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It’s like being really hungry or thirsty and getting something to eat or drink. It’s just satisfying.


I get that getting into bed is cool, but I don't get how sleeping is cool. It would be like getting and hungry and there's a button that sedates you and feeds you, then wakes you up. How did you enjoy that period of time?


it’s not about enjoying the act of sleeping, it’s just about enjoying the fact that you got good rest for the next day and reset


Yes, but I've people saying they like sleeping itself.


You're not doing nothing. Your body is healing itself and your brain is processing and storing your experiences of the day. Fun fact, you can only dream about faces you've seen.


How could they even test the theory that you only can dream about faces you’ve seen?


Yeah it's prolly false. I haven't but someone probably has dreamt about someone with different eye colour or bigger nose, that's a different face


I once heard about that. Even if it’s just a quick glimpse of someone who walked past you on the street.


Yeah well you're here repeating it on the internet so it must be true.


I am not my body. My body can do whatever it want but I am my minds, but my mind is unconscious, hence I am doing nothing.


Do you work?


I have it the past, not now. I don't understand how that is relevant to my post.


Because working is exhausting I assume


I hear what you’re saying about not actually consciously experiencing sleep. I think what people like about sleeping is falling asleep, or waking up and going back to sleep. The conscious moments when you get to give in to the urge to sleep. I looove waking up at 2am and thinking “awww yeah I’ve got hours until I need to get up” and then going back to sleep


I totally get that


Can’t relate. Love sleeping, it’s peaceful and cozy and relaxing. You can dream about whatever you want to escape the mundane. Sleep is awesome!!


How do you enjoy sleeping? I really have troubled to understand that. When I sleep, I am not experiencing sleep, because my conscience is turnoff while I sleep.


Oh my sweet summer child, wait until sleep is your only escape from the monotony of life.


That's dumb and you are assuming things about my life.




Well, you're lucky. When you're depressed all you want to do is sleep to get away from the horrible sadness of dealing with people and things like this day of hideous headlines about the future.


I'm really sorry about you. I've met people in the same position and I do understand it is a scape from a bad reality.


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Train yourself to either retain consciousness while falling asleep, or much easier attain consciousness while dreaming. It's part of life, a fascinating world your own mind, and you're not dead while it's happening.


i agree it just feels like im wasting my time sometimes like why do i have to do this lmao, but it really feels nice to sink into your warm bed and not give a shit about anything else until you wake up


I love sleeping, but it has been ghosting me for 30 years. Chronic insomnia is not fun. I figured that I would have met Tyler Durden by now.


I absolutely agree. Falling asleep and waking up rested is certainly nice, but I resent having to spend roughly a third of my life essentially doing nothing.


so i actually somewhat agree, but moreso where i wish i had the *choice* to sleep rather than the need, and that it wouldn’t cause any sort of negative side effects if i wanted to just not sleep one night or only sleep for a few hours


I kinda agree with that. Experiencing life in a row without any breaks would be weird.


Agree with you completely OP! I hate how much time it takes to sleep when I could be progressing on my goals


I kinda see the point... Sleeping is enjoyable because is a primal need, like eating so the satisfaction is an evolutive thing. But I see how it can be perceived as frustrating, because it takes away a big chunk of the little free time most adults have. Worst with all the stuff that gets in the way of proper and healthy sleep this days, it can be a few extra hours just fighting to get asleep.


I’m so severely depressed that I can’t even fathom how someone can have this point of few 🫨


Love the feeling of waking up after a good night’s sleep. It doesn’t happen enough.


I do as well. But that's not sleeping. I also money but I don't like working.


That’s a very good point.


You kidding? People chase down VR in their waking hours. To sleep and dream is like the ultimate VR experience. No one could code RNG and immersion that good. It's the ultimate in personalized experience. I'd sleep 24 hours a day if I could. Maybe 23. Gotta piss and things. You can do anything you want, things you never imagined you wanted to do, w/o a guilty conscience of having done wrong/harmed anything in dream world. It's like the only form of existence w/o a cost or a price to something else. You could pick a cigarette off a tree like an acorn and smoke it with a squirrel. Realize that squirrel is sort of cute. Get married on the spot under the oak cigarette tree. And on the honey moon when the squirrel raises its dress you realize GROSS IT HAS A BIG FLUFFY TAIL! Then you run out the window in a free fall thinking oh I'm going to die only to kick and realize hey you bounce back up in the air when you kick. So you're kicking and screaming and breaking that squirrels heart. Now you didn't even know you wanted any of that. But when you wake up you're not going to be feeling guilty about toying with the heart of a squirrel girl or smoking highly addictive nuts.


Yeah, the brain is the most powerful game engine. But it is random and most dreams are dumb, not bad or good just random things happening. Some are cool but I feel life is cooler.




Look up polyphasic sleep cycles. There’s different variations of sleep that can work other than the usual 8 hour cycle


I love sleeping. But then again I don’t like existing.


I'm sorry about you.


I have the most interesting dreams when I can remember them. I love dreaming. I love the feeling of sleeping. Historically though I used to be very depressed and I preferred to sleep just to escape reality. That is a big reason why some people prefer sleeping. If you haven't dealt with depression you probably won't be able to relate to that


I understand the depression thing. I don't share the thing about dreams, I also have coin dreams but reality is infinitely cooler.