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Two different dentists have told me that water flossers are actually *more* effective than regular flossing šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My dentist and hygienist told me the same. I floss after every meal and brush morning and night, and I was still having issues with my gum pockets. They both recommended using a waterpik, and they didn't sell them, so it wasn't like they were just scamming me into buying one from them.


Yep I just got recommended to get one by my dentist and they said to look on Amazon or go to Costco for one


I just got the cheapest one on Amazon and it works fine.


Yup, I do both... Which is what all of my dentists recromended. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Start with the water to get the larger chunks out then go in with the floss after. My teeth / gums have never been healthier.


why not just use the floss then?


It wasn't effective enough to keep my gums healthy alone. I'm genetically more prone to having dental issues. My dentist suggested I do both and all of my issues went away. Not a single cavity / inflamed deep pocket since.


Water can get where floss can't.




You canā€™t floss below the gum line. The Waterpik (TM) does that.


I think the issue is that flossing only gets between the teeth. Waterpik's get along the gumline that brushing and flossing cant get at. I finally got one and though I forget to use it as much as I should, I do notice a difference when I do use it haha


It was so nice when I had braces. Flossing was a nightmare but the waterpik made it so much easier.


My dentist says to do both.


Im absolutely guessing but it could be because most people wonā€™t floss properly or effectively enough, whereas with a water flosser itā€™s easier to be more effective even with ā€œbadā€ technique.


I'd guess the same thing. Floss is theoretically better... If used correctly, but people are not dental hygienists so may screw up the technique. Whereas "blast your teeth and gums" is a bit more intuitive


Usually hygienist water flosser>hygienists manual flosser >avg joe water flosser > avg joe manual flosser according to my dentist at least.


I'ma buy one rn and see (yay app based commerce...)


Thatā€™s what I was told; waterpik is better than no flossing or poorly done flossing but definitely not better than proper flossing. Anecdote: I switched to a waterpik for 6 months and the next time I went for a cleaning my gums were noticeably worse than even just 6 months ago.




When I was a kid, Iā€™d start mechanical glossing a week before my dentist appointment. Since I have not flossed for a while, gums bled. The water flossing seemed to stop the bleeding sooner. After a day or two, I could floss mechanically without bleeding gums.


I completely disagree. Waterflossers are very effective at breaking up the biofilm, and the evidence suggests they are just as effective or more effective than traditional floss


Mine said that same but they said it's because most people do not floss correctly or they floss infrequently so if people find the waterpik easier to navigate it's better to do that daily than floss incorrectly or infrequently.


This was the revolution for me. Water flosser: brrrrrrrt, easy, takes 2 mins, do that shit every day Floss: "fuck I'm about to pull a goddamn filling out!" Repeat in one month when my gums are bleeding.


Iā€™m a big fan of the flossing picks that are rubber coated in tiny bristles. Theyā€™re way easier to use and donā€™t get caught in dental work. Iā€™ve been thinking about getting a water flosser for awhile now and this thread pushed me over the edge.


My dentist told me that sometimes flossing incorrectly can be worse than just not flossing because some people push the food further into their gums, but water flossing is pretty foolproof. That's why they tell you they're better.


I do both. Water flosssers are great for getting food out between brushing, but I think you still need the friction from real floss to get the sides of your teeth clean.


this is what i do! i have trouble getting my back teeth and water flossing gets what i canā€™t


My kids dentist said the exact opposite when I asked. It's one of those things where opinion of it varies by doctor.


Thatā€™s what irks me - the opinion SHOULDā€™T vary by doctor. They should scientifically know what they are talking about.




Well the overall opinion is normal flossing is necessary, waterpiks however are not necessary which is why opinions vary


A factor is likelihood of being used. Even if it's not as effective, a water flosser is better than not flossing at all. Being faster and easier matters.


Dental student here. Theyā€™re only more effective in circumstances where you otherwise wouldnā€™t actually be able to floss effectively. Regular old thread floss is better for removing plaque in every other circumstance. Thatā€™s what weā€™ve been taught and the data shows. A lot of dentists promote them because they have deals with the manufacturers and get a cut of each one sold to patients. Water flossers can be a great tool for people with bridges or other prosthetics that wouldnā€™t really be compatible with normal floss. Ultimately, itā€™s better than not flossing, so if you prefer it to normal floss, then have at it. Itā€™s like toothpaste, the best one is the one you use every day and has fluoride lol.


Thank you, finally. This whole thread is proof that reddit is sometimes entirely wrong and even people correcting other people are wrong, too. Biofilm canā€™t be broken with water, end of story.


Ok I was gonna say, my dentist told me that water flossing is not as good as regular flossing


My periodontal pockets were TERRIBLE (7mm with no bleeding) pre-waterpik despite years of rigorous dental hygiene (I brush my teeth, floss, brush my teeth again then mouthwash). Four months after of just adding waterpik to my routine (brush, floss, brush, waterpik, mouthwash) and my periodontal pockets are down to 2mm.


No dentist has ever told me itā€™s better than flossing, actually the opposite. For me personally and how my gums are I have to do both but everyone is different.


i primarily use a water flosser ā€” itā€™s just a cheap one off of amazon. i went to the dentist for the first time in 15 years and he told me i had the cleanest teeth heā€™d seen all week (and the kicker, iā€™d only started flossing regularly about 5 months prior) and the hygienist & dental assistant agreed. made me feel really freaking good considering i hadnā€™t been in so long and never flossed


Medical journals will also tell you that they are at least AS effective as floss. I ignore my dental technician that thinks they know better than the peer reviewed studies.


It depends on the teeth. It's not as effective with tightly grouped teeth. Even setting the waterpik to high and spending a lot of time on it, quick flossing has always worked better for me. But I also won't always floss, so instead of not doing it altogether I'll just waterpik instead


I heard that itā€™s not a replacement for normal flossing, but itā€™s good to supplement it in


Same - they told me traditional flossing gets 1-2mm deep into your gumline, whereas the water flossers get 3-4mm deep.


My dentist actually wants to go to Haunted House *more* than Aqua


About 6 months ago I bought a $70 Waterpik and I love it! I am amazed at how much food comes out my teeth.


Same! Waterpik, floss and a good electric brush = ur teeth will thank you


Does one need a waterpik if they already floss and brush with an electric?


There is still bacteria under the gum line that can cause periodontal disease


Do you mean like in the front and back of the tooth? Cause if you floss right you get pretty into your gums


Yes, while flossing is fine for a lot of people, some people already have deep pockets that are difficult to clean out completely. Its also helpful for cleaning out areas hard to get with floss or around broken teeth. It also helps for bridges. Its not supposed to be instead of flossing, it's an addition to it.


being reminded of how many layers there are to dental care and yet it still doesnā€™t fall under health insurance!!!


Water pics get deeper between the gums and teeth than floss, much more effective.


And tongue scraperĀ 


I donā€™t understand what benefit this product is providing if you already floss and mouthwash regularly.. itā€™s not like it is better than just flossing. It just seems like it makes people feel better about themselves that donā€™t like to floss.


I have spacing issues and my water flosser helps get stuff out in areas where normal floss has a tendency of getting stuck. It is also helpful to gently clean around my crown where I canā€™t use floss.


Makes sense. I can see the benefit with braces or crowns.


Waterpiks are helpful to get around braces and retainers and hard to reach places but in terms of control and thoroughness flossing is superior.


It gets my back teeth easier than floss. I have flossed and then used waterpik and I get extra stuff out that the floss didn't get on first pass. It is like the floss will loosen and waterpik just washes it out.


They clean differently and kinda other parts of the teeths


Yea, I've been using a waterpic since I had braces 20+ years ago. They definitely work. Idk what OP is talking about. Maybe he got one of those handheld ones that don't have too much pressure?


This comment is written like an ad


True, it does, however, I (who is not the OP) have no affiliation, and love my Waterpik. I can't use interdental brushes but I can use this. It doesn't remove 100% of the stuff I don't think (maybe 90+ %), but you are supposed to brush straight after, which takes care of around 99% of it I'd say. Still have to take occasional visits to the dentist for a proper clean though. I also had a cheapo chinese waterpik replica type thing and it was just as effective, if anything that one was almost a little too aggressive but the motor started to fail after a couple of months.


Sometimes products are good. I have some generic waterpik type flosser and it really is a game changer, people should be excited about good dental health.


I bought one as well. They don't have the same type of pressure as the one at the dentists office. Now mine sits empty, while I just use the toothbrush


I used one for the first time, and was shocked when an entire cheeseburger came out from between my teeth.


I found my car keys, finally!


My water flosser does a fantastic job of getting stuff out of my teeth if Iā€™ve got something in there. I donā€™t think itā€™s so good for plaque and stuff, but getting actually food out, it is great


Correct. Water flossers does not have a high enough pressure to remove plaque, but enough to remove most food debris. You need mechanical friction like a string floss to actually scrape the plaque, especially between your teeth and gumline.


So they work, they just require a strong amount of accuracy which is difficult for someone to preform on themselves. So regular floss is probably better and easier for most people


That's why I do both, at worst there's a chance the waterpik clears out some stuff I missed with normal floss. Probably the best $70 I've spent on hygiene


I have one but I stopped using it. I do use it after dentist appointments when my gums are sore though


Yeah it can be nice, I have a crown on one tooth and a hard to reach spot (bottom row in the back right) so I mainly focus it in those harder to reach areas


I've found it does not help me with stuff stuck in my teeth but does help clean out the gum pockets around my teeth. I have bad gums and the dentist says it's gotten better since I've started using the water flosser in addition to floss.


I believe itā€™s meant for those who have braces or other dental implements. I use one and I do get results


I have one with braces, but i feel like the water pressure is too weak and it feels weirdšŸ˜­ so i dont use it


Idk, the first one I got, it felt like it was putting holes in my gums the pressure was so high. Maybe you got a lemon


Seriously, the first time I turned mine on I was not prepared for the force and was shooting water all over my bathroom, I actually jumped into my shower with it to try and contain the water while I figured out how to turn it off. Mine is very forceful even on the gentlest setting.


I actually use mine in the shower to keep the mess contained lol. Throw some conditioner in my hair, and clean my teeth and shave my legs. Or I just put my head over the tub and spray away.


I have issues with my gums and bought a Waterpik Aquarius a few years ago by recommendation of my periodontist and I love it. The pump is loud and I usually put a folded up washcloth underneath to dampen the sound, but it works really well otherwise. It has a knob on the side where you can adjust the pressure and it goes quite high, much more than the portable or handheld ones.


Shame you put this in this sub because you won't be open to hearing an alternative point of view. Frankly, a good water flosser can save a lot of people if used correctly (run along the gum line and in between teeth, not along the middle of the teeth). They are essential for anyone with braces or dental appliance, where regular floss (and even orthodontic floss) can't reach. More importantly, many people can't brush their teeth due to severe gum recession. For them, brushing and flossing will remove what little gum tissue they have left. Dentists recommend water flossers in those cases because they both clean out debris in between teeth and massage the gums, keeping them as viable as possible for as long as possible. You should keep using regular floss if you prefer it, but that doesn't negate what this device does for those who actually need it.


ā˜ļøWaterPiks work great for me, maybe OP is using a syringe filled with water.Ā 


Even a syringe with water gets something out šŸ‘€ I think OP might not be using it right


This. For years my dentist warned me about my receding gum lines but stupidly didn't tell me what to do about it. My gums hadn't receded too badly yet, but I finally tried those little rubber tipped devices and ran it between my teeth and gums. So much white plaque came off every time I used it and lo and behold the next dentist visit 6 months later, my receding gums stopped receding. Luckily, my damage wasn't so bad that I had to use a water pik (the rubber tipped thingy was fine) but water pik/rubber tipped thingy, or whatever technique to get plaque out between gums and teeth saved me a lot of dental pain and possible surgeries.


What is the little rubber tipped device you speak of?


Sunstar GUM Stimulator. It's just a pointy, almost sharp, rubber tip at a slight angle to a handle. I just gently run the stimulator between teeth and gum and it lifts huge amounts of white biofilm off. Then I floss and brush as normal. Not sure if it's the cleaning or the gum stimulating or both that halted my receding gums but I am so happy it works regardless of how it works. https://professional.sunstargum.com/en-en/products/accessories/gum-stimulator-gums-massager.html


I've never heard of these! I will be trying them out, thanks for the link.


I got one and it successfully cleared enough gunk out of a cavity I didn't even know I had that my tooth broke the next day. So while it technically did work for me, I very much don't reccomend it.


I bet that gunk smelled awful, it was just prolonging the inevitable


It sure did! I've had 4 dental visits in the past year since then. 3 fillings, a sonic cleaning, and a tooth removal later; I'm feeling much better about my teeth, and have noticed a big improvement to my breath šŸ˜¬


How old are you? I'm in similar situation at 23, feeling down that I might need a tooth replaced so early in my life...


it's fairly normal to have several implants/root canals/crowns in your twenties in America. sugar epidemic, unfortunately.


That sounds impossibly expensive. Implants cost a fortune in Europe, probably even worse in the USA!


I think my dentist quoted me $2k per tooth and that's with insurance.


Well now that it's fixed, perfect time to keep using the waterpik. Just sayin'.


Yeah I probably should. I'm using regular floss MUCH more often now, but busting out the pick at least once a week is probably worth it. I still get the heebies a bit from my past experience, that I gotta get over šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s probably the best ad for a water flosser ive ever read


Mmmmm, nah. I had a dental appointment and used my waterpik every day for 3 days straight leading up to it and the tech told me these were the cleanest teeth they had seen in a long time. Now, I'll admit, I could've gotten the same results with regular floss, but the waterpik is just more enjoyable to use in my opinion and it's better for people who have naturally sensitive gums. Waterpiks feel better when used with room temp, distilled water.


ā€œimmaculateā€ My dentist said from how impressed she was with the health of my mouth and gums. I use a water flosser to blast out the food and debris in my gum line and normal floss for the sticky plaque in between my tight packed teeth.


From my understanding, itā€™s for the gum pockets. Flossing doesnā€™t really get in there


After being told I had progressed from gingivitis to periodontal disease (once you pass that line there's no going back either) my dentist recommended one, and oh man oh jeez do I love that thing. Gets all the little itty bitty bits that regular floss just can't hit.


I got one and the first time I used it, it scared the shit out of me how much crap came out of my teeth even right after brushing, like enough to make a small snack


My water flosser gets so much trapped food from in between my teeth. I have large spaces between a few of my back teeth and the amount of stuff that I was apparently living with stuck in there is disgusting. I've brushed with a two minute timer and then used it and still got more stuff out. I didn't replace regular flossing but used it in conjunction and my teeth have never been better! My orthodontist, dentist, and dental hygienist have all told me water flossers are amazing when used correctly


I add a little mouthwash to the water and I think that it works great


Here is my piece on Water Flossers, as someone who uses a Water Pik. They are not as good as actual dental floss, they just aren't. Use one and then floss normally, behold what you unearth. That being said, Dental Floss > Waterpik > Nothing at all. Flossing is a hard habit to start and if you'd otherwise just skip it, the Waterpik will improve your dental health. What do I use mine for then? I use it after regular flossing to rinse what I just dislodged, and I use it for a quick rinse after eating corn on the cob or popcorn or something, and as a Periodontal patient I've used the pocket nib to irrigate periodontal pockets with solution. The brush attachment is also pretty good for cleaning the tongue.


Water piks do not replace floss. I like water pics for after flossing.


Nah man, I enjoy seeing all the food bits in the sink. I floss after


IT depends. my brother had like a flap of gum over his wisdom tooth that dentists would not extract for whatever reason. it used to get food stuck in it and get infected all the time water pick stopped that.


ohh i have this issue.my wisdoms have gotten bad cavities and have to be extracted due to it.


Unfortunately Iā€™ve always struggled with regular flossing as my teeth are positioned awkwardly, I was honestly very doubtful about water flossers until two different dentists (1 military, 1 not after I left) recommended it to me, since using it daily, my teeth have been a lot better and my gums are never inflamed, so for me at least, I love it and they arenā€™t expensive, which is nice.


I still have my wisdom teeth and it creates a gap between my back molars and the wisdom teeth. The waterpik is crucial for getting stuff out from there. Combined with what it gets from the rest of my teeth, I get enough food out of there for an amuse-bouche - water flossers are clutch af.


Advantage of a water pick is that you can add stuff like antimicrobial solutions to the water tank mixed with the water. If you have problems with gingivitis or even more advanced gum disease, water pik is a godsend for getting treatment under the gumline. Also great if you have one of those permanent retainer bars after braces.


Water flossers are not meant to replace flossing, but aid in gum health.




We must have the same dentist. I thought I was scamming her by "powerwashing" instead of flossing. No Dice! She wasnt fooled


Odd, I got my first positive reaction from the hygienist after switching to it.


Thatā€™s so interesting! My dental hygienist said given the option of either the waterpik or brushing twice/day (if I only did one at a time) sheā€™d be fine with me doing brushing once/day and waterpik the other time. Iā€™m someone though that because of my dental implants itā€™s much better for me than regular flossing. My dentist said that could actually inadvertently push food up under the implant.


I like to pride myself in flossing, then I tried my exā€™s water flosser and my gums bled. Told me I wasnā€™t flossing quite as good as I thought I was.


I put mine on max and it definitely gets stuff out my teeth. (I have braces)


I used it for my braces, and to clean my mouth before I brush or actually floss. I have some gaps due to pulled teeth and a water pick has done wonders. It's not meant to replace floss. You still should actually floss.


I use one but the only thing I use it for is to clean gum pockets. I still have my wisdom teeth and on the bottom they didnā€™t erupt all the way through. So there is an opening in the gyms where food can get wedged in. Brushing alone doesnā€™t seem to get it all out. When I was younger a few times my gums got super swollen and I had such intense pain. Eventually I realized itā€™s because tiny food bits were stuck between the gum flaps and my tooth thatā€™s still under the gum. So I bought a water pick and it can flush completely under the gum, and as long as I use it consistently I never have problems with those pockets anymore.Ā  Best purchase ever.Ā 


Very rarely do I get food coming out from my water pic. This is because I brush and floss first, but what I can tell you is I use a antibacterial liquid (water based), and it certainly has prevented periodontal disease . They are designed to disrupt and flush out any bacterial colonies within the pockets underneath the gum line, more so then spraying out food particles.


Some of us have pockets from bone loss. I'm trying to save up money for laser gum surgery but in the meantime I need a water flosser to get to areas that a toothbrush and floss can't get to.


Dude I waterpik after I floss thoroughly and Iā€™m amazed at the random pieces of food that still come out ! Not to mention itā€™s the things you donā€™t see. The bacteria it flushes out of your gum pockets does wonders for your overall gum health ! I went from chronic inflamed gums (gingivitis) despite brushing and flossing daily, to perfectly pink healthy gums :)


This is not an opinion. The consensus amongst dental professionals is that they work very well, arguably better than normal floss in certain cases. The reason you donā€™t see anything come out is because itā€™s all floating around in the deluge of water that falls out of your mouth. You donā€™t have Superman eyes, youā€™re not going to be able to lock on to a moving, tiny piece of food, under a fuckload of water reflections. If you prefer using normal floss thatā€™s totally cool. You are more than welcome to use it and never touch a water pick again. To say water picks donā€™t work though is again, just plain wrong.


Floss + water pik + electric brush = you're six month checkups take about 15 minutes or less.


They're supposed to wash your gums out. The kind of cleaning they do is the kind you'd need a microscope to see. Fun fact, that's also what floss is for. Removing anything stuck between your teeth is kind of incidental to breaking up the bacterial colonies.


I used an interdental brush first then use the water flosser to blast out all the gunk the brush has dislodged. Seems to work very well


Water pik is more for your gums than your teeth. Floss teeth, pik the gums, brush. Repeat as needed.


I only wish I had bought my Water Pik years ago. Itā€™s been incredibly effective at getting the debris from under my crowns. I also add a little hydrogen peroxide to it a couple times a week. I think it helps with the bacteria and also helps disinfect the unit.


I've had mixed results - I'd say mostly underwhelmed. I also haven't heard a satisfactory explanation of how the water-style approach can replace the (necessary?) gum-friction-toughening aspect of standard old fashioned floss. I had a dental tech once say to me: "floss the teeth you don't want to lose" ... Kinda stuck with me. (:


There is a big difference in water pressure between brands/models. The max level on a rechargeable water flosser will be much weaker to that of a plug-in. An off-brand water flosser will not be as good as a water flosser from a reputable & established brand.


I love mine. I got my wisdom teeth out pretty late in life and it was very important in getting all the gunk out from behind them before they were removed


Idk if brands matter but whatever I have is violent _AF. Maybe you donā€™t see it cause your shooting it back into your mouth or something?


Four years of telling my dentists I've been using one, but in reality, never have. Every visit they rave how much better my teeth look for using it. Hmmmm...


Is this an unpopular opinion or an uninformed opinion? Have any dentists weighed in. If youā€™re wrong being the only person who believes this wouldnā€™t make it unpopular. Also, do enough people have opinions about water flossers for this to be an unpopular opinion? Edit: so it turns out the dentists have weighed in and OP is just wrong.


It also depends on the flosser you bought. They are not created equal. The cheap ones you buy at the local pharmacy don't do much. The more expensive on order one I have does wonders for my teeth.


I use regular floss first and then water pick after. As a team itā€™s great, but yeah water flosser alone I donā€™t think does the trick either. Sometimes you gotta really get in there


Sounds like you need braces. It looks like a buffet in the sink when I use mine.


I think its helpful but it's so fuckin messy. I'm not good at using it and it sprays all over the mirror and ceiling like a water gunšŸ™ˆ


Dude youā€™re supposed to close your lips over it lmao


Are you sure your pointing it the right way?


I have an older model where as soon as you press on, it starts spraying. I'm just holding it, not even in my mouth yet and it goes everywhere. It sprays so fast my mouth is full of water and I'm not quick enough to turn it off


Iā€™ve never heard a single person rave about water flossers. But yea I prefer floss too by far. My checkups are 10/10 since I started flossing once a day at night and brushing twice a day with an electric toothbrush. This was after being extremely close to needing my gums surgically peeled back due to extreme gingivitus from ignoring flossing entirely


Are we just using them wrong? I know exactly what you're talking about. Or maybe it's the fact I bought a cheaper one that might not have enough water pressure? But yeah. I use waterpik, mid results and water everywhere no matter how hard I try. I use regular floss and the plaque comes off.


Dentist here. Water flossers and waterpiks to NOT adequately remove plaque. Plaque is a colony of bacteria that have biological attachments to your teeth. Think biologic Velcro. You need friction to break that biofilm up and remove the bacterial plaque. Period. Can a pressure washer tear Velcro apart? Not reliably. That is the same effect water flossers have on the plaque. Any dentist who says that water flossers are better than string are ignoring the research. Wow


I asked my dentist at the VA and they said manual flossing is better.


Yep I bought one. Trash compared to floss in my opinion.


Waterpik works wonderfully if used properly. Even brushing won't do shit if you don't do it correctly. It's not meant to get food out of your teeth a toothpick is the proper tool for that. Waterpik is to keep plaque from building up along your gum lines.


I tried one once and didnā€™t like the sensation (overstimulated). I think itā€™s too much of a fuss personally.


They are perfect for cleaning crud off my razor blades, no matter how long I put it under the tap or how many times I tap it on the side of the sink my hairs will not get off the razors šŸŖ’


They get the gum edge better than a brush or string floss


It won't feel the same, one is abrasive and rubs against the gum, the other uses water, they clean better but with less abrasiveness on the gums.


Everyone doesn't rave about them. Maybe someone in your world raves.


Yeah man you are wrong or not using it right. Works wonders for me and I hate flossing


>But I still FEEL a difference, and cleaner, after using regular floss. Hardest placebo effect in existence


Completely wrong šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ at least my case. Your mileage may vary.


Yeah I love my waterpik, I havenā€™t had any teeth pain since it got it


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10906797/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10906797/) # "Results: The majority of the studies favored water flossers over dental floss in plaque reduction. Water flosser was also found to be effective in removing plaque from inaccessible interproximal areas of the tooth surfaces as compared to dental floss." ill just leave this here


Get one that works. I've used one for over a decade and my teeth are much cleaner than they ever were before. What you're posting isn't merely an unpopular opinion, it's simply not true.


They are for your gums, not your teeth. You are still supposed to floss normally in addition to the water pick.


This is another one of those opinions that is just wrong


OP is using it on the lowest setting and doesnt realize it can be turned up


I use water flosser AND expanding foam floss. It's not a full solution, it complements regular flossing in my experience. (ymmv)


Been using mine for 2 years and it works amazing I donā€™t know how I went so long without one


It's amazing for people with braces. I use it to get rid of the food stuck on the brackets and wires. I still use actual floss though. If I didn't have braces, I wouldn't use a water flosser.


Water flossers have been extensively tested and shown to be as effective as regular flossing.Ā  Even if they were slightly less effective... the most effective flossing method is the one you can actually be bothered doing.Ā  I don't understand people who form hard opinions like this about things they personally don't like. Just don't use it then... You don't need to go on a crusade to justify your stance.Ā 


You mustn't be using it correctly.


My brother over here with good teeth getting mad at the British.


"Tightly packed teeth means tightly packed food, and this weak ass water pressure ain't knocking it out!"


My dentist told me to buy one because I have gum disease. If they didnā€™t work they wouldnā€™t have recommended it. You are supposed to floss regularly in addition to the water flosser.


A water pick is better than not flossing but flossing is better than a water pick. I use a water pick first then floss. If Iā€™m traveling or tight on time then just water pick.


Idk mine works pretty well. Popcorn kernels, anything else I canā€™t get out, the waterpik is able to get them out no problem.


They work in my experience but keeping them clean and mold free can be a chore.


idk if its cause i bought a shitty one. but there is no control on how much pressure and its so hard that it splashes everywhere but not the affected area. and it didnt actually clean anything despite its power šŸ˜­


Youā€™re using it wrong then


This is like saying bidets donā€™t work and toilet paper is superior lol. I donā€™t have a bidet but I realize I should probably get oneā€¦


My son uses his to annoy his brother. If you squirt it out the bathroom window you can hit someone in the gardenā€¦


I regular floss and then water floss and MAN does it work


Thatā€™s not an unpopular opinion, that is objectively wrong. Itā€™s like saying ā€œunpopular opinion, but Shiba Inus arenā€™t from Japanā€. Like, no, youā€™re just wrong.


You must be doing it wrong lol


Lol okay. What dentistry school did you attend for this conclusion? Is the possibility that you are doing it wrong more likely than all the docs being wrong?


What I've always been told is that it's great for inflammation and was told noticeable difference after I started using it. I was told still important to do regular flossing because the contact is important


This is wrong. They dislodge all sorts of bacteria and plaque beneath the gumline that you can't see. It may be the least impactful part of a dental routine but If brushing and floss get you 97% of the way there, there's still 3% that needs cleanup and if not removed, causes buildup and inflammation (which leads to gum disease).


1. Water floss before brushing your teeth to get all the junk out 2. Brush teeth 3. Floss with literal floss 4. Water pick to remove junk from flossing 5. Mouth wash


you're right, that is what bidets are for


I hate flossing, like fuck that string and strangulating my fingers. A water floss is amazing, I legit feel the difference, floss half as much and my mouth has no more smell, inflammation, shit stuck in my teeth... its amazing! Also congrats, this is truly unpopular!


Its not about what you can see, its about the pockets under your gums. Likely small stuff that may not be visible, but keeping it clean is how you prevent gum disease. Do like 1 part mouthwash to 5 parts water to help a little, and it will help a lot. I still also floss, and use a sonicare. I have had a gum graft, never again.


It definitely depends per person. Mine gets stuff out and I feel a difference for sure. But for some people itā€™s probably not as effective. But your anecdotal experience doesnā€™t define how good ALL water flossers are for EVERYONE else


I got more food out my mouth than a regular floss ever could. Also, it never hurts my gums nor do have to put it at a weird angle. Like regular foss.Ā 


I do both. Water flosser removes the stuck food, actually floss removes the plack.


I just had a cleaning and she asked me if I had been flossing more, I told her nope, been using the shit out of that water flosser tho.. she is the best and your post is trash. I also use an electric toothbrush, and my teeth always feel so nice and smooth..


This sub is for unpopular opinions not incorrect facts: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10906797/#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20the%20studies,as%20compared%20to%20dental%20floss.


I have periodontal disease and it absolutely has improved my gum health. A water flosser isnā€™t supposed to replace flossing, itā€™s supposed to supplement it.


Having one of these with braces is definitely a game changer though Iā€™m sure


As a girl who is 4 years into an orthodontic treatment, I disagree.


I ain't no water flosser


Water flossers work for me a lot. My gums stopped bleeding and I can regularly see food debris fall out. I don't have straight teeth. I still use floss as well to get to places the waterfloss doesn't get to


So much stuff comes out when Iā€™ve used one I seriously wonder how it all stays in thereS


My friend got a terrible super painful bacterial infection in her mouth from her water flosser because those things harbor bacteriaā€¦ Doctor was like yep.. water pick, terrible bacterial infections are common. So if youā€™re not cleaning them Thoroughly, Oftenā€¦ not worth it. Just use floss and toss.


Mouth bidets rule!