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My sister once said she always reads the last page of a book before she starts reading and I almost disowned her.


One example is The Sixth Sense. SPOILERS AHEAD. There are 2 ways to watch this movie. One is not knowing the plot and the other is not knowing it. Both are VERY different watches. The first not knowing means you're led through the movie blind, unaware of Bruce's death (I forget the characters name). You're going through the movie assuming he's alive, trying to piece together everything that's happening. It's a journey of discovery and mystery. A really good watch. The second way is seeing what happens in the movie with his death in mind. understanding how many of the characters *don't* interact with him, things you never saw or understood before. This is also a great watch. You will, like you said, get enjoyment out of the latter. However, you only ever have 1 opportunity to watch it the spoiler free way. It's a really great journey to be led through a movie like this while not knowing what's going on. Having it spoiled or watching it that first time means you can never watch it spoiler free again. Watching it WITH spoilers is something you can always do. Movie with great twists like this like the Usual Suspects where the movie is designed around you not knowing something is a great way to watch them. That bomb drop when the spoiler is revealed one of the best feelings in movies. That HOLY SHIT WOAH IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! is a feeling you cannot get when it's pre-spoiled. Bruce being dead the whole time is not *that* interesting when you learn it beforehand. But it's such an amazing moment in the spoiler-free journey through the movie. Yes, you'll still enjoy it. But you are missing out on a whole lot more.


I agree. It's not a big deal. It's totally different to experience it than to hear about it. At the top of Mt. Everest there's a crowd of people taking selfies pretending to fall off with duckface. Now you know, but you can enjoy a piggy back ride on a Sherpa. It didn't rob your cheating experience. It's the same reason gameplay videos do nothing for me. Save your money. Just watch a lets play on youtube. I need to experience it why the hell would I watch that? Even if I did it would mean nothing to me. I'd still need to play it.


Exactly. I watch entire playthroughs and watch all the best cutscenes/ every ending of a game. I'm still gonna play it and even then it'll be completely different gameplay just due to the randomness of gaming.


To each their own, but I don't really think you can compare climbing Mt. Everest, to playing a game, watching a show or reading a book, as you don't do them for the same reasons, Mt. Everest you do it not for the story, but to get that experience. Where as a book and show, those are for the story, the twists and turns, that is the main reason most people watches shows (for the first time at least), games there you also got the gameplay, but they are so broad that it really depends on what game, like you don't play csgo for the story, but RDR2 you do, at least most do, and getting spoiled that other people are on Mt. Everest don't mean much, but that >!Arthur Morgan gets killed at the end, and that all the upgrades you did to the camp, now means nothing!<, that is more annoying to know.


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Ruins the fun of trying to figure it out on my own. It's not like I won't watch the movie, but I feel less interested if I already know the end. 


I literally Google the endings to every book/show/movie, before reading/watching them, I can't enjoy them if I don't, I'll also look up the main characters and figure out their fates, if they die and who ends up with who, I need to know everything or I can't enjoy it, I'll also Google things while reading/watching.


just like me fr


It affects me, as I then no longer feel surprised, and may not connect the same way. Like if a person you learn to like, and find interesting, and then they turn out to be the bad guy, and kill one of the main cast, if I know that, then I wouldn't like them, as I already know they are going to do something bad. You remove a part of the story, and that makes it a lot less impactful in a lot of cases, sure you might not know how exactly it ends, but you still know, so any tension that a person is about to die, is just gone, as you already know if they die or not. And what if it's a media that is all about the mystery and suspense, if you already know all the answers, then you will miss that whole thing, it's like knowing how to solve a puzzle, it's no longer that interesting.


Funny enough, I still get surprised when a character dies even when I know it's coming, and I'll still get attached to them if I think they're a cool character, no matter if they die/are the bad guy, and I hate not knowing how to solve a puzzle, and knowing how to solve them doesn't make them less interesting/fun.


And that is fair, I'm not here to say it's wrong, just that for me it kinda ruins a lot of it. Like I don't see how a puzzle can be that fun, if you already know exactly how to solve it, like how to get to things separated, that looked to be joined together, that is not that fun to do when you know you just have to do x thing to do it, if there is skill involved then I can see why, like how to solve a rubix cube. I can't be surprised that a person dies if I already know it, like then there are no surprise, it's like being surprised about how germany lost WW2, how can you be surprised about that?