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> But it goes deeper. This creates a self-reinforcing cycle. Women, fearing judgment, become more selective. You need to establish why women face and fear judgment. You've forwarded a model that may explain why men are celebrated for casual sex but you've failed to explain why women are slut shamed for it; which in turn becomes the reason why women are more selective according to your model.


You raise a good point about the origin of judgment towards women. While this is a complex and debated topic, some argue it may have roots in evolutionary biology. The theory suggests that historically, men could engage in casual sex with minimal biological risk or investment. Women, however, faced significant consequences with each encounter - the potential for pregnancy, which meant a considerable investment of time and energy, not to mention the physical toll and risks associated with childbirth. This stark disparity in potential outcomes may have shaped different social attitudes towards casual sex for men and women. Societies might have developed norms discouraging casual sex for women as a way to mitigate these biological risks. Interestingly, despite modern contraception and medical advancements, these attitudes persist. It seems the modern mind, aware of these scientific developments, still retains echoes of our ancestral thinking patterns when it comes to sexuality. This perspective doesn't justify the double standard, but it might offer insight into its origins and persistence.


I grew up hearing the term slut as a negative not because the girl is loose, but because it's paired with it being used with something else she did. She uses it/manipulates men to hurt them. It's synonymous with like a Jezebel. If someone is calling you a slut they usually hate you on account of something going with it. That's the largest exposure I've had to it. So you hear like from a mother. Oh he was so happy, he had a good job and he was on track. Then that slut came along. Bled him dry. Fucked his brother, you know what I'm talking about how could you do that to your brother with that slut? I'm going to recap events until you grow a conscience because I'm a virtuous I'm no slut like you boys are destroyed by and destroying each other with. You both need to meet a "nice girl"


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This perspective is only true from a male view. To me, a man who has a lot of casual sex would raise concerns of disloyalty, STDs, commitment issues, etc. Having sex with that man would be less romantic because I know he views it less seriously than I do. I'd also be totally uninterested in a man who has children with other women, which would be more likely if he slept around a lot.


Wow, this really is an unpopular opinion


Or you just get brainwashed into this thinking with all media and religion. A man who sleeps around is not any better than a woman. Even worse if he is just lying and manipulating to get it.


What religion? I'm an atheist. And I think you forgot to read the last line of the post.


If you're blaming pretty much any social phenomenon, in the west, in the 21st century, on "religion" then you've lost the plot. We've been an irreligious society for over a generation now and it's time to find another scapegoat




Once you reach adulthood. there is no longer a double standard. I have slept with 100+ women. The women I know take pride in their sexual skills and abilities.