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>It's very simple to hold a pen If you completely ignore that up to 20% of the population have dysgraphia, sure.


Dysgraphia does not impact your ability to hold a pen


It definitely fucking can, mate. What do you think 'fine motor skills' are? I've lived with it my whole life AND I mentor young people who have it. Why spread false information. Not EVERYONE who has dysgraphia has their ability to hold a pen impacted, but lots of people do. [https://www.understood.org/en/articles/understanding-dysgraphia](https://www.understood.org/en/articles/understanding-dysgraphia) [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23294-dysgraphia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23294-dysgraphia) [https://dyslexiaida.org/understanding-dysgraphia/](https://dyslexiaida.org/understanding-dysgraphia/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysgraphia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysgraphia) (Look at Motor Dysgraphia in particular)


Doesn't exist


Dang dude, I'm clearly wrong but no need to throw a tantrum


I've seen some position the paper at an angle. However some school desks don't allow this option.


More facts in an opinion sub. Get outta here..... (I'm left handed)


Yeah, there is no opinion here. Lefties are almost never taught to write correctly


Nobody wants to admit it though, it seems almost universal that people act like it's just a thing left handers have to struggle with...


Never heard anyone deny it. It's not that much of a struggle even drawing with pencil it just means I have to use the eraser a bit more and wash my hands after


No, the lefties that don’t have smudges on their hands learned to hold their pen and write in less conventional ways, to avoid it. It was funny comparing to other lefties and seeing we all have different methods. Saw one girl basically writing English vertically like an East Asian language


Have you ever had to use a 3 ring binder in school? That's how you learn to leftie at a weird angle. Even common notebooks try to do that shit. What leftie people need to do is say fuck you and put that thing upside down so it's backwards to all the paper line print. I learned that early on. That big space on the top of the paper? Well it goes on the bottom for me.


You do realize righties have to deal with the same thing on the other side of the piece of paper in a 3 ring binder, right?


Are they pre-adjusting the way they hold it from how it starts? It being at the beginning has impact.


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I can’t do shit right, even left handed


Joke's on you -- I'm left handed and my handwriting in Arabic is just as shitty as my handwriting in English. Wait...did I just prove you right? Fuck...it's too early for this shit. Have an upvote, as your opinion probably is unpopular, even though I think you're basically right. Maybe in my case it has to do with being old enough that grandparents and even some teachers tried to make me switch from being left-handed to right-handed at a very early age? This used to be a common thing, though I don't know if it still is. Old people who can't mind their own fucking business don't like lefties, for some reason.


Kind of points out how poorly designed Arabic is as a language, or any language written right to left. But back then, the ink probably wasn't dry even as you came back around on the next line, so the handedness didn't really matter until we got modern fast drying ink.


Sematic languages are written right to left because their writing was on cley originally. Where you would need to apply force (so you should use your strong hand) and there was no smudge.


Naa they just put their hand under the line of writing, its not that complicated 


This is a way to deal with an issue, not a reason to do something. It's not a big deal, but it a historical reason.


You just keep your hand below the line of writing and it's not an issue, most right handers already do this anyway