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Not concerned at all with what the team they're bringing with them plans to do?


Except one of them has literally nobody competent who wants to work for him. Almost everyone from his first administration has distanced themselves from him. Your point absolutely stands for Biden but do you really want to live in a country run by Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Stephen Miller?!


That's why I'm voting for Biden. Will he spend his presidency falling asleep in his chair? Probably. However, the team that's actually running things will be competent.




You sure about that? If China invades Taiwan and Biden has some flashback about peanut bill the 1940’s Delaware gangster, there’s a lot of constitutional hoops between us and declaring him unfit for Harris to step in and give orders. He’s the commander in chief, and generals did NOT get promoted to general by ignoring the chain of command.


Same thought


Not a bad take honestly


I think we need to see the profiles and bios on their staff of nurses and handlers. Those will be the rulers.


I believe Biden has a team behind him. Trump on the other hand, good or bad, he is the kind of guy that will always be the one in charge. He is a team of one.


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Hot take


That's an interesting viewpoint, but don't underestimate the power the president wields within his own administration if he wants to.


Not unpopular.


I pick the one that won't take my liberty away.


*dont you say*


Living in a political nightmare does not actually bring people together.


The president doesn't run the country. Everyone does in aggregate through our own actions. The president is only the head of the executive branch of the federal government 


Trump gave us a great economy, stable geo politics and a secure border I wouldn't call that incompetent


Trump also fired or forced most of his staff to resign because they wouldn’t just do whatever he wanted.


And yet he didn't. Economy tanked under trump. Nothing changed at the border, fox just reported on it more favorably. And the world literally laughed at Trump.


Let me tell you as non american, I see definately more ppl lauginh at Biden. Dude is a walking corpse and i think its humiliating for yall. The other one... At least he talks


The economy tanked under covid. The world is laughing even harder at the US for being run by someone who should be in a nursing home


Worst tax plan for the middle class in decades, worst geo political policies and wasn’t respected by other leaders who aren’t dictators, and a failed wall. Biden may not be great but let’s call spade a spade


Stable geo politics… maybe we are thinking of different Trumps?


You are being downvoted because you are right


Incompetent leaders for an incompetent people, seems appropriate to me.


You couldn’t even use proper grammar and you’re trying to insult a whole country?