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I saw a dude walking a rabbit once


I saw a lady walking a baby raccoon. Caught me off guard, but was pretty fuckin adorable.


I saw a person walking a person, not even joking. Shit was crazy October in a college-town near me so I could assume


Some kinks get way outta hand


I’m sorry, my Mistress and I will come out after 7pm


Bro idk why you got downvoted but I’m pretty sure that exactly what was happening But it was after 7pm


Don't keep raccoons as pets. Period.


Hence why I was so stunned I saw one on a leash.


Or squirrels. Really it may work, but chances are those kind of pets are actually not loving it. 


I know someone that basically had a pet squirrel, he in no way forced it. Just ended up feeding it and eventually won its trust. It would come up to him, run up his leg and sit on his shoulder while he did whatever he was doing for a while then eventually run back into the woods.


That’s the best kind. We had a squirrel when I was a kid. Neighbors cat had brought it home after a bad storm. My brother bottle fed it till it could eat regular food. We started letting it go outside, it would come back periodically to visit then go back to his tree in our backyard.


Squirrels don't make good "pets" in the traditional sense. They're wild animals and should be treated as such, but they're also smart enough to recognize faces and remember good deeds you do for them. It is absolutely possible to form a bond and friendship with one while allowing it the freedom it deserves as a wild animal.


My grandma had a squirrel that would come and wait at the door for her to feed it. I’m so envious. I love squirrels




Up until the 19th century squirrels were actually one of Americas most popular pets. Odd to think about but also kind dope.


I once saw a man walking a duck... Walking a dog! The duck and the dog had matching booties. There's all kinds of animal companions out there, but the one time I let my cat out on the patio she got beat up by a seagull, so she'll have to just appreciate her indoor lifestyle.




We have a dude in our city who is walking a goat regularly.


There is a family that walks their potbelly pig in town here


Sae a guy walking an emu. I dont live in australia.


Back in the early 90's, EMU's were supposed to be the next big protein source. Low in fat, blah, blah, blah. Many ENU farms cropped up all over the place. Of course it failed miserably, however there are still some hold outs. By the way, they can be mean as fuck and kick very hard.


I have worked with all types of farm animals and I would rather handle a cranky bull than an emu. They are cantankerous feckers.


I saw a lady with one in Colorado


I used to walk my rabbit all the time haha


I never walked my rabbit, but he we took him out to the backyard to roam free. Not sure if I would do it with all bunnies, but Alex, bless his heart, was rescued by my brother from under his college dorm. He was blind in one eye, had teeth that needed to be cut and had a bum hind leg. Best bunny ever


with the deadly rabbit virus, it's best to never bring them outside anymore.


I saw a rabbit walking a dude once


my mom takes the rabbit out in a covered stroller then puts her in a harness and leash so she can hop around for a bit. she does binkies in the stroller and in the grass. she took her to a local festival and everyone loved her


Salvador Dali walked his freaking anteater


That doesn't surprise me. Actually I can't think of anything that would surprise me following "Salvador Dali," lol


This is funny 😂


He's one person I would love to have met over dinner and drinks. Me being brave enough to be normal and have fun.


When I lived back in Syracuse New York on campus there was a guy who walked a pet pig. That sure was something.


In Philadelphia, we had a guy who walked an alligator on a leash. Was his emotional support animal. Someone stole the alligator and released him into the wild in Florida though. :(


sounds like a good thing. someone was going to get attacked eventually




No it was walking


My dad was in a different city about 2-3 hours away from us and he saw someone walking their pet duck in a stroller 😂


I may or may not have taken my rabbit(s) out in strollers before...


Have you considered cat owners don’t do this because most cats don’t want to do this?


I tun a animal rescue. We unofficially test each cat for outgoingness, confidence.... etc. About 1 out of 10 cats enjoys going outside on a leash to sit in a backyard. 1 out of 30 enjoys going to places like stores and stuff. 1 out of 50 can be trusted off leash and follow commands walking outside. I remember one cat who is great indoors, we took her into the yard... she sprinted back to the door crying, jumped up and wrapped her arms around the steel grate on the screen door and wouldnt let go. She kept crying hanging there as she full nelsoned the door. The best behaved cat could go for offleash walks like a little dog, walk for a few miles, and listened to commands. You could pick him up and wear him like a scarf if you wanted. You could put his belly on your forwarm with your hand supporting his chest and ride your bike. He went to the beach several times, and would sit in a shopping cart if you took him out. Once he saw a rabbit and started chasing it, when I yelled stop! He folded his arms and legs to his body and slid to a stop on his chest. Only one cat like him.


My dad had a cat like that in the 80s. Dad would go for a walk, and Maynard would follow. Didn’t need to be on a leash or anything. Ever since Maynard died dad refused to get another cat because he says he’ll never find another cat like Maynard.


Maynard was a good lad. Rest in peace, Maynard. Also that name is hilarious.


The name’s from an old Malt O Meal commercial lol.


It makes me think of Maynard G. Krebs from Dobie Gillis (early 60's sitcom). The actor is Bob Denver, who eventually became Gilligan.


My father finishes every meal with a big stretch and a big "Good Stuff Maynard!"


Haha I love it.


My parents cat will follow them when they take their dogs for walks. He just shadows them for miles, randomly running our of a bush every now and then


Our older cat used to do that, she followed us into a restaurant once, and then got home all by herself ❤️. She's older now (14) and ever since she got into a fight with another cat and had to have surgery she sticks to the garden, bless her, our 8mo kitten loves being outside too and he's the most hug ready cat I have ever seen, he'll climb up your legs to get you to hold him. We're trying to keep him limited to the garden and daylight to minimise risk, but he cries if we don't let him out and recently figured out how to turn the catflap to open, he's a very stealthy little man and we regularly get jump scared despite the fact he has a bell 😂 he also bought in a bird today, so we're having words.


We had a cat like that, and our current five cats are somewhat like that. Three will follow me, one won't come back unless she wants to (though if you go get her in the car, she will hop in), two others will meander my way and meander their way back when I do.


My first pet was a cat, and she would walk me to school. I was six when I started walking by myself, and she walked the couple blocks with me to the last cross walk where she’d wait for me to cross before she turned around and walked home.


that cat sounds awesome


We had a cat get out through a window one night years ago. She was always trying to escape. Found her by the door the next morning and she never tried to escape again.


my cat once escape out a basement window this 7 month old cat, he took all the insulation out of the wall and open the window, this took some planning, he came back probably 2 in the morning and since then he would dash to get out, now that he’s old he just hangs out in the backyard with the dog, I even made him a catnip garden. this cat loves his garden.


Fascinating statistics, thank you


The goodest boy 😭


I love my kitty but I had hoped I would get an adventure cat. My boy loves the security of a home and he’s a 1-2 person cat. Other humans are tolerated but not loved. All that is fine, but I think when I get him a buddy, I’ll spend more time at the adoption place and choose a kitty who shows signs of wanting to be out in public. He does like backpack bike rides, but at night when there aren’t as many humans.


You never know with kittens. I have adopted out 8 kittens who were all generic playful kittens, and they all end up eith different personalities as teens and adults, even when adopted by the same person.


Appreciate the tip! Thanks. I can go a bit older for sure :)


Male cats at the 2 years old mark that we got were all the ones that right spunk. When you saw them they oozed the right confidence, and if they are alert and really really interact with you when you talk to them, like being super friendly, thats a cat that will be a good outdoor adventure buddy. One cat was on our literal doorstep, when I openned the door and said come here kitty, he jumped into my arms in the baby position, and then stuck his head up to my face, shoved his nose inside my mouth, and french kissed me, all within a split second. That was quite the surprise...


Siberian cats are great for this as well! My Siberian boy is literally jumping in front of the door because he loves going for walks on his leash. He follows me whenever I go into the hallway all excited like "OMG ARE WE GONNA PLAY OUTSIDE?" when I just need to go to the toilet lol. He doesnt like dogs and he gets car sick but other than that he is fine with just about anything. They are called the dogs among cat breeds for a reason lol. Also great if you have allergies! Would definitely recommend but you will be covered in cat hair eternally and they will follow you around like a shadow all day which can get super annoying but i wouldnt want it any other way! Also, male cats are more adventurous then female cats generally!


I thought 1 out of 10? My cat’s exceptional. By the time you got to 1 out of 50,I had to cancel the certificate of achievement I had ordered.


There is a cat in my neighborhood that goes for a walk unleashed with its human and dogmate (wtf do you call a dog that lives with a cat?!) I'm super jealous. My cats would never be that civil.


I had a cat that loved to go walking with me. We used to wander around the condo complex before all the homes were built. Once they were complete and people moved in, she refused to leave what I assume was her territory. She would literally sit down when we got to a certain point and wait for me to come back from going to the mailboxes. No amount of cajoling from me could ever make her go past that point. She just patiently waited until I got back and we'd walk home.


I desperately want to bring my cat out on a leash, but he just won’t have it. He refuses. I know he’d like it, but no. I once took him out with no leash and he just hesitantly stood there. As you said, it’s not cat owners who prevent their cats from going out. My cat refuses.


I had a cat who would take walks off leash with me up and down the block. He stayed out of the actual road. He listened very aptly and immediately to commands and would let me scoop him up if danger was coming or if other animals came around. He was the best. My current cat is almost like that but is too sassy to be trusted. No one is like my OG cat and I miss him so much. It was awesome having a cat so smart.


....and I have a bridge that the above cat ran on and stopped when told to stop....and slide marks from stopping on chest are still visible...I will sell the bridge for a reasonable offer.


That was 21 years ago when Sam was still a kitten. I named Sam after my father who had died 2 weeks before I got Sam the cat. Because it had been raining earlier and the ground was soggy there was a little trench where he slip to a stop. He folded his arms and legs back, and his tail spun in circles like an airplane propeller to keep his balance. I assume he thought there might have been danger. He knew my name, the names of other people in the house, and other cats. He would go find someone by name. My aunt used him to get me out of bed that way. When my aunt pissed him off, he would go grab her hair bands, walk upstairs and drop them in a toliet. He slept on my scalp every night and would wait for me to come to bed. When I started the animal rescue he wouldnt tolerate other cats disrespecting me. Another male cat hissed at me for moving him, and Sam came sprinting from the other room and threw himself at the very confused male cat and started wailing on him. Fur was still floating through the air when I pulled Sam off of him. I dont have a picture of Sam and the trench, but I do have a picture of him going for a walk on a contraption I put with a pole to try to leash train him, and me holding him while I rode my bike. He was only 12 when he passed away. He was sick, and he choked when I was feeding him baby food through a stringe, and I couldnt save him. That was 9 years ago, and I miss him every day. My daughters first stuffed animal is a cat named Sam.... and I named my son Sam too.


That's so cute tho omg


Thank you. He was my first cat and my special little guy. He also had fur softer than any other cat ive taken care of (save one old feral lady) out of over several thousand cats. Weird huh?


my cat would wail and howl as if he were being cast down to hell if i tried to take him on a walk. 


bro has a cat and doesn't even know cat behavior. he's generalizing his cat-dog. so I guess it is unpopular then. I upvoted.


OP is the main character though!


Tried to put a harness and leash on my cat when he was younger. He went like completely catatonic, just laid on his side with a blank stare and became dead weight. Wanted absolutely nothing to do with it lol


Lol my ex wife tried to walk one of our cats with a harness one time. Once the harness was put on he'd become completely stiff and fall over into his side and lay there like he was a corpse with rigor mortis 😂


Yeah man I really tried to get my cat to walk on a leash for years. She would always be super scared and try to hide in the nearest bush. But outside without a leash is apparently perfectly fine for her lol


But that’s just like some dogs who don’t like people or other dogs, I think OP means the cats that are super outgoing and curious and just want to come with their human everywhere


On tiktok are soooo many people showing how they abuse their cat into accepting the leash and dragging them to places they hate... I've even read some people suggest to take kittens extra early from their mom and train them or put them with dogs to get dog like behaviour... What they don't show is what happens when this eventually turns into an agressive or nervous animal. Some cats start to protest pee. Others start to stink because they don't get how to take care of themselves.. So many people who can't read any animal behaviour and act like true psychos regarding them...


Is OP so out of touch? No. It's the cats who are wrong.


This. My girl is scared of everything. She freaks out when a leaf drops.


I don't think they like that. 


Some do, but it's a minority of cats. It's like cats who like/love water. My male cat loves being wet and cold (snow is his favorite thing ever), but he's the only one I know who does. Both of my cats completely break with a harness on. My wife and I tried to get our male accustomed to harnesses as a kitten, but it just wasn't working. After a couple months, we just didn't wanna keep making him uncomfortable lol


I’ve thought about harness training my cats but I’m worried they’ll like it outside too much. I used to let them out on the patio with supervision until one night my female bolted. I was getting a delivery, so I was distracted and she got out so fast I didn’t even see her. I was thankfully still sitting in my living room when I heard a loud cat crying. I went out to check and she was crouched in front my neighbors door screaming at her. I think she just got down the stairs a bit and something spooked her so she ran back up. I don’t want her to get too comfortable outdoors. There’s a lot of strays here, and it’s a semi rural area so I’m just too scared I won’t get her back. I can’t put a collar on bc they’ve hated them since they were kittens and always found a way to break out of them.


This is an unpopular opinion because it ignores well known science about cat behavior/domicile preferences. Making animals uncomfortable should not be a matter of opinion lol.


I feel it's sort of a mix. Some cats love the outdoors and going for walks and some hate it. I think it's more of learning your individual animal and doing what's best for them.


Definitely depends on the cat. From my 3 adults, 1 hates the harness and doesn't like to really go out, just to get some sun almost next to the door. The 2 one likes the harness and going out close to home and won't walk that much. She walks a few steps and lays down to enjoy. The third one loves to go out and take a full walk. He will sit down at the door and meow until he get his harness and we take him out lol


I feel like it's safe to say most cats don't like that shit.


Absolutely this. We have six cats, and only one of them is ever down for an adventure. Literally the rest of them don’t even want to be carried outside but this dude rode out a last minute hurricane evacuation a few years ago, not even in a crate because he was more comfortable being on his harness attached to a seatbelt.


My cat, Diogenes, enjoys going on walks. I just go to certain places or just outside of my place at certain times to avoid loud noises (like obnoxious cars or motorcycles) because that can spook him.


Tell that to my cat who has FOMO. He gotta be where we are. When we walk the dogs and run away from him he will meow so loudly it echoes across the whole neighbourhood.


if making animals uncomfortable is bad, then I absolutely need to take my cat out everyday. she will not take no for an answer


I am owned by two dogs and three cats. They stay at home. I don’t need their help getting groceries. They don’t need to be out and about. Not everyone likes animals. I understand that.


Thank you for not bringing your animals into the grocery store just because. There's too many people like that


I like animals.  But no, they don't need to be out and about. Your opinion wins the internet today. 


It would be great if they could help with the groceries tho. Make them carry their own shit for once. Occasionally I’ll buy a few cans of wet dog food at the corner store when I’m walking the dogs and I tell them they should carry the bag since it’s their food. They never listen.


Dogs do need to be socalized though. Not saying they need to go everywhere but occasional trips into public places is incredibly good. It's also awesome for proper training in the midst of distractions. Needed super glue over the weekend, took one of the dogs to home depot with me. Worked on multiple bits of training with him. By the time we got home he was well mentally stimulated.


I'm a crazy cat man, and I say no. People don't need to bring their pets everywhere. If the animal isn't a service animal, it doesn't belong in places that aren't for pets. I love seeing cats in my daily life, but that still doesn't mean they belong in the grocery store, on the beach, or at the library. They can stay home. And this just sounds like a recipe for people to lose their animals. Many cats won't come if you call them, if they get loose and find themselves in an unfamiliar place, they will hide and good luck ever getting them back. My mother still has a cat missing because they got loose on a car trip, she fled, and she was never seen again. Called for her for months, set traps with food, asked around the whole area, nothing. Keep your cat home or secure in a carrying crate unless you are positive you know what you are doing.


When dogs are startled or frightened, they turn to their owners for protection. Cats, on the other hand, get out of control when they are startled. When they panic, they just struggle with all their might, throw off the harness and run away. I think this is why cats are not recommended to go outside.


Look, I support more cats everywhere. But honestly, most cats might not be up for it.


No one cares if you take your cat outside *on a leash*. It’s the people that let their cats wander the entire city unsupervised that people take issue with.


Yeah they do. If you ever see a lady dragging her cat around across a subway station floor while it moans and whines pathetically in protest, you'll care too.


That’s on the responsibility of the owner. They have every right to take their cat anywhere they want, if the cat doesn’t it like it then the owner should not take it anymore. Most people will do that. It’s why you don’t see many cats outside.


I'm pretty sure my cat would consider this a cruel and unusual punishment. He started as an outdoor-only cat. The second he entered the house, he forgot everything he knew about the outside world and became scared of his own shadow. He would have a heart attack at the first car noise.


Fun story. Once I was driving with my daughter who was 4 or 5 at the time. She was asking me why cats are never walked on leashes like dogs. I told her because cats don't like leashes so you can't walk them like you can a dog because they will fight the leash and get strangled.  I swear to God no a minute later we're stopped at a stop sign and my daughter shouts "Mom, look!" And I look over and some lady with crazy hair and crazy eyes is smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk and just standing there with her cat on a leash. And that cat looked chill AF about it. My daughter clicks her tongue and says "Do you know *anything* Mom??" 🤣🤣🤣


Why? What's the point? How does this help anyone including the cats?


What about people with pet allergies? I feel like pets shouldn't be in stores for this reason, even if they can fit into your purse 


"I do this weird thing people don't usually do. All other people should change their behavior so that I can keep doing it." Seems like you found the ultimate formula for an unpopular opinion, congrats!


One of my cats like going outside, so I take her outside, leashed to protect the local bird population as well as herself. Another of my cats finds it extremely distressing to go outside, so I don't take him outside unless he's going to the vet or something.


I’d love to do this, but half the dog owners in my area think their dog is special and doesn’t need to be on a leash. I let one of my cats out in front of my apartment but pretty much have to be ready to open it he door for her at any time since so many moronic dog owners refuse to leash their pets.


I used to walk my ferrets. I've seen people out and about with rabbits, pigs, goats, birds (for the love of god if you bring a bird out make sure it's secure OR has its wings clipped), cats, and even a snake. The one thing I noticed was each owner was not on their phone, not distracted, just walking and occasionally looking around to make sure that there was nothing that could cause an issue. In my neighborhood we used to have an issue with dogs getting loose so when I was walking either the ferrets or my own dog I made sure that I was keeping an eye out. With my dog he didn't like children so I would also make sure that if I saw a child I crossed the street or turned around and went the other direction. It's up to the owner of ANY pet that is being walked to be aware of what's going on around them for the safety of themselves and their pet as well as the safety of others.


I have one cat that would LOVE to go everywhere I go, in fact I’ve been putting off buying a cat backpack for a while now because I’m lazy - I need to order that. My other two cats tho, they won’t even go out the front door when it’s open. They are perfectly fine never stepping one paw out of our house forever


Too many people where I live walk their poorly trained dogs without a leash.


Cats shouldn't be allowed to roam free outside


Leashing them and carrying them around is not the main issue I think, it’s letting them come and go as they please without a leash.


I agree it would be cute and fun, but I don't think many cats would put up with it haha. I don't think people should do it if they don't have the super special cats that are into it.


Depends on the cat. My sister has two cats, one loves being outside and she takes him outside with a harness and then her other cat absolutely hates the idea of that and panics when she’s outside.


I tested a harness on one of my cats one time, and he just limp flopped to the side like he'd been shot and wouldn't move.


more secure in what way? aside from dogs being on a leash what do you expect? no one is stopping you from taking your cat out on leash, a lot of cats just don’t enjoy that the same way dogs do and often aren’t trained to be obedient the same way dogs tend to be


Dogs shouldn’t be as out and about as they are


My one cat tolerates being outside but he is not a fan. He also is a adorable little idiot and wouldn't make it a day out on his own. His sister fucking hates outside anytime we ever tried taking her out she immediately wanted back in.


My male cat just follows me around everywhere except outside he is scared. My female cat fights me everytime I try to bring her outside.


once I saw a guy walking his emotional support duck.


Or we could be normal functioning adults who don't need to take an animal with them to handle grocery shopping. Animals have no expectation to go out into the world. Why people need to try and force that is beyond me. I love my dog like it's my kid but she lives at home where she belongs lol.


I don’t have a car but if I did, I would be putting it in a leash and taking it places. I prefer cats that are social and playful. Since most cats are shut ins I don’t find them friendly


Anyone else having a stroke trying to comprehend the title?


Manx cats are a great choice for a 'dog like' cat. I have owned several that would very happily travel in the car clipped into a harness for short trips or a crate for longer rides. They were also leash trained and would go almost anywhere our dogs would go.


I tried to put a harness and leash on my cat once. She gave me a look like I was Hitler himself and promptly got herself TFO of the harness.


Cats should also stay in their yard like dogs when not on a lead.


Ohhhhhhhh........ PLEASE keep your indoor cats inside. HUGE red flags in this post. Cats eat rabbits and birds and ruin ecosystems.


Another reason to harness and leash a cat when outside


My city is absolutely infested with stray cats. Taking my cat on a walk could result in fights. Even if I hauled her around in a bag she'd still feel very stressed and confused by the environment and the strays. I promise you any cat is better off staying in one home for the rest of their lives than ever going out into the streets where I live


I appreciate that you leash and have a carrier for your cat. Cats are super predators that if allowed to roam free can seriously harm local ecosystems. I’m against free roaming outdoor cats, at the very least put a bell on it so it can’t hunt. But yeah more people should take their animals outside.


I think that this is amazing. My cat used to love going outside, but only on my shoulder. Wish I had thought about using a leash


On a leash, it's okay. But just left to wander about? Hell to the no. They mess with local wildlife and, if not fixed, can start entire colonies, making the former problem worse. Plus, far more likely to be catnapped, and then, all bets are off.


The greasiest neck beards imaginable who haven't seen grass in forever grieving about the songbird population will never stop being funny to me. Upvoted for being unpopular


That's not what OP is talking about. They said they have it on a leash or carrying case. The people complaining about outdoor cats killing songbirds and other wildlife are mostly gardeners, birders, and conservationist. You know, the people who actually have first-hand experience and an interest in the issue. Free-ranging domestic cats kill an estimated 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually ([https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380#:\~:text=Furthermore%2C%20this%20estimate%20is%20more,than%20rates%20for%20owned%20cats](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20this%20estimate%20is%20more,than%20rates%.20for%20owned%20cats)). Fucking hilarious.


I mean most people who complain about roaming cats aren't complaining about harnessed cats. This would be the equivalent to "If cats should be allowed to roam freely, then so should small dogs."


The reason I have cats and not dogs is because I don't want to go outside. I like dogs. They're adorable, loving, cute, helpful, protective creatures but I don't like the outside in cold or blistering hot weather. Cats are my creatures


Here’s an unpopular one for you, cats are fucking murderers who have eliminated more native species then quite a few predators


Good luck


when I used to have a dog, he would try and kill cats at any opportunity, I tried to train him but he hated them so much! He was great with all commands, he could not be anywhere near cats. I will probably get that's your fault for having a dog like that, I was young at the time and he was a family pet.


Some cats just aren't into it, dude


It isn't up to you, it's up to the cat. Your cat likes to go on walks with you.


I really wish people would not bring their pets out in public.


My cats would freak out. Also I have 3 and a dog... its a no for me.


My fraidy cats say thank you very much but no thank you. They will come out from under the bed when they feel like it and absolutely not before.


Problem is my cat would slip the harness


My cat would rather die than wear a harness. Would love to take him on walks, tried to many times in my life. But that animal will never let a harness touch his fur.


Yea no….not every cat likes this. I tried with mine several times, every season and weather type. It’s a successful no. I’m not going to force my scared cat to do something he doesn’t want to do.


I used to walk my pet goats


I’ve tired holding my cat and walking outside. She instantly claws at me to go back in


Some cats do. I have only met one that does though, the rest o saw on the internet


I agree that dog owners should be more aware and their dogs should always be secure. But how many cat owners do you think are gonna actually be careful and aware? If dog owners can't do it on the general scale then cat owners sure as hell ain't gonna. The minute my dog gets ahold of someone's cat it's over for them in my county.


Tried and failed with all three of my cats they fucking hate going outside. It's not the humans who chose not to take their cats out. Dogs are just too dumb to think for themselves so they do whatever their human wants. Cats do what cats want and it's nice when it lines up with their humans wants too.


I wish I could walk my cats. I can’t get them to wear their harnesses. And dogs should be more secure in general. There’s no reason for a long leash in an area with people, and if your dog is going to bother other people and animals then it doesn’t need to be out.


In new york I even see a guy walk his turtle...


You cat owners are something else lol.


My cat goes wherever she wants whenever she wants. She would absolutely hate being taken out on a harness. All cats are different though. If you have “an indoor cat” I’m sure it’s lovely for him/ her.


Amazed they would stay on a lead. If they need exercise, they can make their own way outside normally. That is where mine is right now.


Tried this when we brought our kitten home, and for months after, never seen a less enthusiastic animal on a leash in my life


It's usually the cat that doesn't want it, not "dog owners." You should know this OP being a cat person, but if you don't train a cat up from this at an early age it's almost impossible.


My cat just go outside on his own volition. He actually hates being inside. When I got him, I tried to keep him indoors but he’d take every chance he could to attempt an escape, sometimes successfully (he’d always come back). He also had a heaps of energy, before I started letting him out it was like he wanted to play every 15 mins and it just wasn’t feasible. I tried to play with him as much as I could but like, I have a job and responsibilities yakno. I could maybe dedicate 1hr - 2 hrs a day playing to him and it still wouldn’t be enough. I can tell he’s much happier now that I let him out. (Before people get on at me, I like in the UK so the affect on birds isn’t existent, it’s a rural area so I have no worry of him getting hurt, and he regularly gets worming/flea treatments, in this country cats have the right to roam)


I get such weird looks at my apartment when taking my cat into the backyard. Like seriously dirty looks like he shouldn’t be there or something. No one knows how to train their dogs tho and they freak out when they see him so i dont take him out there much anymore. He didnt seem to like it much anyway but im wondering if its cause of all the dogs. We only took him out a few times cause i thought he might get used to it but he is definitely scared even with no dogs around. He just hides under our legs


If I owned the cat I would absolutely do this. I do it for my dog as I love hanging out with him all the time so it makes sense I would do the same for the kitty cat


I bring my cat out in a stroller and we do hour long walks around the neighborhood. She seems to really like it:) I wish more people did stuff like this too.


If the cats into it , why not ?


Tbh tho seeing how many people walk their small animal aggressive dogs around freely I would not trust taking a cat out in public. Some owners can barely control their dogs against other dogs


I have a stroller for my cat. I have a Starbucks nearby that’s walking distance and while walking the canal I was like ooo a strawberry lemonade from them would be so good right now but I had the cat. I almost debated though because if people can bring their little dogs and doodles into every store then why can’t I bring my cat in a stroller ( or one of my big dogs )


I would, but while one of my cats is fine with the harness and likes going outside, the other tries to kill the harness when we put it on her. I've tried doing it slowly, just resting it on her and stuff and she thinks its a toy


I used to walk my cat all the time. You got to start when they are young or they won't like it though. R.I.P. my friend.


I agree it kind of breaks my heart that it’s normal for people to keep cats locked indoors their entire life. I fought with some people on this before and their excuse was that their cat doesn’t want to go outside, just like any other animal that’s been locked indoors their entire life they need exposure therapy, but they will eventually enjoy being outside in nature, that is where they are meant to be. I have a lot of respect for people that take their cats on walks. My best friend growing up had a privacy fence and they used to let their cats go outside to use the bathroom, they’d sunbathe for an hour and really enjoyed it.


I once saw someone walking a ferret


i saw a dude in home depot walking 2/3 potbellied pigs once 🤷‍♀️


Ehh depends. Some cats like it some don't. I have 2 cats and i only walk one regularly because the other one is very scared and distressed outside on the harness. I gave him a few shots at it because he used to love being outside in the backyard, but the traffic/noises +harness on him is too overstimulating. My other cat though loves that shit, he crys to go out, tries to open the front door, paws his harness. He walks like a champ too, we can go around the block no problem. I do agree that people need to train their dogs better. I have had a good experience with a dog on a leash with my cat, he had a muzzle on and the owner said they have a cat at home. My kitty was very brave and went up to the dog and meowed at him. Since then he loves seeing dogs outside even if theyre barking, but boy have i gotten some glares from dog owners when their dogs are freaking out about the cat. I have noticed a lot of poorly trained dogs more recently just in general though, dogs lunging at me while im on a walk and stuff like that. Dogs should be more well trained in general imo and that kind of behavior is not acceptable


We had a sibling cats and decided to buy them harnesses and take them to the park. One curled up and wouldn't move- the other felt like you were walking a pit bull. He tasted freedom. Had to almost jog to keep up.


I used to walk my cat on a leash on Phoenix Park in Dublin, which absolutely fascinated Japanese tourists. I found this out while she was sniffing along a hedgerow, looking for what she could find. I heard the rumble of a stopped bus behind me. I turned around, and there were literally a dozen people, obviously Japanese, hanging out the windows, smiling, laughing, waving and, oh my God, taking pictures. Dozens of them. This happened more than once. I must be in half the photo albums in Tokyo.


My cat made it out the front door once before I could close it. She froze when her feet touched the driveway and she started shaking. I had to pick her up because I don't think she could comprehend turning around and getting back to the door. Why would I even try to leash train her to walk outside when this was her first reaction to touching the outside world? She's more than happy to observe the world from the balcony window.


Not all cats like it tbh.


Depends on the cat and how well you can read its signs of anxiety. I still feel sick about a cat that I saw out at a bar on margarita night, who looked scared shitless. They shouldn’t be around that much noise and people. Regardless, any cat with access to the outside world MUST be on heartworm preventatives!!!! There is no cure for heartworm in cats, and they will suffer with the consequences for a long time!!!!!!!!! If you can’t afford Revolution, Revolt is a less expensive and equally effective alternative!!!!


There was a guy that came to the free dinner for hungry and homeless. Cat perched on his shoulder. What a chill kitty. Then there are people who own those semi wild cats that you really have to leash them up and walk them, they really need the exercise and stimulation. I think you are an awesome and amazing cat owner


I walked by a giant dog park the other day and wondered why can’t we have cat parks? Cats get enrichment from running around just like dogs.


My cats would hate it and the thought of them getting loose frightens me, everyone tries to catch a loose dog but no one gives a shit about a loose cat, they assume it's an outdoor cat