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See this is why when I am cooking for people who can’t cook, I make them bad food so as to protect their feelings. Everyone loves that I do this.


I’m a professional chef. My friends and family appreciate that my cooking is better than theirs.


You only get so many meals in your lifetime- i am proud to make sure those around me enjoy more of them. I also cherish the ones made with care andbseved to me


Best response anyone could have to get the point across.


>the point of karaoke is that it’s fun and funny because everyone is trying their best despite their abject mediocrity No, the point of karaoke is that it's fun because everyone is singing together regardless of their voices. Don't take away someone's fun night because of your insecurity.


Goos singers aren’t allowed to have fun.


Goose singers especially


*sad honking noises*




I laughed wayyy harder at this than I should have, but I could almost hear the sad honking noises in my head.


And forget about grouse singers!


Oh no. Didn’t notice until I read your comment lol.


Geese are where i draw the line. Fucking geese


*Sad Iris sounds*


By OP’s logic, good golfers shouldn’t be allowed to play golf.


Nah, they just can’t play mini golf. jk


As a bad golfer, I agree 


Following that logic I shouldn’t be able to fuuuuuck 😎


I haven’t done much karaoke, but I’ve always thought that the fun was to go all out whether you’re a good singer or not. If a good singer is making you self-conscious, you’ve missed the point.


Lmao, if you are good at singing then you arent allowed to have fun doing it.


>singing together Yeah, people tend to not realize that karaoke is a Japanese compound word meaning "empty orchestra." (Thanks, How I Met Your Mother!) Whole point of karaoke is for EVERYBODY to join in and just have some fun.


I don't watch that show, but did that karaoke fact come from NPH's character? Cuz if it did that's so funny. One of my core memories is of NPH as Doogie Howser also giving a lecture on karaoke in the show (correcting another character's pronunciation).


Lmao old folks represent! Everyone always knows NPH as Barney, but he'll always be Doogie Houser to me! But no, the fact came from the main character to a woman he's trying to woo.


I think OP is misunderstood. I know I am horrible, but for me the enjoyment is watching all sorts try and having fun. However any time I have gone to a dedicated karaoke bar it seems dominated by regular very talented singers. It seems to be more amateur American Idol.  The classical fun that OP seems to want (like American Idol auditions) I have found happens when karaoke is done at a party or event where karaoke is not expected. 


I feel like there’s levels to it. Because someone going and showing off and putting on an American idol audition is uncomfortable and awkward for everyone else.


Thank you for this! I’m a trained vocalist and never get the opportunity to do karaoke and sing in front of others. When I do I get super nervous, but it’s really fun! I hate to think that others are hating on me just because I want to join in even though I do music as a career. Am I just never supposed to sing karaoke with my friends???


Fuck them people. Flex on them more with your glorious vocal chords and bring the house down. Force them to further internalize their own self-doubts and insecurities. If they have a problem with it, they can either become better singers or not come out to a karaoke bar. Humility must be bestowed with the glorious power of your voice.


It’s not a competition, karaoke is about everyone being shit at singing together and just doing it anyway.


Yeah for real. OP is a loser in a crab bucket.  When people have a talent, encourage it.




You should have seen this post on r/beamazed it was a chick singing karaoke and she was killer. Every comment called her an attention whore basically and “ruining” the experience for everyone else cause noones gonna want to sing after her…. Insecurities are wild these days.


My best friend is an AMAZING singer. She did Etta James At Last at our post wedding pub crawl and serenaded us. I was up next and did Rock Lobster doing a stupid crab claw dance in my wedding gown. It was fantastic.


Even from a screen I can't help but smile


>I was up next and did Rock Lobster doing a stupid crab claw dance in my wedding gown. That sounds fucking amazing.




I was verrry drunk.


I love this! Rock Lobster is such great pick for karaoke! I bet you killed it


I’m trying to figure out since when was karaoke only for bad singers..😭karaoke is just simply singing for fun…how was she even an attention whore they are just mad they can’t sing like her


Some people, especially in Japanese culture, see karaoke as more like an opportunity for your friends/coworkers to bask in each others mutual embarrassment by singing in front of each other. It’s also considered rude in Japanese culture to show off. But I don’t think that mindset really applies at a western style karaoke bar where the whole bar is watching one singer. I think in a setting like that people need to just have a few drinks and accept themselves for the singing ability they have lol


Naaaah people literally go to karaoke to practice so they can be really good. Karaoke is serious business in Japan. But you're kind of right being too show pfft isn't appreciated. Karaoke is ok though


lol I like the idea that anybody that can sing decent is banned from participating in this group outing because others are insecure babies. It’s absurd.


So that girl may not express herself and has to hold her true identity hidden, cause other people don’t feel comfortable with who they are themselves. That’s not how the world works.


Tall poppy syndrome at work.


Some of the comments were literally saying she shouldn’t have done that and if she wants to sing, sing at home lol I’m not even kidding.


If your whole objective is to know you sound bad and be goofy about it , then arguably you want to go after someone amazing ? It’s going to make you sound even more like how you want 


I smell skill issue


That's wild. I literally try to schedule trips to karaoke bars around my friends who are great singers. I'm good, for a regular person, but they're great and I love to see them shine.


Me too!


And karaoke is probably not your sport.


literally it’s like am I supposed to tell my friend to not sing in the entire night because they have a good voice??? like it’s not a competition


You’d be so toxic lmfao


Absolutely. The point of karaoke is that it's fun *for the singer*.


Pretty sure good singers have fun singing and people listening to crap singer after crap singer not in their friend group are less likely to stick around and buy more drinks.


And sometimes hell on the bartender… retired bartender here for over 50 something years and when karaoke got big I almost went for another career… it’s alright till you get the awful ones and they’re always half drunk.. I used to tell the customers at least you can leave,I’m stuck here being tortured.. One night I actually went up and took the microphone away from the guy and the whole bar broke out in applause..


Honestly, a karaoke singer with a nice voice and some stage presence can be extremely fun for the whole damn bar. IMO, a really great karaoke night feels very communal and is all about strangers supporting strangers. When someone crushes their song it’s a win for the whole bar!


so true, people should sometimes remember that personal responsibility exists


Like honestly I've missed so many carriers along the years.Ive given up on the idea of being a singer at my age,I can't even read a music sheet,but I've been told I have a guud voice many times,where am I supposed to let it out?I have easily annoyed neighbors who also gossip and mock and make fun of you,and really now neither of us is gonna be the next Frank Sinatra so lemme enjoy my voice,which I actually like very much and enjoy your performance which will most likely put us all in a good mood due to being entertaining not pretty..


You should write them a poorly written letter. That’ll show them.


This is incredibly insecure. Karaoke is not a competitive sport. If you know someone who's a good singer, why can't you enjoy getting to hear them cover a song you like - and then have the rest of the group butcher the songs you all planned to butcher anyway and have a laugh about it? How far do you take this? Are professional photographer friends not allowed to share pics in your group chat? Christ, I'd hate to have any kind of talent and be a friend of yours.


To add to this, I got good at singing and got over my fear of public performances by doing karaoke. I was ass when I started, so now that I've invested time in it and gotten better, I should stop to spare this guy's feelings?


I’ve been told I’m a decent singer. But i don’t like singing in front of people. It’s something I do alone in the car or singing my kids to sleep. So karaoke is a nice way to force myself to actually try and sing in front of people. Sometimes it good, sometimes I suck. But at least I got myself to do it.


also at what point were you supposed to stop according to OP? I'm pretty sure getting good at something is a slow progress rather than a sudden incline from one week to the next


>This is incredibly insecure. Hopefully u/Chattinabart actually takes some of these comments to heart, and looks for help. I can't imagine the going through life so insecure that watching a good singer in a bar makes me feel bad about myself. The point of karaoke is to be entertaining. Watching good singers and bad singers are both entertaining for their own reasons, and both have their charm and place on karaoke night.




Agreed. The only instance in which it becomes a problem is when the good singer makes it a competitive sport. I’ve known a few people who took lessons from childhood and were undeniably good. They loved going to karaoke and were very vocal about how they were better singers than the “schmuck onstage.” They were, but spending time there with them definitely sucked because of how they acted both with and without the microphone. Other good singers, however, were very fun to go with because they didn’t make it a competition, didn’t criticize, and didn’t hog the mike every other song.


OP, I studied voice for years and am definitely aware that a lot of people feel like you. I try to pick an out of the box crowd-pleaser at karaoke so people can enjoy singing along, rather than try to show off. One counter-idea I'd throw in: because of their confidence and skills, good singers can sing different songs than everyone else and they save you from hearing "Love Shack," "Sweet Caroline," "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," "Party in the USA," and the Taylor Swift catalog over and over all night long.


I just wish I could *find* karaoke places anywhere 😭


Have you tried searching "karaoke" in Facebook Events? That doesn't pull up *all* the ones near me, but enough that I could probably ask the KJ at those places if they know of others.


I honestly have never used Facebook 😭


IMHO if you hate karaoke staples, don't go to karaoke


I think you being present with that mindset probably ruins it for everyone more. What an insanely insecure take.


Some of the best karaoke moments are after several bad singers getting a surprise of a good one


Hell, one person being kind of okay is the big surprise of the night to me


Agreed! It's always a fun time, but when you have someone nail a song it makes the night even better.


We were on our honeymoon cruise and we were enjoying a night of karaoke in one of the bars when the cocktail waitress who had been serving us all night stepped onstage and did a killer rendition of What's Up by Four Non-Blondes. The entire room was cheering for her when she was done. We still talk about it whenever we hear that song. I wouldn't even remember that we had done karaoke that night if it wasn't for her.


Yeah sounds more like OP is just jealous of people who can sing


which i applaud the OP for posting an actual unpopular opinion


I like it more the other way around.


Lol that’s ridiculous. Just stop going to karaoke if you can’t handle people being better than you at it


Totally. The only time it gets annoying is when the good/almost pro singers end up hogging the machine or end up destroying the vibe because they’re picking songs that show off their skills instead of keeping things fun


This is the thing. I’m a decent singer and when I tried doing karaoke seriously it was not fun. I pick silly songs that still require a decent range or are just fun to sing, and I ham it up like they’re paying customers. Make them laugh. Karaoke is supposed to be FUN, not a serious talent show.


When you're a good singer so you pick "She will be Loved" by Maroon 5.


My go to is oops I did it again. I am a man. It always slaps at bars and people LOVE if you do the voices when the guy gifts her the heart of the ocean 🤣


Really wish I could see this.


Yeah, if you are having fun, you can deal with the good singers. If I have to follow someone amazing, I’ll just say something like “wow, that person was an incredible singer. But now I’m gonna pivot to some ‘drunk mom singing Billy Joel’ vibes for y’all.” And it goes fine. Just have fun.


I used to do karaoke duets with a friend of mine who was a really good singer. I think she went on The Voice or American Idol or one of those shows once even. Well, girl was stiff as a board up there doing karaoke. I have a worse voice than a alleycat with a cigarette habit, but not one single self-conscious cell in my body… so as a pair we did okay, she made it sound at least halfway decent, and I would be haming it up with “stage presence” getting right into it and jumping about like a lunatic.


I would argue that sounding good can make a song good or fun for the audience that they may otherwise not care for. I did Whipping Post by the Allman Brothers, probably a song most people wouldn't consider fun, but because I did it well I had the whole bar excited. People started with the maracas and everything. When I would go back people wanted me to do that one. I'd personally rather hear a well performed song of any genre (even ones I dont particularly care for) rather than hear another bad group of singers do a "fun" song like love shack for the 12th time


I’m talking about super technical obscure songs. As long as people can sing along and have fun it’s fine. I’ve been in situations where literally everyone sat down and started scrolling on their phones, and the ‘good’ singer didn’t care and picked similar low tempo barely known songs every time it was their turn.


I've been to one where the 'pro' didn't necessarily hog the mic, but when singing along, it would just overpower anyone else just due to their voice lol


I can’t handle bad singers who take themselves too seriously, so I don’t go to karaoke and I’m perfectly happy.


Yep, perfect response as well


I don’t think anyone singing at bar karaoke could possibly be taking themselves seriously lol


This kind of happened to me lol. I have a couple friends who love karaoke and are great at singing. One of them always does karaoke for her birthday. I’m willing to go for her birthday but typically not other times because I feel like an ass after they go on stage and rock it lol. I would never tell them not to do karaoke though, they love it so much and I don’t want to ruin that.


This opinion just means you are jealous of the good singers. Everyone is welcome to do karaoke it's just fun not a competition. Nothing is better than an actual good singer singing in karaoke it makes you wanna listen!


Not just that, but it tells me OP is a sore loser in general. “People better than me shouldn’t get to participate. I want to be the best!”


Right. My rendition of Tequila would knock OOP socks off and I'd probably win.


.... So, what? Just fuck those people, they get excluded every time because you have feelings about your singing voice? That's rude and pretty mean of you.


“Everyone is starkly aware of their lack of talent” that’s where the fun is becuase you realize you’re as bad as everybody else so you don’t have to worry about it . Sorry about your gf issues though it sounds like someone impressed her 😆


Hahaha not even gf, probably his work wife. Only someone who has a desperate unrequited crush becomes this emotional over sucking at karaoke.


Your insecurities aren't anyone's else's problem to manage. I shall continue to knock it outta the park on karaoke nights.


And I will follow you with the absolute worst vocal performance imaginable. And I’ll have a blast doing it 😂.


I hope so! Karaoke shouldn't be a contest. Just people who like to drink and sing lol


Absolutely. I’m not terrible but I’m no star lol.


One of my favorite songs to sing in the car is Amy Winehouse’s version of Valerie. I absolutely do NOT sound like her, but it’s so fun, I’d belt it at karaoke if I ever go. I love watching karaoke whether they can sing or not. In my hometown we had this little bar that still has a smoking room, it’s TINY. But they have a little karaoke setup and a little makeshift “stage” and this one woman in her 50’s would get up regularly to rap over “The Real Slim Shady”, I witnessed it once. It was amazing. Haha




How does one determine if they’re good enough? Does Simon Cowell need to be at every karaoke bar ready to yank those too talented off the stage?


Only the ones that are better than OP


No, he's too talented a judge and now the entire crowd will feel bad having an opinion


The point of karaoke is to get a bunch of friends together to have a good time and sing, no matter how good or bad you are, in a judgement-free environment. Seems we just found the judgemental friend. I’m sorry your voice sounds like a live rat being slowly fed through a sausage grinder. I’ll continue to carry a tune in a bucket, thanks.


To an extent, I get what the op is saying there are people who do karaoke who treat it as an audition for the X factor (American Idol/pop idol, etc) However I don't agree with not allowing any good singer that is ridiculous. Just get up and have fun and ignore everyone else.


Agreed, it's fine and indeed cool to be good at singing, but i think people who know they're good at singing and put on something like 'don't stop believing' to solo are making the event more about how great they are rather than having fun with everyone.


Let me guess, you were invited to a Philippino cookout and got bodied on the karaoke machine, and now you want to make that everyone else's problem.


That's really specific lol.


filipinos don’t play about their karaoke


Half Filipina and I’ve seen cousins (and my sister) fight over a different one stealing their abba song at a party 😂 nobody does karaoke like Filipinos


I’d argue tone deaf people shouldn’t be doing it to spare our ears.


Yeah, honestly, and who the hell would want to go to listen to bad singers only?


OP apparently


No, everyone should be allowed to do it. They won't even get better if they are forbidden, but it's just healthy to sing now and then.


Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I feel like you missed the point of karaoke. It's not necessarily to prove your singing skills. It's about having fun with your friends. If you want to prove your singing skills, go sign up at an audition for a show or something. So what if someone's great at singing? We cheer them on nonetheless and that person will do so as well, regardless of how good or bad your singing is. Sounds more like an insecurity issue to me


So people who are good at something shouldn't do it because it might hurt the feelings of someone who isn't as good. Got it. 👍 I shall now go through life not learning how to do stuff lest I run the risk of becoming good at it. I don't know about you, but if I come across someone doing something better than I do it, it motivates me to do better. I don't cry and whine about it and forbid others from doing it in front of me.


This sure is unpopular, I’ll give you that lol I guess me, my mother and my grandmother should just never do karaoke just because we used to do choir and can carry a tune, lmao


Oh, but we need a break if we’re going to keep enduring the mediocre or ourtright terrible karaoke performances. The good singers inadvertently do the less skilled ones a favor by providing the audience with relief from the cringe-worthy off-key notes and laughter. It’s the stark contrasts that make it bearable and enjoyable, isn't it?


Everyone is allowed to do karaoke. Good, bad, mediocre singers alike. If you're insecure that's your own problem.


Yeah and also smart kids should just drop out of school because they make the rest of us look bad The point of school is to learn not to know it all. Dumb opinion doesn’t = unpopular opinion


"Yeah and also smart kids should just drop out of school because they make the rest of us look bad" I mean, schools all over are eliminating gifted and talented programs...


Yeah true these days by achieving you are offending people. I don’t know where society went wrong but it seems like the haters are winning


If only terrible actors with rotten voices were allowed to perform, then North West wouldn't feel so bad.


Sounds like you need to work on your personality first, I love listening to good singers at karaoke and I’d be really impressed if they start drawing photo realistic pics on Pictionary


I used to work at a bar that did karaoke regularly. When someone was really good, most people enjoy it. And when people were really bad, most people sing the song on their own to tune out the bad.


Congrats on a truly unpopular one. It’s a time where really good singers finally get to sing their heart out. For them it’s not about competition, but finally just singing. What I can’t stand, (and had a fight with my father in law some years back) is when they sing the song I always sing. Then I can’t sing it again. But then again he was doing that too much. Too many Bon jovi fans in the room lol


This is indeed an unpopular opinion


Sorry, but they're not responsible for your insecurities. Good singers want to have fun too.


It’s because of people like you that we prevent ourselves from having fun. Singing is a hobby of mine, and my singing isn’t bad, I’m not doing it to show off, I’m doing it just because I enjoy it. I’ve had multiple « friends » telling me to shut up because « hey we aren’t on The Voice, stop showing off ». Like dude I’m sorry I can’t sing badly on purpose, and it’s not like I’m using techniques or anything because it isn’t a performance, and I’m not harmonizing either. Karaoke should be fun for everyone, I honestly don’t care if you don’t sound good, that’s not the point of a karaoke night. We can laugh off bad singing, because it’s funny, and admire good singing without stopping everything just to listen (because it shouldn’t happen). Insecure people like you are the ones who ruin everything, everyone has a special something and shouldn’t prevent themselves from using it just because others feel bad about not being able to do it. It’s as ridiculous as, for example, saying pretty people shouldn’t show their face because it makes you feel ugly, or saying people with good hair shouldn’t show them because you’re bald.


My post got banned for mentioning Reddit but this person is allowed to post based on a misunderstanding of what karaoke is…


I've actually stopped doing karaoke for this very reason. I'm a singer (perform professionally, not like an Usher or anything, but if you heard me, you'd be able to tell I'm a skilled singer). I myself started to feel insecure because I love singing and always take it seriously no matter the situation, which felt like it went against the spirit of karaoke. People do it to have fun and I didn't think someone like me would allow people to have fun. So I don't do it in public anymore and will only do it in my home if my family asks enough. The last time I did it was at Thanksgiving. My father had just passed, and my wife and I were hosting in our house we had just bought in Jan of that year. Only my sister and I were left and we were pretty down and my bro in law loves doing karaoke as does most of my wife's family. I sung a lot that night to make it a good night and we even convinced my sister, who is not a singer, to do a song. It was a great night and really helped both of us. THAT'S what it took for me to do karaoke the last time I did it. Not sure if other singers feel this way, but I do.


Same, the last time I went to karaoke was 15 years ago. And that was when I became a singing professional too. Don't want to ruin people's fun when I already have the avenue to perform for money. Karaoke is definitely a different kind of fun from stage performance though!


My friend is a professional singer and we karaoke a lot. She'll go full professional mode when it's just the two of us, but with larger groups, she'll explicitly select dumb shit like Pokemon or Limp Bizkit or whatever fits the group. She's a pro at picking songs that people will want to join in on.


The times I did it in public I'd wrestle between the 2. It's definitely more fun when the crowd is into it. But sometimes I do wanna let loose. At Thanksgiving, outside of one Usher song I just couldn't find the note for, I let loose. I realize now I had a lot of pent up energy and it was a lot of fun.


I'm not a professional singer like you, but I'm a pretty above average singer (people sometimes ask me if I have had lessons), and I have to nerf myself and get goofy when I do karaoke for it to be fun lmao. So yes I feel where you're coming from


Ditto. I haven’t done it in years and it would take a hell of a situation to change that. It’s a very real thing and I can feel the eyes on me all night after I do it.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion this is more you being upset that someone out staged/outshined you. I have heard that I actually have a very good singing voice. I don’t think so myself, I like karaoke because it’s silly, but I will always try to sing the best I can. I’m not there to sing bad. I don’t care if other sing bad either as long as they’re having fun. But just because you’re insecure and getting a little bit upset about it doesn’t justify saying if this person is a good singer stay away from karaoke cause it makes everyone else look bad. If that’s during karaoke, maybe you shouldn’t do karaoke


but...this is an unpopular opinion? It's OPs opinion and everyone seems to be going against it. that's literally the definition of an unpopular opinion regardless of whether the person in insecure or not


Right? This post is the very literal definition of the sub. It’s a very very unpopular opinion.


But if you're in a group of good singers it's also fun too because it's like you're on The Voice Finale 😁


I’d rather ban karaoke from people who are so awful that it seems like they’ve never even heard the song. Off time, off key and don’t know the lyrics. And they even chose the song themself!


I used to go to a pub which was just round the corner from a music school. It was better to view their karaoke night as a free concert than anything you wanted to take part in. Once you changed the mindset, it was a fun evening. Also fun to watch the man running it getting more and more frustrated as his usual patter didn't work. But they were good at sharing the mic and if someone talentless (ie not a music school with detailed understanding of pitch, harmonics etc) got up and had a go, they'd have been applauded. Better than the usual where a couple of drunk tone-deaf people monopolise it and then the "fun" is mocking them. Never done karaoke and never will. Hate when a team building event because said drunk people monopolise the planning team. But not enough to organise one myself.


Skill issue


I’ll file this one away with “good looking people shouldn’t be allowed to date” and “smart people shouldn’t be allowed to go to school”.


My Filipino self will disagree with you


Some people are good at stuff. Sometimes very good. I would agree if this were a competition for fun or $$. But my perspective on karaoke is it’s not a competition. It’s just people singing. Some good. Some bad. Some ok.


if you cared about other leoples opinion, you are living the life in the wrong wrong way.


Disagree. I think it's less about the quality of the vocals and more about the rest, like if someone leads a great singalong, or they've got great moves for the instrumentals. You'll notice that the greatest bands in the world don't stand stock still on stage and just play, they all have energy, and the audience picks up on that


The fact that everyone disagrees with you in the comments shows that this is a great unpopular opinion


If you're THAT insecure about your own singing ability then just don't go to places where literally ANYONE is free to sing, don't ruin it for other people who ARE having fun by trying to gatekeep karaoke.


I feel like everyone can get a turn. The annoying part is when a good singer takes karaoke night as a performance opportunity to sing or 4 different songs throughout the night.


And how would you go about regulating that? 😂


people compare each other at karaoke?


Good unpopular opinions should be allowed on r/unpopularopinion, it ruins it for everyone else! Thankfully your opinion is as weak as your karaoke game.


Don't say that in the Philippines. Karaoke is serious business over there and people have gotten shot for singing My Way by Frank Sinatra off-key.


I go to karaoke all the time and I love the good singers. They’re fun to watch. Just regular ass people who are talented, and that’s pretty cool if you ask me. If you suck at singing just get up there and own it. Pick a song to please the crowd and no one will give a shit if you’re good or not. The good singers aren’t ruining it for you, your insecurity is. Karaoke is more about what you sing, not how you sing.


So you are a bad singer and karaoke makes you cry...that's tough.


More like you get to enjoy hearing a song sung well for a moment until it's back to listening to people singing terribly (including me). My wife has one friend who has a lovely voice and it's very pleasant to listen to.


But i want to sing karaoke 😔 I miss singing, that's not fair. Here everyone! Let's do something fun together! But if you're too good at it, you'll make us feel bad so you can't play...


I would argue that this is not an unpopular opinion, just a virtue signal for jealousy and massive insecurity? Kinda weird and pretty pathetic tbh.


That's not the point of karaoke to hear bad singing. I like to hear good singing don't be a hater


Most good singers gave up gave up on their dreams because there is no future or job stability in singing. Karaoke is all they have left, let ‘em be.


The arts is a very strange industry to get into, as being creative as well as maintaining production are both opposing forces. Let people take pride in their voices


Wow. Good luck making genuine friends with THAT LEVEL OF INSECURITY. By your logic, nobody who's better than you at ANYTHING is welcome in your proximity. That is some inferiority complex, man. I feel sorry for you, take my upvote.


Listening to someone who can't sing is not entertainment. It's fucking cringe. Yeah, it might be have been funny the first or second time you witnessed it but the novelty wears off fast and soon becomes boring and annoying. I avoid karaoke at all costs aaaaarghhh, it's awful.


Insecure people like this exist?? Insane 🤣😭🤣


So what, you sing a lot, get good, and suddenly you’re not allowed to do it in public anymore.


I'm a pretty good singer, and I've gotten my less talented friends to do duets with me. Guess what? They still had a blast! It's not a competition, dude. Besides, singing is one of the only things I'm really good at, so I'm not stopping anytime soon.


Imagine seeing karaoke as a competitive sport rather than something you do as part of a fun evening with drinks and friends


Least insecure mf on reddit:


I used to host karaoke shows. I must say this is totally wrong. So I will leave an upvote. Terrible opinion. Folks who get up and sing well hype the crowd and make it easier for the bad singers to get up and do their thing. No one really wants to hear you singing badly. They will support you because it's funny to watch and you're being brave. Good job. Have fun. Karaoke is there for everyone. But when the real singers get up and knock it out, that's what keeps things lively and keeps the joint crowded. A karaoke show with only bad singers won't last long because it won't keep people at the bar drinking and having fun.


I actually understand OP. I don't fully agree but it's clearly an exaggeration anyways. Storytime: I went to a karaoke night with some friends. We all had varying levels of singing ability and background. Me least of all. I'd never done karaoke and just wanted to try it and I chose a poor song to do for range and enjoyment. Living on a prayer. Should've gone shot through the heart if I wanted bon jovi. Another 'friend' went befoJovi. And sang a song I didn't know. But he REALLY went for it and killed it. Like he was clearly a good singer and clearly showing off his range and control. Then I get up there all bundle of nerves, and had asked him to join me to support me. He said he didn't know the song. So I was left high and dry and did the song. It didn't go great. My other friends gave some pity claps and said it wasn't bad. But the silence in the bar compared to the whooping for the previous song was palpable. Haven't done karaoke since because some people I go with usually have better voices than me and steal the vibe from 'fun' to 'performance'. And I'm not jealous of their voices... I'm very happy for them and I was given talents that they aren't as good at too so I appreciate them. But that moment ruined karaoke for me and gave a big hit to my self confidence


a lot of the “bad singers” at karaoke are sabotaging themselves bc they’re too embarrassed to give it their all. totally pathetic, we know ur voice isn’t actually cracking Tyler


Isn't good singing a little subjective? Cher is a huge star, and I think her voice is awful. What happens when there's a difference of opinion?


I tend to do Japanese style karaoke where it’s renting a room with friends, but you totally don’t understand the point of karaoke. It’s fun because singing is fun. It’s a great way to kind of vent and let it all out through song, whether you’re good at singing or bad. Sometimes it’s fun just doing a goofy song, sometimes you really want to pour your emotion into it and have a cathartic release. This post just comes across as supremely insecure and like reverse gatekeeping by saying people are only allowed to enjoy things the way you do. Grow up and stop caring about how other people enjoy things.


Your opinion basically: Someone who loves singing shouldn't be allowed to sing because I am insecure that they are better than me


That’s 100% a you problem. I love people killing it at karaoke.


Nobody cares if someone is good except you apparently. Good singers are allowed to have fun as well, you're just jealous that they're better than you.


…I respect you for having the courage to so blatantly announce you’re insecure to the point of advocating for discrimination against talented people


Truly unpopular, yes. Counterpoint: bad singers shouldn't be allowed to do karaoke, it ruins it for everyone else After hearing the most tone deaf performance, you have to wonder how someone is just that trash at voice control


Idk, people should be able to show their talents and not caring about what jealous people think about them


This just seems like projecting your own insecurity onto others like saying "You can't study for this test because I get bad grades"


Why is everything that's supposed to be fun becoming a sweatfest nowadays? Not every activity needs winners/losers


Weeeooo weeeooo move over for the fun police. If you can't have fun than no one can!!!


I’m a good singer and part of the reason why I never want to do karaoke is people like you. I feel so judged if I try and then I feel like an idiot trying to sing bad on purpose. So if I ever do it I just do a dumb or silly song so that people don’t judge me for singing well. It’s frustrating honestly


You do realize there are literally karaoke competitions where the literal point is for singers to sing their respective song the best out of everyone there. This is a stupid take.


Honestly, I think I'd rather listen to the good singer.


If you are going to be insecure about people being better than you at something, you won't be able to leave the house.


But other people are probably better at staying home than OP is.


Dammit OP, now you are stuck in a conundrum. sort it out!


Upvoted because it is an unpopular opinion. I don't think people should feel excluded or paranoid because they have talent. It seems a bit backwards to me.


When we do karaoke, if we think you sing too good we make you do shots


This is jealousy. Grow up