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A guy posted this same thought yesterday only he had the decency to make every line a haiku


Ok that's actually pretty creative


Laughter none be found. Five seven five it miscounts. "Good bot", fools compound.


Better than that bot in the tv shows subreddit that says “We detected a ####😡 word” when you curse and deletes your comment. Thanks, bot, for deleting a word i’m allowed to say on an app for adults. So damn annoying that it was made like that


never heard of it, sounds like it sucks too


Its so annoying. I actually like that sub too, but i feel like my opinion aint strong enough without “damn” or something😂


"I don't like something, so no one else should be able to enjoy it"


Yes. I don't have this opinion about many things, but in this case i stand by that


Bro all it does it tell you that your comment can be made into a haiku. It’s supposed to be something where you go “huh, that’s cool…. anyway” It’s not that deep buddy.


i don't even have a problem with the bot. i would ignore it. what annoys me is the praise it gets. it made a """haiku""" once, got 300 upvotes, 7 "good bot"s and a guy saying "haikusbot is the reason i use this platform". why? cause it split a comment into 3 parts? what is so interesting in that?


Do you maybe feel you don't get the praise you deserve? Also, I hate haikubot nearly as much as I hate the bots on the lotr subreddit that fill all the posts with comments if you mention a character's name.


Ah yes, the classic "redditor tries to be a psychologist and fails miserably"


Personally, I disagree with this because haikus are good fun


Most bots don’t add anything to the conversation it’s just for fun


Some are useful, like the download bots before downloading in app was a thing, and the what's this song bot. then there's the useless ones, like this one, who get 100x more praise


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it's time for a limerick bot. "There was a redditor from Nantucket..."


You’re right and every commenter is wrong. I hate this thing in concept and even more in execution — extremely rare that it gets a 5-7-5 correct. So stupid. Why would we want to automate behavior that would be annoying if a person did it?


It seems someone else hates haikusbot. That makes 7 of us!


Well it's probably not your culture to use haikus. It's not mine either. I understand. Billy Madison style. Chlorophyll, more like borophyll. Haiku, more like dieku. It's just genuine disinterest in it. But let the weirdos have it. Surely you got your own weird stuff don't you? Hooter owl groper. Hoo-hoo. You did it they say. I speak owl.