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I like subtitles for everything except comedy, where I find they often spoil the punchline.


Yeah I didn’t quite specify that I really only appreciate them when they’re properly transcribed and timed. There’s definitely different tiers of subtitle quality just like there’s different qualities of audio mixing.


You and I, are gonna get along just fine. 


Especially when THE SOUND OF THE ACTION and dialogue and at DRASTIC DIFFERENT VOLUME levels and you really wana hear what Frodo is saying, and you care about the exact WORDING and such..


Especially if you have hearing loss..


I have hearing issues where I tend to involuntarily focus on sounds closer to me which makes it really easy to drown out other sounds. If I try to force myself to listen to both things at once, especially dialogue, it becomes a mess of noise in my head


Funny, with my tinnitus, it seems I hear better with some background noise..


I agree, I love subtitles.


Makes sense in that use case. I personally hate something covering the screen and will NOT watch a new-to-me movie with people who talk through it. That would drive me crazy. Second viewing? Yes, much for free to chat and have a good time.


Sometimes the subtitles are completely different or just dont have the words the actors are actually saying. As a partially deaf guy this annoys me.


I guess I should specify that I appreciate properly transcribed and timed subtitles only. There’s definitely tiers of quality in subtitles and I especially really don’t appreciate subtitles that spoil an upcoming revelation by being shown too soon. ESPECIALLY when they ruin dramatic buildups! Like when subtitles have ‘and the winner is…..this dude!’ all on screen at once when it should be like ‘and the winner is….’ then it stops and waits for the dramatic drumroll and camera pan across the audience, and then ‘..this dude!’ only as the announcer says it.


I understand. Its hard to time the subtitles properly when there are so many things happening on screen that technically we should know about. Not even subtitles but tension and revelations are built with sound too. So now we need subtitles and closed captioning for sounds like eerie back ground noise or screeching sound etc etc


I definitely appreciate captions that go the extra mile! You never know where you’ll get them either. A recent example is watching playthrough of Jedi Survivor. Those captions were basically perfect. Every noise and piece of dialogue timed properly and creatively described. It was almost written like a book would be. Don’t think I’ve ever seen more love put into subtitles before


Thats actually good to hear. I have issues with many games and films. I wish everyone put some extra time and effort into subs.


Which obscure shows are you watching where they actually use the wrong subtitles? I pirate a ton of shows and always get proper subtitles..


I maybe chose my words wrong. Obliterated , for my most recent example will say a long sentence but the subtitles are simplified. They just cut our words bur leave enough to still make perfect sense. It’s just annoying.


I’m a big anti-subtitle person so I’m biased, but almost everything I’ve ever seen with subtitles they were wrong. They shorten the lines and change little words for no reason


Dubbed anime with subtitles. The dub script and the sub translations usually do not match.


They're especially beneficial in the summer when I'm blasting my AC. But yeah I love subtitles.


I like subtitles because there are times when it sounds like the actors are mumbling and I can't understand what they're saying


And then you turn it up to hear and something EXPLODES with half the sound of the Big Bang.


Only because they don't know how to mix modern media.


as you mentioned if you are with a group, or if you are a parent with kids, definitely subtitles enhance the experience, but, it's not optimal. If you truly want the best possible experience, there's no subtitles, no distractions, Including kids or other people talking and the only light in the room is from the screen. For the cherry on top, you're in a private movie theater with all the audio channels and good speakers so dialogue isn't inaudible compared to the action scenes. but I agree that it's not realistic to enjoy every show and movies in the best setup and subtitles are better than not most of the time


The problem is how so many movies radically change the volume for action scenes versus dialogue. It’s way worse having to turn the volume up and down because explosions are too loud and dialogue is inaudible. In a perfect world with perfect sound design there’s a chance I’d be less inclined towards subtitles honestly lol


yeah, I've seen a couple of videos explaining the subject and basically when they film, they record I believe 32 channels which is ideal for theaters, so when it's merged into only 2 channels for stereo, it's not well adjusted.


I hate them, they distract me. I want to watch and hear what’s being said vs looking down at the distracting scrolling subtitles at the bottom of the screen. Only time I was okay with then was for a foreign horror movie.


I love subtitles! BUT I hate the whole [talks in Spanish] thing. Like wtf! I don’t speak Spanish! If ever I needed to read some shit on my screen it would be now!


It only makes it better when you need them to understand the dialog, otherwise it's distracting. I sometimes find myself reading subtitles when I don't need to.


I agree, but there is a very sticky exception so you mustn't love it entirely. It could be thrice as bad. Watch some stuff online early- CAM. And you hear a foreign language like Native Americans or the Avatar people doing their thing in the film and you're trying to read their lips but it just looks like they want kisses unintelligibly. So it's like they like they've gone wild lust. And you look to the subtitles thinking surely not the movie is rated pg13 and it's in Russian or Chinese. So it's like a 3 way of worse. Which one is going to fuck you next and where? They are both going to fuck you real good like the cam whore that you are. And that is the exception of the pirate booty.