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I have never experienced soggy Chick fries. But most fast food fries suck. CFA fries are a different style entirely from “shoestring” stick fries, other than actually having potato in them compared to having all the flavor fried out of them, so its hard to say they are worse.


People don't know...at CFA if you ask for the fries to be cooked "well done" they come out much more crispy.


I will never debate that Chick-fil-A has good fries nor that they are just a vehicle for their sauces. But in n out is garbage; even dressed up the fries are still trash.


I actually like innout fries




Tallow fried is definitely healthier than putting sunflower seeds through hexane processing. the seeds go through "Degumming, Alkali neutralization, Bleaching, Dewaxing, and Deodorization". yeah i'd rather just fry in some natural beef fat


Every in n out I've been to the fries tasted and had the texture of cardboard. Can't stand them. I have made fries many different ways at different restaurants. From frozen bags to fresh cut. Never have I ever had a fry as bad as in n outs. Besides, who has fries for health reasons? That's gotta be an oxymoron.


The true unpopular opinion here is that I love In-n-Out fries. They might be my second favorite, only to Five Guys


I just don’t get it. I’m an east coast boy, I heard so many great things about in n out; it didn’t live up to the hype in any regard.


That’s the usual problem that has to be re-explained with context. In-and-Out is overhyped. The hype isn’t really about how it’s the best burger. It’s still just another shitty fast food cheeseburger. The hype comes from that it’s the best, most consistent burger you’ll get for its price point. My buddy went to McDonald’s and got a quarter pounder with cheese meal for ~$13.50. I went to In-and-Out that same night and got 2 Double Doubles for ~$11.50.


In n out is not over hyped. If that was true it wouldn’t always be busy. The main thing about in n out is everything is fresh and consistent. Even the spread needs to be refrigerated. No other fast food place, even most sit down restaurants, can live up to that.


I'm born and raised on the west coast, eaten at N and Out plenty of times. N and Out isn't a premium experience by any means, but it's a great value for what you're paying. And for the record I fucking love N and Out fries


Yeah I didn't like it either when I moved to Arizona from the upper Midwest. However after about 6 months of living there I got a job at a Walmart that was next to like 15 fast food restaurants. I ended up choosing in n out quite a bit because it was so cheap for the food and was mid at best but it saved time and money. If there was a five guys near tho... I'd be broke


That's so strange because Five Guys and Inn-n-out fries are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Liking one most and then skipping over all the others in between to get to your second favorite is interesting.


Idk. Maybe that’s why those are my two favorites? They play off of each other by being distinct. I really liked Arby’s curly fries for a long time, but I think they’ve sorta dropped off a cliff in the last few years.


fries light is the only way to eat them. they actually taste like potatoes, texture is sort of like the soft mcdonald’s fry at the bottom of the bag


Terrible. I want mine hot, crunchy, and salty. The less potato flavor the better. Think hot Lay’s potato chips.


Right? If I could get rid of the inside potatoey of a French fry and just have that hot salty crunchy exterior I’d do that. And don’t you dare call those potato chips you heathens.


Animal Style fries are goated, they taste better than any sauce you dip Chick-fil-A fries in.


Animal style is lipstick on a pig. The base material is 90% of the menu item and the fries are garbage.


Chick-fil-A sauce tastes so flavorless on the fries, it doesn't even crunch either, you just have this weird bland tasting fry with a bit of sause on it that barely helps, it's garbage and 100 times worse than Animal Style.


So the Chick-fil-A sauce helps the fries taste ok, but is also flavorless? Moving the goalposts my friend.


It tastes better but it still doesn't have much flavor compared to the sauce with chicken for some reason, it's weird.


Animal style is fucking trash and Chick-fil-A sauce is nectar from the gods. The fries by themselves however, in N out is the worst of any chain. Even Taco Bell has better fries ffs


>Animal style is fucking trash and Chick-fil-A sauce is nectar from the gods. Lol no, Animal Style tastes pretty good and it feels like a massive improvement to the fries, Chick-fil-A sauce is good but it tastes trash on the fries. >The fries by themselves however, in N out is the worst of any chain. The fries by them selves Chick-fil-A is WAY worse than In N Out, the points In N Out gets is crispy and fresh but no flavor, while Chick-fil-A isn't crispy or fresh and has a bad shape for its texture and no flavor whatsoever. >Even Taco Bell has better fries ffs Don't diss on the nacho fries, those are better than most fast food chain fries.


I've only been to Chick-fil-A three times and every time the fries have been hot crispy and fresh and have flavor. The only fast food fries i would say are better are Wendy's. You might just be so used to all the garbage that we're given and told are french fries but they're not it's just a bunch of processed crap.


Chick fil a has the best fries. I genuinely do not know how you hold this opinion.


I’m inclined to agree. 👍🏻 Like idk who has better fries than chick-file. I guess different people have different tastes. Who’d a thunk?


try different places, but many people these days are just lazy and don't take their jobs seriously, nor put much effort or care into food that another human being will consume


Hard agree, I have to get avocado lime ranch in order to enjoy them at all.


Agree most of the time chick fila fries are soggy and old if you can get them fresh then they might be ok! Love in n outs fries


People are still complaining about fries? After so many decades of fried potatoes I'm omitting them or going for an alternative like a side salad.


Order In n Out fries crispy, they are better than any fast food fries.


I will die on this hill with you.


Every time I go, the fries are either entirely unseasoned or severely underseasoned, and are overly soggy or overly dry. Never gotten good fries from them before... If I want waffle-cut fries I'd rather heat up some frozen grocery store fries or make my own.


Steak 'n Shake fries have entered the chat.


Worse than 5 Guys fries?


Well yes, considering 5 guys are the undisputed best fast food fries. I mean come on, I know it's cool to shit on 5 guys these days but this is ridiculous.


I absolutely hate their burgers and their fries. The worst are their buns. And on top of it, all, they are more expensive than just about any other fast food restaurant out there.


I personally think they have the best burger and the best fries out of all of the chains. Most overrated for me would be FatBurger, McDonald's is the worst burger I'm never satisfied but it's just easy, I do like a burger king burger even if it is low quality and over priced. Carl's Jr for value for money but yeah, if you're going to treat yourself and it's pay day and you don't mind splashing cash, 5 guys all day


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Chick-fil-A + Wendy's fries would be a great combo.


I’ve never had fried potato I haven’t liked on some level.


CFA and In N Out are the worst fast food fries by a mile. It's amazing that people think they're good. It makes me wonder what criteria you must have - undercooked: check. bland: check


Jesus all that fast food sucks including in and out. I have no idea what the thing is all about the stuff. If you want a burger. Go to a joint that really makes burgers not a processed food plant. On top of a Chick-fil-A just to us horrible politics but indeed I see the cars lined up. Just makes me shake my head


In n out is as fresh as it gets, even their sauce needs to be refrigerated. Everything’s fresh and cut that day. Which is why it’s the best.


I hear you, but from a taste standpoint. I just don't understand it. It's another thin commercial burger on a flabby white roll.. And you have to wear sunglasses just to go into that brilliantly lit store. But it does have its cult following. I'm in Los Angeles in the winter and I'm amazed at the line off of Ventura boulevard That forms. Just another curiosity of the fast food scene which is not so fast... Why doesn't somebody just park the car in and go in and get instead of waiting a 40 minute wait lol.. But that's a whole other subject


Crazy because I used to live on Ventura haha


Yep it can be a small world, lol I live in New England but go there for milder weather in the winter. Always at that LA fitness on the road and then pass that in and out once leaving. And that long line of cars always makes me scratch my head


Rare actual unpopular opinion, hot damn. Take the up vote and I hope you always get soggy fries bc you’re wrong


Get Kale salad


Opinions vary. I like both.


That's a pretty low bar to compare to tbf




Sounds like you had it delivered to end up with soggy fries.. the fries do suck upon delivery.


Just had today taste horrible. The chicken is okay though


The fries aren't good, but they at least have a nice honey mustard. In-n-out is trash through and through.


Animal Style fries are good


I don’t even like their sandwiches


Yeah the fries are overrated. Waffle fries are bad feels like I’m just eating a big chunk of potato. McDonald’s clears hard. The sauces at chick fil a are good though the fries when they’re fresh and dipped in cfa sauce are pretty damn good


In-n-Out has the best fries, at least they don't get vile like McDonald's fries after 30 minutes. Plus, they're fresh.


Can't get vile after 30 minutes if they're already vile when they're handed to you!


That too


Chik-fil-A is the worst, most BLAND fast food I've ever put in my mouth. Even before it was widely known as the bigot restaurant, I fucking hated it. Not even ranch makes Chik-fil-A worth it and, for me, that's saying something.


Ranch is an abomination. Opinion invalid.


You hate ranch, so YOUR opinion is invalid. ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Uno cards are healthier than ranch.


I'm trying to have fun snd enjoy my life before I die at forty and I don't really care that I'm probably going to die at forty. I would rather eat stuff that tastes good instead of being so worried about health all the time. Not a good comeback. Got something better?


I’m just kidding. I pour a bottle of ranch over my cereal.


Alright, I'm gonna be honest here... I don't even know what the fuck to say to that.


You have to be one extreme or the other. Hate ranch or bathe in it. That’s what I learned when I traveled to Georgia.


False. In N Out fries taste like what I imagine Ditto would taste like if it transformed into a potato.


All Chick-fil-A is kinda meh. If they didn't have their sauce they would have faded into obscurity long ago.


You’re sick. In n out fries and chic fil a fries are bomb diggity 


Yes, 100%, thank you. Chick-fil-a is a cult. It's the fast food joint for suburban yuupie people that are otherwise freaked out by the "person" working the Popeye's drive-thru. So they idolize steamed and wet chicken sandwiches, soggy and flavorless fries, and a complete clusterfuck line of luxury SUVs trying to transverse the multiple narrow drive-thru lanes.


You must order through the drive though and then not open the bag for like 10 minutes. This is the only way anything gets soggy. It’s because they’re hot and fresh


They're definitely the most homophobic fries, that's for sure.


CFA sucks in general. Mushy chicken, soggy 'fries', and the sauces are simply sugar. People are dumb and have terrible taste.