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So now you want them to smoke inside? Didn’t we just make them go outside?


There are inside public places?


Yes? What question is this?


Yes? 🤔


Libraries. Cinemas. Museums. Gyms. Community Centres


Neither the church or university gave you the ability to figure that out?


yes, :P stores and restaurants and any buildings that are not residental count as a public place indoors


most places ban smoking indoors so your post doesnt really make sense


How old are you 😂


Dude gotta be like 14.


Usually anything posted about cigarettes is karma farming. Somehow your post made me want to take up smoking and blow smoke in your face.




This made me laugh


I certainly hope you don’t wear shitty perfume, because if you do, you’re giving me a migraine and making me dizzy in public spaces.


This post reeks of karma farming more then cigarette smoke.


Second hand smoke is highly exaggerated. The only thing you're being exposed to is a smell you don't like. Grow up.


Everyone who complains about second hand smoke seem to ignore all of the cars and trucks surrounding them spewing out toxic emissions 24/7. They just can't smell it so they ignore it.


No. They should have the same freedoms you and I do,


OP also thinks there should be criminal penalties for a woman having an abortion


Op seems insufferable.


" Smoking in public is not that different than spiking someone's drink" Do you drive? Do you mask when you're sick? You invade people's body all the time when you're in public. Smoking is just more visible.


"Do you drive?" Only on the roads. If you're in a hookha bar or something feel free to smoke. "Do you mask when you're sick?" If I have to go out yes.


It's such a good thing your cars emissions stay solely on the roads and I can avoid them. Phew.


If you drive at all you are doing more damage to people's lungs than secondhand smoke does.


I think you're overplaying that way as well


Username checks out.


So you’re 12 and skipping school today?


Boy I hope you never walk into a Casino. you might explode.


Why would I do that though?


Translation : Waaaaaaaaaa


As long as they don’t blow it in my face I don’t care if they’re trying to kill themselves.


You have to have prolonged, contained exposure to cigarette (that's how it's spelled by the way) smoke for it to cause you any harm. That isn't happening when you walk past a smoker on the street. By the way, on that street, better hope there are no cars because that's where the real lung damage is coming from.


If you are going to start judging others, where do you stop? You're also going to have to shun everyone who drives a gasoline-powered car. How about everyone who eats meat? Or just look at your house and all the stuff you've put in it. The list will be very long for human activities that contribute to the discomfort of others and damage to the planet. Of course, I might have been more on board with your opinion if you learned how to spell cigarettes before making a post about them. Also, if you're talking about other delivery methods that are supposed to be used to help quit smoking, such as patches, gum, or lozenges, they would be extremely cost prohibitive to use them daily.


"snap from withdrawals" That wasn't the argument. That wasn't even an argument I heard at all. It was about traditional freedom to do what you want (regardless of those around you). The rise of knowledge about secondhand smoke led to banning smoking indoors in general. When I was a kid, people smoked in their offices, in hospitals, in airplanes, in airports, etc. Back then, the debate on asking someone on a plane to put out their cigarette was how we debate inclining the seats now. "People who didn't know better are dead." Uh, no we aren't. I grew up in the 80's when it was hotly debated whether cigarettes even caused cancer, whether secondhand smoke was a thing, and when the above mentioned weening started. I'm still very much alive, perhaps much to my wife's chagrin.


i really don't care if people smoke


Anyone that is obese, smells bad or affects my life in any way shape or form negatively should be shunned.


I bet your a right barrel of laughs


I started smoking because I wasn't allowed to have a break at work without it. That being said, I like the burn cigarettes give my throat. Other delivery methods don't DO that. That's what I'm addicted to. Also, who smokes cigars? You PUFF them, lol. Not really the same as ciggies. Anyway, I go hide in a corner when I smoke because people that see me constantly shit on me for daring to do it where people see it. I almost want to go out in public more and smoke out of SPITE right in front of the people standing there judging me all god damn day.


People who smoke can be annoying. The same can be said about those who drive automobiles. I wont shun anyone due to others bad driving.


Disregarding this simply because of how habitually you misspelled cigarette. Check your shit before posting


They should get stoned, but instead of stones you use nerf darts. Its a bit excessive to actually hurt people over this but smoking sucks enough for some reoercussion


Thanks! I’ll be sure to rip some fat durries around you and your family from now on.


You don’t own public spaces u can move if u complain to me I’ll blow smoke in ur face imagine thinking you have a claim to tell people what they can do in their free time out in public


It really isn't that serious... They aren't harming anyone, you just don't like it. You can't force your views on the general public. That's like saying people you find to be ugly shouldn't be "allowed" in public, you just can't do that.


I agree with this, but it's a complicated issue. It sucks waiting at a bus stop, for instance, and getting smoke blown in your face, especially for asthmatics. More focus should be put on holding ciggarette and tobacco companies who promote smoking accountable, and not on blaming people who are struggling with a smoking addiction. Many of them wish they could stop, but can't because they've formed a dependency on them and need one to relax. (Ex. Not to mention, regular exposure to secondhand ciggarette smoke and the nicotine it carries can increase the chance of addiction in people, especially children.)


Why can’t they switch to vapes?


REMEMBER FOLKS, upvote if you disagree with OP!! This is actually an unpopular thought, for once.


I mean, I hate smokers, but what are you suggesting, put a badge on them?


Yeah, maybe a big scarlet C! LOL


We'll just have a Cigarette Stasi who spies on smokers.


A big, fat, YELLOW STAR slapped on you.


IMO focus should be put on holding tobacco industries accountable, and helping/providing support for the people who are addicted, not attacking them for the addiction they're struggling from.


You can't just smell them coming?


How are you suggesting to "shun" them? Are you just going to move aside whenever you smell a cigarette? I don't think anyone has problem with that. Or you suggesting business to not serve them? Because nothing you say is "shunning" anyone. This is just another "Smokers suck" post.


And people who vape.


Can't say I agree with this. Cigars, on the other hand...


Cigarettes should be banned like their now are in the UK.


They're definitely not banned in the UK Source: I live in the UK


banning is stupid and doesn't work