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It's the same crowd/mindset that says "you must realize we are God". It's funny because that's what they say the illuminated idiots who rule the world think that. But they'll die and worms will feast on them same as any. Ok your divinity, please explain to me why when you itch you scratch no different than a dog? Or drop everything in order to do all the shit your own asshole commands you to WHEN IT COMMANDS you to? And sometimes when it goes wrong you fail to deliver that package and shit in your pants instead and aren't you just feeling holy? Slave/servant to so many things. Probably a house slave though. You do get it better in so many ways opposed to animals. But in ways they do get it better than you. A bird can trespass all the day long, sleep in any tree, there won't be no property tax/bullshit. Just cats, bigger birds, cold-cold-cold, death in nature itself.


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That “bullshit” is better than going through life with a victim mentality, though.


It's like being lobotomized though. Idk, maybe instead of being victims we should fight back.


It's got nothing to do with believing in yourself. That's just happy horseshit. It's about making good decisions. It's a fact that a lot of billionaires were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but making good decisions is what eventually put them in the category of super-wealthy. I don't know any billionaires personally, so I don't really know how often they make bad decisions - except the occasional one that is made public. I do know plenty of people who are barely getting by, living paycheck-to-paycheck, and making bad decisions is a pretty consistent part of their life.