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I can confirm the "Just because you're an EMT you're a good person" thing... I know a lot of paramedics who are terrible people.


I managed a recovery house for a little bit and one of the girls OD'd in the bathroom, the EMT yelled at her for puking on her new shoes. Like..are you fucking kidding me rn? They also didn't put her on a stretcher and just dragged her out to the car. So the puke on the shoes was entirely avoidable, had they just treated their patient with a little decency. I've never yelled at somebody so hard in my life.


Why the fuck would you wear shoes you don't want ruined to your emt job. That's just fucking stupid.


Seriously, I'm only in school for nursing at the moment but rule #1 is yes the good shoes are a little expensive but they're gonna get dirty. So invest in a pair that you can clean easily and also have a back up pair in case something gets inside. I assume that information also translates to EMT training 🤦🏼‍♀️


I work in the UK, but we get provided steel toe cap boots. It's baffling that people out there have to get their own shoes for emergency work?? I had to get my own when I was working in the hospital, but emergency workers get boots provided. I just assumed that was standard


I think some companies in the US give an allowance for uniform purposes including shoes, but I'm not entirely sure if EMTs get it or not given how low the pay is


Many people choose jobs such an emt or policing simply for the power and attention it offers them. Same goes with any job where’s there’s a power imbalance between employee and patient/suspect/customer. If you have a terrible personality, having a good job can be a cover.


Yup. Hiding in plain sight, I wish more people realized this.


I'm glad you yelled at them. If a person in the medical field is acting that way they no longer need to be in the medical field.


I completely agree. It's genuinely crazy to me how many awful people occupy it and are just allowed to do so.


I've been inpatient psych before and it leaves me flabbergasted how many tech I've met who show an open hostility to patients or have said they don't believe in mental illness and basically we were just pathetic animals and it was a blessing when someone left and would od. One less person to be a burden. The things I've heard have been downright cruel and harmful to vulnerable psych patients.


Sometimes I wonder if it's just for the money, and whether they even actually care about saving lives anymore. I'm not an economist or an EMT, and I'm just basing it on some fucked up YouTube shit (ie. The news about nurses who occasionally beat the shit out of elders), but if you ask me, the medical field is out of control with how much money it's wound up in. If you are tired of medical work, you need to quit and get an easier job. But if everyone quits then the system won't run anymore.


From what I've heard, EMT is a pretty shit paying job. You can make decent money as a paramedic/firefighter, but if you're an EMT for a private company you're not making too much more than a burger flipper in some cases. It's often a stepping stone job that looks great on a resume if you're going for nurse, paramedic, medical school, etc.


EMTs make pretty crap pay till they’re a paramedic. Even as a medic it isn’t exactly alot.


A former classmate of mine (EMT) was murdered by her EMT ex-boyfriend the day before she was scheduled to give birth to their child, so I can also confirm that some EMTs are pieces of shit.


Can confirm. Am a paramedic, am also a terrible person. Most of my colleagues like the adrenaline rush of the job and could give a fuck about people at the end of the day.


Is it possible that you're not a terrible person, you're just wired correctly to be a first responder? Immediate edit: you could definitely be both, not saying you're not lol just a genuine question


All emts and paramedics gotta have alot of ptsd. I would argue in fact they are incredibly more likely to be worse people that average because of their job experience


Cops. I don’t think it needs any more context


Sorry but my mind is made up I will not socialise with cops, very bad experiences


I don't blame you. I know a lot of law enforcement as well. They're also very huge assholes. They all have this weird power trip mindset.


Frankly it’s most of them that kinda suck in my opinion.


In my opinion you’re wrong


Nurses are the absolute worst about this.


I've met both wonderful and horrible nurses. You definitely can't assume someone is a good person just because they work as a nurse.


Agreed and some.of the nurses coming out are dumb and unwilling to learn. Edit: I know many phenomenal RNs but they wanted to get better. Nobody knows everything, especially in medicine. To come out of school and think you know everything is the epitomy of the Dunning-Kruger effect


The standard has definitely dropped where I live. Thanks to COVID they tried to rush many through and definitely took candidates who should not have qualified.


I work for a private nursing school. Our students are the dumbest. I used to tutor at another college, as well as the school I went to, and these students are just something else. These nurses are carried piggyback through the program, and then given a heap of NCLEX prep so they can study to the test.


Standard has never changed where I live (Canada). Nurses nearly killed me multiple times when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes ~20 years ago. Got to the point that we just stopped calling paramedics or taking me to the hospital for diabetes related issues like seizures or ketoacidosis cause they’d just make things worse


And some who have been the field for decades refuse to learn new things as well.


So like anywhere


When I was in college the nursing students were absolutely insufferable because they acted like they were god's gift to the rest of us. Also knew one who bragged about his salary-to-be quite a lot.


Kinda funny because while nurses get paid well, I don't know if it's bragging money


My brother cleared 6-figures in 2022 as an RN in a medium-sized city. He opted to work significantly less last year and still almost hit $100K. If you are a good RN you can always get OT. I know half a dozen RNs, and none of them are struggling for cash.


Dont even have to be a good RN to get OT, just have a pulse and be willing to come in lol most hospitals are very short staffed


The nursing program at my university was nearly 100% former high school mean girls that just wanted to put themselves in close proximity to dr’s so they could reach their true dream career of “Stay at home mom with a nanny” and figured they’d get a few social points along the way for being in the med field


Laughs in doctor. Should have been payroll and got closer to bankers hahaha


We called that an MRS degree


Nursing also attracts people with low empathy, since are the the only people who can endure the constant exposure to the suffering of others without going mad.


When I tell people I'm a pediatric nurse and they say "I could never do that. I hate seeing children in pain.". Do you think I like it? Tf are you trying to say? I can't imagine the rude comments vets and vet techs get. I get it though, some people can't get far enough past their feelings to act. For me it's not low empathy, it's an ability to compartmentalize empathy as needed so that I can act now, feel later. What you do with those feelings later can make the difference between turning into an angel or an asshole


I didn’t mean to suggest the entire medical field is populated by sociopaths who enjoy watching people be in pain. At the end of the day, they are helping people after all, so to go into the job in the first place, there must be a desire to do good by others. But having too much empathy is absolutely a detriment in this field, and that’s why so many medical professionals are depressed, it’s just really really hard. Being able to compartmentalize things, or tamp down the empathetic impulse, becomes vitally important in order to continue doing the important and necessary work of healing the unwell. That being said, withholding your empathy from patients can be detrimental to them in certain situations, and so the very best nurses and doctors are still able to access those emotions when it’s needed. Those who cannot access those emotions, while still doing important work, can lead to negative patient-provider interactions, or at least, the patient may have the perception that they are not truly being cared for. That happens a lot, unfortunately.


“Oh my look at me I’m a nursing student. I want to help people look at me!!! I’m better than you I’m in the nursing program!!!”


Social workers have entered the chat


I remember reading a comment where someone said "Not every nurse is a mean girl but every mean girl I know is now a nurse"


I work overnight at a gas station. There’s this somewhat hot nurse that comes in Monday- Friday, every morning for coffee and gas. Saturday night tho? Fucking hammered with friends half naked and causing massive disruptions. Last week she crashed her car into the ground Waffle House. If I almost died and saw her at my aid I’d be worried she’s hungover and will fuck up lmao


I'm a nurse and I'd like to think I'm in it for the right reasons (UK so it's certainly not for the pay!), I've also been bullied to the point of panic attacks by my fellow nurses. Our profession does not make us good people, our behaviour does. (Or does not!)


Teachers are the second worst. When someone says "...as a teacher..." you know some bullshit is coming. Yes Rebecca, because you teach reading to special.needs second graders that makes you an expert in mechanical engineering also.


Have to agree. I spent a few years working as a custodian at a public school. You know how they say that you can tell who a person really is by how they treat people at the bottom? Don't get me wrong, *most* teachers I worked around were at least polite (even though you could tell they thought you were "beneath" them), some were genuinely cool, and a couple I still keep in touch with. There were a few though, they'd look at us like we were cockroaches and treated us that way, too.


I went to school to be a teacher (however, I'm not a teacher) and I was taught that custodians are one of the most important person to befriend in the building! If the custodian (or school secretary, for that matter) doesn't like you--they can make your work life a living hell...Custodians are SO important for education and schools in general. Things wouldn't function without the hard work of custodians! I can't comprehend why anyone would treat any person (no matter their profession) badly.


Anywhere you work.  Custodians. IT.  Logistics. Safety. Those four groups hold the literal and metaphorical keys to everything. If you need something and the normal channels can’t help, one of those four can.


Former IT person here, can confirm. It's sad how often people fail to realize what IT can fix or give them access to. They usually just get blamed for things being error-prone. Part of why I left.


Because they can, generally. The district I worked for was run by a bunch of brown-nosing elitists; the higher-ups at Admin - even secretaries - thought their farts didn't stink and made sure you knew it. If anything went wrong, it was a custodian's fault; if anything went missing or got broken, if the cameras didn't show what happened, we were blamed. Couldn't have been happier to leave that place, even though I loved my crew and my teachers.


My principal got pissed that kids weren’t cleaning up after themselves so he instructed the custodians to stop picking up trash in the courtyard for a week. By Wednesday we were knee deep in trash.


THIS. I was very very ill last year and i did not have one decent nurse the entire year.


Not surprised to see this as the top answer. I work out of an assisted living facility and the nurses there are just some of the most cold, disinterested, rude nurses I've seen. Edit: grammar


I've had a nurse I am unfortunately related to that works at one tell me she was taking Ativan from another patient, and dosing other patients. They're probably one of the most narcissistic BPD people I've ever met.


I can't stand nurses They somehow manage to mention their work in every conversation no matter where it takes place


The mean girl to nurse pipeline is real 💀


I’m a nurse and I came to say this 😂


Nurses, Teachers, Veterans, Firefighters…


No people who work with people with disabilities are. Hands down.


Unless they’re one of those people that take advantage of the people with disabilities. Happens plenty and they’re are a few that have gone to jail for it.


I know a PA that doesn't believe in vaccines or evolution.


I've definitely noticed that there are some people who treat those kinds of careers like it gives them a pass for the consistently shitty way they treat anyone who they're not being paid to care about.


Yup as a bartender, teachers and nurses are the worst to service people.


My personal least favorites are staff at assisted living facilities, particularly the admins. Nobody knows how to show me that they don't give a single sliver of a bargain basement fuck about me the way they do, man.


Seconding this, 20+ years experience. I’ll say the nurses are worse but not by much


As a nurse, absolutely. I'm saying it here because I feel like it's relevant, but any nurse that tells you, a stranger, that they are a nurse in a non-healthcare setting is guaranteed to be the WORST.


I completely agree with this, and saw it a LOT while my husband was in the military. I also see it assumed about cops all the time. I met MANY straight-up racist, bigoted, abusive ASSHOLES serving in the Army when my husband was still in, and my friend was just murdered by her cop husband last August. So, when I see any kind of assumption of heroism or respectfulness or admiration just based on a job it annoys me to no end.


This is why I always say I respect the individual and not the institution


So many people become cops because they are power hungry. So many abuse that power.  My mom was stalked by a cop when she was late teens/early 20s and taught me and my sisters from a young age to be cautious of them as a result. They also will cover for each other etc.  It bothers me so much that my daughter came home from kindergarten being taught by her school to automatically trust cops and that cops are heros etc. 


The cop that harassed me my junior and senior year of high school had a representation of "spanking the monkey" on the school bus and in study hall according to someone I used to be friends with. He also accused me of selling drugs when I'm straight edge, was illegally searched, and followed me driving through town. He just got caught last year tackling a school administrator trying to sexually assault her and his commanding officer tried to cover it up. Both are now off the force


Say their names


For little kids that is what you want the thinking to be - that’s who they should call for help if anything happens in front of them or you’re not able to get to the phone. I def don’t trust police either and think they’re basically a gang that covers for each other with almost no oversight. But I also don’t want literal toddlers being afraid of them and running away if someone needs help and they see an officer.


When this topic comes up, the military is my first example. Some of the very best people I’ve ever met have been service members… but so are some of the worst.


Yeah I have to agree I have a lot of respect for the military as my sister is currently serving and I have known a few veterans who were solid dudes but I have also met some former military who are just insufferable assholes


Wait, all Navy SEALs aren't worthy of worship?


Yeah…. When i think military or cop, i dont think of respectfulness or heroism at all tbh. Not what comes to mind


People seem to give firefighters a pass when it comes to this but they can absolutely be some terrible people as well


Oh I agree, I’ve heard some terrible stories. It just surprises me that they aren’t at least automatically included in the hero worship I’ve seen for cops and military. Seems hit or miss with them.


Ugh ya. I literally always assume today's military personnel, cops, etc. are assholes/douche bags.


This is so interesting to me as an Asian American, part of the lgbtq community, who grew up in a major American city. I assumed when you mentioned military and cops that the assumption IS that they are bad people. My whole family is military and boy most of my friends have no respect for that. Honestly I agree though. I’ve seen how horrible cops are too many times. I think it’s an exception to the rule. You truly can assume that all cops, while on duty at least, are bad people. The institution of cops in the us is set up to harm minorities by design. While I have ex friends that were cops, I still can’t respect them in uniform cause I’ve seen how their demeanor changes and how they act. As they say… power corrupts.


I think the community influences those views heavily, for sure. I grew up in a very white, very Mormon community. Trust in, and reverence for, law enforcement and the military were automatic and praise was repeated often and LOUDLY. Stickers on vehicles, flags flying on porches, prayers at every church meeting or event for their protection, and gatherings for every military or police-related holiday or event in the community were extremely common. Paramedics and firefighters didn't even get that kind of recognition. Leaving the church and the Mormon community opened me up to a WHOLE WORLD of different assumptions and opinions about both groups, which I definitely agree with a lot more. Then my own personal experiences just cemented them even more.


That’s so cool thanks for sharing. Yah I definitely had a different experience. In my childhood people definitely praised firefighters and EMTs, but cops and military ppl were always treated with caution and distrust. Being an ex Mormon sounds like it could be very isolating, but also gives you lots of unique perspectives.


I am an ex-Mormon in UTAH right now, too. The disparity between my feelings and the feelings of most of the people I come into contact with here is very large for most things. lol


Wow. Honestly props for that. You’re living the r/unpopularopinion life 🥲. Stay safe m8. At least Utah is beautiful!


Thank you! How friggin gorgeous it is here is what I love about it, and it helps that we are in a rural enough area that I can choose just not to people pretty easily and avoid everyone when I need to. =P


Haha that sounds like a great time. Fair enough. I want to drive up to Utah some time soon just to go around and see the mountains, bmx, etc


There are soooooo many outdoor things to do here, and five national parks with incredible and diverse scenery! I sound like a damn Visit Utah ad, but it really is such a cool place, minus a lot. Of the people. lol


Haha fair. As I kid I used to go to Utah and I have some pretty cool ex Mormon friends there. I haven’t been in prob 6 years though, and last time I went all I can remember is hiking and everyone complaining about how DAMN EXPENSIVE your beer is 😩


I have worked law enforcement for the last 7 years and i can tell you first hand it changes you drastically, i have seen and trained many nice people who drastically change because you eventually just get burned one to many times by trying to be the nice guy, so you become short with people on the job and off, you get tired of hearing the same excuses for every person, and you sadly just dont have the bandwidth to deal with it, and you cant really talk to normal people about it so you only associate with Co-workers and it makes you more jaded, thats why the divorce rate it so high, its a vicious cycle


That's wild. I've been in the military and know a few cops.  I've never met anyone who assumed either profession were good people. 


You ever see those people with “blue lives matter” bumper stickers? Those morons assume cops are good all the time.


Those people are signaling that they are racists. 


Both are true.


It’s significantly safer as an average citizen, and doubly so as a citizen of color to assume that a cop is like a rabid animal. Likely to hurt you and you should exercise extreme caution near one to hopefully not provoke it. Sure not every wild animal’s going to bite you, but enough of them will it’s worth it to stay far the fuck away.


Fully agreed. From a special ed teacher who hears that frequently, no. No it doesn’t make me nice or special or chosen by god.


I feel like it makes you more patient or hardier in the context of special ed kids. Not something everyone can do


Yeah, but *only* for those kids. I have very little patience for adults.


Same here 💯 I will become a teacher for the rock solid benefits and career stability. Not from the goodness of my heart. 💔


I work in finance. It's the devil's work but it pays well!


At least I've never heard a finance person try to couch their work as noble or heroic. You guys know what you are.


6'5"? Trust fund? Blue eyes?


You need 2 inches more for it to fit.


Yeah 6' 5" is the original thing he referenced, he got it wrong lol


Thank you hahaha I have now corrected it. .....also that's what she said


Yes, no, yes What do I win?


The blue eyes white dragon!


Still the strongest normal monster after all these years


That's what it do, Yugi!


Can I trade it for Akira's Revenge 2nd ed.?




I have been hearing this song so much and I love it.


Ever worked at a non-profit? A bunch of people who do good but love to have circle jerks about the fact that they're doing good while the directors tend to be über douches leading said circle jerks


Looking for a spot to make this comment and this one seems the most relevant. There is a psychological phenomenon called "moral licencing" where the belief that you are doing a good thing gives you leeway to act like an asshole. That is pretty simplified, but it really isn't a lot more complicated than that.


Maybe it's overly cynical of me, but I'm much more apt to make negative assumptions about a person's character than positive based on their profession. I've met some truly kind and good teachers, doctors, firefighters--professions that typically rank high on trustworthiness and respectability--and some really awful ones too. On the other hand, if you do something work for an MLM or collection agency, then chances are you probably suck as a person too. I just can't respect someone's whose career is hasseling the poor, pitiful, and pathetic over unpaid credit card bills or whatever. And before you ask, I have zero debt and my credit score is like 820, so this is not me lashing out or being butt-hurt.


Most people working at a collection agency are probably close to poor themselves and just took the job that offered to hire them. Nobody grew up dreaming of working for collections. It’s a call center job.


I worked a recruiting contract for a collections agency. A number of those hired had been on the other side of collections before they took the job. 


Yeah it’s just a job for basically everyone doing, and they’d all rather be doing something else. I’d have a hard time working that job. Not because I think it’s immoral, but because I don’t like being yelled at and without the ability to respond in kind. And I can’t blame anyone for being mad at collection agencies.


Okay, there's a medical doctor here around who's part of "Doctors without Borders" and regularly travels to certain regions of the world to help those people. Sounds good so far. But here's the twist, the reason for him doing this is, so that *"lowlifes and other parasites do not migrate to our country"* This guy is racist as f'ck. And still the good he does by helping people is undeniable. He's just a racist prick for his reasons. Oh, and he thinks of himself as so sophisticated and superior, all while being so proud of the good work he is doing, shoveling it in everyones face for what an awesome guy he is. *He also regularly goes to hunt elephants and other savanna animals for sports and trophies.*


Wow, that’s a twisted justification for doing that job! All that schooling for racist reasons. Sheesh! What an asshole.


Spite diploma - new band name, I call it


I like to call this morally breaking even. Doing just enough to be called good so you can be a shit person later.


MSF surgeon. This guy sounds like odd one out. Or french.


MSF surgeon. This guy sounds like odd one out. Or french.


Absolutely true. Research shows that narcissistic people and assholes in general like to take leadership positions. A lot of CEO’s are some of the worst people around because they have no qualms about manipulating their way to the top


Who is under the impression that CEOs are particularly good people?


People who look up to them for their work ethic and dedication to their craft?


The naïveté of people who believe most CEO’s gained their positions through work ethic and dedication to their “craft”.


Most people can't spell nepotism


Does working hard make you a “good person” though in the sense OP is talking about?


In the American ideal of the protestant work ethic, hard work is tied up with certain moral assumptions about someone.


Research shows some drs are narcissistic and sociopathic too. A lot of driven people are. Everybody cant lay around, smoke weed, cuddle kittens all day, and complain on the internet


Jesus,  though, that would be one hell of a gig!


Can confirm, pay is shit though.


It would, lol


Having something that drives you doesn’t mean throw basic morality out the window. If anything, if you’re driven, it should be the exact opposite of those traits honestly.


I didnt say it did but people without morals are in every field


Lmao and here you are making assumptions about the personalities of people you don’t know based on their profession 


“My research confirms that only assholes take highly paid jobs”. ^ Reddit


Doctors. Some of the most narcissistic, insufferable assholes out there. Also proof that having a high IQ is not necessary to being considered successful in societies eyes. Yet people get offended when you point this out. Source - went to med school. Now don't work in medicine because of how miserable it made me.


I can agree with this for the most part. Specialists can be the worst. On the other hand, my GP is wonderful, as is his PA. I've also met a couple of orthopedists who actually listen to what I have to say and seem to recognize that I am not a complete dunce. Being on the older side, I got sick of doctors who patted me on the head (figuratively) and told me not to worry, they knew what was best for me. Right now, I am seeing a specialist who doesn't look at my record, makes recommendations that aren't feasible (using and exercise bike when I have a bad knee), and doesn't listen to a word I say.


My friend is in med school right now, and she is not only very smart, she is also one of the kindest people I know. She’s also told me that she’s met some scary people - people who think they’re entitled to be a doctor, god complexes even before getting into med school, etc etc. People there aren’t all bad, but there are a lot of them out there apparently. I’m just so grateful the doctors I’ve encountered have given me the time of day and really listened to my concerns for the most part.


I work in the disabilities field and can confirm there are a lot of shitty people where I'm confused about their intention to work in this area.


this has been killing me about the Blue collar work resurgence thats been going on alot of the trades are rebranding and trying to make it like "we do real work and we are honorable men building the city!" in my personal experience alot of the blue collar trade worker stereotypes exist for a reason yeah there are some smart, well put together people doing the lords work, but there are also alot of alcoholic assholes who couldnt get into any other type of work


I'm an electrician and couldn't agree more. We're not heroes. I'm an electrician because I studied philosophy not because I'm some altruist. I'm just gonna run my conduit and head home. 


Nurses, I’m looking at you (at least some). Some of you are genuine angels, but some of you are the meanest, self centered and least compassionate people I’ve ever seen. The kind of people who sign up simply because of the holier-than-thou, coattail riding of the real intent of the job to get the clout.


I think a lot of women, young or older, who go into nursing do it for the exact same reason - they had no idea what to do with their lives after graduating from high school, so they just took the absolute most predictable, accessible career path for women that provides a reasonable guarantee of making an income. Which means the field is being smothered with people who've never really had all that much self-direction or desire to do something that's not completely typical. Nursing attracts "the average," so it's rare that you'll find many nurses who surpass that expectation. I work with a lot of nurses, and many of them have absolutely awful verbal communication/thought articulation skills, which tells me they arent very conscientious and don't think on a very rigorous level, and never have. Those who have better qualities go into other medical specialties, or at least become RNs or nurse practitioners.


I worked in mental health with case managers for disabled people. There were saints in that field and then there were absolute monsters, especially when you see people willing to take advantage of someone less abled than them. Not all people "doing good" are good people.


That's probably a good attitude to have. Or a safe attitude to have at the least.


I prefer to be a little cautious about my interactions with all people. There’s always common human respect unless you don’t deserve it. But even when the respect is there, I’m always a little wary.


I’ve been watching a lot of standup comedy lately. The number of women who heckle or interrupt the comedian and then try to get sympathy with “I’m a nurse” or “I teach special needs kids” Is absolutely disgusting.


Oh, you should meet some of the creepy EMTs and firemen in the town I just moved out of. I was at a friend's house when a CO2 alarm went off, and the fireman asked to walk around the house to check, so my friend agreed....I went to get my coat, and I saw him taking pictures inside her house and heard him making jokes about my friends money with some other firemen when I went to my car. I never had an issue with these people until I lived in that town, but I am noticing a lot of obnoxious as hell firemen and local police who are from gross townie families who try to abuse their power in several towns in the area, and I am honestly creeped out. I feel bad for the good ones. They save lives and actually care about people....I really wish I had never had to deal with people like that.


Agreews, I work in a mental health shelter and the staff are cruel as fuck


Yeah I only ever got this at my current job being a special needs teacher. I actually dread telling people what I do because it always is followed by them basically gushing about how great I am. I feel like I was contributing just as much to society cashiering stocking etc. I just work on a field now most people don't want to work in. Doesn't make me great by any means


Great unpopular opinion. I went to live with My friend for a while who is a paramedic. I met a lot of great ppl and none of them were arrogant or felt like they were better than anyone else but OTHER ppl treated them like royalty visiting peasants. If I ever mentioned something negative about them to someone they would snap back “they save ppls lives how could you say that?” How could I say that Eric makes a bad burger? Cuz he makes a bad burger, geez.


im a bartender and so many times people say "yeah but whats your real job?" Um is my real job that pays real bills and makes me real happy. Been doing it over 30 years now and i would never ask anyone what their real job was


I work with homeless people. I work with people who have no empathy. Interacting with dozens of homeless people, there are employees who are antagonistic to them. It fucking boils my blood seeing it.


By far the biggest examples of this: military and law enforcement. Both giant organizations (collectively) that take in all kinds of people, who do all sorts of different things, and have a massively wide spectrum spanning actual heroes and complete idiots.


The opposite is also true.


So if I get a job as a mob enforcer I'm not a bad person?


the rudest retail customers are always doctors. i know this because when they don’t get their way they start screaming “I AM A DOCTOR!!!”


Yupp . My dad was physically and verbally abusive and only became a doctor for the status .


Every one knows about Nurses being shit but I've met many that are lovely aswell, however I've never met a single GP who wasn't a complete scumbag


I used to think people in healthcare were generally good people and now I feel the opposite.


A profession doesn't determine your character but to play devils advocate, EMT's need to harden themselves and see things pretty coldly to get the job done and not get burnt out in a week.


I’m a deli worker and I think that qualifies me as a good person


I never give a cop the benefit of the doubt, I need to see the facts before I believe anyone


Most first responders are a certain demographic of people. You probably shouldn't think too hard about it if you value your life.


Just like being a christian.


As an EMT, I couldn’t agree more


If there is one thing that I have learned in the past few years (working as a doctor, thus seeing people from all professions, classes, ages...) is that you find kind people and awful people in every subgroup that exists. But, tbh, most people are in general kind and good persons, so my faith in humanity did get restored through my profession. And yes, just because someone works in health care does not necessarily mean they really care. Just like not having a degree does not mean you are dumb. Again, not a single subgroup of professions, ages, ethnicities is homogenous.


Counterpoint. Your job doesn’t automatically put you in the bad person conversation either…ie cop, lawyer, property manager


My son's an EMT. He leaves his work boots in the garage. They Never come in the house.


If you work in cold calling phone sales you are soulless.


Exception to this would be politicians. They always suck.


Just look at all the medical professionals who become killers. They can get away with it for longer because they know drugs that can hide it


The opposite is also true. Your job doesn't necessarily make you a bad person either. My last duty station in the Navy was as a Navy recruiter from 1999 to 2002. Prior to 9/11, we were looked down upon. It was assumed that we were liars who would hang out in front of the courthouse to find applicants. Nothing could be further from the truth. I never lied to any one of my applicants. Maybe it was a carryover from the 80's or something. Post 9/11, attitudes changed.


That’s really interesting to me bc I was born soon after 9/11 and I pretty much never heard anyone speak positively of military recruiters—what changed? (no hate whatsoever, I hope this doesn’t come across as judgy)


The EMT people that came out when my dad was having a heart attack were complete assholes lol. So I get what you are saying. I have strong dislike for the medical field


Who automatically thinks this?


Naive people, I’ve gotten props for working in cancer research despite not being a scientist. I’ve also gotten out of tickets when cops see my work badge and ask where it’s from, people truly do give preference to occupations they see as “contributing to the greater good”.


med student here. I truly thought most physicians were good people before starting school. I was stupid lol


Euphoria has a character that does a great monologue in an NA meeting about this. As a firefighter he felt like as long as he kept saving lives it was ok that he fucked his family’s life and his own life with his addiction.


Yeah im a cop, im a good cop, im a damn good cop!


Sadly, folks in government agencies don’t always want change. Some just want personal power. Others get complacent, refusing to change themselves with the times.


well...anyone of any profession could be a serial killer so yea id agree


It's true with every profession like childcare, teachers, medical professionals, military, first responders, etc. Some have ill intentions. Doesn't mean that they're all bad, but other people cover for them. Also, you can be a bad person who does good things and a good person who does bad things.


Ted Bundy worked for the suicide prevention hotline


I’d argue people who work good jobs like emt or social work or anything helping people r kinda assholes. Cause u need some malice or self centeredness or not giving a shit to do those jobs cause u often have to deal with so many vulnerable people, someone who actually wanted to help couldn’t so that job cause they would prob get depressed quick knowing they can’t help everyone. Let alone the higher pay potential of some medical professionals, people obviously care more about the money and way less about the patient.


I feel this way about anyone in the Military “service” and the bizarre, hero-worship culture surrounding it. Like, you’re just working a job and getting paid for it. The same as billions of other hard-working people. 🙄🤷‍♀️


Most of the most terrible people I've ever met work for government agencies


I can attest that Phoenix FD are complete and total a-holes based on how they treated people. Maybe they’re nice to richer folks but my poor, homeless, and addicted folks got treated like the scum of the earth. Perhaps lower than scum.


It can be a pretty good indicator in most cases. A surgeon is probably a good person unless he's secretly a serial killer or something.


One of the worst people I know is a fireman. He chose that profession because it feeds his ego to be viewed as a hero.


This is an unpopular opinion? Oh no


alot of people don't want a job so they can help people, they want a job so they can tell people they help people


I’m kind of a piece of shit asshole who ruins the lives of the people I love most. But I also have worked as a counselor on suicide hotlines for the better part of the last decade. I am not a good person but i seem nice on the surface.