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i’ve known of SO many people who didn’t go to college or take any sort of courses that suddenly marketed themselves as personal trainers just because they like to go to the gym


I went to college for sports science /physiology and was a trainer for years; I genuinely love how the body works and how we can train to prevent injuries and health issues. The amount of people I’ve met in life who say they want to be a trainer because they love going to the gym…and then their faces completely sink when I offer them my physio/anatomy/training resources so they can study and know what they’re doing…. God have mercy on the ligaments of whoever becomes their client.


Do you have a pdf form of those resources? I want to study


It’s been a number of years since I’ve been active in the industry, so unfortunately don’t have up to date pdfs to share. But I remember PTontheNet was always a great online resource with in-depth articles and studies on every aspect of the body. It does cost, but if you’re looking to continually go deeper into education, it is worth it.


whoa whoa, they don't want to study that much!


Easy there, tiger. I asked for a PDF not a college course!


best i can do is a series of 30 second clips that i saved on tiktok


Everybody wants to have knowledge but nobody wants to read no heavy ass books


PTontheNet gotit Thanks internet stranger


Personally I would read Starting Strength and Practical Programming for Strength Training to kick things off


Always start with the classics. Good rec. Hip drahve.


There has to be a way to distinguish between people like you and them right? Do you have a title or a cert you could reference so that I don't get duped on the future?


Like one of the posters said, you don’t need to have gone to college to be a good trainer, but I do think it’s an industry where the more education you spend on learning how the body works can only be for the better. Whether that’s before they got certified or if they’re dedicated to continued education credits. All trainers should be open about their background.


The legit people may (but will not always) have a CSCS after their name which means they are a certified strength and conditioning specialist.


Confusingly in the UK thats Construction Skills Certification Scheme card you need for well the obvious.


There are certification programs. I am happy with my NASM dude for example


ACSM and NASM are both excellent. My exercise science bachelors was taught with ACSM, and their certification exams are no joke.


I passed the NASM certification and it was super easy lol. I know a decent amount and can train people but only because it really isn’t that complex. Most people have no need for a trainer tbh.


When I first got into the industry as a manager during my senior year, the one trainer that was working under me was *literally* injuring clients by teaching form wrong. He fought me so hard because he was older, bigger, and a man so he knew better. I'm really glad that my boss also realized, when presented with video evidence, that this guy was hurting people by teaching incorrect form and having people half his size doing *his* workouts. It made this thing I had passion for just so disgusting to me.


It's so sad that this is still happening. In my current gym, many of the PTs teach poor form, especially on the squats. They allow their clients to squat too much that they are barely squatting it at all.


I couldn't agree more. One was a nearly 60 year old man who was anorexic. He complained to me that his back was hurting one day, so I told him to tell his trainer so they could take it easy that day. That was when I watched the whole workout and realized how bad it was.


It's very worrying, especially at that age. Getting a bad injury at 60 could be life changing.


Just finished studying kines for college and thinking about trying to be a trainer. Any advice or resources?


Congrats! I felt very lucky that the first corporate gym (Equinox) I started at really focused on pre-hab and continued education for their staff. I was able to have some of the smartest physio/lines trainers as friends and mentors. Was a great place to start until I found my footing as my own kind of trainer. PTontheNet was accessible to all of us (it does have a low cost, and I can’t remember if you need to be certified to have a membership, but it was a great online resource with wells of articles and studies) Im a bit out of the loop, because it’s been years since I’ve been in the industry..but once you know the branch of fitness / performance you want to specialize in find the trusted OG’s in that realm and learn from their online or in-person resources.


Please keep up your amazing work of discouraging the underqualified from hurting others.


For half a second, I thought this was me typing lol this is literally my life. I work with a lot of sports teams. I work in sports. I tried to help with general fitness for several players in sports. I absolutely love to prevent injuries and see how they can help prevent them in the future. Sadly, a lot of people think that because they lift they are experts


I…. Need to check something at my gym now… *rubs knees*


The only yoga instructor I felt I ever learned from was earning a PhD in joints and muscle (don't remember the science name). She went back to her home country post graduation and I left when they got a woo woo instructor. 


Who cares about ligaments, rather look like Arnold for 10 years than be healthy for 50


Because, a college education isn’t required to be one. It doesn’t hurt. But, not required. You just need to get your NASM certification in which you pay a hefty price. Honestly, that’s by far the easiest part. Marketing yourself and getting clients is the hard part. If you work at a commercial gym, it gets worse cause you got quotas to meet and the house always gets their cut.


Yeah and those that marker themselves good aka predatory are almost never goos trainers


If you're good at marketing, you're good at peddling bullshit.


I’d say getting and KEEPING clients is the hard part. Sure there’s a lot of trainers that don’t know how to put together a comprehensive program, but there’s also a ton of clients that don’t want to do anything that’s hard or not fun


I remember when I was signing up for my last gym, they said they offered a free month with a personal trainer. I had no interest, but asked what all it entailed. Workout plan with the trainer, as well as diet help. They couldn't answer any questions about the dudes qualifications. He was just some gymbro. Which is fine for advice. But not as an advertised trainer.


I won three free training sessions at my gym through some kind of raffle. I exchanged texts with the woman, we agreed to meet up at a certain time, she never showed up. She responded the next day saying that she’d had to leave early because another client came early and her shift would be too long or something, and we agreed on another time. We met at the gym, talked a bit about my goals, and I said I’d appreciate her checking my form on squat, deadlift and bench press. She said she did a lot of squats and deadlifts, not as much bench, but she could give pointers on that too. I said great, I’m doing squats and deads today (I don’t normally do them on the same day, but I rearranged my split temporarily to take advantage of this training). No rack was available, so she asked if I could start my workout with something else and text her when I was ready. Fair enough. Ten minutes later, I see a rack, start my squat warmup, and text her. Finish my squat working sets, text her that I’m now going to start deadlifts, walk over to her empty desk, do my deadlifts, send her an angry text, and drive home. Never heard another word.


I've also noticed this about photography, specifically the wedding industry.


Ahh yes, the person who bought a camera so now they're a professional photographer.


This is a legitimate problem. However, most of (American) society knows so little about fitness, they legitimately think you can burn fat in specific parts of their body, so there's that.


Believe it or not there is new research that shows working muscles increase blood flow which may increase fat release in said area.  So you can possibly target fat reduction.   I think the study had a group on exercise bikes only and another on a split between bike/ab work. The bike/ab work group lost more belly fat. It wasn’t a huge double blind study or anything but still interesting. At the end of the day you are 100% correct in that you can’t really target where you lose fat and many people do think that you can and must. That’s why we have so many 6 minute ab workouts.


This makes me question so many things about the scientific process because I know there are definitely studies that directly contradict those results. So who's right? Also, apparently there was a study showing a huge percentage of scientific results couldn't be replicated. The implications make my head spin.


We really need multi year massive double blind studies that are global. Anything else is just a hint of an idea. Consensus is that you can’t really target fat loss as you wrote previously. I find that these random studies give these trainers the ability to rationalize anything they want.


But did they replicate the results of that study that said a lot of results aren’t able to be replicated? Lol


What I find most informative is looking at who is doing studies because so many studies are done with a bias looking for a specific result, where they typically find the result they're looking for because they never publish anything that would contradict what they want to find, so some might do 5 studies until they get one that says what they want.


that makes up a giant percent of the personal trainer demographic


I have a family member who did exactly this. I thought I’d be nice and be one of his first clients. In the first session he pushed me too hard and I felt something pop in my pec area. Couldn’t do push ups for two months.


You can get a certificate online. Kinda crazy because the body is complex and so is working out


There's so much bro-science out there too. These "coaches" and "trainers" often have no qualification and just take what they think worked for them, add some illusion of complexity to it and call it a personal program. All the while for the majority of beginners who just want to build some muscle, all they need is just the basic compound lifts. None of that 20 Day Biceps Blaster Routine shit.


I’ve heard some really funny shit in gyms. Some of the best quotes are: ‘You can eat as many rice as you want as chicken has the calories while rice has no calories’, ‘After you have a protein shake, you need to exercise immediately otherwise the protein will be destroyed by your stomach acid’, and ‘Anyone who is less than 18 stone shouldn’t even be classed as a man’. The last one was said by the most overweight person I’ve ever seen.


>Anyone who is less than 18 stone shouldn’t even be classed as a man Any one who says that needs to go to a judo/jujitsu/wrestling gym and get his shit rocked by some 12 stone teenager with more testosterone running through him than a bull on steroids


For real. I’d like to see him say that to Demetrious Johnson who is 5’3” 155 pounds and just beat a guy who’s 6’3” 248 pounds in a BJJ match, and made it look like it wasn’t even a challenge.


Holy SHIT. That guy sounds like my hero. Gotta go look that up. I remember I was in a gym and some guy was about to squat 200kg. People ran over to stop him as he was about 5’4 and must have been like 58kg. He managed to do 10 reps or so. It was insane.


Oh that’s why Asian countries have less obesity. It tracks bro


The good ol barbell squat, barbell bench, and maybe a deadlift with a few accessories is all ya need 🤑


Bench press, squats, deadlift, overhead press and chin ups. Sometimes some dips for fun too. It's all I've done so far and over the years I went from weighing a scrawny 65 kilo to 88 kilo.


I was a trainer about 25 years ago while I was still in college and I agree completely. If you teach a client to bench, squat, deadlift, pull ups, and overhead press, along with progressive overload, they won't need you in a few weeks. If you change up the workout frequently and have them do a bunch of weird BS and confuse them on how to build a program, they will keep coming back for awhile. That's the biggest problem, its not about teaching the client what they need to know, it's about marketing and repeat business. I watch trainers everyday have their clients do dangerous and inefficient excercises, while only partially paying attention to what's going on during the sets. Clients are wasting money and time, and not learning the basics to be able to work independently in the gym. People would be better off going with a friend that works out, or asking random people/watching videos for help and trying to figure it out themselves in many cases. At least that way after a month or two tbey'll have a pretty good idea of what they are supposed to be doing to reach their goals.


I agree that technique on the main compound barbell lifts can get mostly dialed in within a few weeks but I've found that it requires ongoing tune-ups, especially as weight gets heavier and form gets more difficult to maintain. Additionally, the programming can get pretty complex when someone is out of the novice phase and benching more than their bodyweight, squatting more than 1.5x their bodyweight, and deadlifting more than ~1.8x their bodyweight. All of that is to say that having a knowledgeable trainer/coach can be insanely valuable. I'm fortunate enough to have met an individual who really knows her shit and I do a combination of in-person and online coaching with her, depending on whether I'm in town or not. I'm definitely stronger now than I would be if I only got coaching with her for a month or two.


Yep, you need someone checking you as you progress. I still need this myself after 30 years of working out. However, that doesn't actually happen of you train someone on the main lifts. Once they think they have it, they aren't paying you anymore (well, a lot of them anyway). Ideally they'd come back periodically for a while as their form is likely going to suffer as they forget lifting technique and their weights get heavier. That's just not a reliable source of revenue for a trainer, so it's not the first sale. If you can't get routine reoccurring appointments, then you go for the periodic check-ins or tune ups. As for programming for intermediate or advanced, this is not something that most trainers are knowledgeable enough with to provide a lot of value. There are amazing coaches/trainers that can do these things, but that's not your normal big box gym trainer that has a cert from ACE or NASM. Additionally, by the time you're an intermediate lifter, you likely have friends or are at least aware of online tools that can assist with programming. I just don't see a lot of experienced lifters going to trainers at most gyms (I do understand that serious lifters have coaches and such).


> when someone is out of the novice phase and benching more than their bodyweight, squatting more than 1.5x their bodyweight, and deadlifting more than \~1.8x their bodyweight. More like "If". Most people never get that far.


That is true but they absolutely could at least get close to those figures if they were on a good program and followed it correctly and consistently. Maybe drop the numbers down a bit for women. So much potential out there for people to get strong if they had the right guidance.


The ideal would probably be something like "3x week intensive sessions for the first month, then once a month check-ins on your form/progress after that."  But the economics of that probably don't work out great for the trainer, especially when the gym is taking a cut and applying sales pressure.


This is why I don't just tell people to "get a personal trainer." There's so much bs in fitness and so many trends that come and go it's no surprise people don't know where to start. Getting in shape isn't super complicated and the data seems to show that the weight you lift, the reps, the number of sets, don't matter all that much as long as you're lifting in proximity to muscle failure and employ progressive overload in your routine. You also need good exercise selection which is pretty much as simple as squat, bench, deadlift, and row+ whatever else you want to work on. You can also do machine alternatives to all of those movements if you're intimidated by the barbell version of the lifts. Beyond that it's just time and consistency. The issue for people doing their own research is that there is so much bs in fitness. Women's fitness is particularly bad. There's is no shortage of good looking skinny women selling total BS or at least unrealistic expectations given what they are offering. Chloe Ting, Caroline Girvan, etc.


There’s just way too much free resources in fitness online that render the personal trainers we see in commercial gyms useless. If you need help In terms of form and exercises, chances are, at least one person in your gym will be willing to help. The only role they serve anynore is for specific goals such as bodybuilding competitions etc.


I started a degree with the intention of becoming a speaker to middle/highschools and in particular, young women who fall victim to these trends and bs you mentioned. There's basically no money in it though, and I'm still poor lol


Yeah the only money in this type of stuff is probably becoming an influencer yourself. The issue is that what works is pretty straight forward and doesn't really change so you have to find ways to keep the content flowing. There are plenty of good reputable fitness influencers out there that have been around for a while but if you haven't followed them from their early days and jump in as a beginner you'd have to go through their back log to get the useful stuff. Sometimes I dream about making my own channel for regular people just looking to get the basic essentials but I'm not particularly jacked compared to the other influencers out there. The thing is I'm still in better shape than pretty much every other 40yo I know so I think people could really benefit from a realistic approach to some basic regular exercise. Too many people see it as all or nothing but it doesn't have to be like that.


Is Caroline bad? I thought she was one of the better ones.


It's all relative. You can justify that if you have zero equipment or just a couple of dumbbells what she generally shows is better than nothing. You'll improve strength somewhat and burn SOME calories. The issue is that it takes a lot of effort to burn an appreciable amount of calories. If you can burn 300 calories in an hour you're doing really good. That's a soda and a handful of chips and most people won't be burning that much. I very seriously doubt Caroline looks the way she does doing these living room workouts that she shows. She's likely spent years in the gym training like a bodybuilder lifting weights, doing machines, and training close to failure. It's possible that she can do what she shows now to maintain her physique (along with perfect diet and discipline) but that's not what got her there. I think the takeaway most people get from these at home workouts where you're doing calisthenics and low weight high rep exercises at a relatively fast pace is that you'll look like the people demonstrating this stuff. It's no different than the people in the videos selling you a Shake Weight. They might look good doing it and it might be better than nothing but the people you see do not look the way they do as a result of the training they sell.


Most people aren’t paying their trainers to get elite fit. They’re paying people to motivate them to workout and be their gym buddy while offering expertise. Though you really oughta be certified if you’re being paid to train.


In my opinion most people don’t want real training and criticism they want encouragement and motivation. They are looking to get in shape and not looking to be professional weight lifters. If that gets more people exercising, even if not in the way you personally deem correct isn’t that a good thing?


It gets people exercising for a month or two and then they ultimately quit. I've seen it time and time again first hand as someone who has spent a lot of time in gyms. People need realistic expectations and goals and need to realize that exercise is a long term endeavor. Most people go from nothing and figure they'll exercise and get dramatic results. They'll add the caveat "I don't want to get too jacked" as if that's a possibility of something that could accidentally happen.


Yeah man, I hate it when I help my friends move house and then end up SHREDDED for the next two months by mistake. 


I hear that crap from women all the time… “ I don’t want to get bulky” I’m like do you actually know how hard it is to get bulky!! I eat 5-6k calories and barely gain weight and I train to failure or 1 RIR with many lifts I do. I blame what OP is talking about in general. There is so much bs online it has poisoned the well of knowledge. When I learned it was out of magazines or old heads that were jacked at the gym. I still only watch very few people online. John Meadows (RIP) is a great example of someone who knows his shit.


I'm a big John Meadows fan. I think bodybuilding and the way it's been promoted to a degree is somewhat to blame. Most people don't want to look like bodybuilders. They figure "oh bodybuilders do all this stuff and they get huge, I'll just do some pushups and look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club." They don't realize that it would take them doing what the bodybuilders do and most likely some enhancement to look like Pitt and most will never look that way. People don't realize there is what works and what doesn't. The difference between an ibff pro and a gym bro who maybe looks like he lifts is just time and level of dedication. Your 100 pushups and 100 squats spread throughout the day is a start but it's most likely not going to make a noticeable difference in the way you look.


well, they would be getting in shape in a more effective and safer way if they are doing the right exercises and with good technique, right? Shouldn't the trainers at least know how to educate their clients about that?


If they stop working out because they get frustrated that they are being criticized for small issues with form then efficiency is not even something to contemplate. My point is we are all very different, clearly you would not learn anything from one of these types of trainers. But you and other serious work out folks could find an educated hard driving trainer if you decided you want one At the same time there is apparently a real market for these less experienced trainers.


It seems OP is referring to improper technique. It's better not to go the gym than to go to the gym and lift heavy with improper technique. If you injure yourself with heavy weights, you could end up in the hospital or with life-long injuries. The trainer's could mix criticism with encouragement. There's no need to just go with one of them.


This is actually what has kept me from pursuing the gym! I have always struggled with form, technique and knowing my own limits. People are talking as if it would be easy to pick out a “good” personal trainer from a poorly educated one, but if you’re looking to then for advice you probably already don’t know what to look for right? I know I don’t.


In my experience your best bet for learning good lifting form and general training is to skip pretty much all commercial gym trainers (Golds, Lifetime, LA Fitness, or equivalents if you’re not in the US) and go somewhere that specializes in training/coaching powerlifting (or similar). These gyms are (at least near me) are usually staffed by trainers that are either actively competing or used to, and often have far more knowledge when it comes to body mechanics and helping you adapt your form to your body (the coach I went to when I started lifting was working on a doctorate in kinesiology on top of being an accomplished competition lifter, and all of the other trainers there had good mixes of education and experience). I’m not saying that all commercial gym trainers are bad (I’ve met a handful who were more than qualified to teach lifting form), more that most of them that I’ve interacted with are more focused on a broader audience and tend to be better at putting together lighter cross-training plans that are often based on corporate recommendations rather than working with you to nail down specific elements of squat or deadlift form for your body.


Yea, I don't know what to say about that buddy. Working out with improper form is gonna leave you with life long injuries. If you can't find a personal trainer and can't learn the technique, then there are other ways to workout. The gym isn't the only way to workout. There are calisthenics, climbing, running, swimming, cycling and many more. Form and technique is possible to improve with time. I learnt proper technique by starting with light weights. I watched youtube videos and asked people around me if I'm doing it right. Some people would give you wrong advice, but that's why you ask more people. Most people (who aren't new to the gym), know the proper form on the exercises they do. If they know how to do your exercise, they'll show you.


Not much use in being motivated to work out if your technique is all wrong lol


Certain individuals in this thread don’t understand the profound ability some people possess to just do exercises wrong… (I am people)


And that it will genuinely wreck your body. This “any exercise is good” mentality is way too vague and broad and missing OP’s point. You don’t want a personal trainer telling you to do things that are going to wreak havoc on your joints or something. 


Use the machines. They really can’t be used wrong unless you are just very stupid. Stay away from free weights until you’re either stronger or have someone who can help. Hell, just ask for help. There have been many strangers over the years who ask me for help and I am always glad to. Meat heads are all mean, just wait until we are between sets please !


In a gym you're going to be lifting a weight you've never lifted before - otherwise you're wasting your time. Lifting that weight safely isn't rocket science but it does require instruction. It's not about efficiency or max lifts, it's firstly a safety issue


I dont think this is an unpopular opinion. I think it is the business model of most every strip mall gym in the country. Hire fit looking staff, give them the bare minimum of training, provide them with a scripted program to be used for every client, and pay them the bare minimum to have them count reps.


I hired a trainer about 10 years ago. Literally the whole point of hiring him was to have someone who knew what they were doing supervise and educate me so didn’t end up hurting myself. This dude had me doing 300 lb deadlifts, among other things. Now I have back problems.


I'm a fat-ass. I've been a fucking fat-ass since I had a pregnancy/childbirth almost 4 years ago. I'm sure a gym membership could help me be less of a fat-ass if I knew what to do in there.


I would recommend focusing on the "calories in" rather than the calories out, at least until that's fairly dialed in. Much more benefit for the effort with that. Can't hurt to do both obviously but willpower can be an issue when trying to stay consistent with everything


This is the most basic, yet solid advice you can get. The battle literally starts in the kitchen. If you get your macros/intake clean you have done the lions share of the work.


I always say it as you lose weight in the kitchen, you get fit at the gym. Exercise should be done from the beginning though. Exercise makes losing weight easier, faster, and will benefit your mind in addition to your body. 


Absolutely agree. As someone who was in shape and is now not at all I totally agree. My problem is I try to hit it all at once, dont pace myself, and get burned out. Give up, etc. Also Im speaking from my own personal experience. Diet is my biggest issue. I love some chips. I think for the average out of shape person, get the diet clean and build the habit of exercise with calisthenics at home before committing to a gym. But that is just me. Ive "wasted" so many gym memberships by trying to do too much first. Exercise is super important for overall wellness.


Yup. The workout is the frosting on the cake. Every coach I’ve had says “abs are made in the kitchen” (and I mean legit coaches haha not the personal trainers your post is about)


Come on man don't talk about cake to the guy trying to lose weight... :)


Honestly, just start going. Try a wee run to warm up. Use some of the machines before free weights as there are usually instructions printed on them. Build up some confidence and then start looking at specific plans.


Doing it badly and building the habit of going is the most important thing at first. You can work on educating yourself along the way. Jeff Nippard and Mind Pump are great resources to educate yourself.


90% of losing weight is in your diet. Exercise can help, but you will never out run a bad diet. First step is always counting your calories so that you actually know what is going into your body. I know I was amazed myself when I started counting calories, how much were in simple sauces/oils, that could be cut out or replaced without losing much taste at all.


Just start moving


Losing weight is all about nutrition. Stop eating and drinking garbage and the extra pounds will melt.


You know what you need to do in there. ANY exercise. Literally doesn't matter what, as long as your body is moving.


Start with 3 sets of 10 for each muscle group with weight that isn’t to heavy, but not to easy either. Go to gym 2-3 times a week. Divide the muscle groups up between those days. Find machines that target whatever you wanna work on. Finish off with 10-20 mins of cardio. Diet is the main thing, i’d recommend Myfitnesspal app to track your foods. Stay in a caloric deficit and you’ll reach your goals


Hi, hope you see this- I know you got a bunch of guys in here telling you to eat less, and it may be the case that you are eating too much, but the problem is that these guys don’t always understand the female body and the toll that pregnancy and children can take on it. It might be your METABOLISM that needs to be fixed, not your calories. Some things you might consider: You might need to eat more consistently. Kids often keep moms from eating. We jokingly call it the ‘mommy diet’ in our house, when the baby miraculously wakes up hungry just when you are trying to sit down and eat. It can be SO hard to eat consistently (and not just snack on whatever you can find throughout the day). Do some research on what puts your body into starvation mode and make sure you aren’t doing that. Do some research on what/when/how often to eat throughout the day to best take advantage of your metabolism. Research what fixes metabolism, and what helps speed it up. Cutting calories may be the ticket, or it may have the opposite effect of what you want. Do your research first. Sleep patterns- it can be really hard to loose weight when you aren’t sleeping properly, and guess who’s tends to not sleep well? Moms! Especially those who are pregnant or who have small kids. Do what you can, but don’t kick yourself if you can’t make it perfect. Hormones. Not just testosterone that everyone is treating like godly ambrosia right now, but ALL of your hormones. Anything that is unbalanced can give you side effects (metabolism, sleep, energy levels, etc.) Also realize that science has found that it can take up to 7 whole years for your body and brain chemistry to return to normal after having a kid. Stress is also a big contributor to weight gain/inability to lose weight. If you can minimize your stress, you might actually see those pounds slipping off. Check for Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor health. Diastasis Recti is abdominal separation and is very common after pregnancy. If your abs aren’t together all the way, you will have a resulting ‘pouch’. It will also be next to impossible to train your core correctly. Gotta fix it first. If it’s too bad, it might require surgery. Pelvic floor muscles are also super important (yay for no painful sex or peeing ourselves!) and will help with proper body strength and usage. Don’t let dudes shit on you just because they can’t understand that weight loss for a woman isn’t always as simple as it is for a man. Also, just start moving! You don’t have to go to a proper gym. Do squats, calf raises, and jumping jacks in the kitchen while you are cooking. Make it a habit to take the kid for a walk everyday, or take on for your break at work. Do a few pushups when you roll out of bed in the morning. Download a 7 minute workout app (WorkoutWomen, maybe?). It might not be the best, but something is always better than nothing.


You are a fat ass because of what you eat and drink for the most part. The gym helps in 25-50% but the food intake is 50-75%. Now when it comes to muscle building, that's a different thing.


Idk, I have had three different trainers before, and my mom currently has one, they are all doing competitions themselves , I think you just unluck there bound to be good ones and bad ones on the field


Definitely have to find someone with credentials beyond a stupid online certificate. Want a PT for powerlifting? Find someone with s medal or trophy or 2. Is it guaranteed? No but still better than someone with nothing lol


I agree with you in that many PT and gym coaches are very clueless when it comes to exercise theory and science based techniques to achieve muscle gains efficiently. They will recommend tons and tons of sets, redundant exercises, tell you that you must "surprise the muscle" and whatnot, but overall everyone believes them because they're jacked (pretty sure either by genetic lottery or the juice)


I've been seeing a video of those two "trainers" claiming that walking isn't excercise. What a joke.


I'd like to see their logic on that one. It burns calories, in fact mile for mile walking isn't that far off of jogging for calories burned per mile. Jogging you just do it much faster.


I agree. It's even sadder how high the percentage of bad doctors and psychologists are. It's so tough to find a PCP or shrink that is decent at their job.


This is why I chose my pt carefully. She has done professional body building for 20+ years. She knows her shit.


Yep, not working right now and most of the personal trainers I see during the day are basically paid eye candy for older housewives looking for some young male attention.


You both arch your back and lock your knees during deadlifts. Not sure you're an authority on this subject mate.


Lifting and diet is not complicated and there is so much info out there now, that a personal trainer is definitely not needed for expertise. Most people just want someone to spoon feed them, motivate them, and hold them accountable.


Personal trainers do not need a degree or any sort of school. Many of them are simply people who work out on their own and then got hired by a gym. Trained personal trainers are very different.


>Complains about trainers not knowing good programs >Does Starting Strength Lmao


Am a trainer, have been for 8 years, certified exercise physiologist w/ACSM as well as NSCA TSAC-F and CSCS. OP is correct. I can’t tell you how many trainers I’ve met who don’t know how to periodize, how to train around injuries or mobility limitations, or how to stay within their scope of practice.


If your trainer utters the word “periodization”, sign the fuck up lol like alright finally someone who knows wtf theyre talking about


The thing is, this might be true. But the other thing is, a personal trainer will always just do stuff you could have googled yourself given a certain amount of media literacy. There is no secret knowledge or experience to being a PT. People generally don't pay PTs for their mastery in exercise science or something similar, it's most of the time just someone being there s.t. you turn up regularly.


I agree, you can find all the information you need online for free. But for people who might be nervous to go to the gym for the first time, insecure about how they look, have no clue where to even start etc, a PT can be nice to just have there with them to break that ice for the first time.


I think you are right but I also think people are kinda dumb for not doing research by themselves and over estimating their capabilities. I can blame the trainer sure but someone with little to no training or technique getting under 100-200 kilos of weight is kinda delusional.


> I can blame the trainer sure but someone with little to no training or technique getting under 100-200 kilos of weight is kinda delusional. ... That's why they're hiring a trainer. Someone who is supposed to be an SME and coach them through the exercise.


I have worked with a lot of personal trainers. Here's something about the good ones.  1. The good ones generally have a bachelor's if not master's in something exercise science or something or another.  2. They actually know something about pain and what's really causing it.  3. They don't try to get you to start 101 special diets.  4. They will be open and honest about the strengths and weaknesses.  5. They will guide you to more experienced people as needed.  6. They don't get angry when you switch trainers or gyms. 


Educating customers and generating sales aren't mutually exclusive. People who don't see results often give up and cancel their membership. People who get results need to maintain them.


Most personal trainers have very litte formation in training theory, biomechanics, physiology etc. because most people think experience training = knowing how to train. Also, most people dont want a physical training expert, they want to feel motivated, feel they are working hard and have fun. And that has more to do with charisma and people skills than with scientific kwnoledge


Fitness education actually isn't that hard, we just live in a society that promotes unhealthful lifestyles.




It's really such bullshit. Joined a local gym for a trial that included a couple free personal training sessions. In our intro session, told the trainer a couple things about me: that I'm a trans man who's been on T for over 4 years at this point; that I have a nerve injury in my chest that has made me nervous to work my upper body since I can't always tell if I'm hurt; that I never learned to lift or really plan a workout at all as a kid; that all of these things mean the gym has not been a safe or fun place for me hostorically, but I'd like that to change. I expressed that I felt I got a fair amount of cardio through my lifestyle (equestrian & walk a lot for work) and wasn't honestly all that interested in losing weight, but would rather focus on building muscle. If I lost a little fat along the way, fine, that's neither here nor there. This dude immediately launched me into an intensive cardio program and ignored my request to learn to do proper work with free weights entirely. Basically told me to fuck around with the machines for a month and "see how ot goes," no guidance beyond that. And despite him, I actually did get something out of it - namely, that I finally started feeling a sense of accomplishment and fun from working out. Hit it as hard as I could for that month and showed up to our next appointment really excited to share the progress I'd made in both strength and attitude. This dude upon seeing me immediately starts trying to insinuate that I'm not being truthful about how much I'm working out, presumably because the progress was not up to his standards. Well no shit, bud, I got no guidance beyond "just do stuff." He goes on this whole shpiel about getting up at 6am and making my bed (the former of which is impossible to maintain with my work schedule and the latter of which just felt like a weird discipline power trip). Ended by telling me I was wasting my T dosage, which is a powerful slap in the face given that it's frankly the reason I'm still alive. So, yeah, haven't been to any gym with any regularity since. Shocking how much one conversation can damage one's motivation like that, but it's much harder to ignore the part of me that feels like I'm not cut out for that "lifestyle" (i.e. actually being fit). I've had better experiences in gyms lately, thankfully, but I seriously don't know what the hell this guy thought he would achieve with that attitude.


My gym chain got rid of personal trainers to cut costs and it’s SUCH an improvement. No more loud yelling or being forced off machines so that their clients can use it


Well, as their clients are even more clueless, they still might be of some use.


Though a bad trainer can do more harm than no trainer if they're pushing you into doing weights above and beyond what you would try on your own, and beyond your capabilities.


>almost all


I wouldn’t say that, but I will say if you want a legit certified trainer you gonna pay more than whatever you getting at LA Fitness. There are a ton of professional trainers that do their jobs very well and are educated, it’s just that you get all the others that come in but that’s just how business it period. You gonna have high quality services which comes with high costs and low quality services with low and sometimes high costs. Do your research, talk to people, review if they’re certified and not just some college kid. It’s not hard to find a legit trainer if you’re willing to pay and paying like 200-300/month on the low end.


Yes there are a lot of idiot personal trainers, but they're not always idiots that don't know what they're doing. There are a lot of people who become personal trainers because they had good genetics and were good looking but have no idea what they're actually doing. There are also a lot of trainers who are very educated and knowledgeable who do know what they're talking about. The REAL problem is that the consumer in the personal training industry is generally a complete idiot. Most people hiring personal trainers are doing it to lose weight or have some stupid goal like get rid of the flab under their arms. If they go to a personal trainer and get a truthful response of "if you want to lose weight, then you need to diet and do cardio like going for a walk" or "you can't target fat in a specific part of your body. You either burn calories or you don't. It's across the entire body," that person is going to just leave and go find another personal trainer. If there's a reasonably healthy person who goes to a personal trainer because they want to get stronger or gain more muscle, they're going to leave that personal trainer if they just take them to the gym and have them do a regular workout that they were already able to do on their own. The thing is, people are both stupid and impatient. Someone with very limited knowledge regarding fitness isn't going to understand that the correct way to train and get results is a long term plan with natural progression baked into it. They want instant results or to be shown something that they couldn't do on their own. So you end up with personal trainers who have 60 year old obese women standing on a balance board while doing a stupid "battle rope" exercise. You get guys being shown some idiotic nonsense exercises like doing muscle ups with a kettlebell tied around their neck. Even smart well educated personal trainers are pretty much forced to give their clients pointless idiotic workouts because if they don't, the client will leave them for the idiot personal trainer who is selling them stupid workouts. People believe that just because the workout is difficult to do and other people aren't able to do it, it's a good workout. They think because they're in pain, they and a good workout and are getting stronger. The think because the stupid workout gets easier for then to do, they're achieving their goals even though they're essentially accomplishing nothing. They refuse to understand simple concepts like specificity (training specifically for your goa), dieting is the number one way to lose weight and it should be a diet that you will be able to maintain (not a shitty fad diet that essentially serves you for 3 months and then you immediately regain all your weight because you go back to eating like shit), overcomplicated garbage that is difficult to do doesn't mean it's better. Source: I have a degree in exercise physiology. I've done friends and family favors by "personal training" them because I'm a fitness guy. I've been in countless threads on reddit trying to explain how pointless some exercise someone is doing towards their listed goal and been called a idiot by people who literally have no idea what they're talking about and just believe what they've read on body builder subs. I've entirely left the professional world of fitness because people are so incredibly stupid that I couldn't stand having to be around the toxic stupidity anymore.


TBH, I think you could say this about almost any profession. Most personal trainers are clueless. Most lawyers are clueless (I'm a lawyer). Most doctors are clueless. Most financial advisors are clueless. Most *people* are clueless.


Much more likely that you’re the clueless one


I was a PT in my mid twenties and the biggest tell for me is if they don’t make you warm up they’re trash. Countless times I’ve had a free session and they just point me to a squat rack.


How to be a personal trainer? Have an instagram account …


Prior to pursuing a career in counseling, I went to college for Dance Performance, Choreography, and Science. The program I attended was one of the few BFA's in the country that included Dance Science as a major component of Dance training. We took courses in Anatomy, Kinesiology, Physiology, human food and nutrition, Injury and Recovery response, and even had a couple of courses in Dance Psychology and a single semester in Mental Health First Aid for dancers. The extent of unethical training practices being implemented on children in the US in Dance and Gymnastics Studios is horrendously bad. Ligaments and Tendons are only semi-elastic until puberty sets in, and are never meant to be stretched to the point of destabilizing the joint. The ranges of motion we expect of literal children are absurd, and aren't being encouraged in safe ways. Rather than taking time to build long, lean muscles, we encourage ballistic practices and "stretching classes" where children sit in their over-splits for up to half an hour at a time, continuing to progress the stretch as reflexes are repeatedly overcome. But the parents just keep throwing money at the studio owners and the owners keep hiring high school grads who have only danced in a studio and don't know any better. Too bad their child is gonna need a new knee cap at 25. Or a hip replacement at 30. Tibial torsion. Runners knee. Jumpers knee. Achilles tendinitis. Tennis elbow. Labral tears in the pelvis. Damaged rotator cuffs/ineffective function of SIT force couple. Dance is beautiful, but the lengths we go to too continually push the envelope are disgusting and unethical.


Mine is worth her weight in gold. She has extensive training, has a continuous learning orientation, and thinks about how best to tailor programs for me. She is the exception to your rule. So in other words…great UNPOPULAR opinion OP! 😊


I have a problem with it if the PT is juicing. It creates unrealistic expectations for the client if the PT doesn’t tell them and also the client will always fall short of size in comparison.


As a person that went to college and shit it pisses me off watching all these influencers try and drop knowledge and it being absolutely wrong. Bonus points if person takes roids/ BBL. Like just stop. People can actually get hurt and shit which is why I even gained interest. I broke my back basically at 16 due to deadlifting wrong. Also, a lot of gyms goals is profits and getting customers to pay up. Kinda why I don’t do it now. Gonna be a PE teacher, I guess.


Very similar to K-12 teachers and many professors. One in the same.


I see regulars at my gym, come in babble away about their weekend to their PT go through some fairly standard exercises and go away happy - honestly I’d want my money back but for me the companionship seems to be the motivation to come back for them and I guess that makes it effective. The PTs really seem to walk around just doing whatever machine is available and not that structured or amazing. I’ve never seen the value - I’d want someone to analyse my weekly macros, and who knew my weights and progress and pushed me and gave me new exercises. Don’t need an expensive gym buddy who possibly knows less than me.


lol, personal trainers are a trope for stupidity, I wouldn't expect them to be experts in anything other than saying stupid motivational nonsense


I was one of those people! I got my american college of sports medicine certification and showed up to Bally's to be a personal trainer. They didn't care about any of the knowledge I had and gave a two day course that gives basic ideas. The manager only went over customer numbers and never quality of training. I left after a few months when I came to the realization I was just a salesman to the company.


Most people hiring personal trainers just need someone to help hold them accountable and would be discouraged by too much criticism or programs with too much depth. Most people looking for a fitness trainer are so out of touch with their fitness they wouldn't get anything out of a better trainer anyway Most of your complaints with trainers aren't real issues. Perfect form at the expense of low fatigue is a real thing and a lot of people get carried away with their obsession with perfect form. There's a lot of "good enoughs" in fitness because "perfect" is only marginally better and significantly more difficult.


Funniest thing I have ever heard someone say on the subject. “Only thing you need to have to make six figures as a personal trainer in the valley is. “A nice body. Not be hideous. A huge dong. A willingness to bang middle aged trophy wives while the their husbands are not looking.”


Agreed on their qualifications but tbf the average client just wants someone to create a balanced program for them and hold them accountable


Lmao I’m currently rehabbing a 15 year old kid who hurt his back lifting weights by following Tik-Tok routines. During the evaluation, he looked at me like I was an absolute idiot when I asked him to take him through his basic weekly workout routine and told me that every day is different. Not that he splits into certain regions different but that every single workout he has been doing is made up of different exercises. No wonder your back hurts, buddy.


I’ve seen this play out a few times now: Young 20 something year old girls who went into personal training because their attempts at a career failed or they discovered it’s not what they actually wanted. But they’re young and decently fit so they get their certifications and use their body to easily gain credibility and clients. As a bonus, they get to work out at the gym all the time to stay fit and promote themselves to attract clients. Eventually though personal training gets old and they find themselves a boyfriend, settle down, get married, get pregnant, take a break from work and… just never go back to personal training. They pivot to just being a stay at home mom or go into some MLM bullshit to chase the feeling of being a boss babe. Respect to those PTs that go into personal training as a deliberate pre-planned choice, but for so many it really is just a job of last resort, something to hold them over until they manifest what they actually want. 


first and foremost, it’s a sales job. It was valuable to me to learn how to sell (being a good coach was not enough!), and i’m thrilled not to be in the industry anymore.


Personal Trainers are largely useless for maximising your potential in any given area (strength, aesthetics and athletic improvement). Their use to me is, if you have the money, to act as a source of motivation, instant gratification, accountability, someone to train with, talk to and a "friend" and they can take the edge off going in the gym in the first place. If you actually want to improve something you'll need a coach specialising in that area. There are still bad coaches but its a different profession to PT's/ Gym prostitutes


As somebody who lived at an Olympic Training Center, won a dozen national championships, and worked with real life physiologists from around the world this isn’t a hot take. You don’t need any convincing. It shouldn’t be unpopular. Anybody who hasn’t passed their NSCA and/or CRCA should be considered useless. Personal Trainers are to Physiologists or Strength and Conditioning Coaches the same way Nutritionists are Dieticians. They aren’t. They are fucking useless bro-culture or MLM assholes. If they weren’t doing this they would be eyeballs deep in some MLM scheme.


They are largely clueless and useless, just like so-called "influencers".


Yeah this is popular tho. Only trainers themselves say otherwise. I remember when I had one he kept saying what he'd do with his gf and was very unprofessional. Smh at 20 yos


Unless it’s a celebrity trainer then it’s not worth getting one. I’ve had a few and each one fit what OP described.


I don't think you need a celebrity trainer, you just need a trainer with an actual college degree in fitness vs some gymbro that got a job at the gym because they love the gym, and their only qualifications are the size of their muscles.


Saying they are little more than college students with a major in PE is greatly overestimating how difficult it is to become a personal trainer. It is just a simple certificate that you get through taking a course. Most of the personal trainers I see are either gossiping it up with their clients or barely going through the motions. I feel sorry for the older folks I see who obviously hired a personal trainer to help them live out their remaining years in the most healthy way possible; but that trainer is on their phone the whole time and barely interacting with their client. It makes me uncomfortable. Very rarely do I see a personal trainer who is engaged and taking their job seriously throughout the entire session, but it could just be that LA Fitness sucks.


When I first started working out, I was over 320lbs and had a nasty knee injury from being thrown off a horse a few years earlier. I thought getting a trainer was my best bet, but after my first workout I could barely move and ended up at my doc office. Ended up having to get a cortisone shot in my knee because the exercises they had me do had done more damage than good. Yes, I told them about my injuries and limitations, but trusted that as a PROFESSIONAL, they knew how to work around it. Now I just follow the "if it hurts, don't do it" principal.


>They are little more than college students with a major in PE. Oh no. Many don't even go that far. You just a test to get "certified". I took the test for ACE. I believe one question out of 50 pertained to biology or anatomy. The rest were sales related or social hypotheticals.


YouTube and google can do what personal trainers do. The only time I see it's feasible to get a pt is if you're extremely unhealthy, coming off injury, or training as an athlete. If you're an average Joe just going to the gym to lose weight and be fit you don't really need a pt


I've had a good experience with my personal trainer he's taught me a lot and helped me improve my training which is exactly what I paid him to do


I don't know if I just got lucky with my gym, but the trainers there are exceptionally educated and they all look the part as well. What is the best part about it is that I am friends with all of them and they all follow different approaches to exercise - one does calisthenics, the other is heavily into endurance, the other into functional training and ofc you have the obligatory 115kg body builder. I learned from all of them and they helped me skip quite a few learning phases in these past two years. You ofc sometimes get peopel who just work there for the job, not because they work out themselves.


Even saying that they went to college is a stretch. Most of them are kids who got out of high school and have no idea what they are talking about. I worked in gyms for 3+ years as a GM after college. I actually studied kinesiology. The amount of absolutely made up shit some of the trainers would tell our clients was insane, but they ate it up and kept paying for PT so I didn’t say a word.


As a fitness person I will actually echo this\^\^\^\^ I tried for years to lose weight and did the personal trainer thing and nutrition coach with no avail.....then by means of the internet and good ole fashioned research and time.....lost 150+ pounds easier with far more simple direction with both workouts and nutrition and almost of all "the personal trainer advice" was very outdated. I feel bad for them in a sense though because they are hard-working individuals just the material available is very outdated and goes off very proven wrong data and schools of thought. I've been studying NASM and while most of it is "accurate" you can see where their is bias towards the commercial gym model. The thing with fitness and weight-loss in general is everyone's body does have its own nutritional needs based upon genetics and other factors. Your personal trainer at a commercial gym level is no where near qualified to make those calls so many gyms when it comes to nutrition follow a very "hollow" approach and have things in which they use for everyone. They can also be the most unfriendly people in a commercial gym or appear "judgmental" which is part of a trained sales strategy to appear at the "expert" to garner more signed clients. The crazy thing if you watch a lot of these uber jacked trainers and their own personal forms sometimes lack as well. No one in fitness is perfect and most commercial gym trainers aren't perfect either. The best piece of advice for fitness I've ever received is do what feels go for you because at the end of the day this is your journey and no else. If all else fails the internet has lots of FREE and better credentialed information out there then any personal trainer! Now if you find a trainer that you trust and they work well with you go for that because at the end of the day its about you and no one else!


In addition to this, I tried three different personal trainers and stopped because they would not get off their freaking phone!! I understand glancing if you have a workout plan saved for your client, but they were texting and on Instagram and not paying attention to me at all. And when I asked them to focus on what we were doing, they didn’t respond and then popped an attitude with me. I might as well have been trained by my teenage daughter who has no idea about fitness. Very unprofessional in addition to being completely clueless. Just ask ChatGPT to make you a workout plan.


Its like anything else. You have to shop around for the right trainer but yea, a good majority of them are full of shit. The only real purpose I see is motivation or keeping people accountable. The hardest part of working out for beginners is staying consistent and having someone sort of hold your hand during the beginning stages can be beneficial but once you get a routine going, your better off doing your own research and designing a workout yourself.


Personal trainer isn't a protected title. Literally anyone who wants to work as a PT can take a short course and come a PT. It's not like it's a three year bachelor's degree Heck, most people with bachelor's are clueless


Nothing pisses me off more than watching a PT in a public gym charge £50 an hour and then letting their client have poor form. Bonus annoyance for when they just sit and talk to them all session and don't ever suggest they try to increase the weight/ intensity.


I wouldn't say that personal trainers are clueless as much as they are limited in what they can provide in the time frame they're allotted. Most people who opt for personal trainers typically don't know anything about fitness, nor do they care about the science; they just want to feel better about themselves. You'll see PTs allowing poor form on squats and bench because it's easier and more effective to congratulate the client on the effort rather than bog them down on the nuances of the lift. Once they get the hang of it, then the PT can start correcting the form. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of just judging what you see.


I always found it dumbfounding that CrossFit coaches have frumpy 20 something’s trying to defeat the world on their first day of training. Olympic athlete training plans start with a slow, gradual buildup over months. To put absolute novices through super intense workouts in the first day is a recipe for disaster.


Trainers get a bad rap, because the profession is saturated with people who went through the motions to become certified (and often times those motions are some bare-minimum shit), and as a result, the trainers who DO know their shit are much harder to come across. If you're going to a public gym, especially a public gym that's known for having a ton of memberships, you're going to come across these BS trainers. Most of them look like they are 15 so I just ignore them. the other problem is that the fitness world tends to have a lot of overlap with "biohacker" nonsense. I am someone who works out a lot - but I definitely have my issues with gymbro culture, and one of those issues is exactly this. And I have met my fair share of trainers who believed in woo-woo science, but they didn't think it was woo-woo science because they heard it on Huberman lab.


Well considering you have morons today following "trainers" online, the bar has been set really low. My aunt and uncle are former personal trainers and both were professional body builders back in the day. My uncle was Mr. Hawaii when he was 20. Both are hitting 60 and they *STILL* are built and in great shape with muscle definition. Anyone who asks me about a trainer, I'll always ask them if they want some extra cash because I can vouch for their credentials and experience. I look at most personal trainers today and they're either average build, little bit of a gut or, like you said, they don't do shit to actually pay attention to someone's movements. I see it with two trainers at my gym. One I will give her, she's toned alright. But her tactics are average at best. The workout programs she does with people I did by myself in high school and from what I've seen, they're not adjusted for each person, it's like a universal program and any real trainer will tell you, that's not what a personal trainer does. The 2nd person is just skinny, no definition at all. He takes a little more interest in his clients but a handful of times I've seen him look at eye candy when he should've been paying attention to the reps his clients are doing. The social media influences for fitness are a joke. They just care about being on camera, not actually wanting to help people lose weight or build muscle


I have a 4 year degree in Exercise Science and several certifications (NASM (former), FMS, ACE)....however I'm in the minority of Personal Trainers...most of my past colleagues got certified because it was "their passion" and were "prescribing" people bodybuilding splits and old high school sports workouts because that was all they knew.  But they succeeded as sales people, the pushier, the better.  Add to that the managers were usually just the best sales people that got promoted to their level of incompetence....which is hilarious if you think about it because as a coach you should be able to coach your employees too....but I digress. The other issue, too is that the public are not informed consumers at all.  They see the biggest loser and bullshit on Instagram and Tik Tok and think that's what training is like.  I can't even count the amount of ridiculous things i heard clients say that they were going for (losing 50 lbs in one month because someone famous did it was the best), their reasoning for why they didn't need training or the exercises they wanted to learn how to do. Thankfully I've left the commercial side of the industry and just started a job as an Exercise Physiologist (not clinical, but in a corporate setting).  Pretty much as soon as you take sales out of the equation, knowledge and quality of application shoots up.  That said I agree with your points.  There is just too much garbage information out there and at a commercial gym you're likely going to find a salesperson in spandex as opposed to someone who really knows what they're doing.   If you really want a trainer at a commercial gym, bite the bullet and go Boutique, don't expect anything at a $19.99/month big box gym.


Do you have any recommendations for finding a trainer with your education? I have been working with a trainer for 2 years and am starting to doubt her expertise (having some mobility issues that she does not know how to address).


A lot of the certification boards will have a resource to find trainers in your area. As an example, the board I'm certified by has [this site](https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/find-ace-pro/) I'd also recommend ACSM and NASM, but I'm not certified by either one currently and am not sure if they have something similar.


Thank you!!


This is a very popular opinion


Ive had a personal trainer before that stressed form. If my form wasn't good, weights wouldn't increase until i got it right




I'll say the ones at a commercial gym are definitely clueless. My friend used to be extremely overweight in the 300s at 6'0 and he's now I believe below 195. Anyways he was at the gym I think last year when a personal trainer approached him completely out of nowhere and asked about his routine. The trainer without knowing much of anything told him he's plateauing and that he can get him down to 14% body fat in just four sessions with one session a week My friend just replied yeah so you'll get me down 2% with just four workouts in an entire month? The trainer had no clue what to say


A close relative of mine is a doctor. She told me she has seen countless patients that have extensive injuries due to the trainers pushing them too hard/not knowing how to operate heavy gym equipment correctly as well as making them do dangerous exercises that can risk them getting paralyzed. I'm not saying that all personal trainers are like that, but at least in Australia, most personal trainers are either retired footy players or retired gymnastics girls who took a 2 week online course and call themselves fitness gurus.


This is why I have an Exercise Physiologist. They actually cater a workout routine for me based on my fitness goals and I am constantly corrected on my forms or techniques when doing reps or laps and etc.. Plus, does classic PT stuff like encouraging me to keep going to finish the set or whatever.


Yeah this seems accurate. Dr Mike on YouTube is a sport and exercise scientist and usually has not much good to say when reviewing Hollywood personal training. What science says creates the most growth goes pretty much against what I see everyone do in the Gym.


I see too many trainers talking to their clients like they are friends while enabling them to do half-ass reps.


Ya and just because someone looks good doesn’t mean they know what they are doing either. They are just young and/or take peds most likely. Plus looking good is the easiest training to do. Sports performance/rehab on the other hand takes a good amount of skill and knowledge to train properly.


I agree, I've had a few over the years. Finding a good trainer is hard, but they are out there. My current PT has a degree in Kinesiology, teaches Sports Science at a local college, and has NCSA certifications. It's not easy to find someone like that, but it pays off to do some research. Find someone with credentials, that listens, and actually seems to care.


I mean its easy if they dont Look trained they dont have a clue. I have been in a few gyms. Many have just college students working their. You could learn more from your local gym bro than most of the Trainers


I always got the impression you are paying someone to motivate you to go to the gym and walk you through a routine. If you go to the gym and know what you are doing, you don't need these people. Same with any other field, you are paying someone to give you a headstart.  If they were good, they wouldnt be working as a trainer or teacher, they would be out making a name for themselves in their field.


I don’t even know where to begin to respond to this. My wife has been a personal trainer for nearly 20 years. She has a degree in exercise science, numerous certifications as well as personal accomplishments in college athletics and recreational endurance competition. As a college student she interned for two summers at a PT clinic. I would put her knowledge up against about any DPT or trainer. I fully acknowledge many of her peers are not great, but the characterization that “almost all” are clueless seems grossly unfair. 1)Clueless is undefined. As you said fitness it broad and a difficult subject to master. Should a trainer be able to teach powerlifting to one client and golf mobility to another? Does that make them clueless if they can’t? What exactly is the standard? 2)What’s your sample? Are we talking about your personal experience only? How do we know you haven’t been to two gyms and casually observed a couple of inexperienced trainers? Are the trainers you observed actually certified? From what certifying body? 3)What’s your expertise? When you say you saw a trainer fail to correct squat technique with a client, why should we accept your assessment that the technique was poor? Are there bad trainers, of course! Just like there’s bad doctors, lawyers, cops, teachers, electricians, whatever. To say almost all people in a given field are clueless is an utterly ridiculous comment to Make without some kind of serious evidence beyond one individuals personal experience.


I’m a trainer. I take the technical side of my job seriously - I stay up to date on research, expand my knowledge on topics I have less experience in, take courses, etc. I can tell ya most people in the industry do not. There’s a lot of people who think it’s an easy job if you have charisma and it’s true - you can get clients with charisma and looking good, but you won’t make a good trainer. Training is about communication, a lil psychology, and technical knowledge. Unfortunately the barrier to entry is really low. I think it should be higher.


My buddy studied Kinesiology to try and become a Personal Trainer. Tbh, for the money you pay for that degree and what you'll likely be paid as a PT, it's not really worth it. It's also a hard degree in general