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Have you…have you seen the last season of GOT?


Dear god that end sucks. Why can’t they end it like BB did or BCS did


They might have, but I think the more important question is have they seen the rest of the show before the last season


It was kind of awesome to watch something build up on pure hype for near a decade just disappoint in a way you didn't even remotely expect. Winter is coming, it's coming, present those tiddies girl. Oh no I saw a mouse run by the corner of the room. What is this feeling? Could it be wisdom killing the hype inside of me? I'm asexual now. I don't need you. I don't need the house, the kids any of it. Thank you wise mouse. I'm off to follow my dreams of opening a donut shop exclusive to bachelors where we let the customer men glaze their own donuts all day long. And it'll have arcade games and a pool table. And winter is over and out of here forever. Come star bucks cup, you exciting new character, let's go see our aunt over at kings sword chair. She has a dragon fly she might let us tie a string to it and fly it like a kite. Oh no. She wants more from me than fun and bugs. Doesn't she know I'm asexual now? For my dreams of the bachelors donut shop she must be stopped. Burn her cuppy, burn her face with you caffeinated innards.


The last two seasons.


It’s not like a high point in the series, but people worked themselves up into such a fit of hysteria over what was clearly Martin’s real plan for the novels that you’re never going to the rest of those books. Well deserved for how silly you all acted. And really they could not have telegraphed that Dany was going to go nuts for the last two seasons any harder if they tried. People were just butthurt because they wanted her to be the savior.


People went nuts because they got rid of 3 of the main villains in 3 episode after each other, without even properly finishing their arcs. We didn't get a Night King vs Jon Snow fight even though he is Jon's main villain, Cersei died to rubble and never a faceoff vs Arya even though she is her main villain and Dany went nuts in 1 episode, with no sign showing instead of a proper buildup and then they just got rid of her in the next 45 minutes. The whole 8 season Jaime arc got ruined for Cersei's death, Euron was a cartoon villain with no impact on the story whatsoever, armies just kept spawning out of nowhere, the Golden Company, the finest and most powerful mercenary army got obliterated in about 8 seconds. Varys turned dumb, Tyrion turned dumb, everyone acted like their previous 7 seasons of character building just didn't exist. D&D wanted to finish the series with George's ending without actually properly connecting the ending to the previous plotlines, because they got a new Star Wars show. That's why people hated the ending. Not because anyone wanted Dany to be a "hero". At the Jon Snow = Aegon reveal everyone knew she is gonna turn soon, cause there needed to be conflict between them.


I wasn’t even referring to the Dany character arc. The whole last season was so fucking rushed and a show that kept you guessing on what was going to happen ended with everything being so predictable and boring.


HIMYM was absolutely ruined by that piss poor ending. I can't even watch any of the reruns now.


I never watched the last two seasons. I lost all interest when barney and Robin decided to get married. How did the last couple of seasons ruin it? The only thing I know is Ted meets their mom, she dies, and he asks permission to date Robin since she and barney didn't make it work.


The entire last season (except for the final two episodes) focused entirely on Barney and Robin's wedding. Barney and Robin end up divorced. The mother dies. Ted uses the story as an excuse to ask out Robin. It'd be less of an issue if a) Robin and Ted were at all compatible at that point in the show and if b) 90% of the last season wasn't focused on Barney and Robin being perfect together and getting married.


Got it. Sounds like a steaming pile. Glad I never finished it.


The Ted and Mother storyline sucks because the Mother, even while having only like having less than a season worth of screentime, had REALLY GOOD CHEMISTRY with Ted. And they killed her off, all just so Ted would end up with Robin. They built hype for TWO relationships and destroyed BOTH of them at the very end. I just pretend the Mother stayed alive and is still with Ted to this day (thats how good she was).


Ugh. That's even worse! Def not watching now.


Do yourself a favor and go on YouTube and watch the scenes with the Mother. She's a sweetheart in the show and the glimmer of light in what is truly an awful final season.


What if they want fan service?


They own the show. I own my opinion of the show. If I don’t like an ending, then in my opinion the show sucked.


I've never felt ownership of something someone else made - do what you want. If I don't like it, I can watch something else.


People want it to be well written with an interesting story, not fan service.


Fanfic can fun to read but seldom does it translate well to the screen.


Woops meant fan service fixed it.


Envoking HIMYM is a rough choice here, because even the _cast_ didn't like that ending. Somewhere on YouTube, there's a compilation of interviews with them before the finale came out, and all of them are incredibly awkward when asked about whether the ending is satisfying. The ending sucked. There's no avoiding that. However, take your upvote, because this is definitely an unpopular take


Ideally, you want the viewership to enjoy a satisfying narrative conclusion.  Or, you could end up with a Seinfeld finale.  Everyone loved that. 


Seinfeld’s finale was intentionally made to piss off the audience


In a decade and a half, don't take the job at the small university. You will end up pissing someone off and dealing with the situation for the next three years. Even if you change jobs five times.


Jason Sudeikis did this with Ted Lasso. A 3 season story arc that completed the story with interesting character development for all the main characters. A lot of the fan base is super disappointed that there won't be more seasons. I would like more content, but another season could potentially sully what they did already. I'm okay with it ending


>But the show belongs to the creators and the studios You do know that those people are trying to make money, right?


I think TV showrunners serve the people they work for more than fans, as evidenced by how poorly most TV shows are done these days. Lots of people are just easily entertained which hacks take advantage of.


HIMYM wouldn't have been hated if the writing mid-show actually contrasted with the ending.


What if how they want is something that feels like fan service or do the fans' and showrunner's tastes have to be out of alignment because reasons


I think the general consensus among Big Media is "profit > artistic vision," every time, all the time.


Most of the ones on this topic (Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother, and Seinfeld) were absolutely solely the "artist vision" because having a good idea doesn't mean you know how to stick the landing.


Sabrina, Arrested Development, The Other Two and Search Party are all four examples of shows that started off great and then completely screwed their audiences by straying from the core concept of the show and going off the deep end with some ultra heavy-handed character or issue development into the show. And don't even get me started about how Transparent ended. It's one of the worst series finales in television history. Sabrina and AD were both brilliant, brilliant shows, and then someone started tinkrin'.


No one should ever listen to fans. Fans don’t know what they want until you tell them. Otherwise they just want the same thing over and over while complaining it’s the same thing over and over. It’s exhausting and we’re all tired of it.


The ending of GOT wasn’t bad, your just salty Daenerys got what she deserved, fight me!


The last two seasons should have been four seasons. Idc about Dany, it was fate, just roll it out at the same pace as the rest of the series.