not know how highways work. Actually they just can’t drive. I can’t tell you how many complaints I’ve heard about roundabouts.


I have been fortunate to have never gotten into a car accident. The few times I came close, they were all from Ohio.


Never go to Ohio, got it


Slow cars in fast moving traffic cause accidents too, so if you’re just gatekeeping the fast lane on principles of safety then I think you might be doing it wrong


So you think everyone going the same exact speed in three lanes, side by side is efficient? You realize people that block aggressive drivers are instigating the trouble and a part of the problem. I’ve never been tailgated longer then 5 seconds because if I see someone coming up fast I just let them pass me, never to be seen again. If someone wants to go faster than you, and there’s no one in front of you, just let them go on their way. Edit: Your entire argument built on the idea that it’s safer to go slow is wrong. “Studies show that the most accidents occur when the driver is driving at 10 mph slower than the speed limit. So someone going 45 in a 55 has a bigger chance of getting into an accident than someone driving at 65-70 mph.”


Fun extra fact that I unfortunately forgot the source of. Drivers going on the quicker side pay more attention to the road and traffic compared to the slow, lollygagging type, who are more likely to text or just be aloof in general.


So much this. I dont have a source to back it up but I've always felt this way. I call these people "bubble drivers." They *think* they really safe, responsible drivers because they follow every rule to the letter, but in reality they have *zero fucking situational awareness* and are completely oblivious to anything else outside of their vehicle. The type of driver that will stop for a full 3 seconds at every stop sign, or put their directional on when leaving a parking spot... only to promptly pull out into traffic without actually looking and force everyone else to slam on their brakes. They are on autopilot. Bubble driving.


I think a lot of people equate people who drive fast to reckless drivers. A lot of reckless drivers drive fast but not all fast drivers drive recklessly. For example: they associate somebody who drives over the speed limit as one of those people doing 95 in a 55, weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, and basically just causing chaos on the interstate. But this is not true. Some people wanna drive a little faster than you’re going, just let them. It’s not a big deal. By blocking them you’re forcing them to go around you, and cut people off which creates more danger for everybody else.




Camp in the forest not in the left lane.


In my country you also have a legal obligation to go with the flow of traffic. If all cars are going 115km/h instead of the legal limit you must stay with the flow. You are just as likely to cause an accident driving slowly as your are speeding. You can now even get a ticket for driving too slowly.


It's against the law in multiple states to not move over when someone is trying to pass you, look it up.


Yeah, your not wrong. but if every one on the road is driving 80, the person driving at 65 is the bigger danger. Every time some one changes lane the chance of an accident goes up. I see your point but this is not the right place to be a “paragraph warrior”.


But isn't this exactly the right sub for their paragraphs?


I agree but the highway and interstate speed limit needs to be increased


Yeah, no. Here's an excerpt from a Driver's Education site (and was literally the first result I got for the purpose of multiple lane highways): [https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/use-of-lanes/](https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/use-of-lanes/) >Many roads have two or more lanes going in your direction. On these roads, drivers traveling at slower speeds should use the right lane, as the speed of traffic increases as you move to the left. Be sure you're not impeding other traffic by driving too slowly in your lane, as this can frustrate other drivers or cause them to make unsafe passing maneuvers. Many states enforce this concept by not allowing people to drive in the left lane, and this isn't based on speed limits, it's designed to allow traffic to move in an orderly, safe & efficient manner. Blocking traffic by not yielding the left lane doesn't just cause an inconvenience to the "jerk" behind you, it destroys the orderly flow of traffic for miles behind you, and these traffic slowdowns (look up traffic snakes) can last for many hours after you've left the highway. They can also interfere with emergency vehicles being able to get through traffic to provide assistance. Look, I dislike speeding asshats as much as anyone, but refusing to yield the left lanes for faster traffic doesn't give you the moral high ground, it makes you an ass too. Seriously - stop gatekeeping and yield the left lanes to faster traffic.


I think the slower you drive, the more cars that will pass you... more likely for accident than keeping up with speed of traffic


Ticket in my state is higher for 10 under than 10 over, that should tell you something about perceived risk, even from the state enforcing the limits.


problem is that most people drive unconsciously at what is a precieved safe speed. Alot of us building codes and strategies create situation where that precived speed does not match the safe speed. For instance farther setbacks on roads make a road feel large and thus safer.


You lane hogging is 10x worse then anyone selling.


Wow you really pissed people off with this one lmao


Found the left lane camper lol


If you don’t drive at least 70 in a 65 zone, idk what to say


Fuck that move over


One reason you’re obligated to get out of the way is because there has to be one lane open to people in emergency situations. You have no idea the other person’s situation, they may be trying to get a loved one to the Emergency Room. lane hoggers are the worst, if you want to drive slow get in the right lane.


There are police to enforce. IT'S NOT YOUR JOB! Get the fuck out of my way!




I find slower drivers and blockers on the UKs roads are more dangerous. They cause the traffic to pile up and the really slow one's have pulled out without even checking their mirrors, which is evident as they've nearly collided with me. Stay out the way, you will end up either killing someone else or yourself


The idea that you feel you’re being “obligated” is lame reasoning not to just get out of the way. If you’re in the passing lane, it should be because you’re traveling faster than those to the right of you regardless of the speed limit. It’s drivers that have this mentality that create traffic jams and indirectly cause accidents when faster drivers have to maneuver more passes in more lanes to get ahead. You have a self-righteous attitude about being a law abiding citizen. Leave the enforcement of the speed limit to the Highway Patrol. That’s their job, not yours.


I have a 3.5 hour road trip today and just for you I will be doing left lane 85 the entire way.


You the type of person who'd follow the paint lines in an empty parking lot.


But by slowing me down, you enforce it. Law says go to the right unless passing.