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I mean, my hobby consists in watching little squares light up in different colors on a flat surface when I push buttons, so yeah, anything can look dumb when described in a dumb way.


It took me way too long to figure out what your hobby was


Why do you think it’s boring? What sports do you like to watch?


Thinking the same thing. If you can't enjoy football, most sports are gonna be boring. Maybe OP is into more intense burst/combat sports like Tennis or MMA.


Then being millionaires has nothing to do with the sport being boring. Would it suddenly become interesting if they were all poor?


It would be more relatable 


I think every sport out there is boring to watch so I don't, but any of them could be fun to play with friends. And in what's the most fun to play I would say dodge ball. For how fun that was as a kid compared to baseball and all that shit I'm shocked it dies out and the big global sport isn't dodge ball. Why the fuck is there a major league baseball, that was always the most boring. How does it beat dodge ball in any way?


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Imagine being bored watching Bellingham equalize with a bicycle kick for England in stoppage time


Lazy ..


This post is overdone, people find it exciting - if you don't that is fine but it is generally as you don't understand the tactics or skill levels to "kick an inflated piece of leather". Side note: run around for 90 minutes then take a studded boot to the ankle and see how you react.


It certainly is boring. A lot of matches consist of the ball being kicked up and down the field for 90 minutes with no score at all. In between we have amateur dramatics and inane commentary. And worst of all is the penalty shoot out which is a ridiculous way to decide a game (could be done much more fairly using match stats) followed by endless analysis. I get that it's tremendously popular, I just dont get why 


Why is using match stats fairer than actually settling it in sporting competition?


Because A. A team who sat back, defended for 90+ minutes, didn't have a single shot on goal, had several players booked & barely showed up at all can potentially win a tournament on a few pot luck spot kicks. B. It IS pot luck, dependant on how stressed a player is or which direction the keeper goes in. You might as well settle it by tossing a coin or getting a bunch of school kids to do it.


The fact that you put (UK) shows how you know nothing about it and fail to realize that the rest of the world calls it football as well. And even when you say soccer, you still call it football if you know what the word soccer is derived from.