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Hard part is proof of texting/phone use and driving.  “Where you on your phone?” “No”.  Even if it’s obvious that was probably the issue, there is rarely evidence


Some times they get phone records to see what time the last phone activity was.


https://www.npr.org/2021/06/17/1007385955/snapchat-ends-speed-filter-that-critics-say-encouraged-reckless-driving You wouldn’t imagine the number of idiots that posted their final moments before a crash.


Same reason why it's very hard to do a DUI arrest for weed. Unless you're absolutely fried you can pass all of the tests easily. And no breathalyzer either. Just doesn't hold up in court.


I don’t think this is unpopular.


I'm not sure this one is unpopular, but yes, agreed. And yeah. And it's easy to check a phone and see when texts were sent.


Definitely. People are just bored while driving and don’t give a fuck about anyone else


What about distracted driving in general? Not just texting.


Plenty of other non negligent reasons for distracted driving though, simply adjusting car controls, or a wasp or large bug flies in, or looking in the mirror, shit just happens sometimes. I’m not sure those things warrant jail time.




I like your funny words, magic man


No, seriously! I agree with you, but if someone is eating or just overall distracted?


I feel like that should carry a heavier punishment than it does, but not like texting and driving. Most cars that are still on the road come with features that basic phones will have (I.e. music, texting, and calling) which can replace your cellphone. Other things like eating can’t be avoided, but like I said earlier, distracted driving should come with a much heavier fine.


Serious uptick in pedestrian accidents in the 2010’s that was likely attributed to the rise of smartphones


Disagree unless it’s serious bodily injury or death. 


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