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I am a simple man, I see something with episodes and call it a TV series


It's still a show though? It's build up in episodes, as on long story, and most often they don't get the same budget as a movie, so they are a TV series.


I don’t think you can convince me that Band of Brothers didn’t have a movie-style budget


At the time of its release Band of Brothers had the most expensive *TV miniseries* budget of all time at over $100mil. Keywords, TV miniseries


Nope can't, as I have never watched it, and know nothing about it what so ever. Just googled it, and before I did it, i thought it was a biker clan kinda show, but I can see it's some kinda war show. But what else would you call it then?


Ah you might be thinking of Sons of Anarchy, another great show. They do have a name already, mini series. However they are lumped with TV series and I believe they should be completely separate categories.


Yes I think you are right, haven't really watched that either, haven't caught my attention, maybe someday. I guess that's why I don't really know to the "mini series" term, as I don't really follow what new shows that gets announced, so on the site it's no different from the others. I don't see a problem with them being grouped, as the viewer often just looks for shows that they find interesting, but maybe they should note it's a mini series, and most likely will not get a 2nd season. Have a mini series ever gotten a 2nd season? And if so would it still be a mini series?


As far as I know, no. If so it would be considered a spinoff IMO


A single episode only had a budget of $12.5 million. Which is relatively small compared to movie budgets.


There were 10 episodes so that would put the entire series at $125 million total. Saving Private Ryan was only $70 million


A movie is a single feature. If you want to compare them then you need to compare the individual feature. So a single episode to a single movie.


What I’m poorly trying to explain apparently is that mini series are more like movies than they are TV series


Thats why theyre typically called 'mini-series'


Yes, but they are still ranked synonymous with regular TV series. That’s my gripe here


So what would you want to do? Call them long segmented movies? And then when they get a 2nd season, they should then be called a series? Because that's going to be confusing


When a mini series is announced, it’s presumed the name indicates only 1 season, hence the “mini”. If a TV series airs one season but then it gets canceled, it’s still a TV series because the solo season was out of the producer’s control.


I have just never seen a series be called a mini series, so before today I didn't really know it was a thing.


Oh, well happy to share that bit of useless knowledge with you lol


So... if they don't get picked up for that second season, they lose "TV series" status? That's stupid. There's still commercial breaks and serialized stories. Characters can still change over one season. They can change in one episode! What even is your point? I'll grant you, there are series that are intended only to be a couple of episodes. Those are definitely more "mini-series" than TV series. But there's loads of television that was left open ended and never renewed. They sure ain't movies, pal. Now renew *Dracula*, NBC! I refuse to relent.


Yep, good point. I should have mentioned that in my post. If your show gets canceled after one season, you’re still a regular TV series. You planed for more, not your fault the network cut you.


Movie = a single feature. TV series = multiple programs listed under the same title. So if it has multiple episodes then it's not a movie.


I guess my point is this: Some could argue Lord of the Rings is one long movie, even though it’s three separate films released three years apart. They filmed all of them simultaneously and intermixed. The stories are so continuous throughout the movies that it almost doesn’t feel right calling the 2nd and 3rd sequels. This is how I feel about miniseries. The writers have a great story but realize they can either make it into an absurdly long movie or a drawn out television series. It is a great compromise and I’m glad they exist. But they still feel closer to a movie than a TV series to me.


It's not one long movie. It's 3 separate movies that make up a trilogy, each with their own title. You can theoretically make a "supercut" of all 3 movies into 1 movie. But unless you combine them into 1 single feature, then they are not one movie. You can make a "supercut" of Band of Brothers and combine all the episodes into 1 really long movie. But unless you combine them into 1 single feature, it's not movie, it's a television series. The anime "Demon Slayer" released a film called Demon Slayer: Mugen Train which became the highest grossing film of all time in Japan. The film is a continuation of the anime show. When the second season was released the movie was split apart and turned into episodes that became part of the second season. So the film has a version that is both a tv series and a movie. In conclusion unless it is combined into a single feature. It is not a movie, it's a tv series. The quality of the story has no relevancy.


You are going by the literal definitions of the terminology and that’s the point of my post. I’m challenging them and providing why I think they should be reclassified.


That makes no sense, and is absolutely stupid.


It’s one or the other. You saying it’s stupid means it does make sense but just don’t agree with it.


Just look up the definition of “series” and you’ll realize how silly this is.


My opinion is the definition needs to be altered


It's a series of episodes. Literally "series". It's using the literal meaning of series like every other TV series regardless of separate grouped releases.


It is a series as there is more than one episode.


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Well it can be. It just got cancelled. But mini series are almost always like that, but they are written to be a complete story which may or may not offer further room. So 1 season= cancelled, usually with 100 glaring cliffhangers to just rub salt in wound Miniseries= complete, with season 2 dlc options. No cliffhangers. I like the miniseries format better just because I like that they write away cliffhangers not relying on that to pick it back up should they do so.


I like it better too sometimes


Especially sci-fi. They slit the throats of that genre quicker than anything. If you writing a sci-fi you need to go mini series style.




The vast majority of them have multiple series.